Moving Estate Sportsman AUCTION! Sat. Aug 17 10am Mio
Listing ID#: 263571

Sale Location

Mio, MI 48647
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Aug 17, 2019 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information

Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle
Phone: 989-848-5158
Website: ID#: 6482
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for credit/debit card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material
Listing Information

Estate Moving Sportsman


 Sat. Aug. 17, 2019 10AM Mio, MI.

 Doors open at 8:30am for preview.

To Include:
Colonial grandfather clock; Willet cherry drop leaf table; maple drop leaf table; 19th century burled pedestal nightstand/work table; French walnut claw foot commode; tilt top tea table; ornate black lacquer Chinese village & bird scenery dressing screens; 1960s cedar chest; oak commode; oak sideboard buffet; antique Hallock Clock Works time clock; new sofa, chaise lounge, recliners & queen bed; cedar loveseat glider; other furniture; window air conditioner; Maytag square tub wringer washer; Ideal washtubs; Filtropur air cleaner; Pro Foam elliptical exerciser; Banjo, OG & Mantle clocks; Aladdin oil lamp & other parlor lamps; framed art; Singer 99K and Demorest sewing machines; steamer trunks; Jotul woodstove;
Weller Louwelsa floral vase; Roseville Fuchsia 898-8 & 347-6; Raymor planter; Steuben sgnd. vase & bowl; Towle crystal punch bowl; cranberry Fenton creamers & vases; Fenton birthstone bears; spongeware milk pitcher; teacup saucer sets; Dansk midcentury ice bucket; glass jar butter churn; coffee grinder; Enterprise sausage press; CI skillets; Triply Clad stainless cookware; lg. Japan Tea ptd. store tin; leather body, china head, Effanbee, Story Book, & other dolls; Neuner Hornsteiner & Kay project cellos; Vernors picnic cooler; Lionel train set; Gray’s Boston RR switch lantern; B&O, C&O and other RR lanterns; RR locks & keys; 100+/- Precious Moments; Bontempi accordion; Sony 7.1 surround sound receiver; kitchenwares; Pyrex nesting bowls; English & oriental porcelain & pottery; native American drum; Marie Osmond dolls; Hopalong Cassidy shooting gallery; Mattel tin litho Driving School game; Kamkap's Ring & Buzz child's switchboard; 1961 Manning mfg Lie Detector machine; coin banks; Tootsie & other vintage toys; gumball machine; Radio Line scooter; records; beer mirrors; 1967 & 69 LSU football schedule display boards; WWII German helmet; Greenville Farms porch milk bottle box; milk bottles; old trumpet; 
Merit Peep Sight counter top store display cabinet; qty old gun stocks, rusty barrels, parts, scopes, scope mounts and more!; RCBS re-loaders, old brass, tumbler, powders & related; Orvis 5wt., South Bend 6wt., Wright McGill 7wt., & Heddon MkII 8 wt. fly rods; asst. spin cast, deep water & travel fish rods; qty. reels; tackle boxes w/tackle; wicker creels; glass minnow trap; Clam Jr ice shanty; Jiffy ice auger; snowshoes; C. Christiansen, J. Walker, M. Malcomson, G. Flones, T. Christenson, R. Miller, R. Handrich, Bear Creek & other fish decoys; Butch Schramm, Ed One Arm Kellie & other duck decoys; 11pt. & other whitetail deer mounts; 5x5 Elk & other antlers; Proghorn Antalope mount; Darton & Bear compound bows; game cart; Buddy heater; Coleman lanterns; Victor #4 jump & double long spring traps with & w/o teeth; Newhouse #4 trap; trapper’s basket; 1870 French bayonet; sword & scabbard; misc. ammo; hunt blinds; 
1. Smith & Wesson Model Military Police 40 cal semi auto w/holster
2. Mossberg Maverick model 88 slide action 12ga
3. Knight 50 cal inline black powder
4. Charles Daly Field synthetic stock slide action 12ga
5. Charles Daly Field camo slide action 20ga
6. Marlin Original Goose Gun, 3" cham 12ga
7. Westernfield b/a 12ga w/select choke
8. H&R Gamester b/a 12ga
9. Rossi stainless combo 410ga 3"cham. w/22cal barrel
10. Remington 7mm Mag model 783 b/a w/Nikon Pro Staff scope
11. Winchester Red Letter Model 37 steelbuilt 20ga 1936-37 pigtail model
12. Remington SpeedMaster model 552 semi auto 22 cal
13. Mossberg 702 Plinkster semi auto 22 cal
14. WWII era Type 99 Japanese rifle, 30-06? cal
Garage & Shop:
Atlas metal lathe; Berardi vertical mill; surface grinder; bench grinders; band saw; drill press; Lincoln AC225 welder; Singer model 29 leather stitch sewing machine; tool box;  Craftsman 10” & Jet table saws; Jet 6” jointer; Delta & Jet planers; 6” belt/disk sander; router w/table; Grizzly & Jet sawdust collectors; Jet air filter; rolling work supports; Bostitch & Dewalt nail guns; hand & power tools; forstner  bits; workbench; quantity of new electrical supplies to include switches, outlets, breakers, boxes and more!
2008 Dodge Grand Caravan, 3.3 V6, runs good, 460k miles, sells w/reserve; Cub Cadet LT1050 50” cut & Cub cadet hydro 2072 60” cut ride mowers & 48” 2stage snowblower; Kee walk behind mower; Honda Fourtrax TRX350FM ATV; 13.5’ alum. canoe; Neptune Mighty Mite WC1 outboard; Honda EM3000SX elec. start & Briggs 5500w generators; trailer mounted towable 18hp DR chipper/shredder; Husqvarna batt. Op. & other chainsaws; 73-79 Ford pickup fenders; hitch platform; pinto hitch; 12v. winch; electric fence charger & wire; barn lanterns; Weber charcoal grill; unicycle; wheel barrow; buzz saw rig; Instep jogger's baby stroller;
Coins & More.
Auctioneer's Note:
The Lets Talk Auction Co. has been commissioned by Mrs. Porter of Hillman Mi to sell her late husband’s gunsmiths shop, garage related & other no longer needed items. Along with moving household from Johannesburg, MI. Large Auction, watch website for updates & 100's of pictures. Running 2 Auction Rings part of the day, bring a Bidding Partner. See you at the Auction!!
Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.

 ~ Your Full Service Auction Company ~

 Greg & Donna Tuttle

 Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158

Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.
Absentee Bids Accepted, Call Auction Acres for full details.

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Moving Estate Sportsman AUCTION! Sat. Aug 17 10am Mio



Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle
Phone: 989-848-5158
Sale Location
1491 N. Perry Creek Rd. P.O. Box 131
Mio, MI 48647
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Aug 17, 2019 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms: Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for credit/debit card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material
Listing Details

Estate Moving Sportsman


 Sat. Aug. 17, 2019 10AM Mio, MI.

 Doors open at 8:30am for preview.

To Include:
Colonial grandfather clock; Willet cherry drop leaf table; maple drop leaf table; 19th century burled pedestal nightstand/work table; French walnut claw foot commode; tilt top tea table; ornate black lacquer Chinese village & bird scenery dressing screens; 1960s cedar chest; oak commode; oak sideboard buffet; antique Hallock Clock Works time clock; new sofa, chaise lounge, recliners & queen bed; cedar loveseat glider; other furniture; window air conditioner; Maytag square tub wringer washer; Ideal washtubs; Filtropur air cleaner; Pro Foam elliptical exerciser; Banjo, OG & Mantle clocks; Aladdin oil lamp & other parlor lamps; framed art; Singer 99K and Demorest sewing machines; steamer trunks; Jotul woodstove;
Weller Louwelsa floral vase; Roseville Fuchsia 898-8 & 347-6; Raymor planter; Steuben sgnd. vase & bowl; Towle crystal punch bowl; cranberry Fenton creamers & vases; Fenton birthstone bears; spongeware milk pitcher; teacup saucer sets; Dansk midcentury ice bucket; glass jar butter churn; coffee grinder; Enterprise sausage press; CI skillets; Triply Clad stainless cookware; lg. Japan Tea ptd. store tin; leather body, china head, Effanbee, Story Book, & other dolls; Neuner Hornsteiner & Kay project cellos; Vernors picnic cooler; Lionel train set; Gray’s Boston RR switch lantern; B&O, C&O and other RR lanterns; RR locks & keys; 100+/- Precious Moments; Bontempi accordion; Sony 7.1 surround sound receiver; kitchenwares; Pyrex nesting bowls; English & oriental porcelain & pottery; native American drum; Marie Osmond dolls; Hopalong Cassidy shooting gallery; Mattel tin litho Driving School game; Kamkap's Ring & Buzz child's switchboard; 1961 Manning mfg Lie Detector machine; coin banks; Tootsie & other vintage toys; gumball machine; Radio Line scooter; records; beer mirrors; 1967 & 69 LSU football schedule display boards; WWII German helmet; Greenville Farms porch milk bottle box; milk bottles; old trumpet; 
Merit Peep Sight counter top store display cabinet; qty old gun stocks, rusty barrels, parts, scopes, scope mounts and more!; RCBS re-loaders, old brass, tumbler, powders & related; Orvis 5wt., South Bend 6wt., Wright McGill 7wt., & Heddon MkII 8 wt. fly rods; asst. spin cast, deep water & travel fish rods; qty. reels; tackle boxes w/tackle; wicker creels; glass minnow trap; Clam Jr ice shanty; Jiffy ice auger; snowshoes; C. Christiansen, J. Walker, M. Malcomson, G. Flones, T. Christenson, R. Miller, R. Handrich, Bear Creek & other fish decoys; Butch Schramm, Ed One Arm Kellie & other duck decoys; 11pt. & other whitetail deer mounts; 5x5 Elk & other antlers; Proghorn Antalope mount; Darton & Bear compound bows; game cart; Buddy heater; Coleman lanterns; Victor #4 jump & double long spring traps with & w/o teeth; Newhouse #4 trap; trapper’s basket; 1870 French bayonet; sword & scabbard; misc. ammo; hunt blinds; 
1. Smith & Wesson Model Military Police 40 cal semi auto w/holster
2. Mossberg Maverick model 88 slide action 12ga
3. Knight 50 cal inline black powder
4. Charles Daly Field synthetic stock slide action 12ga
5. Charles Daly Field camo slide action 20ga
6. Marlin Original Goose Gun, 3" cham 12ga
7. Westernfield b/a 12ga w/select choke
8. H&R Gamester b/a 12ga
9. Rossi stainless combo 410ga 3"cham. w/22cal barrel
10. Remington 7mm Mag model 783 b/a w/Nikon Pro Staff scope
11. Winchester Red Letter Model 37 steelbuilt 20ga 1936-37 pigtail model
12. Remington SpeedMaster model 552 semi auto 22 cal
13. Mossberg 702 Plinkster semi auto 22 cal
14. WWII era Type 99 Japanese rifle, 30-06? cal
Garage & Shop:
Atlas metal lathe; Berardi vertical mill; surface grinder; bench grinders; band saw; drill press; Lincoln AC225 welder; Singer model 29 leather stitch sewing machine; tool box;  Craftsman 10” & Jet table saws; Jet 6” jointer; Delta & Jet planers; 6” belt/disk sander; router w/table; Grizzly & Jet sawdust collectors; Jet air filter; rolling work supports; Bostitch & Dewalt nail guns; hand & power tools; forstner  bits; workbench; quantity of new electrical supplies to include switches, outlets, breakers, boxes and more!
2008 Dodge Grand Caravan, 3.3 V6, runs good, 460k miles, sells w/reserve; Cub Cadet LT1050 50” cut & Cub cadet hydro 2072 60” cut ride mowers & 48” 2stage snowblower; Kee walk behind mower; Honda Fourtrax TRX350FM ATV; 13.5’ alum. canoe; Neptune Mighty Mite WC1 outboard; Honda EM3000SX elec. start & Briggs 5500w generators; trailer mounted towable 18hp DR chipper/shredder; Husqvarna batt. Op. & other chainsaws; 73-79 Ford pickup fenders; hitch platform; pinto hitch; 12v. winch; electric fence charger & wire; barn lanterns; Weber charcoal grill; unicycle; wheel barrow; buzz saw rig; Instep jogger's baby stroller;
Coins & More.
Auctioneer's Note:
The Lets Talk Auction Co. has been commissioned by Mrs. Porter of Hillman Mi to sell her late husband’s gunsmiths shop, garage related & other no longer needed items. Along with moving household from Johannesburg, MI. Large Auction, watch website for updates & 100's of pictures. Running 2 Auction Rings part of the day, bring a Bidding Partner. See you at the Auction!!
Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.

 ~ Your Full Service Auction Company ~

 Greg & Donna Tuttle

 Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158

Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.
Absentee Bids Accepted, Call Auction Acres for full details.

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Moving Estate Sportsman AUCTION! Sat. Aug 17 10am Mio
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Aug 17, 2019 Completed
Sale Location

Mio, MI 48647
Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms: Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for credit/debit card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material
File Attachments

Estate Moving Sportsman


 Sat. Aug. 17, 2019 10AM Mio, MI.

 Doors open at 8:30am for preview.

To Include:
Colonial grandfather clock; Willet cherry drop leaf table; maple drop leaf table; 19th century burled pedestal nightstand/work table; French walnut claw foot commode; tilt top tea table; ornate black lacquer Chinese village & bird scenery dressing screens; 1960s cedar chest; oak commode; oak sideboard buffet; antique Hallock Clock Works time clock; new sofa, chaise lounge, recliners & queen bed; cedar loveseat glider; other furniture; window air conditioner; Maytag square tub wringer washer; Ideal washtubs; Filtropur air cleaner; Pro Foam elliptical exerciser; Banjo, OG & Mantle clocks; Aladdin oil lamp & other parlor lamps; framed art; Singer 99K and Demorest sewing machines; steamer trunks; Jotul woodstove;
Weller Louwelsa floral vase; Roseville Fuchsia 898-8 & 347-6; Raymor planter; Steuben sgnd. vase & bowl; Towle crystal punch bowl; cranberry Fenton creamers & vases; Fenton birthstone bears; spongeware milk pitcher; teacup saucer sets; Dansk midcentury ice bucket; glass jar butter churn; coffee grinder; Enterprise sausage press; CI skillets; Triply Clad stainless cookware; lg. Japan Tea ptd. store tin; leather body, china head, Effanbee, Story Book, & other dolls; Neuner Hornsteiner & Kay project cellos; Vernors picnic cooler; Lionel train set; Gray’s Boston RR switch lantern; B&O, C&O and other RR lanterns; RR locks & keys; 100+/- Precious Moments; Bontempi accordion; Sony 7.1 surround sound receiver; kitchenwares; Pyrex nesting bowls; English & oriental porcelain & pottery; native American drum; Marie Osmond dolls; Hopalong Cassidy shooting gallery; Mattel tin litho Driving School game; Kamkap's Ring & Buzz child's switchboard; 1961 Manning mfg Lie Detector machine; coin banks; Tootsie & other vintage toys; gumball machine; Radio Line scooter; records; beer mirrors; 1967 & 69 LSU football schedule display boards; WWII German helmet; Greenville Farms porch milk bottle box; milk bottles; old trumpet; 
Merit Peep Sight counter top store display cabinet; qty old gun stocks, rusty barrels, parts, scopes, scope mounts and more!; RCBS re-loaders, old brass, tumbler, powders & related; Orvis 5wt., South Bend 6wt., Wright McGill 7wt., & Heddon MkII 8 wt. fly rods; asst. spin cast, deep water & travel fish rods; qty. reels; tackle boxes w/tackle; wicker creels; glass minnow trap; Clam Jr ice shanty; Jiffy ice auger; snowshoes; C. Christiansen, J. Walker, M. Malcomson, G. Flones, T. Christenson, R. Miller, R. Handrich, Bear Creek & other fish decoys; Butch Schramm, Ed One Arm Kellie & other duck decoys; 11pt. & other whitetail deer mounts; 5x5 Elk & other antlers; Proghorn Antalope mount; Darton & Bear compound bows; game cart; Buddy heater; Coleman lanterns; Victor #4 jump & double long spring traps with & w/o teeth; Newhouse #4 trap; trapper’s basket; 1870 French bayonet; sword & scabbard; misc. ammo; hunt blinds; 
1. Smith & Wesson Model Military Police 40 cal semi auto w/holster
2. Mossberg Maverick model 88 slide action 12ga
3. Knight 50 cal inline black powder
4. Charles Daly Field synthetic stock slide action 12ga
5. Charles Daly Field camo slide action 20ga
6. Marlin Original Goose Gun, 3" cham 12ga
7. Westernfield b/a 12ga w/select choke
8. H&R Gamester b/a 12ga
9. Rossi stainless combo 410ga 3"cham. w/22cal barrel
10. Remington 7mm Mag model 783 b/a w/Nikon Pro Staff scope
11. Winchester Red Letter Model 37 steelbuilt 20ga 1936-37 pigtail model
12. Remington SpeedMaster model 552 semi auto 22 cal
13. Mossberg 702 Plinkster semi auto 22 cal
14. WWII era Type 99 Japanese rifle, 30-06? cal
Garage & Shop:
Atlas metal lathe; Berardi vertical mill; surface grinder; bench grinders; band saw; drill press; Lincoln AC225 welder; Singer model 29 leather stitch sewing machine; tool box;  Craftsman 10” & Jet table saws; Jet 6” jointer; Delta & Jet planers; 6” belt/disk sander; router w/table; Grizzly & Jet sawdust collectors; Jet air filter; rolling work supports; Bostitch & Dewalt nail guns; hand & power tools; forstner  bits; workbench; quantity of new electrical supplies to include switches, outlets, breakers, boxes and more!
2008 Dodge Grand Caravan, 3.3 V6, runs good, 460k miles, sells w/reserve; Cub Cadet LT1050 50” cut & Cub cadet hydro 2072 60” cut ride mowers & 48” 2stage snowblower; Kee walk behind mower; Honda Fourtrax TRX350FM ATV; 13.5’ alum. canoe; Neptune Mighty Mite WC1 outboard; Honda EM3000SX elec. start & Briggs 5500w generators; trailer mounted towable 18hp DR chipper/shredder; Husqvarna batt. Op. & other chainsaws; 73-79 Ford pickup fenders; hitch platform; pinto hitch; 12v. winch; electric fence charger & wire; barn lanterns; Weber charcoal grill; unicycle; wheel barrow; buzz saw rig; Instep jogger's baby stroller;
Coins & More.
Auctioneer's Note:
The Lets Talk Auction Co. has been commissioned by Mrs. Porter of Hillman Mi to sell her late husband’s gunsmiths shop, garage related & other no longer needed items. Along with moving household from Johannesburg, MI. Large Auction, watch website for updates & 100's of pictures. Running 2 Auction Rings part of the day, bring a Bidding Partner. See you at the Auction!!
Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.

 ~ Your Full Service Auction Company ~

 Greg & Donna Tuttle

 Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158

Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.
Absentee Bids Accepted, Call Auction Acres for full details.