Huge Personal Property Liquidation
Listing ID#: 274250

Sale Location

Bremen , IN 46506
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Oct 5, 2019 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Kaser Auction

Contact: Justin Kaser
Phone: 5742748649
Website: ID#: 11878
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash. Credit & Debit with 3% convenience fee. Not responsible for accidents or merchandise after sold.
Listing Information

POWER TOOLS – nice Lincoln AC/DC arc welder; Craftsman 12” floor model band saw; Craftsman 34” radical drill press (NIB); Ironsmith horizontal bandsaw; Shop-Smith; Craftsman 10” radial arm saw; Generac H.D. pressure washer (6.5 hp - 3 GPM); Sears 4 hp portable compressor; Campbell-Hausfeld & CH Extreme (3 hp) pontoon compressor; battery chargers; Porter Cable “Tiger Saw”; CP die grinder; angle grinder; detail sander; air drill; air sander; Bostich brad nailer; DeVilbiss 1/4” crown stapler; Miller-Falls #52 Rt. angle drill; Porter Cable 18V & misc. cordless drills; 18 ga. brad nailer; B&D zip saw; assorted elec. drills; circular saws & misc. small power tools; heat gun; 1/2” impact misc. air tools; Dremel.

LAWN & GARDEN – 3 pt. 2-bottom plow; Yard Machine 17 hp (42”) 6 spd. lawn tractor; Poulan Pro chainsaw; gas edger; (4) weed eaters; leaf blower; lawn trailer; new Greenline spreader; Cub Cadet (as is); old lawn tractor; assorted shovels, rakes, pruners, etc.;

MISC. TOOLS – (2) roll-a-away tool boxes, (1) Craftsman; Craftsman workbench; Excell 1,000 lb. engine stand; new acetylene cutting torch set (no tanks); new Craftsman 75-pcs. tap & die set; assorted 3/8” & 1/2” sockets (including deep well); drill index; wagon jack; portable air tanks; hand cart; bar clamps; ratchet straps; carpet stretcher; chain falls; 38’ alum. ext. ladder; 28’ Fiberglass ext. ladder; step ladders; H.D. 4” & 6” vises; chain binders; pipe wrenches; hands saws; router bits; pop rivet guns; plumbing tools; hammers; screwdrivers & misc. hand tools; several tool boxes & misc. tools; lots of H.D. shelving; small pickup alum. tool box; lot of misc. (extension cords galore).

                                   – ANTIQUE & COLLECTOR’S ITEMS –

FURNITURE – (some exceptional pieces!) ornate quartersawn oak buffet w/”Old Man Winter”, claw feet, beveled mirror & curved glass door (A-1); ladies oak roll top desk w/claw feet (A-1); ornate oak bar w/copper top, mirror, (2) stools & carved lion heads and claws; nice solid walnut armoire w/burled front & beveled mirror; solid oak dining table w/ ornate pedestal, claw feet, (2) leaves & (6) chairs; Art Deco 6-leg dining table (mahogany) w/(6) chairs; oak 2-door lowboy dresser w/tulip beveled mirror (c.1890); oak Highboy dresser w/beveled mirror & claw feet (c.1890, A-1); oak dressor w/beveled mirror (c.1890); ornate oak platform rocker; nice vintage oak swivel desk chair; oak desk (c.1880) vintage wicker double chaise lounger (rare!) nice wicker hanging porch swing; pc. matched wicker rockers; oak 25-door vintage cabinet; 51/2’ church pew; nice pine corner cabinet; ornate 3-door dresser (oak); oak hall tree; oak glass counter top display case (63” x 191/2” x 22”); Duncan Phyfe custom mahogany couch (A-1); ball & claw piano stool; spoon carved chest; antique easel; cherry spoon carved fireplace mantel (nice); small oak table; oval lamp table; pressed back youth chair; youth sewing rocker; Morse reclincer; fern stand; pressed back rocker; oak china cabinet; antique linen cabinet; misc. chairs.

BOATS & MOTORS – Vintage (early 1900’s) 11’ Canvas boat; Ted Williams 7.5 hp outboard; Oliver 51/2’ outboard engine (partically disassembled); Minn Kota elec. trolling motor.

CAR & AUTOMOTIVE PARTS – 1975 Mercedes model NA-45 (clean interior & body, no engine); selection of 1957 Chevy parts (Bel Air alum. side panels, inst. panel & lots of misc. pcs.); Ind. 1957 license plate; lots of old car parts including 1930’s bumpers & fenders, inst. panel, radiators, glass tail lights, tires & rims & misc.; auto pin-stripping; Texaco & misc. vintage cans & buckets; brass horns; brass pump; rim tool & misc.; Dale Earnhardt memorabilia (pictures, cars, posters, etc.); collection of die cast cars including several ‘57 Chevys, Buick convertible friction car; assorted die cast cars & trucks; (2) model gas stations; antique jacks.

GLASS – Fenton h.p. signed pcs. including Burmese & Cobalt pcs. (baskets, bells, vases, etc.) French depression glass pcs.; pink depression “Cherry Blossom” pcs. (plates, saucers, pitcher, tray, biscuit jar, etc.); misc. green depression; “Joe Rice” art glass cruet; lots of misc. depression glass.

MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIBLES – (3) brass “Fire Gun” extinguishers; oil lamps; kerosene lanterns; (2) lg. trunks; vintage prints including U.S.S. Maine Battleship - vintage; fireman hose & reel w/nozzle; WWI bayonet; 10K Bendix sew pin; lg. Spongeware bowl (signed); 1/2 gal. Western crock jar w/lid; Griswold 101/2” griddle; collectors plates; tin-litho “Bubble Blower”; framed prints & oils including Hargrave; horse collars & harness; wood levels including Stanley & VanCamp; collection of wood chisels, ice picks; leather sewing needles; vintage light fixtures; Daisy Red Ryder; wood brace; drills; Jorgensen wood clamps; 78 records; DVD & VHS; Art Deco bed lamp; cast iron “car” door stop; 38” wood mallet; lg. concrete ped. planters; Enamelware pcs.; vintage brass door knobs; lots of misc.

                                           – GENERAL HOUSEHOLD –

APPLIANCES & ELECTRONICS – nice 14 cu. ft. G.E. refrigerator (white); nice G.E. washer & elec. dryer; 8K BTU window AC; Sony “Surround Sound”; nice Casio keyboard (AC/DC); (2) flatscreen TVs (48” LED & 37’ sharp); Frigidaire dehumidifier; selection of good small appliances; (3) Lasko floor heaters; (2) nice telescopes w/accessories (including Bushnell). FURNITURE – Charles custom couch (A-1); pine California King cannonball waterbed; queen bed/complete; coffee & lamp tables; oak entertainment center.  

MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS – (2) 933/4” x 281/2” ornate custom oak doors; new light fixtures (in box); lg. model helicopter; new plumbing fixtures; roll 48” rubber matting; drawing & art supplies; wood buring furnace; ladies 26” bicycle; hardware bins; brass kick plates; lots of assorted hardware; patio table w/(4) chairs; lg. dog house; area rugs; (2) oval beveled glass (leaded) framed; (2) nice 13” x 40” stained glass windows; nice loaded glass table lamp; Christmas decor & villages; lots of misc.!

AUCTIONEER NOTE – Huge selection of quality merchandise. Don’t miss this one!

Having discontinued housekeeping, I will offer the following personal property at PUBLIC AUCTION – Bremen – SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2019 AT 10:00 A.M. (EASTERN) Location: 774 Gumwood Rd. • Bremen, IN (Take Miami Trail ¼ mile northeast of U.S. 6 to 1st Rd., go east 1 mile to Gumwood Rd., go north 1/3 mile.
Dennis Struble, Owner • Linda Struble, Guardian

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Huge Personal Property Liquidation

Kaser Auction

Kaser Auction

Contact: Justin Kaser
Phone: 5742748649
Sale Location
774 Gumwood Rd
Bremen , IN 46506
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Oct 5, 2019 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Cash. Credit & Debit with 3% convenience fee. Not responsible for accidents or merchandise after sold.
Listing Details

POWER TOOLS – nice Lincoln AC/DC arc welder; Craftsman 12” floor model band saw; Craftsman 34” radical drill press (NIB); Ironsmith horizontal bandsaw; Shop-Smith; Craftsman 10” radial arm saw; Generac H.D. pressure washer (6.5 hp - 3 GPM); Sears 4 hp portable compressor; Campbell-Hausfeld & CH Extreme (3 hp) pontoon compressor; battery chargers; Porter Cable “Tiger Saw”; CP die grinder; angle grinder; detail sander; air drill; air sander; Bostich brad nailer; DeVilbiss 1/4” crown stapler; Miller-Falls #52 Rt. angle drill; Porter Cable 18V & misc. cordless drills; 18 ga. brad nailer; B&D zip saw; assorted elec. drills; circular saws & misc. small power tools; heat gun; 1/2” impact misc. air tools; Dremel.

LAWN & GARDEN – 3 pt. 2-bottom plow; Yard Machine 17 hp (42”) 6 spd. lawn tractor; Poulan Pro chainsaw; gas edger; (4) weed eaters; leaf blower; lawn trailer; new Greenline spreader; Cub Cadet (as is); old lawn tractor; assorted shovels, rakes, pruners, etc.;

MISC. TOOLS – (2) roll-a-away tool boxes, (1) Craftsman; Craftsman workbench; Excell 1,000 lb. engine stand; new acetylene cutting torch set (no tanks); new Craftsman 75-pcs. tap & die set; assorted 3/8” & 1/2” sockets (including deep well); drill index; wagon jack; portable air tanks; hand cart; bar clamps; ratchet straps; carpet stretcher; chain falls; 38’ alum. ext. ladder; 28’ Fiberglass ext. ladder; step ladders; H.D. 4” & 6” vises; chain binders; pipe wrenches; hands saws; router bits; pop rivet guns; plumbing tools; hammers; screwdrivers & misc. hand tools; several tool boxes & misc. tools; lots of H.D. shelving; small pickup alum. tool box; lot of misc. (extension cords galore).

                                   – ANTIQUE & COLLECTOR’S ITEMS –

FURNITURE – (some exceptional pieces!) ornate quartersawn oak buffet w/”Old Man Winter”, claw feet, beveled mirror & curved glass door (A-1); ladies oak roll top desk w/claw feet (A-1); ornate oak bar w/copper top, mirror, (2) stools & carved lion heads and claws; nice solid walnut armoire w/burled front & beveled mirror; solid oak dining table w/ ornate pedestal, claw feet, (2) leaves & (6) chairs; Art Deco 6-leg dining table (mahogany) w/(6) chairs; oak 2-door lowboy dresser w/tulip beveled mirror (c.1890); oak Highboy dresser w/beveled mirror & claw feet (c.1890, A-1); oak dressor w/beveled mirror (c.1890); ornate oak platform rocker; nice vintage oak swivel desk chair; oak desk (c.1880) vintage wicker double chaise lounger (rare!) nice wicker hanging porch swing; pc. matched wicker rockers; oak 25-door vintage cabinet; 51/2’ church pew; nice pine corner cabinet; ornate 3-door dresser (oak); oak hall tree; oak glass counter top display case (63” x 191/2” x 22”); Duncan Phyfe custom mahogany couch (A-1); ball & claw piano stool; spoon carved chest; antique easel; cherry spoon carved fireplace mantel (nice); small oak table; oval lamp table; pressed back youth chair; youth sewing rocker; Morse reclincer; fern stand; pressed back rocker; oak china cabinet; antique linen cabinet; misc. chairs.

BOATS & MOTORS – Vintage (early 1900’s) 11’ Canvas boat; Ted Williams 7.5 hp outboard; Oliver 51/2’ outboard engine (partically disassembled); Minn Kota elec. trolling motor.

CAR & AUTOMOTIVE PARTS – 1975 Mercedes model NA-45 (clean interior & body, no engine); selection of 1957 Chevy parts (Bel Air alum. side panels, inst. panel & lots of misc. pcs.); Ind. 1957 license plate; lots of old car parts including 1930’s bumpers & fenders, inst. panel, radiators, glass tail lights, tires & rims & misc.; auto pin-stripping; Texaco & misc. vintage cans & buckets; brass horns; brass pump; rim tool & misc.; Dale Earnhardt memorabilia (pictures, cars, posters, etc.); collection of die cast cars including several ‘57 Chevys, Buick convertible friction car; assorted die cast cars & trucks; (2) model gas stations; antique jacks.

GLASS – Fenton h.p. signed pcs. including Burmese & Cobalt pcs. (baskets, bells, vases, etc.) French depression glass pcs.; pink depression “Cherry Blossom” pcs. (plates, saucers, pitcher, tray, biscuit jar, etc.); misc. green depression; “Joe Rice” art glass cruet; lots of misc. depression glass.

MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIBLES – (3) brass “Fire Gun” extinguishers; oil lamps; kerosene lanterns; (2) lg. trunks; vintage prints including U.S.S. Maine Battleship - vintage; fireman hose & reel w/nozzle; WWI bayonet; 10K Bendix sew pin; lg. Spongeware bowl (signed); 1/2 gal. Western crock jar w/lid; Griswold 101/2” griddle; collectors plates; tin-litho “Bubble Blower”; framed prints & oils including Hargrave; horse collars & harness; wood levels including Stanley & VanCamp; collection of wood chisels, ice picks; leather sewing needles; vintage light fixtures; Daisy Red Ryder; wood brace; drills; Jorgensen wood clamps; 78 records; DVD & VHS; Art Deco bed lamp; cast iron “car” door stop; 38” wood mallet; lg. concrete ped. planters; Enamelware pcs.; vintage brass door knobs; lots of misc.

                                           – GENERAL HOUSEHOLD –

APPLIANCES & ELECTRONICS – nice 14 cu. ft. G.E. refrigerator (white); nice G.E. washer & elec. dryer; 8K BTU window AC; Sony “Surround Sound”; nice Casio keyboard (AC/DC); (2) flatscreen TVs (48” LED & 37’ sharp); Frigidaire dehumidifier; selection of good small appliances; (3) Lasko floor heaters; (2) nice telescopes w/accessories (including Bushnell). FURNITURE – Charles custom couch (A-1); pine California King cannonball waterbed; queen bed/complete; coffee & lamp tables; oak entertainment center.  

MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS – (2) 933/4” x 281/2” ornate custom oak doors; new light fixtures (in box); lg. model helicopter; new plumbing fixtures; roll 48” rubber matting; drawing & art supplies; wood buring furnace; ladies 26” bicycle; hardware bins; brass kick plates; lots of assorted hardware; patio table w/(4) chairs; lg. dog house; area rugs; (2) oval beveled glass (leaded) framed; (2) nice 13” x 40” stained glass windows; nice loaded glass table lamp; Christmas decor & villages; lots of misc.!

AUCTIONEER NOTE – Huge selection of quality merchandise. Don’t miss this one!

Having discontinued housekeeping, I will offer the following personal property at PUBLIC AUCTION – Bremen – SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2019 AT 10:00 A.M. (EASTERN) Location: 774 Gumwood Rd. • Bremen, IN (Take Miami Trail ¼ mile northeast of U.S. 6 to 1st Rd., go east 1 mile to Gumwood Rd., go north 1/3 mile.
Dennis Struble, Owner • Linda Struble, Guardian

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Huge Personal Property Liquidation
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Oct 5, 2019 Completed
Sale Location

Bremen , IN 46506
Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash. Credit & Debit with 3% convenience fee. Not responsible for accidents or merchandise after sold.

POWER TOOLS – nice Lincoln AC/DC arc welder; Craftsman 12” floor model band saw; Craftsman 34” radical drill press (NIB); Ironsmith horizontal bandsaw; Shop-Smith; Craftsman 10” radial arm saw; Generac H.D. pressure washer (6.5 hp - 3 GPM); Sears 4 hp portable compressor; Campbell-Hausfeld & CH Extreme (3 hp) pontoon compressor; battery chargers; Porter Cable “Tiger Saw”; CP die grinder; angle grinder; detail sander; air drill; air sander; Bostich brad nailer; DeVilbiss 1/4” crown stapler; Miller-Falls #52 Rt. angle drill; Porter Cable 18V & misc. cordless drills; 18 ga. brad nailer; B&D zip saw; assorted elec. drills; circular saws & misc. small power tools; heat gun; 1/2” impact misc. air tools; Dremel.

LAWN & GARDEN – 3 pt. 2-bottom plow; Yard Machine 17 hp (42”) 6 spd. lawn tractor; Poulan Pro chainsaw; gas edger; (4) weed eaters; leaf blower; lawn trailer; new Greenline spreader; Cub Cadet (as is); old lawn tractor; assorted shovels, rakes, pruners, etc.;

MISC. TOOLS – (2) roll-a-away tool boxes, (1) Craftsman; Craftsman workbench; Excell 1,000 lb. engine stand; new acetylene cutting torch set (no tanks); new Craftsman 75-pcs. tap & die set; assorted 3/8” & 1/2” sockets (including deep well); drill index; wagon jack; portable air tanks; hand cart; bar clamps; ratchet straps; carpet stretcher; chain falls; 38’ alum. ext. ladder; 28’ Fiberglass ext. ladder; step ladders; H.D. 4” & 6” vises; chain binders; pipe wrenches; hands saws; router bits; pop rivet guns; plumbing tools; hammers; screwdrivers & misc. hand tools; several tool boxes & misc. tools; lots of H.D. shelving; small pickup alum. tool box; lot of misc. (extension cords galore).

                                   – ANTIQUE & COLLECTOR’S ITEMS –

FURNITURE – (some exceptional pieces!) ornate quartersawn oak buffet w/”Old Man Winter”, claw feet, beveled mirror & curved glass door (A-1); ladies oak roll top desk w/claw feet (A-1); ornate oak bar w/copper top, mirror, (2) stools & carved lion heads and claws; nice solid walnut armoire w/burled front & beveled mirror; solid oak dining table w/ ornate pedestal, claw feet, (2) leaves & (6) chairs; Art Deco 6-leg dining table (mahogany) w/(6) chairs; oak 2-door lowboy dresser w/tulip beveled mirror (c.1890); oak Highboy dresser w/beveled mirror & claw feet (c.1890, A-1); oak dressor w/beveled mirror (c.1890); ornate oak platform rocker; nice vintage oak swivel desk chair; oak desk (c.1880) vintage wicker double chaise lounger (rare!) nice wicker hanging porch swing; pc. matched wicker rockers; oak 25-door vintage cabinet; 51/2’ church pew; nice pine corner cabinet; ornate 3-door dresser (oak); oak hall tree; oak glass counter top display case (63” x 191/2” x 22”); Duncan Phyfe custom mahogany couch (A-1); ball & claw piano stool; spoon carved chest; antique easel; cherry spoon carved fireplace mantel (nice); small oak table; oval lamp table; pressed back youth chair; youth sewing rocker; Morse reclincer; fern stand; pressed back rocker; oak china cabinet; antique linen cabinet; misc. chairs.

BOATS & MOTORS – Vintage (early 1900’s) 11’ Canvas boat; Ted Williams 7.5 hp outboard; Oliver 51/2’ outboard engine (partically disassembled); Minn Kota elec. trolling motor.

CAR & AUTOMOTIVE PARTS – 1975 Mercedes model NA-45 (clean interior & body, no engine); selection of 1957 Chevy parts (Bel Air alum. side panels, inst. panel & lots of misc. pcs.); Ind. 1957 license plate; lots of old car parts including 1930’s bumpers & fenders, inst. panel, radiators, glass tail lights, tires & rims & misc.; auto pin-stripping; Texaco & misc. vintage cans & buckets; brass horns; brass pump; rim tool & misc.; Dale Earnhardt memorabilia (pictures, cars, posters, etc.); collection of die cast cars including several ‘57 Chevys, Buick convertible friction car; assorted die cast cars & trucks; (2) model gas stations; antique jacks.

GLASS – Fenton h.p. signed pcs. including Burmese & Cobalt pcs. (baskets, bells, vases, etc.) French depression glass pcs.; pink depression “Cherry Blossom” pcs. (plates, saucers, pitcher, tray, biscuit jar, etc.); misc. green depression; “Joe Rice” art glass cruet; lots of misc. depression glass.

MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIBLES – (3) brass “Fire Gun” extinguishers; oil lamps; kerosene lanterns; (2) lg. trunks; vintage prints including U.S.S. Maine Battleship - vintage; fireman hose & reel w/nozzle; WWI bayonet; 10K Bendix sew pin; lg. Spongeware bowl (signed); 1/2 gal. Western crock jar w/lid; Griswold 101/2” griddle; collectors plates; tin-litho “Bubble Blower”; framed prints & oils including Hargrave; horse collars & harness; wood levels including Stanley & VanCamp; collection of wood chisels, ice picks; leather sewing needles; vintage light fixtures; Daisy Red Ryder; wood brace; drills; Jorgensen wood clamps; 78 records; DVD & VHS; Art Deco bed lamp; cast iron “car” door stop; 38” wood mallet; lg. concrete ped. planters; Enamelware pcs.; vintage brass door knobs; lots of misc.

                                           – GENERAL HOUSEHOLD –

APPLIANCES & ELECTRONICS – nice 14 cu. ft. G.E. refrigerator (white); nice G.E. washer & elec. dryer; 8K BTU window AC; Sony “Surround Sound”; nice Casio keyboard (AC/DC); (2) flatscreen TVs (48” LED & 37’ sharp); Frigidaire dehumidifier; selection of good small appliances; (3) Lasko floor heaters; (2) nice telescopes w/accessories (including Bushnell). FURNITURE – Charles custom couch (A-1); pine California King cannonball waterbed; queen bed/complete; coffee & lamp tables; oak entertainment center.  

MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS – (2) 933/4” x 281/2” ornate custom oak doors; new light fixtures (in box); lg. model helicopter; new plumbing fixtures; roll 48” rubber matting; drawing & art supplies; wood buring furnace; ladies 26” bicycle; hardware bins; brass kick plates; lots of assorted hardware; patio table w/(4) chairs; lg. dog house; area rugs; (2) oval beveled glass (leaded) framed; (2) nice 13” x 40” stained glass windows; nice loaded glass table lamp; Christmas decor & villages; lots of misc.!

AUCTIONEER NOTE – Huge selection of quality merchandise. Don’t miss this one!

Having discontinued housekeeping, I will offer the following personal property at PUBLIC AUCTION – Bremen – SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2019 AT 10:00 A.M. (EASTERN) Location: 774 Gumwood Rd. • Bremen, IN (Take Miami Trail ¼ mile northeast of U.S. 6 to 1st Rd., go east 1 mile to Gumwood Rd., go north 1/3 mile.
Dennis Struble, Owner • Linda Struble, Guardian