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(Ernie & Teresa Hiatt) Public Auction
Listing ID#: 438492
Sale Location |
Sedalia, MO 65301 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday Oct 2, 2021 Completed |
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Johnson & Bay Auction Service Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay Phone: 660-221-4067 Email: ID#: 9118 View company information and listings |
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Listing Information |
HUGE “Public Auction” Missouri State Fair Grounds MO-AG Theater “Ernie & Teresa Hiatt” 2503 West 16th St. Sedalia Mo. 65301 As we are downsizing, we will sell the following at public Auction on: Saturday October 2nd 10:00am 2021 Directions: From 50 & 65 hwy. intersection go South on 65 hwy. to 16th St. stop light, turn Right (West) on 16th St. to State Fair Grounds Main Entrance on Left, Watch for signs on Sale Day. Firearms, Colt 1911 A1 “US Army” WWII .45cal pistol, Iver Johnson .32cal. pistol, Smith & Wesson .22cal boot pistol, Britsh Enfield.303 MK1 bolt action w/MK3 scope, Browning .22cal lever action rifle, Smith & Wesson 916A pump 12ga. shotgun, Westernfield Browning 20ga. pump shotgun, Westernfield Browning 12ga. Model 30 pump shotgun,
Knives 4 - Bill Miller, 26 - Case knives, White Tail cutlery, wild turkey cutlery, Hen & Rooster, 12+ Boy Scout knives, 4 – Yellow Feather, Michael Prater, Silver Horse, Buck, Old timers, Klein, William & Henry,
Silver & Coins 140+ silver dollars, (Morgan, Piece, Walking Liberty) lg lot walking liberty half dollars, lg lot Mercury Dimes, lot Kennedy half dollars, Lot foreign money, lot Indian head buffalo nickels, lot pre-64 quarters, lot steel wheat pennies, Lg lot wheat pennies, lg lot silver dimes, 9 – Benjamin Franklin half dollars, blue seal 1953 silver certificate, WWII Hawaii dollar,
Glassware (Roseville, Weller, Rokwood pottery, Phenix, Consolidated glass & more) German candelabra w/cherubs, end of day glass, Victorian hand-blown w/enamel design, Slag glass, Fostoria glass harps, set Haviland China (France), Roseville pedestal pottery, Limoges France plates, 20+ crock bowls, “Gone with the wind lamps”, spongeware pottery, lot Fenton dishes, Large lot Hummels, lot Shawnee, McCoy & USA cookie jars, Sleepy eye pitcher, Majolica, set of 6 Redwing pottery bowls, tall Limoges vase, Parrot Poppy Trail California, Hull “Little Red Riding hood” cookie jar 6pc. set, Czechoslovakian spice set, Glass mail box (Complete),
Antiques, Furniture & Misc. Jos Knittle Antique oak glass display case, Wooden cigar store Indian 5’ tall, Cast Iron Lawn Jockey 40” tall, Large taxidermy Wolf, turkey, Bobcat, Red fox, Badger, Pheasant, 2 – Buffett’s (Pre-Civil War), 2 - Antique kitchen cabinets w/glass doors, imigrant trunk, 3 – LARGE glass display cabinets, Victorian table w/inlaid leather top, white baby bed, Punch tin jelly cabinet, Formica & chrome table w/2 leaves & 6 chairs, wardrobe, library table, round oak table, Art glass lamp w/Jadeite base, misc. art glass & Tiffany style floor lamps, slag glass lamp, “Lincoln Drape” Aladdin Lamp, iron floor lamp w/quilt shade, reverse painted floral Pairpoint lamp, 3 – “gone with the wind” lamps, 2 – matching Fenton cranberry hobnail lamps, Lot misc. table lamps, mid-century modern, lot misc. quilts (+/-10), Large wooden doll house, Jim Maxwell hand carved MKT walking stick, English wash stand w/pitcher & bowl, English enamel bread box, 2 – wicker baby carriages, English enamel baby bath, weather vane w/cow & glass ball, lot misc. wall art & pictures, department store brass display hat tree 6’+ tall, wicker chairs, assorted plant stands, set of 3 “Les Kouba” signed prints (going to shelter, in shelter & Leaving shelter) 2 – old cast iron tea pots, lot misc. enamel ware, enamel English tea pots, framed Indian artifacts, Silver plate vanity set, 1902 sheep print, lot wicker baskets, 2 – Terry Redlin prints, Primitive goat cart, LARGE lot sports cards, 3 – 5gal crocks, lot wooden picket fencing in 10’ lengths, Antique iron wheel fire hose reel cart, fire hydrant, 30” rendering kettle on stand,
Stuffed Animals, Dolls & Misc. toys Melissa & Doug stuffed animals (15+), Large lot Steiff bears & assorted animals (20+) Steiff Eskimo set of 4 (new in box), assorted German bears w/jointed arms/legs, Lot Porcelain dolls, Bisque dolls, German dolls, 2 - German bisque closed mouth leather body dolls, Large lot Mary Alexander dolls, Large He-Man playset, lot GI Joe, 2 – Marx tin toy “Livestock” trucks w/trailers, misc. toys Buddy L, Tonka, Ertl, etc., Ohio Art child’s tins, Cuckoo clock,
Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention Auctioneer Note: WOW this is a CRAZY nice Auction NO way to list all the Museum Quality items we are finding, worth a drive. we WILL be running two rings – Guns, Knives & Coins will sell at 11:00am Concessions provided by the “Benton County Good Ole Gals” Johnson Auction Service “Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942” Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067 Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389 |
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