(J.R. & Dorothy Brown) Living Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 336228

Sale Location

Edwards, MO 65326
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Sep 5, 2020 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9118
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Listing Information

Labor Day Weekend

“Living Estate Auction”

“J.R. & Dorothy Brown”

30877 Hwy 7, Edwards Mo. 65326

As we have sold our home & moving closer to family, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday September 5th 10:00am 2020

Directions: From Warsaw take Hwy 65 South to South 7 hwy. turn Left (East) on 7 hwy go 11 Miles to Auction on Left, Watch for signs on sale day.


2000 Chevrolet 2500 pickup, 4x4, auto, 350ci, full four door w/6’ bed,  73k miles,  

2002 Century Tractor model 2028 Diesel, front wheel assist, w/quick attach loader & 5’bucket, 135hrs.

North American Cargo 14’x6’ V-front enclosed trailer,

2002 - 18’x7’ trailer “Lamar” bumper hitch, tandum axle, dove tail,

Troy-Bilt Mustang zero-turn mower 22hp, 42” cut 129hrs,

Poulan-Pro 300EX riding mower 42” cut, 19hp,


 Household, Antiques & Misc.

4 pc. queen size bedroom set w/4 poster bed, high boy dresser & 3 mirrored dresser (Must see)   

65” Phillips 5504 series Android flatscreen tv, 37” Visio flatscreen tv, 32” polaroid flatscreen tv,

Coronado cross top refrigerator, Lg. Wards chest deepfreeze, 2 – tv stands, Dual reclining love seat,  

2pr – upholstered recliners, 2 – pr twin beds, small dresser, heavy wood dinnet set w/4 chairs & matching hutch,

lot occ tables, hall tree, roll top desk,


Hoosier Cabinet Oak w/flour & sugar bins w/Tambour roll doors & granite top (perfect condition)

Pepsi thermometer, 2 – cast iron boilers, Coors swag lamp, Coca-Cola patio table and chairs,

Crock butter churn, red ball churn, 3 – pressed metal chairs, galvanized wash tub, shepherds hooks,

Cookie jars, Excersize bike, rowing machine, AB lounger, Image 17.5S treadmill, Kirby upright sweeper,

lot misc. books, 3 – 8’ poly tables, Hamilton beach counter top oven, four seasons fryer/steamer/boiler,

10’x10’ popup tent,  


2 – DR walk behind string trimmers, Troy-Bilt “All-in-one” gas (tiller, tree saw, string trimmer), 2 – lawn carts,

Homelite gas leaf blower, Homelite chainsaw, Poulan chain saw, lot log chains, garden hoses, Brinkman gas grill,

Air compressor, shop vac, air bubble, lot mechanics wrenches & socket sets, 2 – battery chargers, lot long handle tools,

Lot ele. hand tools, lot fishing poles & tackle, pr car ramps, alum. extension ladder, 4” vise, bench grinder,

ele DR wood splitter, lot extention cords, 2 – 5’x10’ dog pens, 3 – dog houses, deer stand (nib), alum ATV ramps,

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

Auctioneer Note:  This is going to be a GREAT Auction come and plan on spending the day, EVERYTHING is extremely clean and well maintained. Concessions provided by the Good ole Gals of Benton County.

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(J.R. & Dorothy Brown) Living Estate Auction

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Sale Location
30877 Hwy 7 30877 Hwy 7
Edwards, MO 65326
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Sep 5, 2020 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

Labor Day Weekend

“Living Estate Auction”

“J.R. & Dorothy Brown”

30877 Hwy 7, Edwards Mo. 65326

As we have sold our home & moving closer to family, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday September 5th 10:00am 2020

Directions: From Warsaw take Hwy 65 South to South 7 hwy. turn Left (East) on 7 hwy go 11 Miles to Auction on Left, Watch for signs on sale day.


2000 Chevrolet 2500 pickup, 4x4, auto, 350ci, full four door w/6’ bed,  73k miles,  

2002 Century Tractor model 2028 Diesel, front wheel assist, w/quick attach loader & 5’bucket, 135hrs.

North American Cargo 14’x6’ V-front enclosed trailer,

2002 - 18’x7’ trailer “Lamar” bumper hitch, tandum axle, dove tail,

Troy-Bilt Mustang zero-turn mower 22hp, 42” cut 129hrs,

Poulan-Pro 300EX riding mower 42” cut, 19hp,


 Household, Antiques & Misc.

4 pc. queen size bedroom set w/4 poster bed, high boy dresser & 3 mirrored dresser (Must see)   

65” Phillips 5504 series Android flatscreen tv, 37” Visio flatscreen tv, 32” polaroid flatscreen tv,

Coronado cross top refrigerator, Lg. Wards chest deepfreeze, 2 – tv stands, Dual reclining love seat,  

2pr – upholstered recliners, 2 – pr twin beds, small dresser, heavy wood dinnet set w/4 chairs & matching hutch,

lot occ tables, hall tree, roll top desk,


Hoosier Cabinet Oak w/flour & sugar bins w/Tambour roll doors & granite top (perfect condition)

Pepsi thermometer, 2 – cast iron boilers, Coors swag lamp, Coca-Cola patio table and chairs,

Crock butter churn, red ball churn, 3 – pressed metal chairs, galvanized wash tub, shepherds hooks,

Cookie jars, Excersize bike, rowing machine, AB lounger, Image 17.5S treadmill, Kirby upright sweeper,

lot misc. books, 3 – 8’ poly tables, Hamilton beach counter top oven, four seasons fryer/steamer/boiler,

10’x10’ popup tent,  


2 – DR walk behind string trimmers, Troy-Bilt “All-in-one” gas (tiller, tree saw, string trimmer), 2 – lawn carts,

Homelite gas leaf blower, Homelite chainsaw, Poulan chain saw, lot log chains, garden hoses, Brinkman gas grill,

Air compressor, shop vac, air bubble, lot mechanics wrenches & socket sets, 2 – battery chargers, lot long handle tools,

Lot ele. hand tools, lot fishing poles & tackle, pr car ramps, alum. extension ladder, 4” vise, bench grinder,

ele DR wood splitter, lot extention cords, 2 – 5’x10’ dog pens, 3 – dog houses, deer stand (nib), alum ATV ramps,

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

Auctioneer Note:  This is going to be a GREAT Auction come and plan on spending the day, EVERYTHING is extremely clean and well maintained. Concessions provided by the Good ole Gals of Benton County.

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(J.R. & Dorothy Brown) Living Estate Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Sep 5, 2020 Completed
Sale Location

Edwards, MO 65326
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

Labor Day Weekend

“Living Estate Auction”

“J.R. & Dorothy Brown”

30877 Hwy 7, Edwards Mo. 65326

As we have sold our home & moving closer to family, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday September 5th 10:00am 2020

Directions: From Warsaw take Hwy 65 South to South 7 hwy. turn Left (East) on 7 hwy go 11 Miles to Auction on Left, Watch for signs on sale day.


2000 Chevrolet 2500 pickup, 4x4, auto, 350ci, full four door w/6’ bed,  73k miles,  

2002 Century Tractor model 2028 Diesel, front wheel assist, w/quick attach loader & 5’bucket, 135hrs.

North American Cargo 14’x6’ V-front enclosed trailer,

2002 - 18’x7’ trailer “Lamar” bumper hitch, tandum axle, dove tail,

Troy-Bilt Mustang zero-turn mower 22hp, 42” cut 129hrs,

Poulan-Pro 300EX riding mower 42” cut, 19hp,


 Household, Antiques & Misc.

4 pc. queen size bedroom set w/4 poster bed, high boy dresser & 3 mirrored dresser (Must see)   

65” Phillips 5504 series Android flatscreen tv, 37” Visio flatscreen tv, 32” polaroid flatscreen tv,

Coronado cross top refrigerator, Lg. Wards chest deepfreeze, 2 – tv stands, Dual reclining love seat,  

2pr – upholstered recliners, 2 – pr twin beds, small dresser, heavy wood dinnet set w/4 chairs & matching hutch,

lot occ tables, hall tree, roll top desk,


Hoosier Cabinet Oak w/flour & sugar bins w/Tambour roll doors & granite top (perfect condition)

Pepsi thermometer, 2 – cast iron boilers, Coors swag lamp, Coca-Cola patio table and chairs,

Crock butter churn, red ball churn, 3 – pressed metal chairs, galvanized wash tub, shepherds hooks,

Cookie jars, Excersize bike, rowing machine, AB lounger, Image 17.5S treadmill, Kirby upright sweeper,

lot misc. books, 3 – 8’ poly tables, Hamilton beach counter top oven, four seasons fryer/steamer/boiler,

10’x10’ popup tent,  


2 – DR walk behind string trimmers, Troy-Bilt “All-in-one” gas (tiller, tree saw, string trimmer), 2 – lawn carts,

Homelite gas leaf blower, Homelite chainsaw, Poulan chain saw, lot log chains, garden hoses, Brinkman gas grill,

Air compressor, shop vac, air bubble, lot mechanics wrenches & socket sets, 2 – battery chargers, lot long handle tools,

Lot ele. hand tools, lot fishing poles & tackle, pr car ramps, alum. extension ladder, 4” vise, bench grinder,

ele DR wood splitter, lot extention cords, 2 – 5’x10’ dog pens, 3 – dog houses, deer stand (nib), alum ATV ramps,

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

Auctioneer Note:  This is going to be a GREAT Auction come and plan on spending the day, EVERYTHING is extremely clean and well maintained. Concessions provided by the Good ole Gals of Benton County.

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389