Monthly Equipment Consignment Auction
Listing ID#: 335311

Sale Location

Leola, PA 17540
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Wolgemuth Auction

Contact: Dennis
Phone: 717-656-2947
Website: ID#: 5844
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, check with proper ID, Credit Card with 3% fee
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LOCATION:   109 N. MAPLE AVE,  LEOLA, PA 17540                 

TUesday, AUGUST 25, 2020, 8:30 am


Monthly COnsignment AUCTION 


Antiques – More Arriving Daily

Wire Tire McCormick Deering Hay Press, Ford 9N, AC WC, Farmall Cub w/belly mower, Farmall A, Farmall Super M, Wooden Sleigh, Copper Kettle, Wooden lids, AMF Super Truck Pedal Tractor, Asparagus Buncher, Wood Pulleys, Milk Can, Metal Signs, Antique Horse Power, Small Rock Crusher on Cart



Fuller & Johnson 2hp on cart, New Way Air Cooled Engine, IH M 1 ½hp Engine, Maytag 1cy Engines


TRACTORS:  John Deere: JD 5420 Sync Shuttle Cab A/H 4WD 497 hrs, JD 7500, JD 870 4WD dsl w/ldr, JD 6300 4WD, JD 3320, JD 5085E 4WD w/2 post Canopy 4292 hrs, JD 6105D w/2 post canopy 4WD 3974 Hrs, JD F925 Dsl Mower w/cab/snowblower/broom, JD 2840 2WD Steel wheels, JD 4020, JD 850 2WD, JD 4630 w/cab International:  Farmall Super A w/sickle bar mower, IH 1086 2WD, Cab Heat/Air, dual PTO, 5140 hrs, Case LA; gas, Case 1486 w/cab, INT 284 Tractor w/belly mower & turf tires, Case VAC 2WD NH/Ford:  NH TC35 A, NH 6.120 Cab Tractor w/winch & forestry Case 4WD 3152 hrs, NH TV140 Tractor 4WD, Bi Direction, NHTC40D w/NH Snow blade & soft cab, Ford 7000 2WD Ford 3600 Tractor Massey: MF 165 2WD Dsl, MF 2615 4WD 175 hrs, MF Super 90 High Clearance, MF 165 2WD Dsl, MF 180 2WD Dsl w/steel wheels  Kubota: Kubota L3300 w/LA480 front ldr Other: White 2-75 4WD Dsl QA ldr, Country Squire Tractor w/side mount mower, misc tractor lights

SKIDLOADERS & CONSTRUCTION EQUIP:  Takeuchi TL8 w/tracks 2200 hrs, Kobelco SK25SR-2 Mini Excavator, Daewoo G25E-2 LP Forklift w/triple mast, Bobcat Skidloader Backhoe, Takeuchi TL140 OROPS & Tracks, 1044 Hrs, Thomas 1200G Skid Ldr (not running), Genie TMZ 34/19 towable Manlift, Mustang FL88 Tamper (new) Wacker Jumping jack Tamp New:  SS Grapple Buckets, sand spreaders, concrete mixers, trencher, sweepers, angle broom rototillers, Pallet Forks & attachments, ss dumper, Krause Rolling basket, SS plates

FARM EQUIPMENT:  Round Balers: NH BR730 parts, NH 630, NH 664, NH 654 Twine Tie Balers/Wrappers: J Miller Tube Line Wrapper, McHale 991 Bale Wrapper, Gallignani 690.P wrapper, NH 311, NH 315 baler w/thrower, Hyd tension, NH 273 Misc Hay Equip:  NH 452 3pt disc mower, Round Bale Feeder, NH 1038 Stack Wagon, NH 469 Haybine, NH 401 Hay Crimper Tedders:  Morra MK420 4 star w/hydro fold, NH 163 4 star, Zimmerman 790-7 7’ tedder, NH 163 4 Spin Tedder, Rake Tedder, Pequea Kicker Tedder, 4 basket hay tedder Rakes:  NH 258, JD 660, NH 259, NH 258, NH 256,  JD 555, NH 55 Manure Spreaders: Lanco LS3550 Litter Spreader, Sundown P-Pro 180 3pt SS Spreader, NI,  NI 203, Badger 3000 Gal. Tank, NI 3639, NH 212,  JD 785 Hyd Push, NI Spreader, New 6’ apron chain Hammermill/Mixers:  NH 357 Mixer, Farm Hand Grinder/Mixer, NH 354 grinder, NH 355 Grinder/mixer w/scales Cultipackers:  3pt 2R, 12’  Mowers: Brady Flail Mower, Fella Sm 350 Disc mower, JD 1008 10’ rotary mower, MF M41 Sickle Bar, Kodiak HD10 Brush Hog, NI 256 Sickle Bar, Bush Hog, 3pt Bush Hog Wagons: Badger Forage Wagon, IH 110 Forage wagon, Gehl 920 Silage Wagon, McCurdy Gravity Box, misc sizes flat wagon, Multiple Bin Wagons Plows: Ferguson 2B, 1B, Oliver 2 Way plow, 2B, McCormick 2 way plow, JD 4200 4B rollover  Corn Planters: Oliver 312 2R 3pt w/plates, JD 7000 4R No till, JD 2R 3pt, 3pt Monasum NG Plus 2R, Int Pull type 2R, JD 7100 2R Seeders: Brillion Seeder, Ontario Seeder Tillage: Fergusen Disc, 10’ Spring Harrow, Perfecta Harrow, Athens 3PT 7 tooth Chisel Plow, JD 400 3pt Rotary Hoe, IH 8’ Drag Disc, JD 3pt Disc, JD KBA 24 blade Disc, 3pt 7’ Disc, Brillion 6R Cultivator, CIH 4R Cultivator Generators/Welders/Engines  Kubota 1 Cyl Dsl, Wisconsin 4 Cyl Gas, Deutz 1 cyl Dsl, Maxi Watt PTO Generator on trailer, Deutz F6L912 Dsl, CAT 3160 engine, Winco Generator Misc  JD 1210 Grain Cart, NI 323 1R Picker, NH 354 Grinder/mixer, Keenan Klassick 115 Mixer, Irrifrance ATP-50 2” hard hose reel w/gun, Kifco Agrain 21 2” hard hose reel w/gun Bell Sawmill  w/40” blade, Feterl Grain Cleaner, FMC Sw Corn Harvester, J&L Haysaver round bale feeder, NI 704 3R Cornhead picker, York 6’ Stone rake, Ford 618 Savage Blower, Woods RB850 3pt blade, Cosmo 500 3pt spin Spreader, Frontier PS1001 3pt Subsoiler, Frontier PM1001 3pt Middle Buster, 10’ Roller conveyor, SS Water Wheel, 3pt PHD, NH Loader, Gehl 125 Mix-all w/scales, NH 782 Harvester, Max Load KTMD250C 4x4 Dump cart, NH 38 Flail Chopper, JD 45 ldr, NH 782 Chopper, Gehl Chopper, Hyd Cylinders, Livestock Mover, 3pt Roller Basket, Silage Facer, JD Snow Plow, Meyers 8’ snow plow, NH 7717A Head, NH28 Blower, Misc Suitcase Weights, Leon Ldr, Christmas Tree Planter

TRUCKS & TRAILERS:  ’86 Pierce Arrow Pumper Fire Truck, Dsl, ’08 GMC 4500 dsl Ambulance, Utility Truck Body, ’09 Hercules Enclosed Trailer, 5th wheel hitches, ’01 Int FB Body Steel Bed, Dsl, ’00 Chevy 3500 w/plow, ’86 Southeast Trailer GVW 10,000, ’88 Dilly Trailer 3000 GVW, Zimmerman Steel Flat Bed Body,  GM C 8’ Truck bed, GM Bed Liner

RTV’S & GATORS:  JD 6x4 Gator, HPX 4x4 Gator

RIDING MOWERS: Beginning at 8:30am!! JD X350 200 hrs, JDX300, Toro ZT, Ferris 32” Hydro WB ZT, White Outdoorsman, Gravely WB, Husqvarna 1100 Lawn Sweeper, Encore Horse Drawn Mower, Z Sprayer/Seeder, JD 652R Stand on 


Announcements made by Auctioneer day of sale take precedence over all advertisements.

Not responsible for no shows!  SELLING WITH TWO AUCTION TRUCKS!

Online bidding available through OR

TERMS: Online bidders 4% buyer’s Premium, CASH/CHECK WITH PROPER ID!

WOLGEMUTH AUCTION LLC (#2357)  Call Dennis (717) 656-2947, Email:



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Monthly Equipment Consignment Auction

Wolgemuth Auction

Wolgemuth Auction

Contact: Dennis
Phone: 717-656-2947
Sale Location
109 N Maple Avenue
Leola, PA 17540
Sale Dates and Times
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Cash, check with proper ID, Credit Card with 3% fee
Listing Details


LOCATION:   109 N. MAPLE AVE,  LEOLA, PA 17540                 

TUesday, AUGUST 25, 2020, 8:30 am


Monthly COnsignment AUCTION 


Antiques – More Arriving Daily

Wire Tire McCormick Deering Hay Press, Ford 9N, AC WC, Farmall Cub w/belly mower, Farmall A, Farmall Super M, Wooden Sleigh, Copper Kettle, Wooden lids, AMF Super Truck Pedal Tractor, Asparagus Buncher, Wood Pulleys, Milk Can, Metal Signs, Antique Horse Power, Small Rock Crusher on Cart



Fuller & Johnson 2hp on cart, New Way Air Cooled Engine, IH M 1 ½hp Engine, Maytag 1cy Engines


TRACTORS:  John Deere: JD 5420 Sync Shuttle Cab A/H 4WD 497 hrs, JD 7500, JD 870 4WD dsl w/ldr, JD 6300 4WD, JD 3320, JD 5085E 4WD w/2 post Canopy 4292 hrs, JD 6105D w/2 post canopy 4WD 3974 Hrs, JD F925 Dsl Mower w/cab/snowblower/broom, JD 2840 2WD Steel wheels, JD 4020, JD 850 2WD, JD 4630 w/cab International:  Farmall Super A w/sickle bar mower, IH 1086 2WD, Cab Heat/Air, dual PTO, 5140 hrs, Case LA; gas, Case 1486 w/cab, INT 284 Tractor w/belly mower & turf tires, Case VAC 2WD NH/Ford:  NH TC35 A, NH 6.120 Cab Tractor w/winch & forestry Case 4WD 3152 hrs, NH TV140 Tractor 4WD, Bi Direction, NHTC40D w/NH Snow blade & soft cab, Ford 7000 2WD Ford 3600 Tractor Massey: MF 165 2WD Dsl, MF 2615 4WD 175 hrs, MF Super 90 High Clearance, MF 165 2WD Dsl, MF 180 2WD Dsl w/steel wheels  Kubota: Kubota L3300 w/LA480 front ldr Other: White 2-75 4WD Dsl QA ldr, Country Squire Tractor w/side mount mower, misc tractor lights

SKIDLOADERS & CONSTRUCTION EQUIP:  Takeuchi TL8 w/tracks 2200 hrs, Kobelco SK25SR-2 Mini Excavator, Daewoo G25E-2 LP Forklift w/triple mast, Bobcat Skidloader Backhoe, Takeuchi TL140 OROPS & Tracks, 1044 Hrs, Thomas 1200G Skid Ldr (not running), Genie TMZ 34/19 towable Manlift, Mustang FL88 Tamper (new) Wacker Jumping jack Tamp New:  SS Grapple Buckets, sand spreaders, concrete mixers, trencher, sweepers, angle broom rototillers, Pallet Forks & attachments, ss dumper, Krause Rolling basket, SS plates

FARM EQUIPMENT:  Round Balers: NH BR730 parts, NH 630, NH 664, NH 654 Twine Tie Balers/Wrappers: J Miller Tube Line Wrapper, McHale 991 Bale Wrapper, Gallignani 690.P wrapper, NH 311, NH 315 baler w/thrower, Hyd tension, NH 273 Misc Hay Equip:  NH 452 3pt disc mower, Round Bale Feeder, NH 1038 Stack Wagon, NH 469 Haybine, NH 401 Hay Crimper Tedders:  Morra MK420 4 star w/hydro fold, NH 163 4 star, Zimmerman 790-7 7’ tedder, NH 163 4 Spin Tedder, Rake Tedder, Pequea Kicker Tedder, 4 basket hay tedder Rakes:  NH 258, JD 660, NH 259, NH 258, NH 256,  JD 555, NH 55 Manure Spreaders: Lanco LS3550 Litter Spreader, Sundown P-Pro 180 3pt SS Spreader, NI,  NI 203, Badger 3000 Gal. Tank, NI 3639, NH 212,  JD 785 Hyd Push, NI Spreader, New 6’ apron chain Hammermill/Mixers:  NH 357 Mixer, Farm Hand Grinder/Mixer, NH 354 grinder, NH 355 Grinder/mixer w/scales Cultipackers:  3pt 2R, 12’  Mowers: Brady Flail Mower, Fella Sm 350 Disc mower, JD 1008 10’ rotary mower, MF M41 Sickle Bar, Kodiak HD10 Brush Hog, NI 256 Sickle Bar, Bush Hog, 3pt Bush Hog Wagons: Badger Forage Wagon, IH 110 Forage wagon, Gehl 920 Silage Wagon, McCurdy Gravity Box, misc sizes flat wagon, Multiple Bin Wagons Plows: Ferguson 2B, 1B, Oliver 2 Way plow, 2B, McCormick 2 way plow, JD 4200 4B rollover  Corn Planters: Oliver 312 2R 3pt w/plates, JD 7000 4R No till, JD 2R 3pt, 3pt Monasum NG Plus 2R, Int Pull type 2R, JD 7100 2R Seeders: Brillion Seeder, Ontario Seeder Tillage: Fergusen Disc, 10’ Spring Harrow, Perfecta Harrow, Athens 3PT 7 tooth Chisel Plow, JD 400 3pt Rotary Hoe, IH 8’ Drag Disc, JD 3pt Disc, JD KBA 24 blade Disc, 3pt 7’ Disc, Brillion 6R Cultivator, CIH 4R Cultivator Generators/Welders/Engines  Kubota 1 Cyl Dsl, Wisconsin 4 Cyl Gas, Deutz 1 cyl Dsl, Maxi Watt PTO Generator on trailer, Deutz F6L912 Dsl, CAT 3160 engine, Winco Generator Misc  JD 1210 Grain Cart, NI 323 1R Picker, NH 354 Grinder/mixer, Keenan Klassick 115 Mixer, Irrifrance ATP-50 2” hard hose reel w/gun, Kifco Agrain 21 2” hard hose reel w/gun Bell Sawmill  w/40” blade, Feterl Grain Cleaner, FMC Sw Corn Harvester, J&L Haysaver round bale feeder, NI 704 3R Cornhead picker, York 6’ Stone rake, Ford 618 Savage Blower, Woods RB850 3pt blade, Cosmo 500 3pt spin Spreader, Frontier PS1001 3pt Subsoiler, Frontier PM1001 3pt Middle Buster, 10’ Roller conveyor, SS Water Wheel, 3pt PHD, NH Loader, Gehl 125 Mix-all w/scales, NH 782 Harvester, Max Load KTMD250C 4x4 Dump cart, NH 38 Flail Chopper, JD 45 ldr, NH 782 Chopper, Gehl Chopper, Hyd Cylinders, Livestock Mover, 3pt Roller Basket, Silage Facer, JD Snow Plow, Meyers 8’ snow plow, NH 7717A Head, NH28 Blower, Misc Suitcase Weights, Leon Ldr, Christmas Tree Planter

TRUCKS & TRAILERS:  ’86 Pierce Arrow Pumper Fire Truck, Dsl, ’08 GMC 4500 dsl Ambulance, Utility Truck Body, ’09 Hercules Enclosed Trailer, 5th wheel hitches, ’01 Int FB Body Steel Bed, Dsl, ’00 Chevy 3500 w/plow, ’86 Southeast Trailer GVW 10,000, ’88 Dilly Trailer 3000 GVW, Zimmerman Steel Flat Bed Body,  GM C 8’ Truck bed, GM Bed Liner

RTV’S & GATORS:  JD 6x4 Gator, HPX 4x4 Gator

RIDING MOWERS: Beginning at 8:30am!! JD X350 200 hrs, JDX300, Toro ZT, Ferris 32” Hydro WB ZT, White Outdoorsman, Gravely WB, Husqvarna 1100 Lawn Sweeper, Encore Horse Drawn Mower, Z Sprayer/Seeder, JD 652R Stand on 


Announcements made by Auctioneer day of sale take precedence over all advertisements.

Not responsible for no shows!  SELLING WITH TWO AUCTION TRUCKS!

Online bidding available through OR

TERMS: Online bidders 4% buyer’s Premium, CASH/CHECK WITH PROPER ID!

WOLGEMUTH AUCTION LLC (#2357)  Call Dennis (717) 656-2947, Email:



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Monthly Equipment Consignment Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020 Completed
Sale Location

Leola, PA 17540
Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, check with proper ID, Credit Card with 3% fee


LOCATION:   109 N. MAPLE AVE,  LEOLA, PA 17540                 

TUesday, AUGUST 25, 2020, 8:30 am


Monthly COnsignment AUCTION 


Antiques – More Arriving Daily

Wire Tire McCormick Deering Hay Press, Ford 9N, AC WC, Farmall Cub w/belly mower, Farmall A, Farmall Super M, Wooden Sleigh, Copper Kettle, Wooden lids, AMF Super Truck Pedal Tractor, Asparagus Buncher, Wood Pulleys, Milk Can, Metal Signs, Antique Horse Power, Small Rock Crusher on Cart



Fuller & Johnson 2hp on cart, New Way Air Cooled Engine, IH M 1 ½hp Engine, Maytag 1cy Engines


TRACTORS:  John Deere: JD 5420 Sync Shuttle Cab A/H 4WD 497 hrs, JD 7500, JD 870 4WD dsl w/ldr, JD 6300 4WD, JD 3320, JD 5085E 4WD w/2 post Canopy 4292 hrs, JD 6105D w/2 post canopy 4WD 3974 Hrs, JD F925 Dsl Mower w/cab/snowblower/broom, JD 2840 2WD Steel wheels, JD 4020, JD 850 2WD, JD 4630 w/cab International:  Farmall Super A w/sickle bar mower, IH 1086 2WD, Cab Heat/Air, dual PTO, 5140 hrs, Case LA; gas, Case 1486 w/cab, INT 284 Tractor w/belly mower & turf tires, Case VAC 2WD NH/Ford:  NH TC35 A, NH 6.120 Cab Tractor w/winch & forestry Case 4WD 3152 hrs, NH TV140 Tractor 4WD, Bi Direction, NHTC40D w/NH Snow blade & soft cab, Ford 7000 2WD Ford 3600 Tractor Massey: MF 165 2WD Dsl, MF 2615 4WD 175 hrs, MF Super 90 High Clearance, MF 165 2WD Dsl, MF 180 2WD Dsl w/steel wheels  Kubota: Kubota L3300 w/LA480 front ldr Other: White 2-75 4WD Dsl QA ldr, Country Squire Tractor w/side mount mower, misc tractor lights

SKIDLOADERS & CONSTRUCTION EQUIP:  Takeuchi TL8 w/tracks 2200 hrs, Kobelco SK25SR-2 Mini Excavator, Daewoo G25E-2 LP Forklift w/triple mast, Bobcat Skidloader Backhoe, Takeuchi TL140 OROPS & Tracks, 1044 Hrs, Thomas 1200G Skid Ldr (not running), Genie TMZ 34/19 towable Manlift, Mustang FL88 Tamper (new) Wacker Jumping jack Tamp New:  SS Grapple Buckets, sand spreaders, concrete mixers, trencher, sweepers, angle broom rototillers, Pallet Forks & attachments, ss dumper, Krause Rolling basket, SS plates

FARM EQUIPMENT:  Round Balers: NH BR730 parts, NH 630, NH 664, NH 654 Twine Tie Balers/Wrappers: J Miller Tube Line Wrapper, McHale 991 Bale Wrapper, Gallignani 690.P wrapper, NH 311, NH 315 baler w/thrower, Hyd tension, NH 273 Misc Hay Equip:  NH 452 3pt disc mower, Round Bale Feeder, NH 1038 Stack Wagon, NH 469 Haybine, NH 401 Hay Crimper Tedders:  Morra MK420 4 star w/hydro fold, NH 163 4 star, Zimmerman 790-7 7’ tedder, NH 163 4 Spin Tedder, Rake Tedder, Pequea Kicker Tedder, 4 basket hay tedder Rakes:  NH 258, JD 660, NH 259, NH 258, NH 256,  JD 555, NH 55 Manure Spreaders: Lanco LS3550 Litter Spreader, Sundown P-Pro 180 3pt SS Spreader, NI,  NI 203, Badger 3000 Gal. Tank, NI 3639, NH 212,  JD 785 Hyd Push, NI Spreader, New 6’ apron chain Hammermill/Mixers:  NH 357 Mixer, Farm Hand Grinder/Mixer, NH 354 grinder, NH 355 Grinder/mixer w/scales Cultipackers:  3pt 2R, 12’  Mowers: Brady Flail Mower, Fella Sm 350 Disc mower, JD 1008 10’ rotary mower, MF M41 Sickle Bar, Kodiak HD10 Brush Hog, NI 256 Sickle Bar, Bush Hog, 3pt Bush Hog Wagons: Badger Forage Wagon, IH 110 Forage wagon, Gehl 920 Silage Wagon, McCurdy Gravity Box, misc sizes flat wagon, Multiple Bin Wagons Plows: Ferguson 2B, 1B, Oliver 2 Way plow, 2B, McCormick 2 way plow, JD 4200 4B rollover  Corn Planters: Oliver 312 2R 3pt w/plates, JD 7000 4R No till, JD 2R 3pt, 3pt Monasum NG Plus 2R, Int Pull type 2R, JD 7100 2R Seeders: Brillion Seeder, Ontario Seeder Tillage: Fergusen Disc, 10’ Spring Harrow, Perfecta Harrow, Athens 3PT 7 tooth Chisel Plow, JD 400 3pt Rotary Hoe, IH 8’ Drag Disc, JD 3pt Disc, JD KBA 24 blade Disc, 3pt 7’ Disc, Brillion 6R Cultivator, CIH 4R Cultivator Generators/Welders/Engines  Kubota 1 Cyl Dsl, Wisconsin 4 Cyl Gas, Deutz 1 cyl Dsl, Maxi Watt PTO Generator on trailer, Deutz F6L912 Dsl, CAT 3160 engine, Winco Generator Misc  JD 1210 Grain Cart, NI 323 1R Picker, NH 354 Grinder/mixer, Keenan Klassick 115 Mixer, Irrifrance ATP-50 2” hard hose reel w/gun, Kifco Agrain 21 2” hard hose reel w/gun Bell Sawmill  w/40” blade, Feterl Grain Cleaner, FMC Sw Corn Harvester, J&L Haysaver round bale feeder, NI 704 3R Cornhead picker, York 6’ Stone rake, Ford 618 Savage Blower, Woods RB850 3pt blade, Cosmo 500 3pt spin Spreader, Frontier PS1001 3pt Subsoiler, Frontier PM1001 3pt Middle Buster, 10’ Roller conveyor, SS Water Wheel, 3pt PHD, NH Loader, Gehl 125 Mix-all w/scales, NH 782 Harvester, Max Load KTMD250C 4x4 Dump cart, NH 38 Flail Chopper, JD 45 ldr, NH 782 Chopper, Gehl Chopper, Hyd Cylinders, Livestock Mover, 3pt Roller Basket, Silage Facer, JD Snow Plow, Meyers 8’ snow plow, NH 7717A Head, NH28 Blower, Misc Suitcase Weights, Leon Ldr, Christmas Tree Planter

TRUCKS & TRAILERS:  ’86 Pierce Arrow Pumper Fire Truck, Dsl, ’08 GMC 4500 dsl Ambulance, Utility Truck Body, ’09 Hercules Enclosed Trailer, 5th wheel hitches, ’01 Int FB Body Steel Bed, Dsl, ’00 Chevy 3500 w/plow, ’86 Southeast Trailer GVW 10,000, ’88 Dilly Trailer 3000 GVW, Zimmerman Steel Flat Bed Body,  GM C 8’ Truck bed, GM Bed Liner

RTV’S & GATORS:  JD 6x4 Gator, HPX 4x4 Gator

RIDING MOWERS: Beginning at 8:30am!! JD X350 200 hrs, JDX300, Toro ZT, Ferris 32” Hydro WB ZT, White Outdoorsman, Gravely WB, Husqvarna 1100 Lawn Sweeper, Encore Horse Drawn Mower, Z Sprayer/Seeder, JD 652R Stand on 


Announcements made by Auctioneer day of sale take precedence over all advertisements.

Not responsible for no shows!  SELLING WITH TWO AUCTION TRUCKS!

Online bidding available through OR

TERMS: Online bidders 4% buyer’s Premium, CASH/CHECK WITH PROPER ID!

WOLGEMUTH AUCTION LLC (#2357)  Call Dennis (717) 656-2947, Email: