(Larry & Linda Gray) Public Auction
Listing ID#: 448921

Sale Location

Climax Springs , MO 65324
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Nov 13, 2021 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9118
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Listing Information

“Public Auction”

“Larry & Linda Gray”

1024 Buells Beach Rd. (Coffman Bend) Climax Springs Mo. 65324

we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday November 13th 10:00am 2021

Directions: From Climax Springs go East on 7 Hwy 3 miles turn on Z Hwy, follow signs to Auction on Sale Day. (Approx. 7 miles, feels like more)

1997 Ford F-250 4x4 HD Power Stroke Diesel extended cab, lock outs, not running parked 2 years,

Big Tex 6’x10’ dump trailer (used twice),  

NEW - 30’x40’ Quonset hut complete w/instructions,  

DooLittle 6’x12” enclosed trailer,

16’x6’ enclosed trailer,

7 – pallets concrete landscaping blocks (approx. 144 each - Pallets long gone)

9’x5’ utility trailer, large Siemens 6 cyl. generator on trailer,

Artic Cat 500 “Speed Track” ATV,

Husqvarna 46” riding mower, yard cart, Stihl FS-90 string trimmer,

Tools Equipment & Misc.

Husqvarna 340, 345 & 137 chain saws, Trot-Bilt 8,000-watt generator,  

Magna Force upright 2 stage air compressor, Yard Machines 8-ton log splitter,   

2 – Honda pressure washers, Gas wood splitter, push mower, cherry picker,

Lot new Iron - 10+ 20’ sticks heavy 2” angle iron, 8 – 4”x10”x15’ I-Beams, lot rebar,

LARGE lot scrap iron, 150’ tripod tv/radio tower, 3 – 275gal. tote tanks, 1,000 gal propane tank,

Huge LOT hand tools & hardware, misc. electrical tools, Lot roll around tool boxes FULL,  

Englander wood stove, metal saw horses, lot fishing poles & tackle, halogen shop light, 

10” Ryobi table saw, Evinrude 60hp boat motor (no title), Lincoln AC welder,  

Misc. floor jacks & jack stands, car ramps, DeWalt power miter saw on work stand, 4” bench vise,

Free standing drill press, Clark turbo wire welder 100EN, 14” wood band saw, disk sander on stand,

Lg lot welding rod, Century AC-DC HD welder, auto darkening welding helmet, air hose and reel,

bench top drill press, 2 – sets cutting torch hose & gages, machinist vise, bar clamps,

20gal. portable air compressor, metal roll around tool carts, 2 - space heaters, air hose reel,   

ATV sprayer, 3 - bench grinders on stands, roll service entrance wire, conduit benders, 8” bench grinder,

Lot steel cable, lot log chains, receiver hitches, shop vac, Schumacker battery charger,

lot extension cords, lot electrical wire, LARGE lot scrap iron, free standing shop fan,

handy man jack, lot ele. heaters, lot sand paper, lot concrete blocks, motorcycle jack,        


Household & Misc.

Upholstered recliner, Lay-Z-Boy hide-a-bed love seat, wooden swivel TV stand, knee hole desk,

dinette set, Lg oak roll top desk, lot metal & wood shelving, mirrored dresser, 2 - chest of drawers, 

Lot 6+ metal & wood storage cabinets, Kitchen aid mixer, Showtime rotisserie oven, Lot closet shelving,


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: Wow this is going to be a BIG Auction so many treasures no chance of listing them all, come prepared to spend the day.  

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Larry & Linda Gray) Public Auction

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Sale Location
1024 Buells Beach Rd. (Coffman Bend)
Climax Springs , MO 65324
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Nov 13, 2021 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

“Public Auction”

“Larry & Linda Gray”

1024 Buells Beach Rd. (Coffman Bend) Climax Springs Mo. 65324

we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday November 13th 10:00am 2021

Directions: From Climax Springs go East on 7 Hwy 3 miles turn on Z Hwy, follow signs to Auction on Sale Day. (Approx. 7 miles, feels like more)

1997 Ford F-250 4x4 HD Power Stroke Diesel extended cab, lock outs, not running parked 2 years,

Big Tex 6’x10’ dump trailer (used twice),  

NEW - 30’x40’ Quonset hut complete w/instructions,  

DooLittle 6’x12” enclosed trailer,

16’x6’ enclosed trailer,

7 – pallets concrete landscaping blocks (approx. 144 each - Pallets long gone)

9’x5’ utility trailer, large Siemens 6 cyl. generator on trailer,

Artic Cat 500 “Speed Track” ATV,

Husqvarna 46” riding mower, yard cart, Stihl FS-90 string trimmer,

Tools Equipment & Misc.

Husqvarna 340, 345 & 137 chain saws, Trot-Bilt 8,000-watt generator,  

Magna Force upright 2 stage air compressor, Yard Machines 8-ton log splitter,   

2 – Honda pressure washers, Gas wood splitter, push mower, cherry picker,

Lot new Iron - 10+ 20’ sticks heavy 2” angle iron, 8 – 4”x10”x15’ I-Beams, lot rebar,

LARGE lot scrap iron, 150’ tripod tv/radio tower, 3 – 275gal. tote tanks, 1,000 gal propane tank,

Huge LOT hand tools & hardware, misc. electrical tools, Lot roll around tool boxes FULL,  

Englander wood stove, metal saw horses, lot fishing poles & tackle, halogen shop light, 

10” Ryobi table saw, Evinrude 60hp boat motor (no title), Lincoln AC welder,  

Misc. floor jacks & jack stands, car ramps, DeWalt power miter saw on work stand, 4” bench vise,

Free standing drill press, Clark turbo wire welder 100EN, 14” wood band saw, disk sander on stand,

Lg lot welding rod, Century AC-DC HD welder, auto darkening welding helmet, air hose and reel,

bench top drill press, 2 – sets cutting torch hose & gages, machinist vise, bar clamps,

20gal. portable air compressor, metal roll around tool carts, 2 - space heaters, air hose reel,   

ATV sprayer, 3 - bench grinders on stands, roll service entrance wire, conduit benders, 8” bench grinder,

Lot steel cable, lot log chains, receiver hitches, shop vac, Schumacker battery charger,

lot extension cords, lot electrical wire, LARGE lot scrap iron, free standing shop fan,

handy man jack, lot ele. heaters, lot sand paper, lot concrete blocks, motorcycle jack,        


Household & Misc.

Upholstered recliner, Lay-Z-Boy hide-a-bed love seat, wooden swivel TV stand, knee hole desk,

dinette set, Lg oak roll top desk, lot metal & wood shelving, mirrored dresser, 2 - chest of drawers, 

Lot 6+ metal & wood storage cabinets, Kitchen aid mixer, Showtime rotisserie oven, Lot closet shelving,


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: Wow this is going to be a BIG Auction so many treasures no chance of listing them all, come prepared to spend the day.  

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Larry & Linda Gray) Public Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Nov 13, 2021 Completed
Sale Location

Climax Springs , MO 65324
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

“Public Auction”

“Larry & Linda Gray”

1024 Buells Beach Rd. (Coffman Bend) Climax Springs Mo. 65324

we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday November 13th 10:00am 2021

Directions: From Climax Springs go East on 7 Hwy 3 miles turn on Z Hwy, follow signs to Auction on Sale Day. (Approx. 7 miles, feels like more)

1997 Ford F-250 4x4 HD Power Stroke Diesel extended cab, lock outs, not running parked 2 years,

Big Tex 6’x10’ dump trailer (used twice),  

NEW - 30’x40’ Quonset hut complete w/instructions,  

DooLittle 6’x12” enclosed trailer,

16’x6’ enclosed trailer,

7 – pallets concrete landscaping blocks (approx. 144 each - Pallets long gone)

9’x5’ utility trailer, large Siemens 6 cyl. generator on trailer,

Artic Cat 500 “Speed Track” ATV,

Husqvarna 46” riding mower, yard cart, Stihl FS-90 string trimmer,

Tools Equipment & Misc.

Husqvarna 340, 345 & 137 chain saws, Trot-Bilt 8,000-watt generator,  

Magna Force upright 2 stage air compressor, Yard Machines 8-ton log splitter,   

2 – Honda pressure washers, Gas wood splitter, push mower, cherry picker,

Lot new Iron - 10+ 20’ sticks heavy 2” angle iron, 8 – 4”x10”x15’ I-Beams, lot rebar,

LARGE lot scrap iron, 150’ tripod tv/radio tower, 3 – 275gal. tote tanks, 1,000 gal propane tank,

Huge LOT hand tools & hardware, misc. electrical tools, Lot roll around tool boxes FULL,  

Englander wood stove, metal saw horses, lot fishing poles & tackle, halogen shop light, 

10” Ryobi table saw, Evinrude 60hp boat motor (no title), Lincoln AC welder,  

Misc. floor jacks & jack stands, car ramps, DeWalt power miter saw on work stand, 4” bench vise,

Free standing drill press, Clark turbo wire welder 100EN, 14” wood band saw, disk sander on stand,

Lg lot welding rod, Century AC-DC HD welder, auto darkening welding helmet, air hose and reel,

bench top drill press, 2 – sets cutting torch hose & gages, machinist vise, bar clamps,

20gal. portable air compressor, metal roll around tool carts, 2 - space heaters, air hose reel,   

ATV sprayer, 3 - bench grinders on stands, roll service entrance wire, conduit benders, 8” bench grinder,

Lot steel cable, lot log chains, receiver hitches, shop vac, Schumacker battery charger,

lot extension cords, lot electrical wire, LARGE lot scrap iron, free standing shop fan,

handy man jack, lot ele. heaters, lot sand paper, lot concrete blocks, motorcycle jack,        


Household & Misc.

Upholstered recliner, Lay-Z-Boy hide-a-bed love seat, wooden swivel TV stand, knee hole desk,

dinette set, Lg oak roll top desk, lot metal & wood shelving, mirrored dresser, 2 - chest of drawers, 

Lot 6+ metal & wood storage cabinets, Kitchen aid mixer, Showtime rotisserie oven, Lot closet shelving,


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: Wow this is going to be a BIG Auction so many treasures no chance of listing them all, come prepared to spend the day.  

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389