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Native American / Sportsman / Firearms / Rittenhouse ESTATE AUCTION! Sat. April 10, 2021 9:30am Mio
Listing ID#: 391016
Sale Location |
Mio, MI 48647 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday Apr 10, 2021 Completed |
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LETS TALK AUCTION COMPANY Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle Phone: 989-848-5158 Email: Website: ID#: 6482 View company information and listings |
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Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for credit/debit card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material |
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Native American / Sportsman / Firearms / RittenhouseESTATE AUCTION!
Sat. April 10, 2021 9:30am Mio, MI.Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale Rittenhouse Habitant Cabin Furniture:
Rittenhouse: 3 pc/ Sofa; 2 loveseats; amr chair & rocker; 48” round table w/4 chairs; 6ft. table w/2 benches; drop leaf table w/ 2 chairs; doub. Bed; dressers; night stand; floor lamp; desk; Habitant: peeled log desk w/chair; 8pl. poker table w/4 chairs; tavern table w/4 chairs; youth desk; Other: 50’s Deco Rattan sofa, drop leaf table w/4 chairs; 1950’s Turner Flamingo mirror; Pendleton Beaver State wool blankets; Woolrich wool pullover jackets; 20 drawer oak Dewey Decimal card catalog cabinet; furniture grade peels cedar sticks & logs;
Native American/Indian:
Pipe Tomahawks; Eagle carved antler peace pipe; Bird, Frog & Beaver Effigy pipes; decorated leather pipe bag; C.E. Ward Co. Regalia ceremonial robe w/bead work; Muscouten Tribe clam shell breast plate; beaded ceremonial breast plate cape; head dress; Old Wild West Gauntlet Gloves w/Native Amer. floral bead work; pictorial Fetish & traditional rugs; 36” store display Skookum doll; Nemadji pottery; snowshoes; old Indian trade knife w/boar skin sheath; cradle board papoose carrier adorned w/real fur, wrapper in leather, decorated in beads & spirit catcher; Moccasins; Yvonne Walker Keshick porcupine quill box (Odawa & Ojibwa); John Keshick II porcupine quill box (Ottawa & Chippewa); carved stone Eagle, Dale Isaacs (6 Nation Mohawk); Ron Blanchard Petoskey stone carved fish; grooved stone axe; arrow heads; bird points; mortar & pestle; baskets; 5ft. winged Eagle head totem pole;
Native American Jewelry:
Old Pawn silver & turquoise squash blossom necklace; turquoise, coral, fetish & other necklaces; silver & stone cuff bracelets, rings, bolos and watch bands, names to include: Anna Begay, Ben Begaye, L. Bennett, Rita Touchine; Earl Fortner Grizzly Bear Bolo; belt buckles Incl: Smilowski, Effie Calavaza, & others; Beadwork jewelry, wallets, & asst. decorative items;
Wildebeast, Kudu, Gemsbok & other African mounts; 52” moose antlers; 2 10ft. one man wooden duck boat carcasses; Carl Christensen 13” carved scale Crappie, 14” Northern Brook Silver Side, 10” red Belled Dace, Frog decoy, 9” Robin vase, 8 ½” turtle vase; & 4” Cardinal vase; plaque mounted Jim Nelson brown trout; Bud Steward, Geo. Aho, Judd, & other fish spearing decoys; 200+ lures, Jim Stangland, Creek Chub, Heddon, Foss, Martin, handmade & others; Heddon Bamboo rod; center hole & other wicker creels; Ben Schmidt, Edward Fitzpatrick, Glen Wilson, Mason, Dodge, Hamlin Boat Works, Herter’s cork bodies & other duck decoys; carved goose in flight; snowshoes; 1985 to 98 MI Successful Bear Hunting patches; trappers baskets; Darton compound bow; boxes of cedar arrows; Marbles Safety Axe stag handle 4 pin sheath knife w/sheath & other sheath & folding knives; US WWI M-1905 Springfield Armory Flaming Bomb bayonet; walking canes & staffs; Guns:
1. Winchester model 1905 S.L. self-loading semi auto rifle, 35cal, 22” barrel, 13.5” walnut stock, sn/11099 2. Winchester model 1905 self-loading semi auto rifle, 35cal, 22” barrel, 12” stock, sn/8708 3. Remington model 12 slide action rifle 22cal, 24” octagon barrel, crescent butt plate, sn/672439 4. Ivor Johnson Arms & Cycle Works model X bolt action rifle, 22cal sn/nsn 5. Colt Single Action Army revolver, 45cal, 6shot, 4.75” barrel, steer head grips, sn/22683, shipped from Colt on 1/31/1876 to New York, comes with Colt Authentication Letter 6. High Standard American Bicentennial Commemorative 6shot black powder revolver, 36cal, sn/A0747 7. Coyote Flintlock muzzleloader rifle, curly maple stock, brass furniture, sn/nsn 8. U.S. Springfield Model 1848 Percussion 69 Caliber Musket, V over P on barrel, 1851 on top tang sn/nsn 9. Navy Arms percussion double barrel 12ga black powder shotgun, made in Italy, sn/4000 10. Connecticut Valley Arms model Hawken 50cal black powder muzzleloader sn/579861 11. Thompson Center Arms model New Englander 50cal blk pwdr muzzleloader sn/50195
Art & Prints:
Stephan Lyman, A Walk in the Woods; Bev. Doodle, Wilderness Wilderness; Phillip Goodwin, Henry Hintermeister & Sweney Hunting & Wildlife Prints & Calendars; Buffalo Bills Wild West poster; lg. frame albumen Niagara Fall photos; Other:
Rare Mint Diamond Dyes tin litho general store cabinet; WH. Farrar doub. Handle floral ovoid & other cobalt decorated crocks; Griswold, Wagner & other cast iron Dutch ovens & griddles; Hayden’s lg. brass bucket & heavy brass & copper ware; brass hose nozzles & sprinklers; Meerschaum dog w/duck pipe; 100+ pcs. Fiesta dinnerware; Candlewick; cut glass; porcelains; pottery; postcards, magazines & ephemera; Native American souvenirs; forest fire motion lamp; Milor sterling necklaces & bracelets; Edison Gem cylinder phonograph; child’s size cutter sleigh; scissors in motion & Coors Light neon signs; license plates; signs; upholstery grade leather hides & remnants; Sportsman, Native American & Wild West books;
50 lots of Coins, inc. Carson City Silver Dollars; & more.
Ring #2 Will start Early at 9:30am with Uniquities, Oddities & box lots. Main Gallery will be starting at our normal time 10am with Coins. Firearms to sell at approx. noon.
Auctioneer's Note:
The Lets Talk Auction Company has been commissioned to sell a Mt. Pleasant & Traverse City Estates. Check website for updates &100’s pictures. See you at the Auction!
Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.
Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview. |
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