(Leota Kullman) Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 355876

Sale Location

Cole Camp , MO 65325
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Nov 21, 2020 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9118
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Listing Information

“Estate Auction”

“Leota Kullman”

205 South Pine, Cole Camp Mo. 65325

Saturday November 21st 10:00am 2020

Directions: From the 4-way stop in Cole Camp go East on 52 hwy. to South Pine turn Right (South) on South Pine to Auction on Left. Watch for signs on sale day.

1986 Chevrolet Celebrity V-6 auto. 4 dr. 60K miles,

Household, Antiques & Misc.

Frigidaire refrigerator, upright freezer, 3pc. full size bedroom set, 18 quilts (Hand stitched),

2 – oak rocking chairs, Library table, gossip bench, Sofa & matching chair, coffee end tables,

Vintage formica & chrome table w/4 chairs & leaf, chest of drawers, 2 – oak mirrored dressers,

2 – wardrobes, lot misc. occ tables, lot antique & vintage table lamps, lot misc. glass,

5 gal. diamond crock, 3 – galvanized washtubs, 4 – wooden ladders, lot misc. enamel ware,

2 – pressed metal porch gliders, 3 – pressed metal lawn chairs, lot vintage oil cans, 


metal kitchen cart, smoking stand, metal cabinet, Maytag wringer washer, lot cast iron,


vintage Singer ele. sewing machine & notions, egg scale, lot linens and handiwork,

lot misc. pots pans & kitchen ware, lot fruit jars, pressure cooker, lot misc. glass,

silver plate flatware, lot costume jewelry a few silver coins, lot hand tools, lot long handled tools,

Ariens tiller, 2 – Lawn Boy push mowers, Murray push mower, wheel barrow, push plow,   


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

Auctioneer NoteWe are very honored to perform this Estate Auction for “Leota Kullman” concessions provided by the “Good ole gals of Benton County”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Leota Kullman) Estate Auction

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Sale Location
205 South Pine,
Cole Camp , MO 65325
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Nov 21, 2020 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

“Estate Auction”

“Leota Kullman”

205 South Pine, Cole Camp Mo. 65325

Saturday November 21st 10:00am 2020

Directions: From the 4-way stop in Cole Camp go East on 52 hwy. to South Pine turn Right (South) on South Pine to Auction on Left. Watch for signs on sale day.

1986 Chevrolet Celebrity V-6 auto. 4 dr. 60K miles,

Household, Antiques & Misc.

Frigidaire refrigerator, upright freezer, 3pc. full size bedroom set, 18 quilts (Hand stitched),

2 – oak rocking chairs, Library table, gossip bench, Sofa & matching chair, coffee end tables,

Vintage formica & chrome table w/4 chairs & leaf, chest of drawers, 2 – oak mirrored dressers,

2 – wardrobes, lot misc. occ tables, lot antique & vintage table lamps, lot misc. glass,

5 gal. diamond crock, 3 – galvanized washtubs, 4 – wooden ladders, lot misc. enamel ware,

2 – pressed metal porch gliders, 3 – pressed metal lawn chairs, lot vintage oil cans, 


metal kitchen cart, smoking stand, metal cabinet, Maytag wringer washer, lot cast iron,


vintage Singer ele. sewing machine & notions, egg scale, lot linens and handiwork,

lot misc. pots pans & kitchen ware, lot fruit jars, pressure cooker, lot misc. glass,

silver plate flatware, lot costume jewelry a few silver coins, lot hand tools, lot long handled tools,

Ariens tiller, 2 – Lawn Boy push mowers, Murray push mower, wheel barrow, push plow,   


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

Auctioneer NoteWe are very honored to perform this Estate Auction for “Leota Kullman” concessions provided by the “Good ole gals of Benton County”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Leota Kullman) Estate Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Nov 21, 2020 Completed
Sale Location

Cole Camp , MO 65325
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

“Estate Auction”

“Leota Kullman”

205 South Pine, Cole Camp Mo. 65325

Saturday November 21st 10:00am 2020

Directions: From the 4-way stop in Cole Camp go East on 52 hwy. to South Pine turn Right (South) on South Pine to Auction on Left. Watch for signs on sale day.

1986 Chevrolet Celebrity V-6 auto. 4 dr. 60K miles,

Household, Antiques & Misc.

Frigidaire refrigerator, upright freezer, 3pc. full size bedroom set, 18 quilts (Hand stitched),

2 – oak rocking chairs, Library table, gossip bench, Sofa & matching chair, coffee end tables,

Vintage formica & chrome table w/4 chairs & leaf, chest of drawers, 2 – oak mirrored dressers,

2 – wardrobes, lot misc. occ tables, lot antique & vintage table lamps, lot misc. glass,

5 gal. diamond crock, 3 – galvanized washtubs, 4 – wooden ladders, lot misc. enamel ware,

2 – pressed metal porch gliders, 3 – pressed metal lawn chairs, lot vintage oil cans, 


metal kitchen cart, smoking stand, metal cabinet, Maytag wringer washer, lot cast iron,


vintage Singer ele. sewing machine & notions, egg scale, lot linens and handiwork,

lot misc. pots pans & kitchen ware, lot fruit jars, pressure cooker, lot misc. glass,

silver plate flatware, lot costume jewelry a few silver coins, lot hand tools, lot long handled tools,

Ariens tiller, 2 – Lawn Boy push mowers, Murray push mower, wheel barrow, push plow,   


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

Auctioneer NoteWe are very honored to perform this Estate Auction for “Leota Kullman” concessions provided by the “Good ole gals of Benton County”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389