Listing ID#: 44148

Sale Location

Elizabethton, TN 37643
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Thursday Jan 22, 2015 Completed
Friday Jan 23, 2015 Completed
Sale Type
 Estate Sale 
Company Information
Outland Estate Liquidators

Contact: Keith or Amy Outland
Phone: 423-342-5911
Website: ID#: 3353
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Listing Terms and Conditions
CASH OR MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ONLY. No Warranties, As Is Condition, No Refunds, No Exchanges Make prior arrangements for Moving Large Items, We do not move or load items. Bring your boxes/packing material Front Door Entry ONLY.....
Listing Information

This is a living estate TAG sale of a retired antique store owner, so there are some really cool items available! Every item will have a price on it. THURSDAY (12-6) and FRIDAY (10-6) at OUTLAND ESTATE LIQUIDATORS, Second Chance Store -  602 East Elk Avenue, Elizabethton, Tennessee 37643. Cash is preferred, but do have a Square for Credit & Debit Transactions. If you cannot take an item with you at time of purchase that is fine. As long as it is paid for, we can mark it as sold and arrange a time for you to come back to pick it up.

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Outland Estate Liquidators

Outland Estate Liquidators

Contact: Keith or Amy Outland
Phone: 423-342-5911
Sale Location
602 East Elk Avenue
Elizabethton, TN 37643
Sale Dates and Times
Thursday Jan 22, 2015 Completed
Friday Jan 23, 2015 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
CASH OR MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ONLY. No Warranties, As Is Condition, No Refunds, No Exchanges Make prior arrangements for Moving Large Items, We do not move or load items. Bring your boxes/packing material Front Door Entry ONLY.....
Listing Details

This is a living estate TAG sale of a retired antique store owner, so there are some really cool items available! Every item will have a price on it. THURSDAY (12-6) and FRIDAY (10-6) at OUTLAND ESTATE LIQUIDATORS, Second Chance Store -  602 East Elk Avenue, Elizabethton, Tennessee 37643. Cash is preferred, but do have a Square for Credit & Debit Transactions. If you cannot take an item with you at time of purchase that is fine. As long as it is paid for, we can mark it as sold and arrange a time for you to come back to pick it up.

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 Estate Sale
Sale Date(s)
Thursday Jan 22, 2015 Completed
Friday Jan 23, 2015 Completed
Sale Location

Elizabethton, TN 37643
Listing Terms and Conditions
CASH OR MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ONLY. No Warranties, As Is Condition, No Refunds, No Exchanges Make prior arrangements for Moving Large Items, We do not move or load items. Bring your boxes/packing material Front Door Entry ONLY.....

This is a living estate TAG sale of a retired antique store owner, so there are some really cool items available! Every item will have a price on it. THURSDAY (12-6) and FRIDAY (10-6) at OUTLAND ESTATE LIQUIDATORS, Second Chance Store -  602 East Elk Avenue, Elizabethton, Tennessee 37643. Cash is preferred, but do have a Square for Credit & Debit Transactions. If you cannot take an item with you at time of purchase that is fine. As long as it is paid for, we can mark it as sold and arrange a time for you to come back to pick it up.