(Ivy Mae Doak) Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 430494

Sale Location

Warrensburg, MO 64093
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Sep 25, 2021 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9118
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Listing Information

“Estate Auction”

“Ivy Mae Doak”

209 West Culton, Warrensburg Mo. 64093  

we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday September 25th 10:00am 2021

Directions: From Warrensburg 50 hwy & 13 hwy intersection go South on 13 hwy (North Maguire St.) one mile to Culton St. turn Right (West) on Culton go ½ mile to Auction on Right. Watch for signs on Sale Day.  

Antiques, Household, Glass & Misc.

GE electric oven range, cross top refrigerator, Kenmore washer & dryer, Sharp microwave,

Antique lg. round oak table with barley twist legs, leaves, 6 chairs & matching buffet,   

sofa w/wood accents, secretaries, misc. chest of drawers, full size brass bed,

Misc. types hanging mirrors, 2 - high boy mirrored dressers, bow front dresser,

twin size iron bed, parlor chairs, antique rockers, wash stands, cedar chest,

Queen size four-poster bed, knock down wardrobe, mirrored door wardrobe,

2 - Antique mirrored dressers, misc. styles & types shelving, LARGE lot antique furniture,

corner shelf, sofa & love seat, assorted steamer trunks, hanging lamp, marble top library table,

Jadite green Aladdin lamp, Antique Slag glass lamp, 3 – Antique Victorian hanging parlor lamps,

Victorian style settee, vintage metal “J&P Coats” thread display case, misc. wooden boxes,

lot ornate mirrors, brass umbrella stand, 3 – Roseland tins, huge lot misc. glass & pottery,

pr. carriage lamps, standing floor ash tray, lot wicker baskets, lot misc. crocks, jugs bowls etc.,

lot enamel ware, lg lot cast iron skillets/pots & misc., treadle sewing machines, lot coffee grinders,

LARGE lot oil lamps & lanterns, 2 – antique sleds, antique cradle, antique school desk various sizes,

hurricane lamp, lot floor & table lamps, old dress form, glass bell collection, misc. tins, violin & case,

barrel backed chair, Stitch Mistress toy sewing machine, misc. yard décor, lot misc. occ tables,

nail kegs, brass pots, 2 - cast iron upholstered benches, cast plant stands, metal bladed fans,

writing desk, Metal storage cabinets, ink well, lot wall pockets,

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.

Auctioneer NoteWOW this is going to be a GREAT Auction, this family has occupied the home for 90+ years there are so many more treasure not listed & yet to be discovered.

Concessions provided by the Benton County Good ole Gals

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Ivy Mae Doak) Estate Auction

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Sale Location
209 West Culton
Warrensburg, MO 64093
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Sep 25, 2021 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

“Estate Auction”

“Ivy Mae Doak”

209 West Culton, Warrensburg Mo. 64093  

we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday September 25th 10:00am 2021

Directions: From Warrensburg 50 hwy & 13 hwy intersection go South on 13 hwy (North Maguire St.) one mile to Culton St. turn Right (West) on Culton go ½ mile to Auction on Right. Watch for signs on Sale Day.  

Antiques, Household, Glass & Misc.

GE electric oven range, cross top refrigerator, Kenmore washer & dryer, Sharp microwave,

Antique lg. round oak table with barley twist legs, leaves, 6 chairs & matching buffet,   

sofa w/wood accents, secretaries, misc. chest of drawers, full size brass bed,

Misc. types hanging mirrors, 2 - high boy mirrored dressers, bow front dresser,

twin size iron bed, parlor chairs, antique rockers, wash stands, cedar chest,

Queen size four-poster bed, knock down wardrobe, mirrored door wardrobe,

2 - Antique mirrored dressers, misc. styles & types shelving, LARGE lot antique furniture,

corner shelf, sofa & love seat, assorted steamer trunks, hanging lamp, marble top library table,

Jadite green Aladdin lamp, Antique Slag glass lamp, 3 – Antique Victorian hanging parlor lamps,

Victorian style settee, vintage metal “J&P Coats” thread display case, misc. wooden boxes,

lot ornate mirrors, brass umbrella stand, 3 – Roseland tins, huge lot misc. glass & pottery,

pr. carriage lamps, standing floor ash tray, lot wicker baskets, lot misc. crocks, jugs bowls etc.,

lot enamel ware, lg lot cast iron skillets/pots & misc., treadle sewing machines, lot coffee grinders,

LARGE lot oil lamps & lanterns, 2 – antique sleds, antique cradle, antique school desk various sizes,

hurricane lamp, lot floor & table lamps, old dress form, glass bell collection, misc. tins, violin & case,

barrel backed chair, Stitch Mistress toy sewing machine, misc. yard décor, lot misc. occ tables,

nail kegs, brass pots, 2 - cast iron upholstered benches, cast plant stands, metal bladed fans,

writing desk, Metal storage cabinets, ink well, lot wall pockets,

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.

Auctioneer NoteWOW this is going to be a GREAT Auction, this family has occupied the home for 90+ years there are so many more treasure not listed & yet to be discovered.

Concessions provided by the Benton County Good ole Gals

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Ivy Mae Doak) Estate Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Sep 25, 2021 Completed
Sale Location

Warrensburg, MO 64093
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

“Estate Auction”

“Ivy Mae Doak”

209 West Culton, Warrensburg Mo. 64093  

we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday September 25th 10:00am 2021

Directions: From Warrensburg 50 hwy & 13 hwy intersection go South on 13 hwy (North Maguire St.) one mile to Culton St. turn Right (West) on Culton go ½ mile to Auction on Right. Watch for signs on Sale Day.  

Antiques, Household, Glass & Misc.

GE electric oven range, cross top refrigerator, Kenmore washer & dryer, Sharp microwave,

Antique lg. round oak table with barley twist legs, leaves, 6 chairs & matching buffet,   

sofa w/wood accents, secretaries, misc. chest of drawers, full size brass bed,

Misc. types hanging mirrors, 2 - high boy mirrored dressers, bow front dresser,

twin size iron bed, parlor chairs, antique rockers, wash stands, cedar chest,

Queen size four-poster bed, knock down wardrobe, mirrored door wardrobe,

2 - Antique mirrored dressers, misc. styles & types shelving, LARGE lot antique furniture,

corner shelf, sofa & love seat, assorted steamer trunks, hanging lamp, marble top library table,

Jadite green Aladdin lamp, Antique Slag glass lamp, 3 – Antique Victorian hanging parlor lamps,

Victorian style settee, vintage metal “J&P Coats” thread display case, misc. wooden boxes,

lot ornate mirrors, brass umbrella stand, 3 – Roseland tins, huge lot misc. glass & pottery,

pr. carriage lamps, standing floor ash tray, lot wicker baskets, lot misc. crocks, jugs bowls etc.,

lot enamel ware, lg lot cast iron skillets/pots & misc., treadle sewing machines, lot coffee grinders,

LARGE lot oil lamps & lanterns, 2 – antique sleds, antique cradle, antique school desk various sizes,

hurricane lamp, lot floor & table lamps, old dress form, glass bell collection, misc. tins, violin & case,

barrel backed chair, Stitch Mistress toy sewing machine, misc. yard décor, lot misc. occ tables,

nail kegs, brass pots, 2 - cast iron upholstered benches, cast plant stands, metal bladed fans,

writing desk, Metal storage cabinets, ink well, lot wall pockets,

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.

Auctioneer NoteWOW this is going to be a GREAT Auction, this family has occupied the home for 90+ years there are so many more treasure not listed & yet to be discovered.

Concessions provided by the Benton County Good ole Gals

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389