Listing ID#: 314027

Sale Location

Queens, NY 11101
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Bidding Starts: Thursday Apr 23, 2:10 PM
Bidding Ends: Monday Apr 27, 8:00 PM
Sale Type
 Online Auction (local pick-up only)  VIEW ONLINE CATALOG
Company Information
Michael Amodeo & Co., Inc. Auctioneers

Contact: Michael Amodeo
Phone: (212) 473-6830
Email: mamodeoauctions@gmail.com
Website: amodeoauctions.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 11003
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Listing Information

Italplast 2 punch gnocchi machine
4 punch gnocchi machine
Dominioni 250mm pasta cutter with 3 dyes La Parmigiana D55 extruder with 5 dyes
4 punch cavatelli machine
La Parmigiana D45 extruder with 4 dyes
(2) 160mm ravioli machine with 5 dyes
160mm ravioli machine with 3 dyes
Pastamat 2 hopper 160mm mixer laminator
Pastamat 350mm sheeter with mixer hopper and side cutter
Dominioni 2 hopper 250mm mixer laminator
La Prestogiosa 3000 extruder
Heatseal floor model over wrapper
Toresani trough mixer
Toresani 300mm laminator
Toresani 4 punch tortellini machine
Lombi 4 squares across stainless steel ravioli machine
Heatseal combo shrink sealer
Arcobaleno EZ-Fill foldover machine for empanadas
IMA 4 punch cappelletti machine
Chinese dumpling machine
300mm sheeter
Hobart V1401 mixer with attachments
(2) Hobart H-600 mixers with attachments (1 single phase and 1 three phase) 
Cheese grater attachment for mixer
Hobart buffalo chopper
(2) R2 Robot Coupe food processors
(2) R100 Robot Coupe food processors
Robot Coupe Blixer 6 food processor
Hobart vertical mixer cutter
 Ecocold 20x40 walk in freezer
Ecocold 10x20 walk in cooler
Ecocold 10x20 walk in freezer
4 Bakers Pride full size gas convection ovens 
2 countertop 6 burner ranges
4 ft gas griddle
1, 2, and 3 compartment ss sinks
50 metro racks
50 sheet pan racks
25 sections heavy duty pallet racks 
Ss work tables
500 aluminum sheet pans
Pallet jacks
Pots, pans, utensils, and much more.

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Michael Amodeo & Co., Inc. Auctioneers

Michael Amodeo & Co., Inc. Auctioneers

Contact: Michael Amodeo
Phone: (212) 473-6830
Sale Location
Long Island City
Queens, NY 11101
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

Italplast 2 punch gnocchi machine
4 punch gnocchi machine
Dominioni 250mm pasta cutter with 3 dyes La Parmigiana D55 extruder with 5 dyes
4 punch cavatelli machine
La Parmigiana D45 extruder with 4 dyes
(2) 160mm ravioli machine with 5 dyes
160mm ravioli machine with 3 dyes
Pastamat 2 hopper 160mm mixer laminator
Pastamat 350mm sheeter with mixer hopper and side cutter
Dominioni 2 hopper 250mm mixer laminator
La Prestogiosa 3000 extruder
Heatseal floor model over wrapper
Toresani trough mixer
Toresani 300mm laminator
Toresani 4 punch tortellini machine
Lombi 4 squares across stainless steel ravioli machine
Heatseal combo shrink sealer
Arcobaleno EZ-Fill foldover machine for empanadas
IMA 4 punch cappelletti machine
Chinese dumpling machine
300mm sheeter
Hobart V1401 mixer with attachments
(2) Hobart H-600 mixers with attachments (1 single phase and 1 three phase) 
Cheese grater attachment for mixer
Hobart buffalo chopper
(2) R2 Robot Coupe food processors
(2) R100 Robot Coupe food processors
Robot Coupe Blixer 6 food processor
Hobart vertical mixer cutter
 Ecocold 20x40 walk in freezer
Ecocold 10x20 walk in cooler
Ecocold 10x20 walk in freezer
4 Bakers Pride full size gas convection ovens 
2 countertop 6 burner ranges
4 ft gas griddle
1, 2, and 3 compartment ss sinks
50 metro racks
50 sheet pan racks
25 sections heavy duty pallet racks 
Ss work tables
500 aluminum sheet pans
Pallet jacks
Pots, pans, utensils, and much more.

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 Online Only Auction
Sale Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Thursday Apr 23 , 2:10 PM
Bidding Ends: Monday Apr 27 , 8:00 PM
Sale Location

Queens, NY 11101
Michael Amodeo & Co., Inc. Auctioneers

Contact: Michael Amodeo
Phone: (212) 473-6830
Email: mamodeoauctions@gmail.com
Website: amodeoauctions.com

Italplast 2 punch gnocchi machine
4 punch gnocchi machine
Dominioni 250mm pasta cutter with 3 dyes La Parmigiana D55 extruder with 5 dyes
4 punch cavatelli machine
La Parmigiana D45 extruder with 4 dyes
(2) 160mm ravioli machine with 5 dyes
160mm ravioli machine with 3 dyes
Pastamat 2 hopper 160mm mixer laminator
Pastamat 350mm sheeter with mixer hopper and side cutter
Dominioni 2 hopper 250mm mixer laminator
La Prestogiosa 3000 extruder
Heatseal floor model over wrapper
Toresani trough mixer
Toresani 300mm laminator
Toresani 4 punch tortellini machine
Lombi 4 squares across stainless steel ravioli machine
Heatseal combo shrink sealer
Arcobaleno EZ-Fill foldover machine for empanadas
IMA 4 punch cappelletti machine
Chinese dumpling machine
300mm sheeter
Hobart V1401 mixer with attachments
(2) Hobart H-600 mixers with attachments (1 single phase and 1 three phase) 
Cheese grater attachment for mixer
Hobart buffalo chopper
(2) R2 Robot Coupe food processors
(2) R100 Robot Coupe food processors
Robot Coupe Blixer 6 food processor
Hobart vertical mixer cutter
 Ecocold 20x40 walk in freezer
Ecocold 10x20 walk in cooler
Ecocold 10x20 walk in freezer
4 Bakers Pride full size gas convection ovens 
2 countertop 6 burner ranges
4 ft gas griddle
1, 2, and 3 compartment ss sinks
50 metro racks
50 sheet pan racks
25 sections heavy duty pallet racks 
Ss work tables
500 aluminum sheet pans
Pallet jacks
Pots, pans, utensils, and much more.