Public Auction
Listing ID#: 456842

Sale Location

Sedalia, MO 65301
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Dec 11, 2021 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: ID#: 9118
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Listing Information

“Public Auction”

Missouri State Fair Grounds

Mo-Ag Theater

2503 West 16th St. Sedalia Mo. 65301

we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday December 11th 10:00am 2021

Directions: From 50 & 65 hwy intersection go South on 65 hwy to 16th St. stop light turn Right (West) on 16th St. to State Fair Grounds entrance on Left. Watch for signs on Sale Day.

Household, Antiques & Misc.

LT 1050 Cub Cadet 50” cut hydrostat riding mower,

Antique Brass Grandfather clock bells nest of 27 (Must See),

50 & 20gal. Cast Iron kettles w/stands, 15gal copper kettle,

Antique Hoosier cabinet w/flour bin & enamel top, 2 – cross top refrigerators,

upright freezer, Kenmore washer & dryer, ele. oven range, Round oak table w/leaves & chairs,

antique chifferobe, cuckoo clock, “Reed Conoco” Tuscumbia Mo. S&P shakers,  

2 – wooden kitchen hutches, kitchen cabinet, 2 – kitchen islands on rollers, lot corner cabinets,

Mid-century modern china hutch, ball & claw occ table, ornate inlaid buffet, antique beds,  

Antique mirrored dresser, burl wood dresser, lot quilts, sewing box, smoke stand, wash stand,   

lot misc. chest of drawers, lot vintage “Troll” dolls, 40+ Barbies (NIB), printer trays, jelly cabinet,  

vintage “Soundesign” stereo w/8 track, knee hole desk, brass coat rack, lg lot pictures & wall art,   

Waterfall chest & mirrored dresser, mechanical Regulator clock, cross cut saw, “Purina” farm tour cane,  

3 – treadle sewing machines, steamer trunks, gate-leg table, library table, framed tapestry,   

HUGE lot knick-knacks, paddywacks & collectibles, lot what knot shelves, lot Brass figurines & plates,  

Humidifiers, Frigidaire 110v window air conditioner (New), lot Honeywell ele. heaters,

LARGE lot Christmas & seasonal décor, press metal chairs, lil red wagon, 2 – 6’ polly deck boxes,

7’ windmill, pots pan & kitchen ware, lg lot collectible glass of all types, kerosene lamps,

Huge lot dolls of all types, Beanie Babies, plastic totes, croquet set, pepsi crates, lot vintage toys,

Kerosene heater, horse collar, Roll of 12-2 copper wire, wheel barrow, Aluminum extension ladder,

alum. Wheel chair ramp, Pr. alum. ATV ramps, lot long handled tools, misc. hand tools, push mower,

yard wagon, charcoal BBQ grill, Makita bench top table saw, lot wood, plastic & metal shelving,

lot floor & table top fans, lot misc. floor & table lamps, B&D ele. string trimmer, Kobalt air compressor,

lg lot DVDs, lot books & magazines, misc. coolers,


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: This is a HUGE Auction the items we are selling was amassed by a Depression era couple and we are assisting the family in liquidating contents of the home.   

Concessions provided by the “Benton County Good Ole Gals”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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Public Auction

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Sale Location
2503 West 16th St. Mo-Ag Theater
Sedalia, MO 65301
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Dec 11, 2021 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

“Public Auction”

Missouri State Fair Grounds

Mo-Ag Theater

2503 West 16th St. Sedalia Mo. 65301

we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday December 11th 10:00am 2021

Directions: From 50 & 65 hwy intersection go South on 65 hwy to 16th St. stop light turn Right (West) on 16th St. to State Fair Grounds entrance on Left. Watch for signs on Sale Day.

Household, Antiques & Misc.

LT 1050 Cub Cadet 50” cut hydrostat riding mower,

Antique Brass Grandfather clock bells nest of 27 (Must See),

50 & 20gal. Cast Iron kettles w/stands, 15gal copper kettle,

Antique Hoosier cabinet w/flour bin & enamel top, 2 – cross top refrigerators,

upright freezer, Kenmore washer & dryer, ele. oven range, Round oak table w/leaves & chairs,

antique chifferobe, cuckoo clock, “Reed Conoco” Tuscumbia Mo. S&P shakers,  

2 – wooden kitchen hutches, kitchen cabinet, 2 – kitchen islands on rollers, lot corner cabinets,

Mid-century modern china hutch, ball & claw occ table, ornate inlaid buffet, antique beds,  

Antique mirrored dresser, burl wood dresser, lot quilts, sewing box, smoke stand, wash stand,   

lot misc. chest of drawers, lot vintage “Troll” dolls, 40+ Barbies (NIB), printer trays, jelly cabinet,  

vintage “Soundesign” stereo w/8 track, knee hole desk, brass coat rack, lg lot pictures & wall art,   

Waterfall chest & mirrored dresser, mechanical Regulator clock, cross cut saw, “Purina” farm tour cane,  

3 – treadle sewing machines, steamer trunks, gate-leg table, library table, framed tapestry,   

HUGE lot knick-knacks, paddywacks & collectibles, lot what knot shelves, lot Brass figurines & plates,  

Humidifiers, Frigidaire 110v window air conditioner (New), lot Honeywell ele. heaters,

LARGE lot Christmas & seasonal décor, press metal chairs, lil red wagon, 2 – 6’ polly deck boxes,

7’ windmill, pots pan & kitchen ware, lg lot collectible glass of all types, kerosene lamps,

Huge lot dolls of all types, Beanie Babies, plastic totes, croquet set, pepsi crates, lot vintage toys,

Kerosene heater, horse collar, Roll of 12-2 copper wire, wheel barrow, Aluminum extension ladder,

alum. Wheel chair ramp, Pr. alum. ATV ramps, lot long handled tools, misc. hand tools, push mower,

yard wagon, charcoal BBQ grill, Makita bench top table saw, lot wood, plastic & metal shelving,

lot floor & table top fans, lot misc. floor & table lamps, B&D ele. string trimmer, Kobalt air compressor,

lg lot DVDs, lot books & magazines, misc. coolers,


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: This is a HUGE Auction the items we are selling was amassed by a Depression era couple and we are assisting the family in liquidating contents of the home.   

Concessions provided by the “Benton County Good Ole Gals”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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Public Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Dec 11, 2021 Completed
Sale Location

Sedalia, MO 65301
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067

“Public Auction”

Missouri State Fair Grounds

Mo-Ag Theater

2503 West 16th St. Sedalia Mo. 65301

we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday December 11th 10:00am 2021

Directions: From 50 & 65 hwy intersection go South on 65 hwy to 16th St. stop light turn Right (West) on 16th St. to State Fair Grounds entrance on Left. Watch for signs on Sale Day.

Household, Antiques & Misc.

LT 1050 Cub Cadet 50” cut hydrostat riding mower,

Antique Brass Grandfather clock bells nest of 27 (Must See),

50 & 20gal. Cast Iron kettles w/stands, 15gal copper kettle,

Antique Hoosier cabinet w/flour bin & enamel top, 2 – cross top refrigerators,

upright freezer, Kenmore washer & dryer, ele. oven range, Round oak table w/leaves & chairs,

antique chifferobe, cuckoo clock, “Reed Conoco” Tuscumbia Mo. S&P shakers,  

2 – wooden kitchen hutches, kitchen cabinet, 2 – kitchen islands on rollers, lot corner cabinets,

Mid-century modern china hutch, ball & claw occ table, ornate inlaid buffet, antique beds,  

Antique mirrored dresser, burl wood dresser, lot quilts, sewing box, smoke stand, wash stand,   

lot misc. chest of drawers, lot vintage “Troll” dolls, 40+ Barbies (NIB), printer trays, jelly cabinet,  

vintage “Soundesign” stereo w/8 track, knee hole desk, brass coat rack, lg lot pictures & wall art,   

Waterfall chest & mirrored dresser, mechanical Regulator clock, cross cut saw, “Purina” farm tour cane,  

3 – treadle sewing machines, steamer trunks, gate-leg table, library table, framed tapestry,   

HUGE lot knick-knacks, paddywacks & collectibles, lot what knot shelves, lot Brass figurines & plates,  

Humidifiers, Frigidaire 110v window air conditioner (New), lot Honeywell ele. heaters,

LARGE lot Christmas & seasonal décor, press metal chairs, lil red wagon, 2 – 6’ polly deck boxes,

7’ windmill, pots pan & kitchen ware, lg lot collectible glass of all types, kerosene lamps,

Huge lot dolls of all types, Beanie Babies, plastic totes, croquet set, pepsi crates, lot vintage toys,

Kerosene heater, horse collar, Roll of 12-2 copper wire, wheel barrow, Aluminum extension ladder,

alum. Wheel chair ramp, Pr. alum. ATV ramps, lot long handled tools, misc. hand tools, push mower,

yard wagon, charcoal BBQ grill, Makita bench top table saw, lot wood, plastic & metal shelving,

lot floor & table top fans, lot misc. floor & table lamps, B&D ele. string trimmer, Kobalt air compressor,

lg lot DVDs, lot books & magazines, misc. coolers,


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: This is a HUGE Auction the items we are selling was amassed by a Depression era couple and we are assisting the family in liquidating contents of the home.   

Concessions provided by the “Benton County Good Ole Gals”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389