(Roy Lee Petrie) Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 452516

Sale Location

Sedalia, MO 65301
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Nov 20, 2021 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9118
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Listing Information

“Estate Auction”

Missouri State Fair Grounds

Missouri Electric Co-op Building

“Roy Lee Petrie”

2503 West 16th St. Sedalia Mo. 65301

Directions: From 50 & 65 hwy intersection go South on 65 hwy to 16th St. stop light turn Right (West) on 16th St. to State Fair Grounds entrance on Left. Watch for signs on Sale Day.

Due to the loss of our father, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday November 20th 10:00am 2021

1998 Chevrolet 2500 extended cab, V8, 4x4, 5 spd. Manual, 159k miles, new AC,  

1995 Lowe 1620 Big V aluminum fishing boat, two live wells, 70hp Evinrude outboard, Eagle fish finder, Evinrude trolling motor,

Suzuki “Eiger” 400 Quadrunner 4x4 (1,293 miles)

Massey Ferguson 35 gas tractor w/loader,  

Cub Cadet AGS 2130 riding mower w/bagger,

10’x6’ utility trailer, tilt bed, bumper hitch, DR driveway power drag, 7ft. 3pt blade,

Coleman “Powerhouse 5000” 10hp gas generator, yard cart,  




Walther P22 .22cal,

Basa .380 Thunder,

Smith & Wesson .380 Body Guard,

Colt .25 auto,

Smith & Wesson .38 special, model 20, pearl handle,

Colt .38 special, detective,

Uberti 4440 Cattleman .44-40win,

Ruger MKII .22cal, Colt .32 cal. Model 1903,

Ruger MKII model KMK4,

Ruger SR9 .9mm,

Ruger MKII .22cal.,

Ruger LC9 compact 9mm,

Ruger LCR .22 cal,


Long guns

Remington Wood Master Model 742 .243 cal. w/Bushnell scope

Winchester model 250 deluxe .22LR w/scope,

Remington “Wing Master” 12ga. model 870,

Revelation model 120 .22cal. w/Simmons scope,

Westerfield bolt action .410ga,

Stevens model 311 20ga dbl. barrel,

Marlin 336 .35cal. lever action w/Bushnell Sport view Scope,

Bushmaster AR15 .223cal,

Benjamin Marauder bolt action air rifle w/scope - Tank for air rifle,  



.357, .223, 12ga, 20ga, .38, .44, .44-40, 16ga, .35, lot misc.

WWI Remington 1913 Bayonet 17” w/scabbard,

2 – Knights of Pythias swords FCB (Friendship, Charity, Benevolence)


Household & Misc.

Frigidaire upright freezer (like new), Whirlpool cross top refrigerator, Amana washer & dryer, lot knives,

tiger oak library table, five drawer chest, antique oak chifferobe dresser, queen size bed,

Queen size four poster “Sleep number” bed, matching dresser & chest of drawers,   

Jenny Lind full sized bed, matching dresser & chest of drawers, Holmes humidifier,  

Vizio 55” flat screen tv & stand w/storage, matching upholstered over stuffed rocking recliners,

Lane cedar chest, wardrobe, 12+ bibs (36”x30”), Cowboy boots size 7,   

Patriot solar 1500w generator, 50+ Longaberger baskets, Marx ele. steam train set in box,

2 - Hudson Bay & Early’s of Whitney Indian blanket wool coats, new HP printer,     

2 – infrared heaters, Ornate buffet w/beveled glass mirror, dinette set w/6 chairs & spare leaves,

four drawer chest, Panasonic stereo w/CD changer, Rocket cordless sweeper,

Antique kitchen clock, lot cast iron, lot misc. pots pans & kitchen ware, misc. crocks,

Dorm fridge, 4 – quilts, misc. Afghans, various artful gouard collection, 3 – ceramic chamber pots,  

CI rendering kettle, telescopic flag pole, wire rack, lot misc. glass and steins,

Westing House chest freezer, Mira-Cool portable room AC, lot log chains, 2 – Craftsman scroll saws,

Delta 8” bench top drill press, Homecraft table saw, Shop-Vac, lot misc. hand tools,

Roll around tool box (top & bottom), power miter saw, Pronto sure step electric chair needs battery,

Stihl 023 & MS192 chain saws, Stihl gas sting trimmer, Air bubble, ATV ramps, pic-nic table,

brinks smoker, lot long handled tools, lot misc. gas jugs, lot fishing poles & tackle,

lot misc. hunting gear and clothes, lot hunting coats, lg lot DVDs, Sanyo DVD/VCR player,    

lot coolers, Trekker hunting blind, lot misc. seasonal décor, misc. luggage, lot office supplies,

20’ alum. Extension ladder,   

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer NoteGoing to be a very nice sale, Truck, Boat, Tractor, ATV & guns will sell at 11:00am  

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Roy Lee Petrie) Estate Auction

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Sale Location
2503 West 16th St Missouri Electric Co-op Building
Sedalia, MO 65301
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Nov 20, 2021 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

“Estate Auction”

Missouri State Fair Grounds

Missouri Electric Co-op Building

“Roy Lee Petrie”

2503 West 16th St. Sedalia Mo. 65301

Directions: From 50 & 65 hwy intersection go South on 65 hwy to 16th St. stop light turn Right (West) on 16th St. to State Fair Grounds entrance on Left. Watch for signs on Sale Day.

Due to the loss of our father, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday November 20th 10:00am 2021

1998 Chevrolet 2500 extended cab, V8, 4x4, 5 spd. Manual, 159k miles, new AC,  

1995 Lowe 1620 Big V aluminum fishing boat, two live wells, 70hp Evinrude outboard, Eagle fish finder, Evinrude trolling motor,

Suzuki “Eiger” 400 Quadrunner 4x4 (1,293 miles)

Massey Ferguson 35 gas tractor w/loader,  

Cub Cadet AGS 2130 riding mower w/bagger,

10’x6’ utility trailer, tilt bed, bumper hitch, DR driveway power drag, 7ft. 3pt blade,

Coleman “Powerhouse 5000” 10hp gas generator, yard cart,  




Walther P22 .22cal,

Basa .380 Thunder,

Smith & Wesson .380 Body Guard,

Colt .25 auto,

Smith & Wesson .38 special, model 20, pearl handle,

Colt .38 special, detective,

Uberti 4440 Cattleman .44-40win,

Ruger MKII .22cal, Colt .32 cal. Model 1903,

Ruger MKII model KMK4,

Ruger SR9 .9mm,

Ruger MKII .22cal.,

Ruger LC9 compact 9mm,

Ruger LCR .22 cal,


Long guns

Remington Wood Master Model 742 .243 cal. w/Bushnell scope

Winchester model 250 deluxe .22LR w/scope,

Remington “Wing Master” 12ga. model 870,

Revelation model 120 .22cal. w/Simmons scope,

Westerfield bolt action .410ga,

Stevens model 311 20ga dbl. barrel,

Marlin 336 .35cal. lever action w/Bushnell Sport view Scope,

Bushmaster AR15 .223cal,

Benjamin Marauder bolt action air rifle w/scope - Tank for air rifle,  



.357, .223, 12ga, 20ga, .38, .44, .44-40, 16ga, .35, lot misc.

WWI Remington 1913 Bayonet 17” w/scabbard,

2 – Knights of Pythias swords FCB (Friendship, Charity, Benevolence)


Household & Misc.

Frigidaire upright freezer (like new), Whirlpool cross top refrigerator, Amana washer & dryer, lot knives,

tiger oak library table, five drawer chest, antique oak chifferobe dresser, queen size bed,

Queen size four poster “Sleep number” bed, matching dresser & chest of drawers,   

Jenny Lind full sized bed, matching dresser & chest of drawers, Holmes humidifier,  

Vizio 55” flat screen tv & stand w/storage, matching upholstered over stuffed rocking recliners,

Lane cedar chest, wardrobe, 12+ bibs (36”x30”), Cowboy boots size 7,   

Patriot solar 1500w generator, 50+ Longaberger baskets, Marx ele. steam train set in box,

2 - Hudson Bay & Early’s of Whitney Indian blanket wool coats, new HP printer,     

2 – infrared heaters, Ornate buffet w/beveled glass mirror, dinette set w/6 chairs & spare leaves,

four drawer chest, Panasonic stereo w/CD changer, Rocket cordless sweeper,

Antique kitchen clock, lot cast iron, lot misc. pots pans & kitchen ware, misc. crocks,

Dorm fridge, 4 – quilts, misc. Afghans, various artful gouard collection, 3 – ceramic chamber pots,  

CI rendering kettle, telescopic flag pole, wire rack, lot misc. glass and steins,

Westing House chest freezer, Mira-Cool portable room AC, lot log chains, 2 – Craftsman scroll saws,

Delta 8” bench top drill press, Homecraft table saw, Shop-Vac, lot misc. hand tools,

Roll around tool box (top & bottom), power miter saw, Pronto sure step electric chair needs battery,

Stihl 023 & MS192 chain saws, Stihl gas sting trimmer, Air bubble, ATV ramps, pic-nic table,

brinks smoker, lot long handled tools, lot misc. gas jugs, lot fishing poles & tackle,

lot misc. hunting gear and clothes, lot hunting coats, lg lot DVDs, Sanyo DVD/VCR player,    

lot coolers, Trekker hunting blind, lot misc. seasonal décor, misc. luggage, lot office supplies,

20’ alum. Extension ladder,   

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer NoteGoing to be a very nice sale, Truck, Boat, Tractor, ATV & guns will sell at 11:00am  

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Roy Lee Petrie) Estate Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Nov 20, 2021 Completed
Sale Location

Sedalia, MO 65301
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

“Estate Auction”

Missouri State Fair Grounds

Missouri Electric Co-op Building

“Roy Lee Petrie”

2503 West 16th St. Sedalia Mo. 65301

Directions: From 50 & 65 hwy intersection go South on 65 hwy to 16th St. stop light turn Right (West) on 16th St. to State Fair Grounds entrance on Left. Watch for signs on Sale Day.

Due to the loss of our father, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday November 20th 10:00am 2021

1998 Chevrolet 2500 extended cab, V8, 4x4, 5 spd. Manual, 159k miles, new AC,  

1995 Lowe 1620 Big V aluminum fishing boat, two live wells, 70hp Evinrude outboard, Eagle fish finder, Evinrude trolling motor,

Suzuki “Eiger” 400 Quadrunner 4x4 (1,293 miles)

Massey Ferguson 35 gas tractor w/loader,  

Cub Cadet AGS 2130 riding mower w/bagger,

10’x6’ utility trailer, tilt bed, bumper hitch, DR driveway power drag, 7ft. 3pt blade,

Coleman “Powerhouse 5000” 10hp gas generator, yard cart,  




Walther P22 .22cal,

Basa .380 Thunder,

Smith & Wesson .380 Body Guard,

Colt .25 auto,

Smith & Wesson .38 special, model 20, pearl handle,

Colt .38 special, detective,

Uberti 4440 Cattleman .44-40win,

Ruger MKII .22cal, Colt .32 cal. Model 1903,

Ruger MKII model KMK4,

Ruger SR9 .9mm,

Ruger MKII .22cal.,

Ruger LC9 compact 9mm,

Ruger LCR .22 cal,


Long guns

Remington Wood Master Model 742 .243 cal. w/Bushnell scope

Winchester model 250 deluxe .22LR w/scope,

Remington “Wing Master” 12ga. model 870,

Revelation model 120 .22cal. w/Simmons scope,

Westerfield bolt action .410ga,

Stevens model 311 20ga dbl. barrel,

Marlin 336 .35cal. lever action w/Bushnell Sport view Scope,

Bushmaster AR15 .223cal,

Benjamin Marauder bolt action air rifle w/scope - Tank for air rifle,  



.357, .223, 12ga, 20ga, .38, .44, .44-40, 16ga, .35, lot misc.

WWI Remington 1913 Bayonet 17” w/scabbard,

2 – Knights of Pythias swords FCB (Friendship, Charity, Benevolence)


Household & Misc.

Frigidaire upright freezer (like new), Whirlpool cross top refrigerator, Amana washer & dryer, lot knives,

tiger oak library table, five drawer chest, antique oak chifferobe dresser, queen size bed,

Queen size four poster “Sleep number” bed, matching dresser & chest of drawers,   

Jenny Lind full sized bed, matching dresser & chest of drawers, Holmes humidifier,  

Vizio 55” flat screen tv & stand w/storage, matching upholstered over stuffed rocking recliners,

Lane cedar chest, wardrobe, 12+ bibs (36”x30”), Cowboy boots size 7,   

Patriot solar 1500w generator, 50+ Longaberger baskets, Marx ele. steam train set in box,

2 - Hudson Bay & Early’s of Whitney Indian blanket wool coats, new HP printer,     

2 – infrared heaters, Ornate buffet w/beveled glass mirror, dinette set w/6 chairs & spare leaves,

four drawer chest, Panasonic stereo w/CD changer, Rocket cordless sweeper,

Antique kitchen clock, lot cast iron, lot misc. pots pans & kitchen ware, misc. crocks,

Dorm fridge, 4 – quilts, misc. Afghans, various artful gouard collection, 3 – ceramic chamber pots,  

CI rendering kettle, telescopic flag pole, wire rack, lot misc. glass and steins,

Westing House chest freezer, Mira-Cool portable room AC, lot log chains, 2 – Craftsman scroll saws,

Delta 8” bench top drill press, Homecraft table saw, Shop-Vac, lot misc. hand tools,

Roll around tool box (top & bottom), power miter saw, Pronto sure step electric chair needs battery,

Stihl 023 & MS192 chain saws, Stihl gas sting trimmer, Air bubble, ATV ramps, pic-nic table,

brinks smoker, lot long handled tools, lot misc. gas jugs, lot fishing poles & tackle,

lot misc. hunting gear and clothes, lot hunting coats, lg lot DVDs, Sanyo DVD/VCR player,    

lot coolers, Trekker hunting blind, lot misc. seasonal décor, misc. luggage, lot office supplies,

20’ alum. Extension ladder,   

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer NoteGoing to be a very nice sale, Truck, Boat, Tractor, ATV & guns will sell at 11:00am  

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389