Pickup, RV, Tackle, Guns, Antique Furniture, Furniture
Listing ID#: 316252

Sale Location

Cape Fair, MO 65624
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Sunday Jun 28, 2020 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Email: bidnowsold@aol.com
Website: www.fosterauctionservice.com/

EstateSale.com ID#: 8448
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Listing Information

 Pickup - RV - Guns - Antique Fishing Tackle - Antique Furniture - Furniture - Household

Estate Auction

1:00 PM * Sunday, June 28th * 1:00 PM

Location: 300 Ball Diamond Rd., Cape Fair Mo.

Directions: From the James River Bridge 1 Block West to Ball Diamond Rd. then South 1 Block to Sale.

 Pickup - Motorhome
2015 GMC Sierra 4x4 Standard Cab Pickup,V-6, Auto, Power Windows & Locks, Backup Camera, (only15,xxx miles, small scuff on left bedside);
2008 Surf Side Class A Motorhome, model SS29A 29ft with 2 Slides, Onan Generator, V-10 Gas, Ford Chassis (only 36,xxx Miles)
Browning BLR .243 Lever Action, Leupold Scope;
Winchester mod. 94 30-30 pre-64 (1953);
Winchester mod. 94 30-30;
Winchester mod. 63 .22 semi-auto;
Winchester mod. 90 .22 Long (1919);
Winchester mod. 90 .22 Short (1904);
Winchester mod. 06 .22 (1911);
Winchester mod. 61 .22 (1959);
Stevens mod. 26 Crackshot .22LR;
Westernfield mod. 80-A .22 pump;
Springfield mod. 86 .22 bolt action:
Winchester mod. 36 .9mm Shotgun (Garden Gun);
Winchester mod. 42 .410 smooth barrel, Full choke;
Winchester mod. 42 .410 smooth barrel, Imp. Cyl.;
Winchester mod. 12 F.W. 12ga, smooth, Full choke;
Winchester mod. 12 20ga. smooth barrel, Imp Cyl;
Winchester mod. 1400 MKII, 20ga., win-choke;
New Haven mod. 283TB .410;
Colt Python .357, Blue, 6” Barrel;
Ruger Redhawk .44mag, Blue, 7 1/2” Barrel;
Ruger Blackhawk .41mag, Blue, 6 ½ Barrel;
S&W mod. 586, .357 Blue, 6” Barrel;
S&W mod.19, .357 Nickel, 6” Barrel;
S&W mod. 49, .38 spl. Blue, 2” Barrel;
S&W mod. 15, 38 spl. Blue, 2” Barrel;
S&W mod. 15, 38 spl. Blue 4” Barrel;
S&W mod. 14, 38 spl. Nickel, 6” Barrel;
S&W Revolver, 38 spl. Nickel, 5” Barrel;
H&R Top Break .32 spl, Nickel, 3” Barrel;
Rohm RG10, .22 short;
S&W SD40 VE .40 cal. semi-auto, like new:
V-Bernardelli .380, (missing clip);
Cobra CA-380, .380 semi-auto, chrome, like new;
EIG .22 4 Barrel Derringer;

Antique - Collectible - Tackle
(7) Different 3, 4 & 5 Section Globe-Wernicke Barrister Book Cases & Filing Cabinets;
Antique Keuffel & Esser Drafting / Drawing Table;
Gebrüder Fromme Wien Theodolite;
Gebrüder Fromme Wien Brass Drafting Tools;
Browne & Sharpe Universal Bevel Protractor;
Keuffel & Esser “Forest Service” Compass;
Cary Porter Ltd, Antique Drawing Instrument & Ruler Set in original Box (Very Nice);
Misc. Vintage Drafting Instruments;
H. Gerstner & Sons Machinist Tool Chest;
Beautiful Oak Machinist Tool Chest;
Glass Ball & Claw Foot Oak Side Table;
Carl Zeiss Jena Brass Industrial Lamp;
(4) Antique Oak Side Tables & Stands;
Small Oak Harvest/Library Table;
Brass Figural Sphinx Table Lamp;
White Granite Wood Cookstove;
Cast Iron Dutch Oven;
Wagner 10” Cast Iron Skillet;
Wire Egg Basket;
Day of the Week Dish Towels;
Singer Treadle Sewing Machine (nice);
Antique Evinrude Elto Boat Motor;
UMCO 3500 Hip Roof Tackle Box;
(25+) Rods & Reels some Older;
Hundreds & Hundred Old Fishing Lures of all kinds including Wiggle Warts & Wood Lures;
Worden’s Lures Salesmen's Sample Packs;
Collectible Fishing Tackle Books;
Few Arrowheads;
Tiny Brass Cannon (Works);
Few Old Small Skeleton Keys;
Framed Fruit Crate Labels;
Lot Old 45 Records:
Lot misc. Costume Jewelry;
Natural Quartz Amethyst & other Stones;
Sea Shells & Coral;
(30+) Indian Head Pennies;
Viet-Nam Era Folding Shovel (1968);
Several Collectibles not Listed;
Jazzy Mobility Chair
Jazzy Select 6 Ultra power wheelchair with Power
Elevating Seat is a mid-wheel design (Works Good);

Furniture - Appliances
Flexsteel Leather Sofa & 2 Chairs (Gray);
Nice Floral Sofa;
(2) Leather Arm Chairs (like new);
(2) Lazy Boy Leather Recliners;
Lazy Boy Upholstered Recliner (Blue);
Glider Rocker;
Leather & Wood Office Chair;
Round Oak Pedestal Table & 4 Chairs;
White Dining Table & 6 Chairs with Pine Top;
Harvest Style Table & 4 Chairs;
Duncan Phyfe Drop Leaf Table & 4 Chairs;
Nice Large Granite Top Oak Coffee Table;
Extra Nice Queen 4 Poster Bed, Dresser, Chest & Night Stands;
Maple Dresser & Mirror;
Decorative Metal Bed (Queen);
Misc. Nice Bedroom Furniture;
Lane Waterfall Cedar Chest;
Jewelry Armoire;
Several misc. Tables & Stands;
Wood Office Desk;
Hotpoint Chest Freezer;
Older Side x Side Refrigerator;
Kenmore Washer & Dryer;
Kitchenaide Stand Mixer (Blue);
Bunn Coffee Maker;
Globe Stimpson, 24 lb. Meat/Vegetable Scale;
Cabela’s Electric Meat Slicer;
Small Kitchen Appliances;
Old Metal Cabinet;
Nice Weber Gas Grill;
Patio Glider;
(4) Patio Chairs;
More Furniture Items not Listed;
Household & Misc.
Large .Lot Pots, Pans, Dishes & Kitchenware;
Lg. lot misc. Wall Deco Items & Pictures;
Lot Figurines & What-Nots;
Misc. Bed & Bath Linen;
Electric Ice Cream Freezer;
Live Animal Trap;
Concrete Lawn Deco.
Many Many Nice Household Items not Listed;
Craftsman 12” Band Saw;
Porter able Belt Sander;
Husky Portable Air Compressor;
(2) 2-10-50 amp Battery Chargers;
Gas Leaf Blower;
Aluminum Lawn Mower Ramp;
Aluminum Extension Ladder;
Heavy Shop Table;
Few misc. Hand Tools;
2 Wheel Dolly;
Lot Lawn & Garden Tools;
Misc. Garage & Shop Related Items;
Lots & Lots of items in the auction not listed.

Auctioneers Note
Bring a friend as we may sell 2 rings at times.
See our website for a full listing and more info on
Pickup- Motorhome & Guns sell at 3:00 PM

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Pickup, RV, Tackle, Guns, Antique Furniture, Furniture

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Sale Location
300 Ball Diamond Rd.
Cape Fair, MO 65624
Sale Dates and Times
Sunday Jun 28, 2020 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

 Pickup - RV - Guns - Antique Fishing Tackle - Antique Furniture - Furniture - Household

Estate Auction

1:00 PM * Sunday, June 28th * 1:00 PM

Location: 300 Ball Diamond Rd., Cape Fair Mo.

Directions: From the James River Bridge 1 Block West to Ball Diamond Rd. then South 1 Block to Sale.

 Pickup - Motorhome
2015 GMC Sierra 4x4 Standard Cab Pickup,V-6, Auto, Power Windows & Locks, Backup Camera, (only15,xxx miles, small scuff on left bedside);
2008 Surf Side Class A Motorhome, model SS29A 29ft with 2 Slides, Onan Generator, V-10 Gas, Ford Chassis (only 36,xxx Miles)
Browning BLR .243 Lever Action, Leupold Scope;
Winchester mod. 94 30-30 pre-64 (1953);
Winchester mod. 94 30-30;
Winchester mod. 63 .22 semi-auto;
Winchester mod. 90 .22 Long (1919);
Winchester mod. 90 .22 Short (1904);
Winchester mod. 06 .22 (1911);
Winchester mod. 61 .22 (1959);
Stevens mod. 26 Crackshot .22LR;
Westernfield mod. 80-A .22 pump;
Springfield mod. 86 .22 bolt action:
Winchester mod. 36 .9mm Shotgun (Garden Gun);
Winchester mod. 42 .410 smooth barrel, Full choke;
Winchester mod. 42 .410 smooth barrel, Imp. Cyl.;
Winchester mod. 12 F.W. 12ga, smooth, Full choke;
Winchester mod. 12 20ga. smooth barrel, Imp Cyl;
Winchester mod. 1400 MKII, 20ga., win-choke;
New Haven mod. 283TB .410;
Colt Python .357, Blue, 6” Barrel;
Ruger Redhawk .44mag, Blue, 7 1/2” Barrel;
Ruger Blackhawk .41mag, Blue, 6 ½ Barrel;
S&W mod. 586, .357 Blue, 6” Barrel;
S&W mod.19, .357 Nickel, 6” Barrel;
S&W mod. 49, .38 spl. Blue, 2” Barrel;
S&W mod. 15, 38 spl. Blue, 2” Barrel;
S&W mod. 15, 38 spl. Blue 4” Barrel;
S&W mod. 14, 38 spl. Nickel, 6” Barrel;
S&W Revolver, 38 spl. Nickel, 5” Barrel;
H&R Top Break .32 spl, Nickel, 3” Barrel;
Rohm RG10, .22 short;
S&W SD40 VE .40 cal. semi-auto, like new:
V-Bernardelli .380, (missing clip);
Cobra CA-380, .380 semi-auto, chrome, like new;
EIG .22 4 Barrel Derringer;

Antique - Collectible - Tackle
(7) Different 3, 4 & 5 Section Globe-Wernicke Barrister Book Cases & Filing Cabinets;
Antique Keuffel & Esser Drafting / Drawing Table;
Gebrüder Fromme Wien Theodolite;
Gebrüder Fromme Wien Brass Drafting Tools;
Browne & Sharpe Universal Bevel Protractor;
Keuffel & Esser “Forest Service” Compass;
Cary Porter Ltd, Antique Drawing Instrument & Ruler Set in original Box (Very Nice);
Misc. Vintage Drafting Instruments;
H. Gerstner & Sons Machinist Tool Chest;
Beautiful Oak Machinist Tool Chest;
Glass Ball & Claw Foot Oak Side Table;
Carl Zeiss Jena Brass Industrial Lamp;
(4) Antique Oak Side Tables & Stands;
Small Oak Harvest/Library Table;
Brass Figural Sphinx Table Lamp;
White Granite Wood Cookstove;
Cast Iron Dutch Oven;
Wagner 10” Cast Iron Skillet;
Wire Egg Basket;
Day of the Week Dish Towels;
Singer Treadle Sewing Machine (nice);
Antique Evinrude Elto Boat Motor;
UMCO 3500 Hip Roof Tackle Box;
(25+) Rods & Reels some Older;
Hundreds & Hundred Old Fishing Lures of all kinds including Wiggle Warts & Wood Lures;
Worden’s Lures Salesmen's Sample Packs;
Collectible Fishing Tackle Books;
Few Arrowheads;
Tiny Brass Cannon (Works);
Few Old Small Skeleton Keys;
Framed Fruit Crate Labels;
Lot Old 45 Records:
Lot misc. Costume Jewelry;
Natural Quartz Amethyst & other Stones;
Sea Shells & Coral;
(30+) Indian Head Pennies;
Viet-Nam Era Folding Shovel (1968);
Several Collectibles not Listed;
Jazzy Mobility Chair
Jazzy Select 6 Ultra power wheelchair with Power
Elevating Seat is a mid-wheel design (Works Good);

Furniture - Appliances
Flexsteel Leather Sofa & 2 Chairs (Gray);
Nice Floral Sofa;
(2) Leather Arm Chairs (like new);
(2) Lazy Boy Leather Recliners;
Lazy Boy Upholstered Recliner (Blue);
Glider Rocker;
Leather & Wood Office Chair;
Round Oak Pedestal Table & 4 Chairs;
White Dining Table & 6 Chairs with Pine Top;
Harvest Style Table & 4 Chairs;
Duncan Phyfe Drop Leaf Table & 4 Chairs;
Nice Large Granite Top Oak Coffee Table;
Extra Nice Queen 4 Poster Bed, Dresser, Chest & Night Stands;
Maple Dresser & Mirror;
Decorative Metal Bed (Queen);
Misc. Nice Bedroom Furniture;
Lane Waterfall Cedar Chest;
Jewelry Armoire;
Several misc. Tables & Stands;
Wood Office Desk;
Hotpoint Chest Freezer;
Older Side x Side Refrigerator;
Kenmore Washer & Dryer;
Kitchenaide Stand Mixer (Blue);
Bunn Coffee Maker;
Globe Stimpson, 24 lb. Meat/Vegetable Scale;
Cabela’s Electric Meat Slicer;
Small Kitchen Appliances;
Old Metal Cabinet;
Nice Weber Gas Grill;
Patio Glider;
(4) Patio Chairs;
More Furniture Items not Listed;
Household & Misc.
Large .Lot Pots, Pans, Dishes & Kitchenware;
Lg. lot misc. Wall Deco Items & Pictures;
Lot Figurines & What-Nots;
Misc. Bed & Bath Linen;
Electric Ice Cream Freezer;
Live Animal Trap;
Concrete Lawn Deco.
Many Many Nice Household Items not Listed;
Craftsman 12” Band Saw;
Porter able Belt Sander;
Husky Portable Air Compressor;
(2) 2-10-50 amp Battery Chargers;
Gas Leaf Blower;
Aluminum Lawn Mower Ramp;
Aluminum Extension Ladder;
Heavy Shop Table;
Few misc. Hand Tools;
2 Wheel Dolly;
Lot Lawn & Garden Tools;
Misc. Garage & Shop Related Items;
Lots & Lots of items in the auction not listed.

Auctioneers Note
Bring a friend as we may sell 2 rings at times.
See our website for a full listing and more info on
Pickup- Motorhome & Guns sell at 3:00 PM

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Pickup, RV, Tackle, Guns, Antique Furniture, Furniture
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Sunday Jun 28, 2020 Completed
Sale Location

Cape Fair, MO 65624
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Email: bidnowsold@aol.com
Website: www.fosterauctionservice.com/

 Pickup - RV - Guns - Antique Fishing Tackle - Antique Furniture - Furniture - Household

Estate Auction

1:00 PM * Sunday, June 28th * 1:00 PM

Location: 300 Ball Diamond Rd., Cape Fair Mo.

Directions: From the James River Bridge 1 Block West to Ball Diamond Rd. then South 1 Block to Sale.

 Pickup - Motorhome
2015 GMC Sierra 4x4 Standard Cab Pickup,V-6, Auto, Power Windows & Locks, Backup Camera, (only15,xxx miles, small scuff on left bedside);
2008 Surf Side Class A Motorhome, model SS29A 29ft with 2 Slides, Onan Generator, V-10 Gas, Ford Chassis (only 36,xxx Miles)
Browning BLR .243 Lever Action, Leupold Scope;
Winchester mod. 94 30-30 pre-64 (1953);
Winchester mod. 94 30-30;
Winchester mod. 63 .22 semi-auto;
Winchester mod. 90 .22 Long (1919);
Winchester mod. 90 .22 Short (1904);
Winchester mod. 06 .22 (1911);
Winchester mod. 61 .22 (1959);
Stevens mod. 26 Crackshot .22LR;
Westernfield mod. 80-A .22 pump;
Springfield mod. 86 .22 bolt action:
Winchester mod. 36 .9mm Shotgun (Garden Gun);
Winchester mod. 42 .410 smooth barrel, Full choke;
Winchester mod. 42 .410 smooth barrel, Imp. Cyl.;
Winchester mod. 12 F.W. 12ga, smooth, Full choke;
Winchester mod. 12 20ga. smooth barrel, Imp Cyl;
Winchester mod. 1400 MKII, 20ga., win-choke;
New Haven mod. 283TB .410;
Colt Python .357, Blue, 6” Barrel;
Ruger Redhawk .44mag, Blue, 7 1/2” Barrel;
Ruger Blackhawk .41mag, Blue, 6 ½ Barrel;
S&W mod. 586, .357 Blue, 6” Barrel;
S&W mod.19, .357 Nickel, 6” Barrel;
S&W mod. 49, .38 spl. Blue, 2” Barrel;
S&W mod. 15, 38 spl. Blue, 2” Barrel;
S&W mod. 15, 38 spl. Blue 4” Barrel;
S&W mod. 14, 38 spl. Nickel, 6” Barrel;
S&W Revolver, 38 spl. Nickel, 5” Barrel;
H&R Top Break .32 spl, Nickel, 3” Barrel;
Rohm RG10, .22 short;
S&W SD40 VE .40 cal. semi-auto, like new:
V-Bernardelli .380, (missing clip);
Cobra CA-380, .380 semi-auto, chrome, like new;
EIG .22 4 Barrel Derringer;

Antique - Collectible - Tackle
(7) Different 3, 4 & 5 Section Globe-Wernicke Barrister Book Cases & Filing Cabinets;
Antique Keuffel & Esser Drafting / Drawing Table;
Gebrüder Fromme Wien Theodolite;
Gebrüder Fromme Wien Brass Drafting Tools;
Browne & Sharpe Universal Bevel Protractor;
Keuffel & Esser “Forest Service” Compass;
Cary Porter Ltd, Antique Drawing Instrument & Ruler Set in original Box (Very Nice);
Misc. Vintage Drafting Instruments;
H. Gerstner & Sons Machinist Tool Chest;
Beautiful Oak Machinist Tool Chest;
Glass Ball & Claw Foot Oak Side Table;
Carl Zeiss Jena Brass Industrial Lamp;
(4) Antique Oak Side Tables & Stands;
Small Oak Harvest/Library Table;
Brass Figural Sphinx Table Lamp;
White Granite Wood Cookstove;
Cast Iron Dutch Oven;
Wagner 10” Cast Iron Skillet;
Wire Egg Basket;
Day of the Week Dish Towels;
Singer Treadle Sewing Machine (nice);
Antique Evinrude Elto Boat Motor;
UMCO 3500 Hip Roof Tackle Box;
(25+) Rods & Reels some Older;
Hundreds & Hundred Old Fishing Lures of all kinds including Wiggle Warts & Wood Lures;
Worden’s Lures Salesmen's Sample Packs;
Collectible Fishing Tackle Books;
Few Arrowheads;
Tiny Brass Cannon (Works);
Few Old Small Skeleton Keys;
Framed Fruit Crate Labels;
Lot Old 45 Records:
Lot misc. Costume Jewelry;
Natural Quartz Amethyst & other Stones;
Sea Shells & Coral;
(30+) Indian Head Pennies;
Viet-Nam Era Folding Shovel (1968);
Several Collectibles not Listed;
Jazzy Mobility Chair
Jazzy Select 6 Ultra power wheelchair with Power
Elevating Seat is a mid-wheel design (Works Good);

Furniture - Appliances
Flexsteel Leather Sofa & 2 Chairs (Gray);
Nice Floral Sofa;
(2) Leather Arm Chairs (like new);
(2) Lazy Boy Leather Recliners;
Lazy Boy Upholstered Recliner (Blue);
Glider Rocker;
Leather & Wood Office Chair;
Round Oak Pedestal Table & 4 Chairs;
White Dining Table & 6 Chairs with Pine Top;
Harvest Style Table & 4 Chairs;
Duncan Phyfe Drop Leaf Table & 4 Chairs;
Nice Large Granite Top Oak Coffee Table;
Extra Nice Queen 4 Poster Bed, Dresser, Chest & Night Stands;
Maple Dresser & Mirror;
Decorative Metal Bed (Queen);
Misc. Nice Bedroom Furniture;
Lane Waterfall Cedar Chest;
Jewelry Armoire;
Several misc. Tables & Stands;
Wood Office Desk;
Hotpoint Chest Freezer;
Older Side x Side Refrigerator;
Kenmore Washer & Dryer;
Kitchenaide Stand Mixer (Blue);
Bunn Coffee Maker;
Globe Stimpson, 24 lb. Meat/Vegetable Scale;
Cabela’s Electric Meat Slicer;
Small Kitchen Appliances;
Old Metal Cabinet;
Nice Weber Gas Grill;
Patio Glider;
(4) Patio Chairs;
More Furniture Items not Listed;
Household & Misc.
Large .Lot Pots, Pans, Dishes & Kitchenware;
Lg. lot misc. Wall Deco Items & Pictures;
Lot Figurines & What-Nots;
Misc. Bed & Bath Linen;
Electric Ice Cream Freezer;
Live Animal Trap;
Concrete Lawn Deco.
Many Many Nice Household Items not Listed;
Craftsman 12” Band Saw;
Porter able Belt Sander;
Husky Portable Air Compressor;
(2) 2-10-50 amp Battery Chargers;
Gas Leaf Blower;
Aluminum Lawn Mower Ramp;
Aluminum Extension Ladder;
Heavy Shop Table;
Few misc. Hand Tools;
2 Wheel Dolly;
Lot Lawn & Garden Tools;
Misc. Garage & Shop Related Items;
Lots & Lots of items in the auction not listed.

Auctioneers Note
Bring a friend as we may sell 2 rings at times.
See our website for a full listing and more info on
Pickup- Motorhome & Guns sell at 3:00 PM