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(Gerald & Mary Lou Waddell) Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 346947
Sale Location |
Stover, MO 65078 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday Oct 24, 2020 Completed |
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Johnson & Bay Auction Service Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay Phone: 660-221-4067 Email: ID#: 9118 View company information and listings |
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Listing Information |
“Gerald & Mary Lou Waddell” 5490 Horseshoe Drive, Stover Mo. 65078 Due to the passing of our parents we will sell the following at public Auction on: Saturday October 24th 10:00am 2020 Directions: From Stover at hwy 52 & 135 intersection go South on 135, 3.5miles to “Whispering Timbers Rd.” on Left, turn Left (East) on “whispering Timbers Rd.” go one mile to Auction on Left watch for signs on sale day. 2016 Nissan Frontier 4 door 4x4, 41k miles, Utility sheds & Buildings 2 – 12’x24’ utility sheds, 3 – 9’x15’ utility sheds, 9’ octagonal gazebo, 4’x8’ utility shed, 6’x12’ chicken cope, 10’x16 carport, 4’x4’ single seat outhouse, lot misc. dog houses, Equipment Massey Ferguson 135 w/manual, Cub Cadet “Intellipower” LT42” (like new), Craftsman 18” rear-tine tiller (new), 12’x5’ bumper hitch stock trailer, 16’ flatbed tandum axle bumper hitch trailer, 3’x4’ homemade trailer, 5’x10’ utility trailer w/drop down ramp, King Kutter 3pt. 6’ box blade, Woods 3pt. 5’ brush hog, 3pt. dirt scoop, yard cart, Craftsman T2200 riding mower 42” cut (not running), 3pt boom for garden tractor, Jari walk behind sickle bar mower, push mower, DR walk behind string trimmer, concrete mixer ele. motor, Stihl FS 56RC straight shaft string trimmer (new), Echo SRM-2100 straight shaft string trimmer,
Household & misc. Roper washer & Craftsman dryer, Oak dining room table w/2 leaves, 6 chairs & matching china hutch, Sanyo 42” TV & stand, chest of drawers, 2 – mirrored dressers, pr night stands, lot misc. table lamps, Full size bed & 2 – twin beds (No mattresses), Lot misc. glass, lot misc. cookie jars, kerosene lamps, lot pots pans & kitchen ware, Tupperware, 110v window air conditioner, Sharp stereo w/3 disk changer, lot occ tables, small roll top secretary, Roll top desk, 2 – deck boxes, (LARGE lot of household in boxes)
Tools & Antiques Pair 42” cleated steel Tractor wheels, lot misc. yard ornaments, steel wheel grain drill, steel implement wheels various sizes, rendering kettle on stand, pitcher pump, Small leather pony harness, custom made leather goat harness, 3’x6’ pony wagon, misc. 2-wheel pony carts, Lot western bridle bits, misc. harness hames & collars, 14” western saddle, 10’ hay manger for goats, Egg basket, copper boiler, wooden churn, old sleds, lot horse drawn plows, hand plows, lot milk cans, 8 – 12’ pipe cattle panels (one walk through), 5 – 10’ pipe gates, A – frame w/ele. winch, shop vac, 2 – 8’ pipe gates, lot misc. 2 – small galvanized stock tanks, Lincoln AC welder, 21gal. upright air compressor, Porter Cable pancake compressor, Master Craft miter saw, Echo CS-400 chain saw, lot misc. ele. hand tools, Craftsman 12” bandsaw, Power kraft free standing drill press, lot long handled tools, lot misc. hand tools, 2 - aluminum ladders, 2 – pr car ramps, house jack, lot live traps, lot misc. wire panels & T-post, lot scrap metal, Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention Auctioneer Note: This is going to be a VERY large Auction please come prepared to spend the day, many treasures yet to be discovered, Truck, Trailers & Buildings will sell approx. 11:00am Concessions provided by the “Good ole gals of Benton County” Johnson Auction Service “Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942” Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067 Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389 |
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