(Greg & Mari Vair) Public Auction
Listing ID#: 332444

Sale Location

Warsaw, MO 65355
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Sep 19, 2020 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9118
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Listing Information

“Public Auction”

“Greg & Mari Vair”

26669 Waterview drive, Warsaw Mo. 65355

we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday September 19th 10:00am 2020

Directions:  3 Miles North of Warsaw at 65 hwy & BB hwy take BB hwy  9 Milles East to end (Cole Turkey Acres) proceed on Escapade Lane to Auction on Right Watch for signs on Sale Day.

Tools & Equipment

1973 Chevrolet (Classic Square Body) 3/4ton, 454ci., 2wd, auto, “Camper Special” this is a true MUST-see pickup, NO rust in excellent condition. 2 - new old stock GM doors in boxes never opened, 

1949 Ferguson TO20 Tractor serial #5510, John Deer 6ft. 3 pt blade,

Craftsman riding mower GT3000, 22hp OHV, 46” cut (Like New), Agri-Fab “The Heavy Weights” Mow-N-Vac - lawn Vac/sweeper,

Quincy 10hp. Single phase, oil pressure lubricated, 120 gal. horozontal tank, Air compressor,

Snap-on roll around (53”x46”) 15 drawer tool chest, LARGE lot hand tools (Mac, Snap-on & Craftsman)  

Craftsman top & bottom roll around tool box, Bead blast cabinet, Robinair freon recovery & charging system,

Welch dual seal vacuum pump, Pressure washer w/Commercial Annovi 2500psi pump,

Snapper 7.25hp self propelled push mower w/bagger, John Deere 14PZ push mower, 4-cycle weedwhacker,

Craftsman 6hp 22” push type weed trimmer, Yard machine edger, 2 floor jacks, red devil push type seeder,

wheel barrow, yard cart, lot jack stands, Misc. long handled tools,

Household & Misc.

Upholstered dual reclining sofa, glider rocker,

Queen size bed wood headboard, round oak table w/4 heavy wooden chairs, oak china hutch, 

3 cushion microfiber sofa w/brass buttons, over stuffed Blended leather recliner, small cabinet from old barn wood, lot linens,      

“White Clad” end table, patio set glass top 4/chairs, 8’ windmill, 24’ alum. Extension ladder, lot cook books, lot table lamps (oil & ele.) some SW decore,  

2 – 4’x8’ work tables, 4'x4'metal frame work table, 

Classic Vintage Radios & Electronics

30+ vintage metal blade fans, Firestone am/fm model 4A64, Sears “Silvertone” model 7092,

Zenith 5S56 radio, Zenith 5S127 radio, Zenith Y723 am/fm radio, 1928 Philco 296A radio direct drive record player,

Crosley 66CSM radio, Truetone D1025 radio, 1928 Temple radio, RCA 96T radio, Sentinel radio/record player,  

Sony mic mixer,  Lg lot records 500+ LPs mostly country, lot 8-tracs, 

SO many MORE electronics to list. SEVERAL radios many, many, MANY not listed look to gallery, 

4 - LARGE Boxes of tubes sold (Grab bag style) 200 - 600 per box (All sorted & all boxed) are in alphanumerical order,  

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

Auctioneer NoteThere is NO WAY to exagerate the quality & care of the items on this Auction, The lawn mowers have been washed and waxed after use

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Greg & Mari Vair) Public Auction

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Sale Location
26669 Waterview drive
Warsaw, MO 65355
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Sep 19, 2020 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

“Public Auction”

“Greg & Mari Vair”

26669 Waterview drive, Warsaw Mo. 65355

we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday September 19th 10:00am 2020

Directions:  3 Miles North of Warsaw at 65 hwy & BB hwy take BB hwy  9 Milles East to end (Cole Turkey Acres) proceed on Escapade Lane to Auction on Right Watch for signs on Sale Day.

Tools & Equipment

1973 Chevrolet (Classic Square Body) 3/4ton, 454ci., 2wd, auto, “Camper Special” this is a true MUST-see pickup, NO rust in excellent condition. 2 - new old stock GM doors in boxes never opened, 

1949 Ferguson TO20 Tractor serial #5510, John Deer 6ft. 3 pt blade,

Craftsman riding mower GT3000, 22hp OHV, 46” cut (Like New), Agri-Fab “The Heavy Weights” Mow-N-Vac - lawn Vac/sweeper,

Quincy 10hp. Single phase, oil pressure lubricated, 120 gal. horozontal tank, Air compressor,

Snap-on roll around (53”x46”) 15 drawer tool chest, LARGE lot hand tools (Mac, Snap-on & Craftsman)  

Craftsman top & bottom roll around tool box, Bead blast cabinet, Robinair freon recovery & charging system,

Welch dual seal vacuum pump, Pressure washer w/Commercial Annovi 2500psi pump,

Snapper 7.25hp self propelled push mower w/bagger, John Deere 14PZ push mower, 4-cycle weedwhacker,

Craftsman 6hp 22” push type weed trimmer, Yard machine edger, 2 floor jacks, red devil push type seeder,

wheel barrow, yard cart, lot jack stands, Misc. long handled tools,

Household & Misc.

Upholstered dual reclining sofa, glider rocker,

Queen size bed wood headboard, round oak table w/4 heavy wooden chairs, oak china hutch, 

3 cushion microfiber sofa w/brass buttons, over stuffed Blended leather recliner, small cabinet from old barn wood, lot linens,      

“White Clad” end table, patio set glass top 4/chairs, 8’ windmill, 24’ alum. Extension ladder, lot cook books, lot table lamps (oil & ele.) some SW decore,  

2 – 4’x8’ work tables, 4'x4'metal frame work table, 

Classic Vintage Radios & Electronics

30+ vintage metal blade fans, Firestone am/fm model 4A64, Sears “Silvertone” model 7092,

Zenith 5S56 radio, Zenith 5S127 radio, Zenith Y723 am/fm radio, 1928 Philco 296A radio direct drive record player,

Crosley 66CSM radio, Truetone D1025 radio, 1928 Temple radio, RCA 96T radio, Sentinel radio/record player,  

Sony mic mixer,  Lg lot records 500+ LPs mostly country, lot 8-tracs, 

SO many MORE electronics to list. SEVERAL radios many, many, MANY not listed look to gallery, 

4 - LARGE Boxes of tubes sold (Grab bag style) 200 - 600 per box (All sorted & all boxed) are in alphanumerical order,  

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

Auctioneer NoteThere is NO WAY to exagerate the quality & care of the items on this Auction, The lawn mowers have been washed and waxed after use

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Greg & Mari Vair) Public Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Sep 19, 2020 Completed
Sale Location

Warsaw, MO 65355
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

“Public Auction”

“Greg & Mari Vair”

26669 Waterview drive, Warsaw Mo. 65355

we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday September 19th 10:00am 2020

Directions:  3 Miles North of Warsaw at 65 hwy & BB hwy take BB hwy  9 Milles East to end (Cole Turkey Acres) proceed on Escapade Lane to Auction on Right Watch for signs on Sale Day.

Tools & Equipment

1973 Chevrolet (Classic Square Body) 3/4ton, 454ci., 2wd, auto, “Camper Special” this is a true MUST-see pickup, NO rust in excellent condition. 2 - new old stock GM doors in boxes never opened, 

1949 Ferguson TO20 Tractor serial #5510, John Deer 6ft. 3 pt blade,

Craftsman riding mower GT3000, 22hp OHV, 46” cut (Like New), Agri-Fab “The Heavy Weights” Mow-N-Vac - lawn Vac/sweeper,

Quincy 10hp. Single phase, oil pressure lubricated, 120 gal. horozontal tank, Air compressor,

Snap-on roll around (53”x46”) 15 drawer tool chest, LARGE lot hand tools (Mac, Snap-on & Craftsman)  

Craftsman top & bottom roll around tool box, Bead blast cabinet, Robinair freon recovery & charging system,

Welch dual seal vacuum pump, Pressure washer w/Commercial Annovi 2500psi pump,

Snapper 7.25hp self propelled push mower w/bagger, John Deere 14PZ push mower, 4-cycle weedwhacker,

Craftsman 6hp 22” push type weed trimmer, Yard machine edger, 2 floor jacks, red devil push type seeder,

wheel barrow, yard cart, lot jack stands, Misc. long handled tools,

Household & Misc.

Upholstered dual reclining sofa, glider rocker,

Queen size bed wood headboard, round oak table w/4 heavy wooden chairs, oak china hutch, 

3 cushion microfiber sofa w/brass buttons, over stuffed Blended leather recliner, small cabinet from old barn wood, lot linens,      

“White Clad” end table, patio set glass top 4/chairs, 8’ windmill, 24’ alum. Extension ladder, lot cook books, lot table lamps (oil & ele.) some SW decore,  

2 – 4’x8’ work tables, 4'x4'metal frame work table, 

Classic Vintage Radios & Electronics

30+ vintage metal blade fans, Firestone am/fm model 4A64, Sears “Silvertone” model 7092,

Zenith 5S56 radio, Zenith 5S127 radio, Zenith Y723 am/fm radio, 1928 Philco 296A radio direct drive record player,

Crosley 66CSM radio, Truetone D1025 radio, 1928 Temple radio, RCA 96T radio, Sentinel radio/record player,  

Sony mic mixer,  Lg lot records 500+ LPs mostly country, lot 8-tracs, 

SO many MORE electronics to list. SEVERAL radios many, many, MANY not listed look to gallery, 

4 - LARGE Boxes of tubes sold (Grab bag style) 200 - 600 per box (All sorted & all boxed) are in alphanumerical order,  

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

Auctioneer NoteThere is NO WAY to exagerate the quality & care of the items on this Auction, The lawn mowers have been washed and waxed after use

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389