(Phyllis Fisher) Real Estate & Contents
Listing ID#: 455532

Sale Location

Lincoln , MO 65338
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Dec 4, 2021 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9118
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Listing Information

“Real Estate & Contents Public Auction”

“Phyllis Fisher”

28881 Spring Lake Drive, (Eagle Bay) Lincoln Mo. 65338

Due to the loss of my Husband, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday December 4th 10:00am 2021

Directions: From Lincoln go south on 65 hwy to H hwy. turn Left (East) on H hwy. 12 miles (may have to detour on Wilshusen Rd.) to Spring Lake Dr. (Eagle Bay) on Left to Auction on Right,                                ,

From Cole Camp take B hwy South 16 miles to H hwy turn Right (West) on H hwy go 2 miles to Eagle bay on Right. Watch for signs on sale day.


R/E Terms $10,000 Nonrefundable Escrow down day of Sale, to close 30 days if not sooner, Taxes Prorated, Seller to Provide Title Insurance. All inspections & financial arrangements to be finalized Prior to sale time, Sale not Conditioned upon Finance. Seller reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

Real Estate3-bedroom, 2-bath 1,768 sft. mfg. Lake Home, large rooms, wide open floor plan beautiful honey oak kitchen cabinets w/island, family room w/woodburning fireplace, heat pump & central air w/10yr warranty (new July 2021), metal roof, large front & rear decks for entertaining or just enjoying nature.   

     25’x32’ detached two car garage/shop insulated w/concrete floor, metal roof, ALL this setting on three well shaded lots with numerous mature trees & land scaping,

You don’t want to miss this one….  

 Household & Misc.

10’x16’ storage shed, GE upright freezer, Amana cross top refrigerator,

J.C. Higgins (Sears & Roebuck) single shot .22cal rifle, Daisy “red rider” BB gun,

Round oak table w/leaf & four press back chairs, 3 – press back oak bar stools,

4pc. Queen size bedroom set, blonde chest of drawers, oak ele. corner fire place,  

Leather sofa & love seat, microwave & stand, Primo Stainless Steel water dispenser,

pr drop leaf end tables, misc. floor & table lamps, glider rocker w/ottoman, Sanyo 20” tv,  

set of four Pyrex primary bowls, misc. pots pans glasses & kitchen ware,

2 – gas BBQ grills, expanded metal patio table & chairs, lg chicken picture & figurine collection,

13gal. whole house humidifier, kerosene lamps, B&D leaf blower, stack-on gun cabinet,

lot misc. ele hand tools, 2 – push mowers, Lot long handled tools, Hitachi miter saw,

lot fishing poles & tackle, roll around tool box,


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: If you’re looking for a lake home this is it,

NOT an absolute Auction BUT seller absolutely wants to sell.

Concessions provided by the “Benton County Good Ole Gals”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Phyllis Fisher) Real Estate & Contents

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Sale Location
28881 Spring Lake Drive Eagle Bay
Lincoln , MO 65338
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Dec 4, 2021 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

“Real Estate & Contents Public Auction”

“Phyllis Fisher”

28881 Spring Lake Drive, (Eagle Bay) Lincoln Mo. 65338

Due to the loss of my Husband, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday December 4th 10:00am 2021

Directions: From Lincoln go south on 65 hwy to H hwy. turn Left (East) on H hwy. 12 miles (may have to detour on Wilshusen Rd.) to Spring Lake Dr. (Eagle Bay) on Left to Auction on Right,                                ,

From Cole Camp take B hwy South 16 miles to H hwy turn Right (West) on H hwy go 2 miles to Eagle bay on Right. Watch for signs on sale day.


R/E Terms $10,000 Nonrefundable Escrow down day of Sale, to close 30 days if not sooner, Taxes Prorated, Seller to Provide Title Insurance. All inspections & financial arrangements to be finalized Prior to sale time, Sale not Conditioned upon Finance. Seller reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

Real Estate3-bedroom, 2-bath 1,768 sft. mfg. Lake Home, large rooms, wide open floor plan beautiful honey oak kitchen cabinets w/island, family room w/woodburning fireplace, heat pump & central air w/10yr warranty (new July 2021), metal roof, large front & rear decks for entertaining or just enjoying nature.   

     25’x32’ detached two car garage/shop insulated w/concrete floor, metal roof, ALL this setting on three well shaded lots with numerous mature trees & land scaping,

You don’t want to miss this one….  

 Household & Misc.

10’x16’ storage shed, GE upright freezer, Amana cross top refrigerator,

J.C. Higgins (Sears & Roebuck) single shot .22cal rifle, Daisy “red rider” BB gun,

Round oak table w/leaf & four press back chairs, 3 – press back oak bar stools,

4pc. Queen size bedroom set, blonde chest of drawers, oak ele. corner fire place,  

Leather sofa & love seat, microwave & stand, Primo Stainless Steel water dispenser,

pr drop leaf end tables, misc. floor & table lamps, glider rocker w/ottoman, Sanyo 20” tv,  

set of four Pyrex primary bowls, misc. pots pans glasses & kitchen ware,

2 – gas BBQ grills, expanded metal patio table & chairs, lg chicken picture & figurine collection,

13gal. whole house humidifier, kerosene lamps, B&D leaf blower, stack-on gun cabinet,

lot misc. ele hand tools, 2 – push mowers, Lot long handled tools, Hitachi miter saw,

lot fishing poles & tackle, roll around tool box,


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: If you’re looking for a lake home this is it,

NOT an absolute Auction BUT seller absolutely wants to sell.

Concessions provided by the “Benton County Good Ole Gals”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Phyllis Fisher) Real Estate & Contents
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Dec 4, 2021 Completed
Sale Location

Lincoln , MO 65338
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

“Real Estate & Contents Public Auction”

“Phyllis Fisher”

28881 Spring Lake Drive, (Eagle Bay) Lincoln Mo. 65338

Due to the loss of my Husband, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday December 4th 10:00am 2021

Directions: From Lincoln go south on 65 hwy to H hwy. turn Left (East) on H hwy. 12 miles (may have to detour on Wilshusen Rd.) to Spring Lake Dr. (Eagle Bay) on Left to Auction on Right,                                ,

From Cole Camp take B hwy South 16 miles to H hwy turn Right (West) on H hwy go 2 miles to Eagle bay on Right. Watch for signs on sale day.


R/E Terms $10,000 Nonrefundable Escrow down day of Sale, to close 30 days if not sooner, Taxes Prorated, Seller to Provide Title Insurance. All inspections & financial arrangements to be finalized Prior to sale time, Sale not Conditioned upon Finance. Seller reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

Real Estate3-bedroom, 2-bath 1,768 sft. mfg. Lake Home, large rooms, wide open floor plan beautiful honey oak kitchen cabinets w/island, family room w/woodburning fireplace, heat pump & central air w/10yr warranty (new July 2021), metal roof, large front & rear decks for entertaining or just enjoying nature.   

     25’x32’ detached two car garage/shop insulated w/concrete floor, metal roof, ALL this setting on three well shaded lots with numerous mature trees & land scaping,

You don’t want to miss this one….  

 Household & Misc.

10’x16’ storage shed, GE upright freezer, Amana cross top refrigerator,

J.C. Higgins (Sears & Roebuck) single shot .22cal rifle, Daisy “red rider” BB gun,

Round oak table w/leaf & four press back chairs, 3 – press back oak bar stools,

4pc. Queen size bedroom set, blonde chest of drawers, oak ele. corner fire place,  

Leather sofa & love seat, microwave & stand, Primo Stainless Steel water dispenser,

pr drop leaf end tables, misc. floor & table lamps, glider rocker w/ottoman, Sanyo 20” tv,  

set of four Pyrex primary bowls, misc. pots pans glasses & kitchen ware,

2 – gas BBQ grills, expanded metal patio table & chairs, lg chicken picture & figurine collection,

13gal. whole house humidifier, kerosene lamps, B&D leaf blower, stack-on gun cabinet,

lot misc. ele hand tools, 2 – push mowers, Lot long handled tools, Hitachi miter saw,

lot fishing poles & tackle, roll around tool box,


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: If you’re looking for a lake home this is it,

NOT an absolute Auction BUT seller absolutely wants to sell.

Concessions provided by the “Benton County Good Ole Gals”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389