Fredrick Nurge Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 408301

Sale Location

Vineland, NJ 08361
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021 Completed
Sale Type
   Live with Online Auction (local pick-up only)
Company Information
Wolgemuth Auction

Contact: Dennis
Phone: 717-656-2947
Website: ID#: 5844
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Cash, check with proper ID, Credit Card with 3% fee
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Live & Online Auction – 30 + Tractors & Farm Equipment


  Tuesday, June 29th, 2021, 9:00am - Internet at 12:00pm

Directions:  55 South, exit 29 to Bridgeton S Vineland Rt 552, Follow 552 East 4 mile to Auction.

TRACTORS:  JD 2955 Cab Tractor, 2wd, H/A; 1655 hrs., Ford Golden Jubilee, 2 - Ford 601 Select-O-Speed, Ford 641 Work Master, Several Ford 801 Power Master, Several Ford 8N Tractors, Ferguson Tractor w/Step Up, Step Down, Cub Low Boy w/Rolling Baskets, Several Farmall Cub Tractors, Ford 640, Ford 850 Power Master w/Ldr, Allis Chalmers G w/Cultivators, Ford 671 Select-O-Speed, Farmall Cub Low Boy w/Cultivators, Allis Chalmers G w/Hydraulics, Cub Low Boy w/ Cultivator Frame, Allis Chalmers G w/Cultivator PARTS TRACTORS:  Ford Industrial w/Ldr, Ford Select-O-Speed, Ferguson, Ford 8N, Ford 600, Farmall Cub, Ford Step Up-Step Down Industrial, Farmall A, Farmall, & More FARM EQUIPMENT:  JD 115 10’ Transport Disc, KMC 8’ 3pt Box Blade, JD 4200 3pt 4B Rollover Plow, White 6342 3B Rollover 3pt Plow, Stanhay 4R 3pt Planter, Vicon 3pt Fertilizer Spreader, Ag Master 3pt Sprayer w/Boom, Planter Jr 3R, Asplundh Chipper w/ Ford Industrial Gas Engine, United Farmer 3pt Drop Fertilizer, Ferguson 3pt 5’ Weeder, 3pt Disc, Agri Five 3pt Rotary Mower, Planter Jr 3R, 2” Irrigation Pipes, Irrigation fittings & Guns, 3pt Ford Disc, Woods RB750-Z 3pt Back Blade, 3pt Cultivators, Pull Type 10’ Box Blade w/Hyd Wheel, Ford 3pt 2B Rollover Plow, KMC S-Tine 9’ 3pt Field Harrow w/Rolling Baskets, JD 23B)-92 3pt 4 Tooth Subsoiler, Befco 3pt 10’ Power Harrow, Ferguson 3pt Harrow, 1B Rollover Plow Extensions, Fuel Tanks, Drill Press, Engine Lift, Tires, Pallet Jacks, Misc Fenders & Parts, Sheet Metal, Steering Wheels, Tractor Lights, Produce Baskets, Poly Tank, Loaders, Sand Blaster, Pressure Washer VEHICLES:  1950 Mercury Eight 2 Door; Excellent Condition, 2002 Ford F250 Super Duty Truck, 4WD, 28,400 miles, 1969 Ford 350 Stake Body Truck w/12’Bed, 4 Speed, 82,000 miles, 1967 Ford 600 Flatbed Stake Body Truck w/12’ Bed, 61,361 miles, 2006 Quality Trailer 16’ w/Beaver Tail, 12,000 GVW, Small Farm Wagons ENGINES & MISC:  Scramm 25 Air Compressor, Ford Industrial Gas Engine w/Rockford Clutch, 4 Cyl Ford Motor, Ford Flathead Engine, LA International Hit & Miss Engine, Ford Engine (missing clutch), Meyers Trench & Marine 913 Water Pump, 4 Cyl Ford Motor, Flathead Gas Engine TOYS & LITERATURE:  Excellent condition 1920’s Presses Steel BUDDY L Toy Bus, Farmall A Precision, Farmall Ertle Toys in Boxes, Ford 8N Precision in box, Oliver Toys in Boxes, JD Toys in Boxes, Allis Chalmers Toys in Boxes, Ford Trucks, Ford Tractor Poster, Automobile literature, Ford Tractor Manuals, Service Journals, Parts Manuals, Tractor Books, & much more.


Check our website for details. Terms:  No Buyer’s Premium unless buying through, Cash, Check or Credit Card w/ proper ID, Bid early on


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Fredrick Nurge Estate Auction

Wolgemuth Auction

Wolgemuth Auction

Contact: Dennis
Phone: 717-656-2947
Sale Location
2160 E Sherman Ave 2160 E Sherman Ave
Vineland, NJ 08361
Sale Dates and Times
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Cash, check with proper ID, Credit Card with 3% fee
Listing Details



Live & Online Auction – 30 + Tractors & Farm Equipment


  Tuesday, June 29th, 2021, 9:00am - Internet at 12:00pm

Directions:  55 South, exit 29 to Bridgeton S Vineland Rt 552, Follow 552 East 4 mile to Auction.

TRACTORS:  JD 2955 Cab Tractor, 2wd, H/A; 1655 hrs., Ford Golden Jubilee, 2 - Ford 601 Select-O-Speed, Ford 641 Work Master, Several Ford 801 Power Master, Several Ford 8N Tractors, Ferguson Tractor w/Step Up, Step Down, Cub Low Boy w/Rolling Baskets, Several Farmall Cub Tractors, Ford 640, Ford 850 Power Master w/Ldr, Allis Chalmers G w/Cultivators, Ford 671 Select-O-Speed, Farmall Cub Low Boy w/Cultivators, Allis Chalmers G w/Hydraulics, Cub Low Boy w/ Cultivator Frame, Allis Chalmers G w/Cultivator PARTS TRACTORS:  Ford Industrial w/Ldr, Ford Select-O-Speed, Ferguson, Ford 8N, Ford 600, Farmall Cub, Ford Step Up-Step Down Industrial, Farmall A, Farmall, & More FARM EQUIPMENT:  JD 115 10’ Transport Disc, KMC 8’ 3pt Box Blade, JD 4200 3pt 4B Rollover Plow, White 6342 3B Rollover 3pt Plow, Stanhay 4R 3pt Planter, Vicon 3pt Fertilizer Spreader, Ag Master 3pt Sprayer w/Boom, Planter Jr 3R, Asplundh Chipper w/ Ford Industrial Gas Engine, United Farmer 3pt Drop Fertilizer, Ferguson 3pt 5’ Weeder, 3pt Disc, Agri Five 3pt Rotary Mower, Planter Jr 3R, 2” Irrigation Pipes, Irrigation fittings & Guns, 3pt Ford Disc, Woods RB750-Z 3pt Back Blade, 3pt Cultivators, Pull Type 10’ Box Blade w/Hyd Wheel, Ford 3pt 2B Rollover Plow, KMC S-Tine 9’ 3pt Field Harrow w/Rolling Baskets, JD 23B)-92 3pt 4 Tooth Subsoiler, Befco 3pt 10’ Power Harrow, Ferguson 3pt Harrow, 1B Rollover Plow Extensions, Fuel Tanks, Drill Press, Engine Lift, Tires, Pallet Jacks, Misc Fenders & Parts, Sheet Metal, Steering Wheels, Tractor Lights, Produce Baskets, Poly Tank, Loaders, Sand Blaster, Pressure Washer VEHICLES:  1950 Mercury Eight 2 Door; Excellent Condition, 2002 Ford F250 Super Duty Truck, 4WD, 28,400 miles, 1969 Ford 350 Stake Body Truck w/12’Bed, 4 Speed, 82,000 miles, 1967 Ford 600 Flatbed Stake Body Truck w/12’ Bed, 61,361 miles, 2006 Quality Trailer 16’ w/Beaver Tail, 12,000 GVW, Small Farm Wagons ENGINES & MISC:  Scramm 25 Air Compressor, Ford Industrial Gas Engine w/Rockford Clutch, 4 Cyl Ford Motor, Ford Flathead Engine, LA International Hit & Miss Engine, Ford Engine (missing clutch), Meyers Trench & Marine 913 Water Pump, 4 Cyl Ford Motor, Flathead Gas Engine TOYS & LITERATURE:  Excellent condition 1920’s Presses Steel BUDDY L Toy Bus, Farmall A Precision, Farmall Ertle Toys in Boxes, Ford 8N Precision in box, Oliver Toys in Boxes, JD Toys in Boxes, Allis Chalmers Toys in Boxes, Ford Trucks, Ford Tractor Poster, Automobile literature, Ford Tractor Manuals, Service Journals, Parts Manuals, Tractor Books, & much more.


Check our website for details. Terms:  No Buyer’s Premium unless buying through, Cash, Check or Credit Card w/ proper ID, Bid early on


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Fredrick Nurge Estate Auction
 Live Auction w/Online Bidding
Sale Date(s)
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021 Completed
Sale Location

Vineland, NJ 08361
Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, check with proper ID, Credit Card with 3% fee



Live & Online Auction – 30 + Tractors & Farm Equipment


  Tuesday, June 29th, 2021, 9:00am - Internet at 12:00pm

Directions:  55 South, exit 29 to Bridgeton S Vineland Rt 552, Follow 552 East 4 mile to Auction.

TRACTORS:  JD 2955 Cab Tractor, 2wd, H/A; 1655 hrs., Ford Golden Jubilee, 2 - Ford 601 Select-O-Speed, Ford 641 Work Master, Several Ford 801 Power Master, Several Ford 8N Tractors, Ferguson Tractor w/Step Up, Step Down, Cub Low Boy w/Rolling Baskets, Several Farmall Cub Tractors, Ford 640, Ford 850 Power Master w/Ldr, Allis Chalmers G w/Cultivators, Ford 671 Select-O-Speed, Farmall Cub Low Boy w/Cultivators, Allis Chalmers G w/Hydraulics, Cub Low Boy w/ Cultivator Frame, Allis Chalmers G w/Cultivator PARTS TRACTORS:  Ford Industrial w/Ldr, Ford Select-O-Speed, Ferguson, Ford 8N, Ford 600, Farmall Cub, Ford Step Up-Step Down Industrial, Farmall A, Farmall, & More FARM EQUIPMENT:  JD 115 10’ Transport Disc, KMC 8’ 3pt Box Blade, JD 4200 3pt 4B Rollover Plow, White 6342 3B Rollover 3pt Plow, Stanhay 4R 3pt Planter, Vicon 3pt Fertilizer Spreader, Ag Master 3pt Sprayer w/Boom, Planter Jr 3R, Asplundh Chipper w/ Ford Industrial Gas Engine, United Farmer 3pt Drop Fertilizer, Ferguson 3pt 5’ Weeder, 3pt Disc, Agri Five 3pt Rotary Mower, Planter Jr 3R, 2” Irrigation Pipes, Irrigation fittings & Guns, 3pt Ford Disc, Woods RB750-Z 3pt Back Blade, 3pt Cultivators, Pull Type 10’ Box Blade w/Hyd Wheel, Ford 3pt 2B Rollover Plow, KMC S-Tine 9’ 3pt Field Harrow w/Rolling Baskets, JD 23B)-92 3pt 4 Tooth Subsoiler, Befco 3pt 10’ Power Harrow, Ferguson 3pt Harrow, 1B Rollover Plow Extensions, Fuel Tanks, Drill Press, Engine Lift, Tires, Pallet Jacks, Misc Fenders & Parts, Sheet Metal, Steering Wheels, Tractor Lights, Produce Baskets, Poly Tank, Loaders, Sand Blaster, Pressure Washer VEHICLES:  1950 Mercury Eight 2 Door; Excellent Condition, 2002 Ford F250 Super Duty Truck, 4WD, 28,400 miles, 1969 Ford 350 Stake Body Truck w/12’Bed, 4 Speed, 82,000 miles, 1967 Ford 600 Flatbed Stake Body Truck w/12’ Bed, 61,361 miles, 2006 Quality Trailer 16’ w/Beaver Tail, 12,000 GVW, Small Farm Wagons ENGINES & MISC:  Scramm 25 Air Compressor, Ford Industrial Gas Engine w/Rockford Clutch, 4 Cyl Ford Motor, Ford Flathead Engine, LA International Hit & Miss Engine, Ford Engine (missing clutch), Meyers Trench & Marine 913 Water Pump, 4 Cyl Ford Motor, Flathead Gas Engine TOYS & LITERATURE:  Excellent condition 1920’s Presses Steel BUDDY L Toy Bus, Farmall A Precision, Farmall Ertle Toys in Boxes, Ford 8N Precision in box, Oliver Toys in Boxes, JD Toys in Boxes, Allis Chalmers Toys in Boxes, Ford Trucks, Ford Tractor Poster, Automobile literature, Ford Tractor Manuals, Service Journals, Parts Manuals, Tractor Books, & much more.


Check our website for details. Terms:  No Buyer’s Premium unless buying through, Cash, Check or Credit Card w/ proper ID, Bid early on