(Dorothy Owings) Living Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 447490

Sale Location

Warsaw , MO 65355
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Oct 30, 2021 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9118
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Listing Information

“Living Estate Auction”

“Dorothy Owings”

32739 Hwy MM (American Legion post 217) Warsaw Mo. 65355

As I am selling my Lake home, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday October 30th 11:00am 2021

Directions: Go South of Warsaw on 65hwy. 5 miles to MM hwy on Left go 2 miles on MM to Auction on Left. Watch for signs on sale day.

Household & Misc.

Samsung 50” flat screen tv, Pr matching Lay-Z-Boy over stuffed upholstered recliners,

Flip top (reverse leaf) harvest table w/4 chairs, full size iron bed, King size brushed Nickle Bed,  

4 – matching bar stools, Lay-Z-Boy recliner, Hide-A-Bed queen size sofa, jewelry armoire,  

reversable 2 in 1 octagonal poker table w/4 chairs, butcher block top roll around work station,  

pr matching glass & iron night stands, Antique cedar quilt chest, copper lined smoking stand,

corner curio, stained glass window, wicker & iron shelf, Iron & Glass vanity w/oval mirror,

heavy iron & beveled glass dinette set w/4 chairs, pr. matching end tables, 2 – resin bears,  

glass top iron occ. Table, Antique copper fire extinguisher, microwave, wooden shelf, 2 – milk cans,

wicker basket storage tower, Seth Thomas wall clock, heavy brass coat rack, misc. floor & table lamps,

lot linens, Amish built fire place set, lot misc. pictures & wall art, lot copper pots & pans, lot cook books,

Lot misc. pots pans & kitchen ware, lot small kitchen appliances, Hyla GST air & room vacuum,

Bissell evolution carpet cleaner, 4 – bird baths, concrete garden bench, wash tub on stand,

Yard cart, lot misc. long handled tools, garden hoses, appliance dolly, fishing poles & tackle,

5 – patio chairs & cushions, glass top patio table w/4 chairs, four-piece patio set, park bench,

lg wooden storage cabinet, gas BBQ grill, patio glider, 2 – office chairs,     

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer NoteWe are extremely happy to assist Dorothy by conducting this Auction. Many more items to discover, Hope to see you there.  

Concessions provided by the Benton County Good Ole gals.

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

                           Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Dorothy Owings) Living Estate Auction

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Sale Location
32739 Hwy MM American Legion post 217
Warsaw , MO 65355
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Oct 30, 2021 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

“Living Estate Auction”

“Dorothy Owings”

32739 Hwy MM (American Legion post 217) Warsaw Mo. 65355

As I am selling my Lake home, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday October 30th 11:00am 2021

Directions: Go South of Warsaw on 65hwy. 5 miles to MM hwy on Left go 2 miles on MM to Auction on Left. Watch for signs on sale day.

Household & Misc.

Samsung 50” flat screen tv, Pr matching Lay-Z-Boy over stuffed upholstered recliners,

Flip top (reverse leaf) harvest table w/4 chairs, full size iron bed, King size brushed Nickle Bed,  

4 – matching bar stools, Lay-Z-Boy recliner, Hide-A-Bed queen size sofa, jewelry armoire,  

reversable 2 in 1 octagonal poker table w/4 chairs, butcher block top roll around work station,  

pr matching glass & iron night stands, Antique cedar quilt chest, copper lined smoking stand,

corner curio, stained glass window, wicker & iron shelf, Iron & Glass vanity w/oval mirror,

heavy iron & beveled glass dinette set w/4 chairs, pr. matching end tables, 2 – resin bears,  

glass top iron occ. Table, Antique copper fire extinguisher, microwave, wooden shelf, 2 – milk cans,

wicker basket storage tower, Seth Thomas wall clock, heavy brass coat rack, misc. floor & table lamps,

lot linens, Amish built fire place set, lot misc. pictures & wall art, lot copper pots & pans, lot cook books,

Lot misc. pots pans & kitchen ware, lot small kitchen appliances, Hyla GST air & room vacuum,

Bissell evolution carpet cleaner, 4 – bird baths, concrete garden bench, wash tub on stand,

Yard cart, lot misc. long handled tools, garden hoses, appliance dolly, fishing poles & tackle,

5 – patio chairs & cushions, glass top patio table w/4 chairs, four-piece patio set, park bench,

lg wooden storage cabinet, gas BBQ grill, patio glider, 2 – office chairs,     

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer NoteWe are extremely happy to assist Dorothy by conducting this Auction. Many more items to discover, Hope to see you there.  

Concessions provided by the Benton County Good Ole gals.

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

                           Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Dorothy Owings) Living Estate Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Oct 30, 2021 Completed
Sale Location

Warsaw , MO 65355
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

“Living Estate Auction”

“Dorothy Owings”

32739 Hwy MM (American Legion post 217) Warsaw Mo. 65355

As I am selling my Lake home, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday October 30th 11:00am 2021

Directions: Go South of Warsaw on 65hwy. 5 miles to MM hwy on Left go 2 miles on MM to Auction on Left. Watch for signs on sale day.

Household & Misc.

Samsung 50” flat screen tv, Pr matching Lay-Z-Boy over stuffed upholstered recliners,

Flip top (reverse leaf) harvest table w/4 chairs, full size iron bed, King size brushed Nickle Bed,  

4 – matching bar stools, Lay-Z-Boy recliner, Hide-A-Bed queen size sofa, jewelry armoire,  

reversable 2 in 1 octagonal poker table w/4 chairs, butcher block top roll around work station,  

pr matching glass & iron night stands, Antique cedar quilt chest, copper lined smoking stand,

corner curio, stained glass window, wicker & iron shelf, Iron & Glass vanity w/oval mirror,

heavy iron & beveled glass dinette set w/4 chairs, pr. matching end tables, 2 – resin bears,  

glass top iron occ. Table, Antique copper fire extinguisher, microwave, wooden shelf, 2 – milk cans,

wicker basket storage tower, Seth Thomas wall clock, heavy brass coat rack, misc. floor & table lamps,

lot linens, Amish built fire place set, lot misc. pictures & wall art, lot copper pots & pans, lot cook books,

Lot misc. pots pans & kitchen ware, lot small kitchen appliances, Hyla GST air & room vacuum,

Bissell evolution carpet cleaner, 4 – bird baths, concrete garden bench, wash tub on stand,

Yard cart, lot misc. long handled tools, garden hoses, appliance dolly, fishing poles & tackle,

5 – patio chairs & cushions, glass top patio table w/4 chairs, four-piece patio set, park bench,

lg wooden storage cabinet, gas BBQ grill, patio glider, 2 – office chairs,     

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer NoteWe are extremely happy to assist Dorothy by conducting this Auction. Many more items to discover, Hope to see you there.  

Concessions provided by the Benton County Good Ole gals.

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

                           Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389