150+ Guns - Ammo - Coins - Re-Loading - Bass Boat
Listing ID#: 341346

Sale Location

Galena, MO 65656
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Sunday Oct 18, 2020 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Email: bidnowsold@aol.com
Website: www.fosterauctionservice.com/

EstateSale.com ID#: 8448
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Listing Information

Public Auction

1:00 P.M. * Sunday, October 18th * 1:00 P.M.

Location: 1030 Peaceful Dr., Galena, Mo.  (Crane Area)
   Directions: From Crane take D hwy. south 1/2 mi. then left on Muskydime Rd.  ½ mi. then left on Red Hill Rd. ½ mi. then left on Peaceful Dr. to Sale              

Winchester mod. 1873, 32-20 (1884) Very Nice;
Winchester mod. 1886, 40-82 (1890);
Winchester mod. 1894 Early .32WS (1903);
Winchester mod. 1894 Carbine. 30.WCF (1948);
Winchester mod. 70 Classic Super Grade, Custom Shop Engraved 300 Win. Mag ( Fancy);
Winchester mod. 70 pre-64, .270 (1953);
Winchester mod. 70 Classic Featherweight .300WSM, Never Fired, w/ Leupold VX1 Scope;
Winchester mod. 70 Classic Featherweight .325WSM, Never Fired, w/ Leupold VX1 Scope;
Winchester mod. 1910, .401 (1911) Extra Nice;
Ruger M77 MKII Predator, 22-250, Matte Stainless,
Heavy Barrel, Laminate Stock w/ Pentax Scope;
Ruger M77, 25-06, Tang Safety (Very Nice);
Ruger M77, 22-250, Tang Safety (Very Nice);
Ruger Mini 30 Stainless, 7.62x39 w/ Butler Creek Folding & Original Stocks;
Ruger Ranch Rifle, .223 Stainless;

Ruger M77, MKII, .7mm Mag. Stainless, Synthetic;
Remington mod. 700, .204 Ruger, Stainless, Fluted Barrel;
Remington SPS Tactical .308 w/ Bipod;
Remington mod. 700, 30/06, Synthetic;
Remington mod. 742, 30/06;
Remington mod. 770 .308 (NIB);
Remington mod. 770 .300 Win Mag. (NIB);
Marlin mod. 1894 .44 Mag.;
Marlin mod. 336CS 30-30 Lever Action;

 Winchester mod. 94 30-30;

 Savage mod. 93R17, .17HMR;

 American Tactical AR15 Omni Hybrid Maxx Pistol, .300 Blackout;

 Inter Ordinance AK47 7.62x39 with upgraded Magpul Furniture;

 Alexander Pro-Fab AR-10, .308 w/ Hi-Lux Scope;
American Tactical AT47 7.62x39 w/ Bayonet;
Olympic Arms M.F.R. AR15, 223/5.56;
1893 Spanish Mauser (Very Rough);
.22 Cal.
Winchester mod. 03 Deluxe .22 (1918) (Excellent);
Winchester mod. 1890 .22 Long (1915);
Winchester mod. 61 .22 (1962);
Winchester mod. 61 .22 (1955);
Winchester mod. 62-A .22 (1948);
Winchester mod. 67 .22;
Winchester mod. 69-A .22;
Winchester 63 .22 (1941);
Winchester 63 .22 (1947);
Winchester Wildcat .22;
Ruger mod. 77/22 .22;
Ruger mod. 10/22, .22 Intl. Full Mannlicher Stock;
Ruger 10-22 .22 Stainless, Green Laminate Stock;
Ruger mod. 10-22 .22;
Remington Nylon 66 .22;
Remington No. 6 Rolling Block .22;

Remington mod. 597, .22;

Remington mod.550-I .22;

Remington mod. 512 Sportmaster .22;

Remington mod. 510 .22;
Marlin mod. 60 .22;
Glenfield mod. 60 .22;
Marlin mod. 81 .22;
Stevens mod. Gallery #80 .22;
Stevens mod. 14 ½ Little Scout .22;
Ranger mod. M-34 .22;
Noble mod. 20H .22;
Mossberg mod. 46B .22;

Winchester mod. 42 .410 (Skeet, 1936);
Winchester mod. 42 .410 (Beautiful Deluxe Wood, Vent Rib, 1951);
Winchester mod. 42 .410 (Field Grade, 1946);
Winchester mod. 24 12ga. SxS (1942);
Browning Citori Ultra XS .410 O/U;
Browning Citori Feather XS .410 O/U;
CZ Redhead Deluxe 12ga O/U;
Benelli Nova 12ga. Camo. New in Box;
(2) Browning A-5 12ga. Solid Rib (Belgium);
Winchester mod. 97 12ga;
Winchester mod. 97 16ga.;
Franchi model 48/AL 12ga;
Franchi Standard model 12ga, with 2 Barrels;
Franchi Prestige model 20ga;
Marlin mod. 90 16ga. O/U;
Winchester mod. 12 20ga. (1956);
Winchester mod. 12 20ga. (1957);
Winchester mod. 12 16ga. (1941);
Winchester mod. 12 12ga. Vent Rib (1960);
Winchester mod. 25 12ga. Pump (1945-54);
Winchester mod. 1300, 12ga. Synthetic;
Winchester mod 1200, 12ga;
Winchester mod. 37 16ga.;
Remington mod. 1100 Trap 12ga. Vent Rib;
Remington mod. 1100 12ga. Vent Rib;
Remington mod. 870 20ga;
Remington mod. 870 20ga, Vent Rib;
Mossberg mod. 500 MILS 12ga. Riot Gun;
New Haven model 600CT 20ga. Vent Rib;
Hopkins & Allen Falling Block 12ga. w/.357 Liner;
Utica Arms 12ga. SxS, Damascus Barrels;
Stevens mod. 58 .20ga;
Stevens Single Shot 12ga;
Springfield Savage 947 .410;
New England Pardner .410;
Derva Arms Tradition .410;
Western Field mod. SB-100B .410;
Western field mod. 60, 20ga;
Springfield mod. 18-D 12ga.;
J.C. Higgins mod. 5837 12ga;
F.I.E. Mod. SB .410;

Colt Python, .357, 6” Blue (Very Nice);
S&W mod. 29 .44 Mag.;
S&W mod. 28 .357 Highway Patrolman;
S&W mod. 649 .357;
S&W mod. 37 .38 Airweight w/ Original Box;
(2) S&W mod. 10 .38;
S&W K Frame .38;

S&W mod.22 A-1 .22;

Ruger SR1911, .45 Auto, Stainless;

Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Mag. 3 Screw, 7 1/2”;
Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Mag,10 ½ Barrel, Blue;
Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Mag, 7 ½ Barrel, Blue;

Ruger Security Six .357, Stainless, w/ Box (1978);

Ruger Single Six, .22/22Mag (2) Cyls.;
Thompson Center Contender .44 Mag;
Glock mod. 22 .40 cal.;
Remington New Model 4 .38 Rimfire;
Colt 1903 .32;
Colt Police Positive .38;
FN Browning Model 1922, 7.65;
Browning “Baby” .25;
Ruger MK III .22;
H&R mod. 922 .22;
Iver Johnson mod 55 Target .22:
Hawes Western Marshall .357;
Cobra C22M .22 Mag Derringer;
Great American Arms .22 Revolver;
Rossi mod. 971 .357, Stainless;
Rossi mod. 461, .357;
Walther PP 7.65;
Rohm mod. 66 .22;
Jiminez J.A.Nine .9mm;
Jennings J-22 .22;
Black Powder
Traditions .50 cal. Muzzle Loader;
Old 12ga. Shotgun;
Springfield Hawken .50 cal.;
Pietta .44 cal. Revolver;
Navy Arms .44 cal. Revolver;
Replica Arms .44 cal. Pistol;

Bass Boat

2013 Nitro Z-9 with 2013 Mercury 250 Proxs (less than 100 hrs.), Motorguide 36v Trolling Motor, Lowrance HDS 10 Graphs, Custom Cover (Extra Nice well kept Boat);


Gold & Silver Coins & Currency
(2) 1934 $1000.00 Dollar Bills;
(4) 1934 $500.00 Dollar Bills;
1858-S $20.00 Gold Double Eagle;
1899 $20.00 Gold Double Eagle;
1910-D $10.00 Gold Indian Head;
1883-P $5.00 Gold Liberty Head;
1911-S $5.00 Gold Indian Head;
1909-P $2.50 Gold Indian Head;
1910-P $2.50 Gold Indian Head;
1879-CC Silver Morgan Dollar;
1882-CC Silver Morgan Dollar (GSA) ;
1882-CC Silver Morgan Dollar;
1890-CC Silver Morgan Dollar;
(5) Silver Morgan Dollars;
(40) Walking Liberty Silver Halves (10’s thru 40’s);
(13) Silver Kennedy Halves;
(41) V Nickels;
(120) Buffalo Nickels (full dates);
200 Indian Head Cents;
1860 Indian Head Penny;
Ammo - Knives - Reloading - Misc.
(2) Flare Guns;
Misc. Scopes;
Lot Misc. Ammo;
Reloaders & Supplies;
Misc. Hunting & Pocket Knives;
Misc. Gun, Hunting & Outdoor Items;

 Auctioneers Note

A few more Guns will be added by sale date

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150+ Guns - Ammo - Coins - Re-Loading - Bass Boat

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Sale Location
1030 Peaceful Dr.
Galena, MO 65656
Sale Dates and Times
Sunday Oct 18, 2020 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

Public Auction

1:00 P.M. * Sunday, October 18th * 1:00 P.M.

Location: 1030 Peaceful Dr., Galena, Mo.  (Crane Area)
   Directions: From Crane take D hwy. south 1/2 mi. then left on Muskydime Rd.  ½ mi. then left on Red Hill Rd. ½ mi. then left on Peaceful Dr. to Sale              

Winchester mod. 1873, 32-20 (1884) Very Nice;
Winchester mod. 1886, 40-82 (1890);
Winchester mod. 1894 Early .32WS (1903);
Winchester mod. 1894 Carbine. 30.WCF (1948);
Winchester mod. 70 Classic Super Grade, Custom Shop Engraved 300 Win. Mag ( Fancy);
Winchester mod. 70 pre-64, .270 (1953);
Winchester mod. 70 Classic Featherweight .300WSM, Never Fired, w/ Leupold VX1 Scope;
Winchester mod. 70 Classic Featherweight .325WSM, Never Fired, w/ Leupold VX1 Scope;
Winchester mod. 1910, .401 (1911) Extra Nice;
Ruger M77 MKII Predator, 22-250, Matte Stainless,
Heavy Barrel, Laminate Stock w/ Pentax Scope;
Ruger M77, 25-06, Tang Safety (Very Nice);
Ruger M77, 22-250, Tang Safety (Very Nice);
Ruger Mini 30 Stainless, 7.62x39 w/ Butler Creek Folding & Original Stocks;
Ruger Ranch Rifle, .223 Stainless;

Ruger M77, MKII, .7mm Mag. Stainless, Synthetic;
Remington mod. 700, .204 Ruger, Stainless, Fluted Barrel;
Remington SPS Tactical .308 w/ Bipod;
Remington mod. 700, 30/06, Synthetic;
Remington mod. 742, 30/06;
Remington mod. 770 .308 (NIB);
Remington mod. 770 .300 Win Mag. (NIB);
Marlin mod. 1894 .44 Mag.;
Marlin mod. 336CS 30-30 Lever Action;

 Winchester mod. 94 30-30;

 Savage mod. 93R17, .17HMR;

 American Tactical AR15 Omni Hybrid Maxx Pistol, .300 Blackout;

 Inter Ordinance AK47 7.62x39 with upgraded Magpul Furniture;

 Alexander Pro-Fab AR-10, .308 w/ Hi-Lux Scope;
American Tactical AT47 7.62x39 w/ Bayonet;
Olympic Arms M.F.R. AR15, 223/5.56;
1893 Spanish Mauser (Very Rough);
.22 Cal.
Winchester mod. 03 Deluxe .22 (1918) (Excellent);
Winchester mod. 1890 .22 Long (1915);
Winchester mod. 61 .22 (1962);
Winchester mod. 61 .22 (1955);
Winchester mod. 62-A .22 (1948);
Winchester mod. 67 .22;
Winchester mod. 69-A .22;
Winchester 63 .22 (1941);
Winchester 63 .22 (1947);
Winchester Wildcat .22;
Ruger mod. 77/22 .22;
Ruger mod. 10/22, .22 Intl. Full Mannlicher Stock;
Ruger 10-22 .22 Stainless, Green Laminate Stock;
Ruger mod. 10-22 .22;
Remington Nylon 66 .22;
Remington No. 6 Rolling Block .22;

Remington mod. 597, .22;

Remington mod.550-I .22;

Remington mod. 512 Sportmaster .22;

Remington mod. 510 .22;
Marlin mod. 60 .22;
Glenfield mod. 60 .22;
Marlin mod. 81 .22;
Stevens mod. Gallery #80 .22;
Stevens mod. 14 ½ Little Scout .22;
Ranger mod. M-34 .22;
Noble mod. 20H .22;
Mossberg mod. 46B .22;

Winchester mod. 42 .410 (Skeet, 1936);
Winchester mod. 42 .410 (Beautiful Deluxe Wood, Vent Rib, 1951);
Winchester mod. 42 .410 (Field Grade, 1946);
Winchester mod. 24 12ga. SxS (1942);
Browning Citori Ultra XS .410 O/U;
Browning Citori Feather XS .410 O/U;
CZ Redhead Deluxe 12ga O/U;
Benelli Nova 12ga. Camo. New in Box;
(2) Browning A-5 12ga. Solid Rib (Belgium);
Winchester mod. 97 12ga;
Winchester mod. 97 16ga.;
Franchi model 48/AL 12ga;
Franchi Standard model 12ga, with 2 Barrels;
Franchi Prestige model 20ga;
Marlin mod. 90 16ga. O/U;
Winchester mod. 12 20ga. (1956);
Winchester mod. 12 20ga. (1957);
Winchester mod. 12 16ga. (1941);
Winchester mod. 12 12ga. Vent Rib (1960);
Winchester mod. 25 12ga. Pump (1945-54);
Winchester mod. 1300, 12ga. Synthetic;
Winchester mod 1200, 12ga;
Winchester mod. 37 16ga.;
Remington mod. 1100 Trap 12ga. Vent Rib;
Remington mod. 1100 12ga. Vent Rib;
Remington mod. 870 20ga;
Remington mod. 870 20ga, Vent Rib;
Mossberg mod. 500 MILS 12ga. Riot Gun;
New Haven model 600CT 20ga. Vent Rib;
Hopkins & Allen Falling Block 12ga. w/.357 Liner;
Utica Arms 12ga. SxS, Damascus Barrels;
Stevens mod. 58 .20ga;
Stevens Single Shot 12ga;
Springfield Savage 947 .410;
New England Pardner .410;
Derva Arms Tradition .410;
Western Field mod. SB-100B .410;
Western field mod. 60, 20ga;
Springfield mod. 18-D 12ga.;
J.C. Higgins mod. 5837 12ga;
F.I.E. Mod. SB .410;

Colt Python, .357, 6” Blue (Very Nice);
S&W mod. 29 .44 Mag.;
S&W mod. 28 .357 Highway Patrolman;
S&W mod. 649 .357;
S&W mod. 37 .38 Airweight w/ Original Box;
(2) S&W mod. 10 .38;
S&W K Frame .38;

S&W mod.22 A-1 .22;

Ruger SR1911, .45 Auto, Stainless;

Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Mag. 3 Screw, 7 1/2”;
Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Mag,10 ½ Barrel, Blue;
Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Mag, 7 ½ Barrel, Blue;

Ruger Security Six .357, Stainless, w/ Box (1978);

Ruger Single Six, .22/22Mag (2) Cyls.;
Thompson Center Contender .44 Mag;
Glock mod. 22 .40 cal.;
Remington New Model 4 .38 Rimfire;
Colt 1903 .32;
Colt Police Positive .38;
FN Browning Model 1922, 7.65;
Browning “Baby” .25;
Ruger MK III .22;
H&R mod. 922 .22;
Iver Johnson mod 55 Target .22:
Hawes Western Marshall .357;
Cobra C22M .22 Mag Derringer;
Great American Arms .22 Revolver;
Rossi mod. 971 .357, Stainless;
Rossi mod. 461, .357;
Walther PP 7.65;
Rohm mod. 66 .22;
Jiminez J.A.Nine .9mm;
Jennings J-22 .22;
Black Powder
Traditions .50 cal. Muzzle Loader;
Old 12ga. Shotgun;
Springfield Hawken .50 cal.;
Pietta .44 cal. Revolver;
Navy Arms .44 cal. Revolver;
Replica Arms .44 cal. Pistol;

Bass Boat

2013 Nitro Z-9 with 2013 Mercury 250 Proxs (less than 100 hrs.), Motorguide 36v Trolling Motor, Lowrance HDS 10 Graphs, Custom Cover (Extra Nice well kept Boat);


Gold & Silver Coins & Currency
(2) 1934 $1000.00 Dollar Bills;
(4) 1934 $500.00 Dollar Bills;
1858-S $20.00 Gold Double Eagle;
1899 $20.00 Gold Double Eagle;
1910-D $10.00 Gold Indian Head;
1883-P $5.00 Gold Liberty Head;
1911-S $5.00 Gold Indian Head;
1909-P $2.50 Gold Indian Head;
1910-P $2.50 Gold Indian Head;
1879-CC Silver Morgan Dollar;
1882-CC Silver Morgan Dollar (GSA) ;
1882-CC Silver Morgan Dollar;
1890-CC Silver Morgan Dollar;
(5) Silver Morgan Dollars;
(40) Walking Liberty Silver Halves (10’s thru 40’s);
(13) Silver Kennedy Halves;
(41) V Nickels;
(120) Buffalo Nickels (full dates);
200 Indian Head Cents;
1860 Indian Head Penny;
Ammo - Knives - Reloading - Misc.
(2) Flare Guns;
Misc. Scopes;
Lot Misc. Ammo;
Reloaders & Supplies;
Misc. Hunting & Pocket Knives;
Misc. Gun, Hunting & Outdoor Items;

 Auctioneers Note

A few more Guns will be added by sale date

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150+ Guns - Ammo - Coins - Re-Loading - Bass Boat
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Sunday Oct 18, 2020 Completed
Sale Location

Galena, MO 65656
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Email: bidnowsold@aol.com
Website: www.fosterauctionservice.com/

Public Auction

1:00 P.M. * Sunday, October 18th * 1:00 P.M.

Location: 1030 Peaceful Dr., Galena, Mo.  (Crane Area)
   Directions: From Crane take D hwy. south 1/2 mi. then left on Muskydime Rd.  ½ mi. then left on Red Hill Rd. ½ mi. then left on Peaceful Dr. to Sale              

Winchester mod. 1873, 32-20 (1884) Very Nice;
Winchester mod. 1886, 40-82 (1890);
Winchester mod. 1894 Early .32WS (1903);
Winchester mod. 1894 Carbine. 30.WCF (1948);
Winchester mod. 70 Classic Super Grade, Custom Shop Engraved 300 Win. Mag ( Fancy);
Winchester mod. 70 pre-64, .270 (1953);
Winchester mod. 70 Classic Featherweight .300WSM, Never Fired, w/ Leupold VX1 Scope;
Winchester mod. 70 Classic Featherweight .325WSM, Never Fired, w/ Leupold VX1 Scope;
Winchester mod. 1910, .401 (1911) Extra Nice;
Ruger M77 MKII Predator, 22-250, Matte Stainless,
Heavy Barrel, Laminate Stock w/ Pentax Scope;
Ruger M77, 25-06, Tang Safety (Very Nice);
Ruger M77, 22-250, Tang Safety (Very Nice);
Ruger Mini 30 Stainless, 7.62x39 w/ Butler Creek Folding & Original Stocks;
Ruger Ranch Rifle, .223 Stainless;

Ruger M77, MKII, .7mm Mag. Stainless, Synthetic;
Remington mod. 700, .204 Ruger, Stainless, Fluted Barrel;
Remington SPS Tactical .308 w/ Bipod;
Remington mod. 700, 30/06, Synthetic;
Remington mod. 742, 30/06;
Remington mod. 770 .308 (NIB);
Remington mod. 770 .300 Win Mag. (NIB);
Marlin mod. 1894 .44 Mag.;
Marlin mod. 336CS 30-30 Lever Action;

 Winchester mod. 94 30-30;

 Savage mod. 93R17, .17HMR;

 American Tactical AR15 Omni Hybrid Maxx Pistol, .300 Blackout;

 Inter Ordinance AK47 7.62x39 with upgraded Magpul Furniture;

 Alexander Pro-Fab AR-10, .308 w/ Hi-Lux Scope;
American Tactical AT47 7.62x39 w/ Bayonet;
Olympic Arms M.F.R. AR15, 223/5.56;
1893 Spanish Mauser (Very Rough);
.22 Cal.
Winchester mod. 03 Deluxe .22 (1918) (Excellent);
Winchester mod. 1890 .22 Long (1915);
Winchester mod. 61 .22 (1962);
Winchester mod. 61 .22 (1955);
Winchester mod. 62-A .22 (1948);
Winchester mod. 67 .22;
Winchester mod. 69-A .22;
Winchester 63 .22 (1941);
Winchester 63 .22 (1947);
Winchester Wildcat .22;
Ruger mod. 77/22 .22;
Ruger mod. 10/22, .22 Intl. Full Mannlicher Stock;
Ruger 10-22 .22 Stainless, Green Laminate Stock;
Ruger mod. 10-22 .22;
Remington Nylon 66 .22;
Remington No. 6 Rolling Block .22;

Remington mod. 597, .22;

Remington mod.550-I .22;

Remington mod. 512 Sportmaster .22;

Remington mod. 510 .22;
Marlin mod. 60 .22;
Glenfield mod. 60 .22;
Marlin mod. 81 .22;
Stevens mod. Gallery #80 .22;
Stevens mod. 14 ½ Little Scout .22;
Ranger mod. M-34 .22;
Noble mod. 20H .22;
Mossberg mod. 46B .22;

Winchester mod. 42 .410 (Skeet, 1936);
Winchester mod. 42 .410 (Beautiful Deluxe Wood, Vent Rib, 1951);
Winchester mod. 42 .410 (Field Grade, 1946);
Winchester mod. 24 12ga. SxS (1942);
Browning Citori Ultra XS .410 O/U;
Browning Citori Feather XS .410 O/U;
CZ Redhead Deluxe 12ga O/U;
Benelli Nova 12ga. Camo. New in Box;
(2) Browning A-5 12ga. Solid Rib (Belgium);
Winchester mod. 97 12ga;
Winchester mod. 97 16ga.;
Franchi model 48/AL 12ga;
Franchi Standard model 12ga, with 2 Barrels;
Franchi Prestige model 20ga;
Marlin mod. 90 16ga. O/U;
Winchester mod. 12 20ga. (1956);
Winchester mod. 12 20ga. (1957);
Winchester mod. 12 16ga. (1941);
Winchester mod. 12 12ga. Vent Rib (1960);
Winchester mod. 25 12ga. Pump (1945-54);
Winchester mod. 1300, 12ga. Synthetic;
Winchester mod 1200, 12ga;
Winchester mod. 37 16ga.;
Remington mod. 1100 Trap 12ga. Vent Rib;
Remington mod. 1100 12ga. Vent Rib;
Remington mod. 870 20ga;
Remington mod. 870 20ga, Vent Rib;
Mossberg mod. 500 MILS 12ga. Riot Gun;
New Haven model 600CT 20ga. Vent Rib;
Hopkins & Allen Falling Block 12ga. w/.357 Liner;
Utica Arms 12ga. SxS, Damascus Barrels;
Stevens mod. 58 .20ga;
Stevens Single Shot 12ga;
Springfield Savage 947 .410;
New England Pardner .410;
Derva Arms Tradition .410;
Western Field mod. SB-100B .410;
Western field mod. 60, 20ga;
Springfield mod. 18-D 12ga.;
J.C. Higgins mod. 5837 12ga;
F.I.E. Mod. SB .410;

Colt Python, .357, 6” Blue (Very Nice);
S&W mod. 29 .44 Mag.;
S&W mod. 28 .357 Highway Patrolman;
S&W mod. 649 .357;
S&W mod. 37 .38 Airweight w/ Original Box;
(2) S&W mod. 10 .38;
S&W K Frame .38;

S&W mod.22 A-1 .22;

Ruger SR1911, .45 Auto, Stainless;

Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Mag. 3 Screw, 7 1/2”;
Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Mag,10 ½ Barrel, Blue;
Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Mag, 7 ½ Barrel, Blue;

Ruger Security Six .357, Stainless, w/ Box (1978);

Ruger Single Six, .22/22Mag (2) Cyls.;
Thompson Center Contender .44 Mag;
Glock mod. 22 .40 cal.;
Remington New Model 4 .38 Rimfire;
Colt 1903 .32;
Colt Police Positive .38;
FN Browning Model 1922, 7.65;
Browning “Baby” .25;
Ruger MK III .22;
H&R mod. 922 .22;
Iver Johnson mod 55 Target .22:
Hawes Western Marshall .357;
Cobra C22M .22 Mag Derringer;
Great American Arms .22 Revolver;
Rossi mod. 971 .357, Stainless;
Rossi mod. 461, .357;
Walther PP 7.65;
Rohm mod. 66 .22;
Jiminez J.A.Nine .9mm;
Jennings J-22 .22;
Black Powder
Traditions .50 cal. Muzzle Loader;
Old 12ga. Shotgun;
Springfield Hawken .50 cal.;
Pietta .44 cal. Revolver;
Navy Arms .44 cal. Revolver;
Replica Arms .44 cal. Pistol;

Bass Boat

2013 Nitro Z-9 with 2013 Mercury 250 Proxs (less than 100 hrs.), Motorguide 36v Trolling Motor, Lowrance HDS 10 Graphs, Custom Cover (Extra Nice well kept Boat);


Gold & Silver Coins & Currency
(2) 1934 $1000.00 Dollar Bills;
(4) 1934 $500.00 Dollar Bills;
1858-S $20.00 Gold Double Eagle;
1899 $20.00 Gold Double Eagle;
1910-D $10.00 Gold Indian Head;
1883-P $5.00 Gold Liberty Head;
1911-S $5.00 Gold Indian Head;
1909-P $2.50 Gold Indian Head;
1910-P $2.50 Gold Indian Head;
1879-CC Silver Morgan Dollar;
1882-CC Silver Morgan Dollar (GSA) ;
1882-CC Silver Morgan Dollar;
1890-CC Silver Morgan Dollar;
(5) Silver Morgan Dollars;
(40) Walking Liberty Silver Halves (10’s thru 40’s);
(13) Silver Kennedy Halves;
(41) V Nickels;
(120) Buffalo Nickels (full dates);
200 Indian Head Cents;
1860 Indian Head Penny;
Ammo - Knives - Reloading - Misc.
(2) Flare Guns;
Misc. Scopes;
Lot Misc. Ammo;
Reloaders & Supplies;
Misc. Hunting & Pocket Knives;
Misc. Gun, Hunting & Outdoor Items;

 Auctioneers Note

A few more Guns will be added by sale date