35 Acres Absolute Real Estate, Tractors, Machinery, Antiques, Cast Iron, Primitives, Furniture
Listing ID#: 324804

Sale Location

Marionville, MO 65705
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Jul 25, 2020 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Email: bidnowsold@aol.com
Website: www.fosterauctionservice.com/

EstateSale.com ID#: 8448
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Listing Information

Absolute Real Estate & Estate Auction

9:00 AM Saturday July 25th 9:00 AM

   Location:  24515 State Hwy. 265, Marionville, Mo. 65705

Directions: 1 Mile east of Marionville on Hwy 265

Real Estate
35 Acres located just East Marionville city limits on Hwy 265.
Great Farm Property or Ideal for Development - Farm It, Develop or Build on it, Sell the Top Soil,

This Land truly has many good uses. Currently all planted in Corn,
Easy access from Lawrence County Farm Road 1247 and fronts Highway 265.

35 Acres offered in 2 parcels & together.

Tract#1 is 17 Acres - Tract #2 is 18 Acres & has 2 older Buildings on it.
Only 30 minutes to Springfield, Marionville Schools.
*** Property Sells Absolute to the Highest Bidder ***
Terms: 10% Down, Balance at closing 45 days or less.
(Take possession as soon as the Corn is Harvested)

Tractors - Farm Equipment -Tools - Saddles - Canoe - Outdoor
2012 GMC Sierra SLT, 2 wheel drive, 6 1/2ft. bed, 4 door, V-8, Leather, 158,xxx mi.(Very Nice Pickup);

White Field Boss 2-85 Cab Tractor with Koyker Quick Attach Loader, (5686 Hours) Good Rubber;
 International 454 Tractor, Gas, with Loader (shows 2615 hrs);
 Farmall Super C Tractor (running when parked);
 Vermeer 505 Super I Round Baler with Monitor (nice older baler);
 Woods R107-2 7ft. 3 pt. Brush Hog;
 Bush Hog 5ft. 3pt. Brush Hog;
 7ft. 3pt. Cultivator;
 6ft. 3 pt. Rock Rake &  6ft 3pt. Blade;
 Danhauser Post Hole Digger;
 2 Bottom & 3 Bottom Plows;
 3pt. Bale Spike;
 4 Wheel Rubber Tire Farm Wagon;
 Horse Drawn Potato Plow;
 (50+) New 6ft. Steel Posts;
 20+ Used Steel Posts;
 (2) Rolls New Oklahoma Barbed Wire;
 Few Bales Straw;
 Lots of Farm Related Items not Listed;
 Polaris Sportsman 400, 4x4 4 Wheeler with Racks;
 18ft. Aluminum Canoe;
 (2) 12v Coolers;
 Sm. Lot Fishing Tackle & Coleman Lantern;
 Ariens Rocket 8hp. Rear Tine Tiller;
 DR 2 Wheel String Trimmer;
 Craftsman 30 Gallon Air Compressor on Wheels;
 Craftsman 3hp. 10” Table Saw;
 Black & Decker Radial Arm Saw;
 Delta TP300 12 in. Portable Planer;
 Power Kraft Home Shop Welder;
 7” Angle Grinder, Belt Sander, Drills;
 Bench Vise, Lot C-Clamps;
 Lot Lawn & Garden Tools;
 Aluminum Extension Ladder;
 Lots Misc. Shop Related Items;
 2 Nice 15” Saddles, Bridles & Blankets;
 Everlast Punching Bag;
 (2) Bicycles, Water Ski’s;
 Nikon 8x40 Binoculars;
 Char Broil Gas Grill;
 100 lb. Propane Tank;
 Bounty Hunter Metal Detector;

Cast Iron - Antique - Primitive
 G.F. Filley #11 Gem Muffin Pan;
 N Waterman Cast Iron #11 Gem Muffin Pan;
 Ace Cloverleaf Cast Iron Donut Form;
 Stover Tall Base Waffle Iron;
 Wapak #8 Skillet;
 Miniature Water Kettle;
 Lamb Cake Mold;
 Tobacco Grinder;
 Sausage Stuffer;  
 Cast Iron Spittoon (Gate Mark);

Griswold  #771 Griddle;

Griswold  #109 Griddle;

Griswold  #108 Skillet Griddle;

Griswold  #10, 949 Muffin Pan;

Griswold  #666 Colonial Breakfast Skillet;

Griswold  #22 Cornbread Pan;

Griswold  #262 Corn/Wheat Stick Pan;

Griswold  #609 Hand Griddle;

Griswold  #9 Dutch Oven Trivet;

Griswold  #1098 Self  Basting Lid;

Griswold  #10 -1100 Self  Basting Lid;

Griswold  #6 -1096 Self  Basting Lid;

Griswold  #8 Raised Letter Self Basting Skillet Cover;

Griswold   #32 - 962 Aebleskiver Ball Cake Pan;

(3) Griswold  #273 Crispy Corn Stick Pan;

Griswold  Ashtrays with & without matchbook Holders;

Griswold  #53 Square Egg Skillet;

Griswold  #8 Tite Top Dutch Oven;

Griswold  #9 Tite Top Dutch Oven;

Griswold  #768 Square Fry Skillet with Cast Iron Lid;

Griswold - Wagner Ware Double Logo Cornbread Skillet;

Griswold - Wagner Ware Double Logo Muffin/Popover Pan;

No Logo Griswold #10 Dutch Oven;

Erie #7 Skillet;

Several Griswold Skillets  #3, #4, #5, #7 & #8;

Wagner Ware  #3A Scotch Bowl;

Wagner Ware  #1101 Bacon & Egg Breakfast Skillet;

Wagner Ware  #1236  E Breadstick Pan;

Wagner Ware  #1319 Krusty Korn Jr. Stick Pan;

Wagner Ware  #1218 Square Skillet;

Wagner Ware  #1317 Tea Size Krusty Korn Stick Pan;

Wagner Ware Ashtrays;

Wagner Ware Enameled Ashtrays;

Wagner Ware  #1268 Bean Pot/Roaster;

Wagner Ware  #8 Drip Drop Roaster with Raised Letter Lid;

Wagner Ware  #8 - 1088 Deep Chicken Fryer;

Several Wagner Ware Skillets #3, #6, #7, #8 & #10;

Unmarked #5 Hammered Skillet;

Unmarked #8 Oval Muffin Pan;

Unmarked #10 Muffin Pan;

9" 3 Footed Deep Skillet, raised JY & Gate Marked;

#8 Dutch Oven with Flat Pad Feet;

Unmarked 3 Footed Kettle;

Unmarked #8 Dutch Oven;

Unmarked #7SB Corn Stick Pan;

Unmarked 9" Drip Lid;

Unmarked 10 1/2" Lid;

101/2" Tiawan Skillet with Army Tank Stamp;

TRU-TEST Advertising Ashtray;

Bentley Brothers Furniture Advertising Ashtray;

Unmarked #10 Dutch Oven;

Unmarked #7 Bean Pot;

Wagner Ware  #458 Aluminum Krusty Korn Pan in Box;

Wagner Ware  #248 Aluminum Trivet;

Wagner Ware  #4510 Magnalite Skillet with Lid;

Wagner Ware  #4602 Magnalite Broiler/Griddle;


 Oval Scalder;
 Red Mountain Wood Cook Stove;
 Old Rugged Wesco Wood Heating Stove;
 Milk Cans & Strainers;
 Sad Irons;
 8 Gallon & 3 Gallon Pittsburg Crock Jars;
 Sunshine & MFA Coffee Jars, Milk Bottles;
 Arcade Coffee Grinder;
 Old Fruit Jars including Mason Iron Cross;
 Coolwater Fountain Chicken Jar;
 Nice Old Crock Bowls up to 14”;
 Beater Bowl with Beater;
 Coffee & Tea Canister Jars;
 Range Shaker Set;
 Misc. Fire King including few Pieces Jadeite;
 Tomato Peelers;
 McCoy Bear Cookie Jar;
 Old Kitchen Items & Cookbooks;
 Well Bucket & Pulley;
 Potato Crates & Strawberry Carrier’s;
 (2) Aladdin Lamps;
 Several Old Oil Lamps;  
 Barn Lanterns;
 Antique Trunk & Sled;
 (4) Antique Metal Lawn Chairs;
 Broad Axe, Adze, Draw Knife;
 Hammarlund HQ-100 Ham Radio;
 Vintage Gray Instrument Co. #7547;
 Lot Vintage N.O.S. Diodes;
 Carnival Glass Dish;
 McCoy Pastel Daisy Tea Set;

Anchor Hocking Green Boopie Tumblers;
 Few Pieces Depression Glass;
 Fenton Basket;
 Lot Nice Glass not Listed;
Railroad Collectible
 (2) Antique Porcelain Railroad Crossing Signs with Cats Eye Reflectors (Very Nice & Original);
 Frisco Locks & Keys;
 MOPAC Lantern;
Furniture  - Household - Misc.
 Nice Microsuede Dual Power Reclining Sofa;
 Microsuede Power Reclining Recliner;
 Leather Wingback Recliner;
 Glider Rocker;
 47” Vizio Flatscreen TV;
 1970’s Dining Table & 6 Chairs;
 Nice Queen Bedroom Suite, Bed, Mattress, Chest & 
 Twin Bed, Mattress & Chest;
 Misc. Tables & Stands, Quilt Racks;
 Small Grandfather Clock;
 Small Kitchen Appliances;
 Lot Pots, Pans & Dishes;
 Sewing Machine & Linens;
 Lots of Deco & Household Items not Listed
 Fender Squire & First Act Electric Guitars;
  Mink Farming  - Refrigeration Items
 400+ Good Mink/Rabbit Wire Cages with Boxes;
 1000+ Metal J Pellet Feeders;
 Hundreds of Mink Stretching Boards;
 Mink Pelt Fleshing Machine;
 8ft.x 6ft. Walk-in Freezer Door;
 3 Ton Copeland Freezer Compressor;
 Bohn LET1601F Walk in Freezer Evaporator; 
 Larkin Freezer Evaporator;

Auctioneers Note
Personal Property starts at 9:00 A.M.
Real Estate Sells At 12:00 P.M.
Very Large All Day Sale,
Bring a friend as we will sell 2 Rings part of the day.
Real Estate sells absolute to the highest bidder!.
See our website for a full listing and more information on Real Estate or call for Appointment.

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35 Acres Absolute Real Estate, Tractors, Machinery, Antiques, Cast Iron, Primitives, Furniture

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Sale Location
24515 Hwy. 265
Marionville, MO 65705
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Jul 25, 2020 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

Absolute Real Estate & Estate Auction

9:00 AM Saturday July 25th 9:00 AM

   Location:  24515 State Hwy. 265, Marionville, Mo. 65705

Directions: 1 Mile east of Marionville on Hwy 265

Real Estate
35 Acres located just East Marionville city limits on Hwy 265.
Great Farm Property or Ideal for Development - Farm It, Develop or Build on it, Sell the Top Soil,

This Land truly has many good uses. Currently all planted in Corn,
Easy access from Lawrence County Farm Road 1247 and fronts Highway 265.

35 Acres offered in 2 parcels & together.

Tract#1 is 17 Acres - Tract #2 is 18 Acres & has 2 older Buildings on it.
Only 30 minutes to Springfield, Marionville Schools.
*** Property Sells Absolute to the Highest Bidder ***
Terms: 10% Down, Balance at closing 45 days or less.
(Take possession as soon as the Corn is Harvested)

Tractors - Farm Equipment -Tools - Saddles - Canoe - Outdoor
2012 GMC Sierra SLT, 2 wheel drive, 6 1/2ft. bed, 4 door, V-8, Leather, 158,xxx mi.(Very Nice Pickup);

White Field Boss 2-85 Cab Tractor with Koyker Quick Attach Loader, (5686 Hours) Good Rubber;
 International 454 Tractor, Gas, with Loader (shows 2615 hrs);
 Farmall Super C Tractor (running when parked);
 Vermeer 505 Super I Round Baler with Monitor (nice older baler);
 Woods R107-2 7ft. 3 pt. Brush Hog;
 Bush Hog 5ft. 3pt. Brush Hog;
 7ft. 3pt. Cultivator;
 6ft. 3 pt. Rock Rake &  6ft 3pt. Blade;
 Danhauser Post Hole Digger;
 2 Bottom & 3 Bottom Plows;
 3pt. Bale Spike;
 4 Wheel Rubber Tire Farm Wagon;
 Horse Drawn Potato Plow;
 (50+) New 6ft. Steel Posts;
 20+ Used Steel Posts;
 (2) Rolls New Oklahoma Barbed Wire;
 Few Bales Straw;
 Lots of Farm Related Items not Listed;
 Polaris Sportsman 400, 4x4 4 Wheeler with Racks;
 18ft. Aluminum Canoe;
 (2) 12v Coolers;
 Sm. Lot Fishing Tackle & Coleman Lantern;
 Ariens Rocket 8hp. Rear Tine Tiller;
 DR 2 Wheel String Trimmer;
 Craftsman 30 Gallon Air Compressor on Wheels;
 Craftsman 3hp. 10” Table Saw;
 Black & Decker Radial Arm Saw;
 Delta TP300 12 in. Portable Planer;
 Power Kraft Home Shop Welder;
 7” Angle Grinder, Belt Sander, Drills;
 Bench Vise, Lot C-Clamps;
 Lot Lawn & Garden Tools;
 Aluminum Extension Ladder;
 Lots Misc. Shop Related Items;
 2 Nice 15” Saddles, Bridles & Blankets;
 Everlast Punching Bag;
 (2) Bicycles, Water Ski’s;
 Nikon 8x40 Binoculars;
 Char Broil Gas Grill;
 100 lb. Propane Tank;
 Bounty Hunter Metal Detector;

Cast Iron - Antique - Primitive
 G.F. Filley #11 Gem Muffin Pan;
 N Waterman Cast Iron #11 Gem Muffin Pan;
 Ace Cloverleaf Cast Iron Donut Form;
 Stover Tall Base Waffle Iron;
 Wapak #8 Skillet;
 Miniature Water Kettle;
 Lamb Cake Mold;
 Tobacco Grinder;
 Sausage Stuffer;  
 Cast Iron Spittoon (Gate Mark);

Griswold  #771 Griddle;

Griswold  #109 Griddle;

Griswold  #108 Skillet Griddle;

Griswold  #10, 949 Muffin Pan;

Griswold  #666 Colonial Breakfast Skillet;

Griswold  #22 Cornbread Pan;

Griswold  #262 Corn/Wheat Stick Pan;

Griswold  #609 Hand Griddle;

Griswold  #9 Dutch Oven Trivet;

Griswold  #1098 Self  Basting Lid;

Griswold  #10 -1100 Self  Basting Lid;

Griswold  #6 -1096 Self  Basting Lid;

Griswold  #8 Raised Letter Self Basting Skillet Cover;

Griswold   #32 - 962 Aebleskiver Ball Cake Pan;

(3) Griswold  #273 Crispy Corn Stick Pan;

Griswold  Ashtrays with & without matchbook Holders;

Griswold  #53 Square Egg Skillet;

Griswold  #8 Tite Top Dutch Oven;

Griswold  #9 Tite Top Dutch Oven;

Griswold  #768 Square Fry Skillet with Cast Iron Lid;

Griswold - Wagner Ware Double Logo Cornbread Skillet;

Griswold - Wagner Ware Double Logo Muffin/Popover Pan;

No Logo Griswold #10 Dutch Oven;

Erie #7 Skillet;

Several Griswold Skillets  #3, #4, #5, #7 & #8;

Wagner Ware  #3A Scotch Bowl;

Wagner Ware  #1101 Bacon & Egg Breakfast Skillet;

Wagner Ware  #1236  E Breadstick Pan;

Wagner Ware  #1319 Krusty Korn Jr. Stick Pan;

Wagner Ware  #1218 Square Skillet;

Wagner Ware  #1317 Tea Size Krusty Korn Stick Pan;

Wagner Ware Ashtrays;

Wagner Ware Enameled Ashtrays;

Wagner Ware  #1268 Bean Pot/Roaster;

Wagner Ware  #8 Drip Drop Roaster with Raised Letter Lid;

Wagner Ware  #8 - 1088 Deep Chicken Fryer;

Several Wagner Ware Skillets #3, #6, #7, #8 & #10;

Unmarked #5 Hammered Skillet;

Unmarked #8 Oval Muffin Pan;

Unmarked #10 Muffin Pan;

9" 3 Footed Deep Skillet, raised JY & Gate Marked;

#8 Dutch Oven with Flat Pad Feet;

Unmarked 3 Footed Kettle;

Unmarked #8 Dutch Oven;

Unmarked #7SB Corn Stick Pan;

Unmarked 9" Drip Lid;

Unmarked 10 1/2" Lid;

101/2" Tiawan Skillet with Army Tank Stamp;

TRU-TEST Advertising Ashtray;

Bentley Brothers Furniture Advertising Ashtray;

Unmarked #10 Dutch Oven;

Unmarked #7 Bean Pot;

Wagner Ware  #458 Aluminum Krusty Korn Pan in Box;

Wagner Ware  #248 Aluminum Trivet;

Wagner Ware  #4510 Magnalite Skillet with Lid;

Wagner Ware  #4602 Magnalite Broiler/Griddle;


 Oval Scalder;
 Red Mountain Wood Cook Stove;
 Old Rugged Wesco Wood Heating Stove;
 Milk Cans & Strainers;
 Sad Irons;
 8 Gallon & 3 Gallon Pittsburg Crock Jars;
 Sunshine & MFA Coffee Jars, Milk Bottles;
 Arcade Coffee Grinder;
 Old Fruit Jars including Mason Iron Cross;
 Coolwater Fountain Chicken Jar;
 Nice Old Crock Bowls up to 14”;
 Beater Bowl with Beater;
 Coffee & Tea Canister Jars;
 Range Shaker Set;
 Misc. Fire King including few Pieces Jadeite;
 Tomato Peelers;
 McCoy Bear Cookie Jar;
 Old Kitchen Items & Cookbooks;
 Well Bucket & Pulley;
 Potato Crates & Strawberry Carrier’s;
 (2) Aladdin Lamps;
 Several Old Oil Lamps;  
 Barn Lanterns;
 Antique Trunk & Sled;
 (4) Antique Metal Lawn Chairs;
 Broad Axe, Adze, Draw Knife;
 Hammarlund HQ-100 Ham Radio;
 Vintage Gray Instrument Co. #7547;
 Lot Vintage N.O.S. Diodes;
 Carnival Glass Dish;
 McCoy Pastel Daisy Tea Set;

Anchor Hocking Green Boopie Tumblers;
 Few Pieces Depression Glass;
 Fenton Basket;
 Lot Nice Glass not Listed;
Railroad Collectible
 (2) Antique Porcelain Railroad Crossing Signs with Cats Eye Reflectors (Very Nice & Original);
 Frisco Locks & Keys;
 MOPAC Lantern;
Furniture  - Household - Misc.
 Nice Microsuede Dual Power Reclining Sofa;
 Microsuede Power Reclining Recliner;
 Leather Wingback Recliner;
 Glider Rocker;
 47” Vizio Flatscreen TV;
 1970’s Dining Table & 6 Chairs;
 Nice Queen Bedroom Suite, Bed, Mattress, Chest & 
 Twin Bed, Mattress & Chest;
 Misc. Tables & Stands, Quilt Racks;
 Small Grandfather Clock;
 Small Kitchen Appliances;
 Lot Pots, Pans & Dishes;
 Sewing Machine & Linens;
 Lots of Deco & Household Items not Listed
 Fender Squire & First Act Electric Guitars;
  Mink Farming  - Refrigeration Items
 400+ Good Mink/Rabbit Wire Cages with Boxes;
 1000+ Metal J Pellet Feeders;
 Hundreds of Mink Stretching Boards;
 Mink Pelt Fleshing Machine;
 8ft.x 6ft. Walk-in Freezer Door;
 3 Ton Copeland Freezer Compressor;
 Bohn LET1601F Walk in Freezer Evaporator; 
 Larkin Freezer Evaporator;

Auctioneers Note
Personal Property starts at 9:00 A.M.
Real Estate Sells At 12:00 P.M.
Very Large All Day Sale,
Bring a friend as we will sell 2 Rings part of the day.
Real Estate sells absolute to the highest bidder!.
See our website for a full listing and more information on Real Estate or call for Appointment.

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35 Acres Absolute Real Estate, Tractors, Machinery, Antiques, Cast Iron, Primitives, Furniture
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Jul 25, 2020 Completed
Sale Location

Marionville, MO 65705
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Email: bidnowsold@aol.com
Website: www.fosterauctionservice.com/

Absolute Real Estate & Estate Auction

9:00 AM Saturday July 25th 9:00 AM

   Location:  24515 State Hwy. 265, Marionville, Mo. 65705

Directions: 1 Mile east of Marionville on Hwy 265

Real Estate
35 Acres located just East Marionville city limits on Hwy 265.
Great Farm Property or Ideal for Development - Farm It, Develop or Build on it, Sell the Top Soil,

This Land truly has many good uses. Currently all planted in Corn,
Easy access from Lawrence County Farm Road 1247 and fronts Highway 265.

35 Acres offered in 2 parcels & together.

Tract#1 is 17 Acres - Tract #2 is 18 Acres & has 2 older Buildings on it.
Only 30 minutes to Springfield, Marionville Schools.
*** Property Sells Absolute to the Highest Bidder ***
Terms: 10% Down, Balance at closing 45 days or less.
(Take possession as soon as the Corn is Harvested)

Tractors - Farm Equipment -Tools - Saddles - Canoe - Outdoor
2012 GMC Sierra SLT, 2 wheel drive, 6 1/2ft. bed, 4 door, V-8, Leather, 158,xxx mi.(Very Nice Pickup);

White Field Boss 2-85 Cab Tractor with Koyker Quick Attach Loader, (5686 Hours) Good Rubber;
 International 454 Tractor, Gas, with Loader (shows 2615 hrs);
 Farmall Super C Tractor (running when parked);
 Vermeer 505 Super I Round Baler with Monitor (nice older baler);
 Woods R107-2 7ft. 3 pt. Brush Hog;
 Bush Hog 5ft. 3pt. Brush Hog;
 7ft. 3pt. Cultivator;
 6ft. 3 pt. Rock Rake &  6ft 3pt. Blade;
 Danhauser Post Hole Digger;
 2 Bottom & 3 Bottom Plows;
 3pt. Bale Spike;
 4 Wheel Rubber Tire Farm Wagon;
 Horse Drawn Potato Plow;
 (50+) New 6ft. Steel Posts;
 20+ Used Steel Posts;
 (2) Rolls New Oklahoma Barbed Wire;
 Few Bales Straw;
 Lots of Farm Related Items not Listed;
 Polaris Sportsman 400, 4x4 4 Wheeler with Racks;
 18ft. Aluminum Canoe;
 (2) 12v Coolers;
 Sm. Lot Fishing Tackle & Coleman Lantern;
 Ariens Rocket 8hp. Rear Tine Tiller;
 DR 2 Wheel String Trimmer;
 Craftsman 30 Gallon Air Compressor on Wheels;
 Craftsman 3hp. 10” Table Saw;
 Black & Decker Radial Arm Saw;
 Delta TP300 12 in. Portable Planer;
 Power Kraft Home Shop Welder;
 7” Angle Grinder, Belt Sander, Drills;
 Bench Vise, Lot C-Clamps;
 Lot Lawn & Garden Tools;
 Aluminum Extension Ladder;
 Lots Misc. Shop Related Items;
 2 Nice 15” Saddles, Bridles & Blankets;
 Everlast Punching Bag;
 (2) Bicycles, Water Ski’s;
 Nikon 8x40 Binoculars;
 Char Broil Gas Grill;
 100 lb. Propane Tank;
 Bounty Hunter Metal Detector;

Cast Iron - Antique - Primitive
 G.F. Filley #11 Gem Muffin Pan;
 N Waterman Cast Iron #11 Gem Muffin Pan;
 Ace Cloverleaf Cast Iron Donut Form;
 Stover Tall Base Waffle Iron;
 Wapak #8 Skillet;
 Miniature Water Kettle;
 Lamb Cake Mold;
 Tobacco Grinder;
 Sausage Stuffer;  
 Cast Iron Spittoon (Gate Mark);

Griswold  #771 Griddle;

Griswold  #109 Griddle;

Griswold  #108 Skillet Griddle;

Griswold  #10, 949 Muffin Pan;

Griswold  #666 Colonial Breakfast Skillet;

Griswold  #22 Cornbread Pan;

Griswold  #262 Corn/Wheat Stick Pan;

Griswold  #609 Hand Griddle;

Griswold  #9 Dutch Oven Trivet;

Griswold  #1098 Self  Basting Lid;

Griswold  #10 -1100 Self  Basting Lid;

Griswold  #6 -1096 Self  Basting Lid;

Griswold  #8 Raised Letter Self Basting Skillet Cover;

Griswold   #32 - 962 Aebleskiver Ball Cake Pan;

(3) Griswold  #273 Crispy Corn Stick Pan;

Griswold  Ashtrays with & without matchbook Holders;

Griswold  #53 Square Egg Skillet;

Griswold  #8 Tite Top Dutch Oven;

Griswold  #9 Tite Top Dutch Oven;

Griswold  #768 Square Fry Skillet with Cast Iron Lid;

Griswold - Wagner Ware Double Logo Cornbread Skillet;

Griswold - Wagner Ware Double Logo Muffin/Popover Pan;

No Logo Griswold #10 Dutch Oven;

Erie #7 Skillet;

Several Griswold Skillets  #3, #4, #5, #7 & #8;

Wagner Ware  #3A Scotch Bowl;

Wagner Ware  #1101 Bacon & Egg Breakfast Skillet;

Wagner Ware  #1236  E Breadstick Pan;

Wagner Ware  #1319 Krusty Korn Jr. Stick Pan;

Wagner Ware  #1218 Square Skillet;

Wagner Ware  #1317 Tea Size Krusty Korn Stick Pan;

Wagner Ware Ashtrays;

Wagner Ware Enameled Ashtrays;

Wagner Ware  #1268 Bean Pot/Roaster;

Wagner Ware  #8 Drip Drop Roaster with Raised Letter Lid;

Wagner Ware  #8 - 1088 Deep Chicken Fryer;

Several Wagner Ware Skillets #3, #6, #7, #8 & #10;

Unmarked #5 Hammered Skillet;

Unmarked #8 Oval Muffin Pan;

Unmarked #10 Muffin Pan;

9" 3 Footed Deep Skillet, raised JY & Gate Marked;

#8 Dutch Oven with Flat Pad Feet;

Unmarked 3 Footed Kettle;

Unmarked #8 Dutch Oven;

Unmarked #7SB Corn Stick Pan;

Unmarked 9" Drip Lid;

Unmarked 10 1/2" Lid;

101/2" Tiawan Skillet with Army Tank Stamp;

TRU-TEST Advertising Ashtray;

Bentley Brothers Furniture Advertising Ashtray;

Unmarked #10 Dutch Oven;

Unmarked #7 Bean Pot;

Wagner Ware  #458 Aluminum Krusty Korn Pan in Box;

Wagner Ware  #248 Aluminum Trivet;

Wagner Ware  #4510 Magnalite Skillet with Lid;

Wagner Ware  #4602 Magnalite Broiler/Griddle;


 Oval Scalder;
 Red Mountain Wood Cook Stove;
 Old Rugged Wesco Wood Heating Stove;
 Milk Cans & Strainers;
 Sad Irons;
 8 Gallon & 3 Gallon Pittsburg Crock Jars;
 Sunshine & MFA Coffee Jars, Milk Bottles;
 Arcade Coffee Grinder;
 Old Fruit Jars including Mason Iron Cross;
 Coolwater Fountain Chicken Jar;
 Nice Old Crock Bowls up to 14”;
 Beater Bowl with Beater;
 Coffee & Tea Canister Jars;
 Range Shaker Set;
 Misc. Fire King including few Pieces Jadeite;
 Tomato Peelers;
 McCoy Bear Cookie Jar;
 Old Kitchen Items & Cookbooks;
 Well Bucket & Pulley;
 Potato Crates & Strawberry Carrier’s;
 (2) Aladdin Lamps;
 Several Old Oil Lamps;  
 Barn Lanterns;
 Antique Trunk & Sled;
 (4) Antique Metal Lawn Chairs;
 Broad Axe, Adze, Draw Knife;
 Hammarlund HQ-100 Ham Radio;
 Vintage Gray Instrument Co. #7547;
 Lot Vintage N.O.S. Diodes;
 Carnival Glass Dish;
 McCoy Pastel Daisy Tea Set;

Anchor Hocking Green Boopie Tumblers;
 Few Pieces Depression Glass;
 Fenton Basket;
 Lot Nice Glass not Listed;
Railroad Collectible
 (2) Antique Porcelain Railroad Crossing Signs with Cats Eye Reflectors (Very Nice & Original);
 Frisco Locks & Keys;
 MOPAC Lantern;
Furniture  - Household - Misc.
 Nice Microsuede Dual Power Reclining Sofa;
 Microsuede Power Reclining Recliner;
 Leather Wingback Recliner;
 Glider Rocker;
 47” Vizio Flatscreen TV;
 1970’s Dining Table & 6 Chairs;
 Nice Queen Bedroom Suite, Bed, Mattress, Chest & 
 Twin Bed, Mattress & Chest;
 Misc. Tables & Stands, Quilt Racks;
 Small Grandfather Clock;
 Small Kitchen Appliances;
 Lot Pots, Pans & Dishes;
 Sewing Machine & Linens;
 Lots of Deco & Household Items not Listed
 Fender Squire & First Act Electric Guitars;
  Mink Farming  - Refrigeration Items
 400+ Good Mink/Rabbit Wire Cages with Boxes;
 1000+ Metal J Pellet Feeders;
 Hundreds of Mink Stretching Boards;
 Mink Pelt Fleshing Machine;
 8ft.x 6ft. Walk-in Freezer Door;
 3 Ton Copeland Freezer Compressor;
 Bohn LET1601F Walk in Freezer Evaporator; 
 Larkin Freezer Evaporator;

Auctioneers Note
Personal Property starts at 9:00 A.M.
Real Estate Sells At 12:00 P.M.
Very Large All Day Sale,
Bring a friend as we will sell 2 Rings part of the day.
Real Estate sells absolute to the highest bidder!.
See our website for a full listing and more information on Real Estate or call for Appointment.