Baty Real Estate & Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 276484

Sale Location

Branson West, MO 65737
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Nov 9, 2019 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Website: ID#: 8448
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Listing Information

Real Estate * Cabin Cruiser * Runabout * Sailboat * Jetski's * Backhoe * Tools * Primitives * Furniture * Household


Real Estate & Estate Auction

 9:00 AM * Saturday November 9th. * 9:00 AM

 Location: 393 Heather Row, Branson West Mo. ( Talking Rocks Area)

 Directions: From Wal-Mart in Branson West go south on Business Hwy. 13 1 mi. then left on Talking Rocks Rd. 3 mi. then right on Heather Row ½ mi. to Sale    

*Watch for Signs*  Breakfast, Lunch & Restrooms Available  

Real Estate

Large Shop & 2 Large Lots
Tract #1 is 4000 Sq Ft, Metal Building, Insulated with Concrete Floor.
Building is 50 ft. x 80 ft. X 16 ft., Clear Span Steel Truss Construction
with Well & Septic on .79 acre Lot. Tract #2 is .59 Acre Lot.
Each Lot will be offered separately then offered together.
Property sells subject to Probate Court Approval!
Terms: 10% Down Day of Sale Balance Due at Closing in 45 Days or less.

Boats - Motors - Jet Ski’s - Canoe - Golf Cart
1989 Wellcraft Antigua 28ft. Cabin Cruiser, (Nice) on Triple Axle Trailer;
1988 VIP 1950SS 19ft. Runabout, 4.3 I/O & Trailer:
1986 Hunter 23ft. Sailboat & Trailer;
1996 SeaDoo GTX 110 hp, 782cc, Jet Ski & 1993 Yamaha VXR WRB650R 650 cc Waverunner on Double Ski Trailer;
1986 Nissan 5HP. Boat Motor (long shaft, like new);
17ft. Coleman Canoe;
Lifetime Boat Trailer for 16Ft. Boat;
Older Laher Battery Powered Golf Cart;
Carry-On 4800 BTU Portable Boat Air Conditioner;
Backhoe - Truck - Mowers
1964 Case 530 Backhoe;
1974 Ford F-650 Flatbed Dump Truck;
(both were running when parked)
Kubota T1400 Riding Mower, Hydro Transmission Runs Good, Bad Deck;
Push Mower;
Tools - Tools - Tools
Speeco 5hp. 20 Ton Log Splitter (Like New);
Power-Mate 160 amp Wire Feed Welder on Cart with Bottle;
Lincoln 225 amp Stick Welder;
Victor Cutting Torch Set with Bottles;
(2) 100 amp Battery Booster/Chargers;
12 spd. Floor Model Drill Press;
5 spd. Bench Top Drill Press;
(2) 3hp, 30 gallon Air Compressors;
6 Gallon Portable Air Compressor (NEW);
Honda 9hp Power Washer;
Heavy Grinder on Stand;
Heavy Vise on Stand;
Heavy Vise on Cart;
Allied Parts Washer;
Horizontal Metal Cutting Bandsaw;
Makita Cut-Off Saw (NEW);
2 ton & 3 ton Floor Jacks;
Hydraulic Motorcycle Jack;
(6) Heavy Jack Stands;
Spark Plug Cleaner/Tester;
Craftsman Table Saw, Radial Arm & 12” Bandsaw;
Craftsman 1/2hp Jointer/Planer (NEW);
Craftsman Belt/Disc Sander (NEW);
Craftsman 16” Scroll Saw (NEW);
Schaben 12v. 15gal. 2 Wheel Boom Lawn Sprayer;
Large Steel 2 Wheel Lawn/Garden Cart;
Stihl 025 Chainsaw (Like New);
Stihl FS94R Weedeater (Like New);
Weedeaters & Hedge Trimmers;
Transit with Stand & Stick;
Lot Good Electric Saws, Grinders, Drills, Sanders;
Air Grease Pump with Grease Barrel;
Vintage Bennett Oil Tank & Pump;
Heavy Duty 12ft. Aluminum Ramps;
Several Aluminum Extension Ladders up to 35ft.;
Ridgid Pipe Vise/ Bender on Stand;
Ridgid Pipe Threaders;
Porta Power;
Barrel Dolly & Wheel Barrow & 2 Wheel Dollies;
(4) 4 Wheel Vehicle Dollies;
Engine Stand;
Heavy Duty Electric Concrete Mixer;
Binks Paint Tank & Spray Guns;
Graco Pro X7 Airless Paint Sprayer;
Wagner Power Painter Airless Paint Sprayer;
Lot Misc. Air Tools incl. (2) 1” Impacts;
9 Drawer Lumidor Mechanics Tool Box;
Lots of Mechanics Hand Tools;
Wrench set up to 2” (Allied);
3/4” & 1” Impact Socket Sets (Proto);
Blue Point Bearing Puller Set;
Lots & Lots Shop Related Items & Supplies;
Lot Lawn & Garden Tools;
Sm. Lot Fishing & Outdoor Items;
Antique - Collectible
Antique Dump Rake;
Old Wood Wagon Wheel & Seat;
Metal Tractor & Implement Seats;
Several 10 gallon Milk Cans;
Few Iron Wheels;
Old Hames Sets, Single Tree’s & Horse Bits;
Ox Yoke;
Eclipse Reel Type Lawn Mower (Perfect);
1953 Fire Hydrant;
Chicago & New York Railroad Lantern;
Crock Bowls & Copper Boiler;
Old Wood Butter Churn & Spinning Wheel;
License Plates;
Kerosene Can & Milk Strainer;
Keen Kutter Hatchet;
(5) Old Wood Sleds;
(2) Older Schwinn Bicycles;
Parking Meter Lamp;
Laurel & Hardy Dolls;
Future Antique Woodworking Tools (MIB);
Time/Life Civil War Complete Book Set;
Avon Cape Cod Pcs;
Lots of Nice Collector Plates;
Griswold Cast iron Skillet w/ Lid;
Lots More Antiques & Collectibles not Listed;
Furniture - Sewing - Household
Singer 1500-2 Upholstery Sewing Machine;
Fancy Old White Treadle Sewing Machine & More;
Large Lot Nice Furniture including some Ethan Allen & Kincaid;
Sofa’s & Love Seats:
(3) Bedroom Suites w/ Chests, Dressers, Mattresses;
(2) Dining Room Sets:
Roll Top Desk & Wood Filing Cabinet;
Lots of Very Nice Wood Chairs, Tables, Stands;
Samsung Flatscreen TV;
Several Very Nice Pictures some Oil & Prints;
Misc. Nice Decorative Items;
Wood & Metal Outside Benches;
Several Beautiful Hurricane Electric Lamps;
Lot Small Kitchen Appliances;
Lot Dishes, Cookware & Kitchen Items;
Misc. Bed & Bath Linen;
Lots & Lots of Furniture not Listed;

Auctioneers Note
Very Large Auction so bring a friend as we may sell 2 rings part of the day
See our website for a full listing and more info on Real Estate.

Call for an Appointment.
Boats sell at 11:00, Real Estate Sells at 12:00 Noon


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Baty Real Estate & Estate Auction

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Sale Location
393 Heather Row
Branson West, MO 65737
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Nov 9, 2019 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

Real Estate * Cabin Cruiser * Runabout * Sailboat * Jetski's * Backhoe * Tools * Primitives * Furniture * Household


Real Estate & Estate Auction

 9:00 AM * Saturday November 9th. * 9:00 AM

 Location: 393 Heather Row, Branson West Mo. ( Talking Rocks Area)

 Directions: From Wal-Mart in Branson West go south on Business Hwy. 13 1 mi. then left on Talking Rocks Rd. 3 mi. then right on Heather Row ½ mi. to Sale    

*Watch for Signs*  Breakfast, Lunch & Restrooms Available  

Real Estate

Large Shop & 2 Large Lots
Tract #1 is 4000 Sq Ft, Metal Building, Insulated with Concrete Floor.
Building is 50 ft. x 80 ft. X 16 ft., Clear Span Steel Truss Construction
with Well & Septic on .79 acre Lot. Tract #2 is .59 Acre Lot.
Each Lot will be offered separately then offered together.
Property sells subject to Probate Court Approval!
Terms: 10% Down Day of Sale Balance Due at Closing in 45 Days or less.

Boats - Motors - Jet Ski’s - Canoe - Golf Cart
1989 Wellcraft Antigua 28ft. Cabin Cruiser, (Nice) on Triple Axle Trailer;
1988 VIP 1950SS 19ft. Runabout, 4.3 I/O & Trailer:
1986 Hunter 23ft. Sailboat & Trailer;
1996 SeaDoo GTX 110 hp, 782cc, Jet Ski & 1993 Yamaha VXR WRB650R 650 cc Waverunner on Double Ski Trailer;
1986 Nissan 5HP. Boat Motor (long shaft, like new);
17ft. Coleman Canoe;
Lifetime Boat Trailer for 16Ft. Boat;
Older Laher Battery Powered Golf Cart;
Carry-On 4800 BTU Portable Boat Air Conditioner;
Backhoe - Truck - Mowers
1964 Case 530 Backhoe;
1974 Ford F-650 Flatbed Dump Truck;
(both were running when parked)
Kubota T1400 Riding Mower, Hydro Transmission Runs Good, Bad Deck;
Push Mower;
Tools - Tools - Tools
Speeco 5hp. 20 Ton Log Splitter (Like New);
Power-Mate 160 amp Wire Feed Welder on Cart with Bottle;
Lincoln 225 amp Stick Welder;
Victor Cutting Torch Set with Bottles;
(2) 100 amp Battery Booster/Chargers;
12 spd. Floor Model Drill Press;
5 spd. Bench Top Drill Press;
(2) 3hp, 30 gallon Air Compressors;
6 Gallon Portable Air Compressor (NEW);
Honda 9hp Power Washer;
Heavy Grinder on Stand;
Heavy Vise on Stand;
Heavy Vise on Cart;
Allied Parts Washer;
Horizontal Metal Cutting Bandsaw;
Makita Cut-Off Saw (NEW);
2 ton & 3 ton Floor Jacks;
Hydraulic Motorcycle Jack;
(6) Heavy Jack Stands;
Spark Plug Cleaner/Tester;
Craftsman Table Saw, Radial Arm & 12” Bandsaw;
Craftsman 1/2hp Jointer/Planer (NEW);
Craftsman Belt/Disc Sander (NEW);
Craftsman 16” Scroll Saw (NEW);
Schaben 12v. 15gal. 2 Wheel Boom Lawn Sprayer;
Large Steel 2 Wheel Lawn/Garden Cart;
Stihl 025 Chainsaw (Like New);
Stihl FS94R Weedeater (Like New);
Weedeaters & Hedge Trimmers;
Transit with Stand & Stick;
Lot Good Electric Saws, Grinders, Drills, Sanders;
Air Grease Pump with Grease Barrel;
Vintage Bennett Oil Tank & Pump;
Heavy Duty 12ft. Aluminum Ramps;
Several Aluminum Extension Ladders up to 35ft.;
Ridgid Pipe Vise/ Bender on Stand;
Ridgid Pipe Threaders;
Porta Power;
Barrel Dolly & Wheel Barrow & 2 Wheel Dollies;
(4) 4 Wheel Vehicle Dollies;
Engine Stand;
Heavy Duty Electric Concrete Mixer;
Binks Paint Tank & Spray Guns;
Graco Pro X7 Airless Paint Sprayer;
Wagner Power Painter Airless Paint Sprayer;
Lot Misc. Air Tools incl. (2) 1” Impacts;
9 Drawer Lumidor Mechanics Tool Box;
Lots of Mechanics Hand Tools;
Wrench set up to 2” (Allied);
3/4” & 1” Impact Socket Sets (Proto);
Blue Point Bearing Puller Set;
Lots & Lots Shop Related Items & Supplies;
Lot Lawn & Garden Tools;
Sm. Lot Fishing & Outdoor Items;
Antique - Collectible
Antique Dump Rake;
Old Wood Wagon Wheel & Seat;
Metal Tractor & Implement Seats;
Several 10 gallon Milk Cans;
Few Iron Wheels;
Old Hames Sets, Single Tree’s & Horse Bits;
Ox Yoke;
Eclipse Reel Type Lawn Mower (Perfect);
1953 Fire Hydrant;
Chicago & New York Railroad Lantern;
Crock Bowls & Copper Boiler;
Old Wood Butter Churn & Spinning Wheel;
License Plates;
Kerosene Can & Milk Strainer;
Keen Kutter Hatchet;
(5) Old Wood Sleds;
(2) Older Schwinn Bicycles;
Parking Meter Lamp;
Laurel & Hardy Dolls;
Future Antique Woodworking Tools (MIB);
Time/Life Civil War Complete Book Set;
Avon Cape Cod Pcs;
Lots of Nice Collector Plates;
Griswold Cast iron Skillet w/ Lid;
Lots More Antiques & Collectibles not Listed;
Furniture - Sewing - Household
Singer 1500-2 Upholstery Sewing Machine;
Fancy Old White Treadle Sewing Machine & More;
Large Lot Nice Furniture including some Ethan Allen & Kincaid;
Sofa’s & Love Seats:
(3) Bedroom Suites w/ Chests, Dressers, Mattresses;
(2) Dining Room Sets:
Roll Top Desk & Wood Filing Cabinet;
Lots of Very Nice Wood Chairs, Tables, Stands;
Samsung Flatscreen TV;
Several Very Nice Pictures some Oil & Prints;
Misc. Nice Decorative Items;
Wood & Metal Outside Benches;
Several Beautiful Hurricane Electric Lamps;
Lot Small Kitchen Appliances;
Lot Dishes, Cookware & Kitchen Items;
Misc. Bed & Bath Linen;
Lots & Lots of Furniture not Listed;

Auctioneers Note
Very Large Auction so bring a friend as we may sell 2 rings part of the day
See our website for a full listing and more info on Real Estate.

Call for an Appointment.
Boats sell at 11:00, Real Estate Sells at 12:00 Noon


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Baty Real Estate & Estate Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Nov 9, 2019 Completed
Sale Location

Branson West, MO 65737
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329

Real Estate * Cabin Cruiser * Runabout * Sailboat * Jetski's * Backhoe * Tools * Primitives * Furniture * Household


Real Estate & Estate Auction

 9:00 AM * Saturday November 9th. * 9:00 AM

 Location: 393 Heather Row, Branson West Mo. ( Talking Rocks Area)

 Directions: From Wal-Mart in Branson West go south on Business Hwy. 13 1 mi. then left on Talking Rocks Rd. 3 mi. then right on Heather Row ½ mi. to Sale    

*Watch for Signs*  Breakfast, Lunch & Restrooms Available  

Real Estate

Large Shop & 2 Large Lots
Tract #1 is 4000 Sq Ft, Metal Building, Insulated with Concrete Floor.
Building is 50 ft. x 80 ft. X 16 ft., Clear Span Steel Truss Construction
with Well & Septic on .79 acre Lot. Tract #2 is .59 Acre Lot.
Each Lot will be offered separately then offered together.
Property sells subject to Probate Court Approval!
Terms: 10% Down Day of Sale Balance Due at Closing in 45 Days or less.

Boats - Motors - Jet Ski’s - Canoe - Golf Cart
1989 Wellcraft Antigua 28ft. Cabin Cruiser, (Nice) on Triple Axle Trailer;
1988 VIP 1950SS 19ft. Runabout, 4.3 I/O & Trailer:
1986 Hunter 23ft. Sailboat & Trailer;
1996 SeaDoo GTX 110 hp, 782cc, Jet Ski & 1993 Yamaha VXR WRB650R 650 cc Waverunner on Double Ski Trailer;
1986 Nissan 5HP. Boat Motor (long shaft, like new);
17ft. Coleman Canoe;
Lifetime Boat Trailer for 16Ft. Boat;
Older Laher Battery Powered Golf Cart;
Carry-On 4800 BTU Portable Boat Air Conditioner;
Backhoe - Truck - Mowers
1964 Case 530 Backhoe;
1974 Ford F-650 Flatbed Dump Truck;
(both were running when parked)
Kubota T1400 Riding Mower, Hydro Transmission Runs Good, Bad Deck;
Push Mower;
Tools - Tools - Tools
Speeco 5hp. 20 Ton Log Splitter (Like New);
Power-Mate 160 amp Wire Feed Welder on Cart with Bottle;
Lincoln 225 amp Stick Welder;
Victor Cutting Torch Set with Bottles;
(2) 100 amp Battery Booster/Chargers;
12 spd. Floor Model Drill Press;
5 spd. Bench Top Drill Press;
(2) 3hp, 30 gallon Air Compressors;
6 Gallon Portable Air Compressor (NEW);
Honda 9hp Power Washer;
Heavy Grinder on Stand;
Heavy Vise on Stand;
Heavy Vise on Cart;
Allied Parts Washer;
Horizontal Metal Cutting Bandsaw;
Makita Cut-Off Saw (NEW);
2 ton & 3 ton Floor Jacks;
Hydraulic Motorcycle Jack;
(6) Heavy Jack Stands;
Spark Plug Cleaner/Tester;
Craftsman Table Saw, Radial Arm & 12” Bandsaw;
Craftsman 1/2hp Jointer/Planer (NEW);
Craftsman Belt/Disc Sander (NEW);
Craftsman 16” Scroll Saw (NEW);
Schaben 12v. 15gal. 2 Wheel Boom Lawn Sprayer;
Large Steel 2 Wheel Lawn/Garden Cart;
Stihl 025 Chainsaw (Like New);
Stihl FS94R Weedeater (Like New);
Weedeaters & Hedge Trimmers;
Transit with Stand & Stick;
Lot Good Electric Saws, Grinders, Drills, Sanders;
Air Grease Pump with Grease Barrel;
Vintage Bennett Oil Tank & Pump;
Heavy Duty 12ft. Aluminum Ramps;
Several Aluminum Extension Ladders up to 35ft.;
Ridgid Pipe Vise/ Bender on Stand;
Ridgid Pipe Threaders;
Porta Power;
Barrel Dolly & Wheel Barrow & 2 Wheel Dollies;
(4) 4 Wheel Vehicle Dollies;
Engine Stand;
Heavy Duty Electric Concrete Mixer;
Binks Paint Tank & Spray Guns;
Graco Pro X7 Airless Paint Sprayer;
Wagner Power Painter Airless Paint Sprayer;
Lot Misc. Air Tools incl. (2) 1” Impacts;
9 Drawer Lumidor Mechanics Tool Box;
Lots of Mechanics Hand Tools;
Wrench set up to 2” (Allied);
3/4” & 1” Impact Socket Sets (Proto);
Blue Point Bearing Puller Set;
Lots & Lots Shop Related Items & Supplies;
Lot Lawn & Garden Tools;
Sm. Lot Fishing & Outdoor Items;
Antique - Collectible
Antique Dump Rake;
Old Wood Wagon Wheel & Seat;
Metal Tractor & Implement Seats;
Several 10 gallon Milk Cans;
Few Iron Wheels;
Old Hames Sets, Single Tree’s & Horse Bits;
Ox Yoke;
Eclipse Reel Type Lawn Mower (Perfect);
1953 Fire Hydrant;
Chicago & New York Railroad Lantern;
Crock Bowls & Copper Boiler;
Old Wood Butter Churn & Spinning Wheel;
License Plates;
Kerosene Can & Milk Strainer;
Keen Kutter Hatchet;
(5) Old Wood Sleds;
(2) Older Schwinn Bicycles;
Parking Meter Lamp;
Laurel & Hardy Dolls;
Future Antique Woodworking Tools (MIB);
Time/Life Civil War Complete Book Set;
Avon Cape Cod Pcs;
Lots of Nice Collector Plates;
Griswold Cast iron Skillet w/ Lid;
Lots More Antiques & Collectibles not Listed;
Furniture - Sewing - Household
Singer 1500-2 Upholstery Sewing Machine;
Fancy Old White Treadle Sewing Machine & More;
Large Lot Nice Furniture including some Ethan Allen & Kincaid;
Sofa’s & Love Seats:
(3) Bedroom Suites w/ Chests, Dressers, Mattresses;
(2) Dining Room Sets:
Roll Top Desk & Wood Filing Cabinet;
Lots of Very Nice Wood Chairs, Tables, Stands;
Samsung Flatscreen TV;
Several Very Nice Pictures some Oil & Prints;
Misc. Nice Decorative Items;
Wood & Metal Outside Benches;
Several Beautiful Hurricane Electric Lamps;
Lot Small Kitchen Appliances;
Lot Dishes, Cookware & Kitchen Items;
Misc. Bed & Bath Linen;
Lots & Lots of Furniture not Listed;

Auctioneers Note
Very Large Auction so bring a friend as we may sell 2 rings part of the day
See our website for a full listing and more info on Real Estate.

Call for an Appointment.
Boats sell at 11:00, Real Estate Sells at 12:00 Noon