Estates & Seized Assets AUCTION! Sat Oct 24th 10am Mio MI
Listing ID#: 352175

Sale Location

Mio, MI 48647
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Oct 24, 2020 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information

Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle
Phone: 989-848-5158
Website: ID#: 6482
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Listing Information

Levon James “Crawford” – Hillman & Corlew – Grayling Estates, plus Alcona County Municipal Seized Assets


Oct. 24, 2020 10AM Mio, MI.

Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale


Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. 48647. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.


To Include:

Daniel’s Amish dining table w/chairs; 54” round oak dining table w/chairs; modern sofa, loveseat & recliners; power lift recliner; TV; computer desk; Oak: secretary/china cabinet, bow front sideboard, & roll-top desk; library table; Hoosier cabinet; enamel porcelain top kitchen work tables & utilitarian enamelware; qn sz. oak bedroom set; other queen beds; cedar chests; steamer trunk; drop front desk; living room tables; bookshelves; table & floor lamps; framed art; qty. of older well built metal office desks, 4,5 & 6 drawer file cabinets; office chairs; 10’ conference table;


Hoveround, Quantum 610 & Q6 Edge w/nurse’s controls mobility chairs; Corelle; Kitchen Aid mixer; microwave; Reed Barton ss flatware; yellow ware; Fiesta, Hall, Shawnee & other pottery; Jadite, Depression & other; glass shoes; NOS Federal Glass dishware; Aunt Jemima cookie jar; rooster figurines; hand woven baskets; cast iron cookware; crock & jugs; quilts; collectibles; 40” post war Philippine carved women; lg wooden doll house & acces.; dolls; Nylint hook & ladder, Marx Lumar Army Transport, Buddy L hydraulic dump truck & other toys; early Acme adjustable cage style ladies dress form; Cream City copper boiler; washtub stand w/wringer; Maytag wringer washer; metal ice box frig; upright freezer; Nesco electric roaster; air conditioner; small wooden barrel keg;

Special Interest:

Antique E.C. Simmons Keen Kutter General Store wall mount tool display cabinet; 50’/60s Dixie – Narco Mark III coin operated Coca Cola fountain vending machine; Onan mod. 15.0JC-3CR nat. gas standby generator w/auto. transfer switch; 4) solar panel units; 2) 12 to 24v. circulating pumps & 1 mixing valve; 4) 6v. deep cell batteries;


2003 Yamaha Road Star 1600 Silverado VIN: JYAVP07E63A008729; 1996 Yamaha YZ250 dirt bike; 1997 Ski-Doo Rotax 500 Touring SLE snowmobile; 2) Triton alum. single axle utility trailers; helmets; bent twig rocking chairs; wooden twin porch rocker; metal porch glider; foot peddle sharpening wheel; Gaston 500lb platform farm scale; depot cart; wooden ox yoke; old license plates; broad head ax; homestead primitives; Weber BBQ; picnic table; walk behind mowers; chainsaws; line trimmers; leaf blower; lawn garden tools; Berco 48” garden tractor front snow blower; 2) 4' sections of 10" OD insulated stove pipe; Ford Edsel V8 engine/parts; pole climbing cleats & belts; air compressor; hand & power tools; 2” trash pump; power washer; kero heater; CI cauldron;


Rare early 1900s Leo Wise Twin Spin Frog lure; other tackle boxes; rods & reels; creel; snowshoes; Bear Kodiak recurve; compound bows; Marbles Safety ax; Pentax 16x60 PCF V binoculars; Coleman lanterns; coolers; cold weather wear; Tomahawk 72Lx20Wx26T Coyote/Dog live trap; Coyote pelt; Bear head mount; antlers; Sheridan & other air rifles; Lee Load-All & Mec 650 reloaders; Lee & RCBS dies & bullet molds; Vibra Shine tumbler; bullets, casings, primers, powder, lead & smelting pot; asst ammo; gun cleaning supplies; Pro Vault 12pl gun safe;10 pl. gun cabinet; 30 round M3 45cal grease gun & 25 rd MP40 9mm pistol magazines;

Guns: Sell at 12 Noon.

1.   Marlin stainless model 60 semi auto 22LR Only 22” bar, Nikon scope sn/02240408

2.   Remington model 597 semi auto 22LR Only 22” bull bar, Bushnell scope sn/A2739274

3.   Rossi break open 18.5” 22LR bar & interchangeable 22” 20ga 3” cham bar, sn/S20-SP181522

4.   Ruger 10/22 17Mach2 semi auto 17gr 22cal, 20” bull bar, Tasco World Class scope sn/353-60338                                          

5.  Belgium Browning semi auto Light 12ga, 2 ¾ cham. 25” bar, engraved receiver sn/68G 28956

6.   Mossberg model 835 Ulti-Mag slide action 12ga 3 ½ cham, 24” bar, Accu Mag choke sn/UM501794

7.   Remington model 550-1 semi auto 22cal, 24” bar, sn/LYY4

8.   Remington model 7400 semi auto 30-06, 22” bar, Tasco scope  sn/8062391

9.   Winchester model 94 lever action 32spl. carbine, 20” bar, Tasco scope, sn/1763825

10.  Remington model 770 B/A 270win, 22” bar, 3-9x40 scope, sn/M72095918

11.  Savage model 24 over/under 20ga/22cal, 24” bar, sn/F892599

12.  Winchester model 70 B/A 30-06, 22” bar, Redfield 2x-7x scope, sn/832370

13.  Remington model 742 Woodsman semi auto 308win, 22” bar, Lyman 4x scope sn/194907

14.  Winchester model 37A Youth break open 20ga, 2 ¾ & 3” cham, 20” bar, sn/C600875

15.  Winchester model 97 slide action Hammer 16ga, 2 ¾ cham,28” bar, sn/893902

16.  Carl Gustaf sporterized Swedish B/A Mauser 6.55x55, Tasco 3-9x32, 18” bar, sn/HK107008

17.  US Model of 1917 Eddystone B/A 30-06, 21” bar, sn/161644

18.  Remington model 742 Woodsmaster semi auto 30-06, 22” bar, Tasco 3-9x44, sn/66151

19.  Henry Repeating Arms Big Boy 44mag/44spl lever action rifle, 20” bar, sn/BB0056176

NOTE: All Purchasers of firearms (except licensed FFL Dealers) will be required to pass a background check prior to receiving possession of the firearm. Please visit our website or call for full purchasing details.

Auctioneer's Note;

Large Auction! Still unloading, unpacking and setting up, Watch website for updates &100's of pictures. See  you at the Auction!!


Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use.All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158

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Estates & Seized Assets AUCTION! Sat Oct 24th 10am Mio MI



Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle
Phone: 989-848-5158
Sale Location
1491 N. Perry Creek Rd. P.O. Box 131
Mio, MI 48647
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Oct 24, 2020 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

Levon James “Crawford” – Hillman & Corlew – Grayling Estates, plus Alcona County Municipal Seized Assets


Oct. 24, 2020 10AM Mio, MI.

Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale


Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. 48647. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.


To Include:

Daniel’s Amish dining table w/chairs; 54” round oak dining table w/chairs; modern sofa, loveseat & recliners; power lift recliner; TV; computer desk; Oak: secretary/china cabinet, bow front sideboard, & roll-top desk; library table; Hoosier cabinet; enamel porcelain top kitchen work tables & utilitarian enamelware; qn sz. oak bedroom set; other queen beds; cedar chests; steamer trunk; drop front desk; living room tables; bookshelves; table & floor lamps; framed art; qty. of older well built metal office desks, 4,5 & 6 drawer file cabinets; office chairs; 10’ conference table;


Hoveround, Quantum 610 & Q6 Edge w/nurse’s controls mobility chairs; Corelle; Kitchen Aid mixer; microwave; Reed Barton ss flatware; yellow ware; Fiesta, Hall, Shawnee & other pottery; Jadite, Depression & other; glass shoes; NOS Federal Glass dishware; Aunt Jemima cookie jar; rooster figurines; hand woven baskets; cast iron cookware; crock & jugs; quilts; collectibles; 40” post war Philippine carved women; lg wooden doll house & acces.; dolls; Nylint hook & ladder, Marx Lumar Army Transport, Buddy L hydraulic dump truck & other toys; early Acme adjustable cage style ladies dress form; Cream City copper boiler; washtub stand w/wringer; Maytag wringer washer; metal ice box frig; upright freezer; Nesco electric roaster; air conditioner; small wooden barrel keg;

Special Interest:

Antique E.C. Simmons Keen Kutter General Store wall mount tool display cabinet; 50’/60s Dixie – Narco Mark III coin operated Coca Cola fountain vending machine; Onan mod. 15.0JC-3CR nat. gas standby generator w/auto. transfer switch; 4) solar panel units; 2) 12 to 24v. circulating pumps & 1 mixing valve; 4) 6v. deep cell batteries;


2003 Yamaha Road Star 1600 Silverado VIN: JYAVP07E63A008729; 1996 Yamaha YZ250 dirt bike; 1997 Ski-Doo Rotax 500 Touring SLE snowmobile; 2) Triton alum. single axle utility trailers; helmets; bent twig rocking chairs; wooden twin porch rocker; metal porch glider; foot peddle sharpening wheel; Gaston 500lb platform farm scale; depot cart; wooden ox yoke; old license plates; broad head ax; homestead primitives; Weber BBQ; picnic table; walk behind mowers; chainsaws; line trimmers; leaf blower; lawn garden tools; Berco 48” garden tractor front snow blower; 2) 4' sections of 10" OD insulated stove pipe; Ford Edsel V8 engine/parts; pole climbing cleats & belts; air compressor; hand & power tools; 2” trash pump; power washer; kero heater; CI cauldron;


Rare early 1900s Leo Wise Twin Spin Frog lure; other tackle boxes; rods & reels; creel; snowshoes; Bear Kodiak recurve; compound bows; Marbles Safety ax; Pentax 16x60 PCF V binoculars; Coleman lanterns; coolers; cold weather wear; Tomahawk 72Lx20Wx26T Coyote/Dog live trap; Coyote pelt; Bear head mount; antlers; Sheridan & other air rifles; Lee Load-All & Mec 650 reloaders; Lee & RCBS dies & bullet molds; Vibra Shine tumbler; bullets, casings, primers, powder, lead & smelting pot; asst ammo; gun cleaning supplies; Pro Vault 12pl gun safe;10 pl. gun cabinet; 30 round M3 45cal grease gun & 25 rd MP40 9mm pistol magazines;

Guns: Sell at 12 Noon.

1.   Marlin stainless model 60 semi auto 22LR Only 22” bar, Nikon scope sn/02240408

2.   Remington model 597 semi auto 22LR Only 22” bull bar, Bushnell scope sn/A2739274

3.   Rossi break open 18.5” 22LR bar & interchangeable 22” 20ga 3” cham bar, sn/S20-SP181522

4.   Ruger 10/22 17Mach2 semi auto 17gr 22cal, 20” bull bar, Tasco World Class scope sn/353-60338                                          

5.  Belgium Browning semi auto Light 12ga, 2 ¾ cham. 25” bar, engraved receiver sn/68G 28956

6.   Mossberg model 835 Ulti-Mag slide action 12ga 3 ½ cham, 24” bar, Accu Mag choke sn/UM501794

7.   Remington model 550-1 semi auto 22cal, 24” bar, sn/LYY4

8.   Remington model 7400 semi auto 30-06, 22” bar, Tasco scope  sn/8062391

9.   Winchester model 94 lever action 32spl. carbine, 20” bar, Tasco scope, sn/1763825

10.  Remington model 770 B/A 270win, 22” bar, 3-9x40 scope, sn/M72095918

11.  Savage model 24 over/under 20ga/22cal, 24” bar, sn/F892599

12.  Winchester model 70 B/A 30-06, 22” bar, Redfield 2x-7x scope, sn/832370

13.  Remington model 742 Woodsman semi auto 308win, 22” bar, Lyman 4x scope sn/194907

14.  Winchester model 37A Youth break open 20ga, 2 ¾ & 3” cham, 20” bar, sn/C600875

15.  Winchester model 97 slide action Hammer 16ga, 2 ¾ cham,28” bar, sn/893902

16.  Carl Gustaf sporterized Swedish B/A Mauser 6.55x55, Tasco 3-9x32, 18” bar, sn/HK107008

17.  US Model of 1917 Eddystone B/A 30-06, 21” bar, sn/161644

18.  Remington model 742 Woodsmaster semi auto 30-06, 22” bar, Tasco 3-9x44, sn/66151

19.  Henry Repeating Arms Big Boy 44mag/44spl lever action rifle, 20” bar, sn/BB0056176

NOTE: All Purchasers of firearms (except licensed FFL Dealers) will be required to pass a background check prior to receiving possession of the firearm. Please visit our website or call for full purchasing details.

Auctioneer's Note;

Large Auction! Still unloading, unpacking and setting up, Watch website for updates &100's of pictures. See  you at the Auction!!


Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use.All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158

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Estates & Seized Assets AUCTION! Sat Oct 24th 10am Mio MI
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Oct 24, 2020 Completed
Sale Location

Mio, MI 48647

Levon James “Crawford” – Hillman & Corlew – Grayling Estates, plus Alcona County Municipal Seized Assets


Oct. 24, 2020 10AM Mio, MI.

Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale


Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. 48647. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.


To Include:

Daniel’s Amish dining table w/chairs; 54” round oak dining table w/chairs; modern sofa, loveseat & recliners; power lift recliner; TV; computer desk; Oak: secretary/china cabinet, bow front sideboard, & roll-top desk; library table; Hoosier cabinet; enamel porcelain top kitchen work tables & utilitarian enamelware; qn sz. oak bedroom set; other queen beds; cedar chests; steamer trunk; drop front desk; living room tables; bookshelves; table & floor lamps; framed art; qty. of older well built metal office desks, 4,5 & 6 drawer file cabinets; office chairs; 10’ conference table;


Hoveround, Quantum 610 & Q6 Edge w/nurse’s controls mobility chairs; Corelle; Kitchen Aid mixer; microwave; Reed Barton ss flatware; yellow ware; Fiesta, Hall, Shawnee & other pottery; Jadite, Depression & other; glass shoes; NOS Federal Glass dishware; Aunt Jemima cookie jar; rooster figurines; hand woven baskets; cast iron cookware; crock & jugs; quilts; collectibles; 40” post war Philippine carved women; lg wooden doll house & acces.; dolls; Nylint hook & ladder, Marx Lumar Army Transport, Buddy L hydraulic dump truck & other toys; early Acme adjustable cage style ladies dress form; Cream City copper boiler; washtub stand w/wringer; Maytag wringer washer; metal ice box frig; upright freezer; Nesco electric roaster; air conditioner; small wooden barrel keg;

Special Interest:

Antique E.C. Simmons Keen Kutter General Store wall mount tool display cabinet; 50’/60s Dixie – Narco Mark III coin operated Coca Cola fountain vending machine; Onan mod. 15.0JC-3CR nat. gas standby generator w/auto. transfer switch; 4) solar panel units; 2) 12 to 24v. circulating pumps & 1 mixing valve; 4) 6v. deep cell batteries;


2003 Yamaha Road Star 1600 Silverado VIN: JYAVP07E63A008729; 1996 Yamaha YZ250 dirt bike; 1997 Ski-Doo Rotax 500 Touring SLE snowmobile; 2) Triton alum. single axle utility trailers; helmets; bent twig rocking chairs; wooden twin porch rocker; metal porch glider; foot peddle sharpening wheel; Gaston 500lb platform farm scale; depot cart; wooden ox yoke; old license plates; broad head ax; homestead primitives; Weber BBQ; picnic table; walk behind mowers; chainsaws; line trimmers; leaf blower; lawn garden tools; Berco 48” garden tractor front snow blower; 2) 4' sections of 10" OD insulated stove pipe; Ford Edsel V8 engine/parts; pole climbing cleats & belts; air compressor; hand & power tools; 2” trash pump; power washer; kero heater; CI cauldron;


Rare early 1900s Leo Wise Twin Spin Frog lure; other tackle boxes; rods & reels; creel; snowshoes; Bear Kodiak recurve; compound bows; Marbles Safety ax; Pentax 16x60 PCF V binoculars; Coleman lanterns; coolers; cold weather wear; Tomahawk 72Lx20Wx26T Coyote/Dog live trap; Coyote pelt; Bear head mount; antlers; Sheridan & other air rifles; Lee Load-All & Mec 650 reloaders; Lee & RCBS dies & bullet molds; Vibra Shine tumbler; bullets, casings, primers, powder, lead & smelting pot; asst ammo; gun cleaning supplies; Pro Vault 12pl gun safe;10 pl. gun cabinet; 30 round M3 45cal grease gun & 25 rd MP40 9mm pistol magazines;

Guns: Sell at 12 Noon.

1.   Marlin stainless model 60 semi auto 22LR Only 22” bar, Nikon scope sn/02240408

2.   Remington model 597 semi auto 22LR Only 22” bull bar, Bushnell scope sn/A2739274

3.   Rossi break open 18.5” 22LR bar & interchangeable 22” 20ga 3” cham bar, sn/S20-SP181522

4.   Ruger 10/22 17Mach2 semi auto 17gr 22cal, 20” bull bar, Tasco World Class scope sn/353-60338                                          

5.  Belgium Browning semi auto Light 12ga, 2 ¾ cham. 25” bar, engraved receiver sn/68G 28956

6.   Mossberg model 835 Ulti-Mag slide action 12ga 3 ½ cham, 24” bar, Accu Mag choke sn/UM501794

7.   Remington model 550-1 semi auto 22cal, 24” bar, sn/LYY4

8.   Remington model 7400 semi auto 30-06, 22” bar, Tasco scope  sn/8062391

9.   Winchester model 94 lever action 32spl. carbine, 20” bar, Tasco scope, sn/1763825

10.  Remington model 770 B/A 270win, 22” bar, 3-9x40 scope, sn/M72095918

11.  Savage model 24 over/under 20ga/22cal, 24” bar, sn/F892599

12.  Winchester model 70 B/A 30-06, 22” bar, Redfield 2x-7x scope, sn/832370

13.  Remington model 742 Woodsman semi auto 308win, 22” bar, Lyman 4x scope sn/194907

14.  Winchester model 37A Youth break open 20ga, 2 ¾ & 3” cham, 20” bar, sn/C600875

15.  Winchester model 97 slide action Hammer 16ga, 2 ¾ cham,28” bar, sn/893902

16.  Carl Gustaf sporterized Swedish B/A Mauser 6.55x55, Tasco 3-9x32, 18” bar, sn/HK107008

17.  US Model of 1917 Eddystone B/A 30-06, 21” bar, sn/161644

18.  Remington model 742 Woodsmaster semi auto 30-06, 22” bar, Tasco 3-9x44, sn/66151

19.  Henry Repeating Arms Big Boy 44mag/44spl lever action rifle, 20” bar, sn/BB0056176

NOTE: All Purchasers of firearms (except licensed FFL Dealers) will be required to pass a background check prior to receiving possession of the firearm. Please visit our website or call for full purchasing details.

Auctioneer's Note;

Large Auction! Still unloading, unpacking and setting up, Watch website for updates &100's of pictures. See  you at the Auction!!


Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use.All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158