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Listing ID#: 257677
Sale Location |
Willimantic, CT 06226 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019 Completed |
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Company Information |
Michael Amodeo & Co., Inc. Auctioneers Contact: Michael Amodeo Phone: (212) 473-6830 Email: Website: ID#: 11003 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Inspection: By Appointment and Day Of Sale 10AM To Sale Time.
Terms: Cash Or Bank Cashiers Checks Payable to MICHAEL AMODEO & CO., INC. 15% Buyers Premium. Auctioneers Phone: 212-473-6830 or 917-776-1080 |
Listing Information |
ADVANCE NOTICE - ADVANCE NOTICE MICHAEL AMODEO & CO. INC. AUCTIONEERS SELL TUESDAY, JULY 23RD, 2019 AT 1PM AT A CONVENIENT CONNECTICUT LOCATION 50,000 SQ FT - LIKE BRAND NEW SUPERMARKET - SUPERMARKET Don't miss this sale! All late model Hill Phoenix equipment! Everything like brand new! 35'• Dry Produce custom fine wood Display stand 4• BURNS 4'×4' Rolling fine wood Dry-Produce Display Stands 4• BURNS 4'×8'Rolling fine wood Dry-Produce Display Stands 24'• Hill Phoenix Refrig multi-deck Specialty Produce 2- 12' sections (6- doors ea.) Model:O5DMH12 48'• Hill Phoenix Refrig multi-deck Open Produce 4- 12' sections Model:OHPH12 1• 8' Hill Phoenix Refrig multi-deck Open Smoked Meat Model:O5DMH8 32'• Hill Phoenix Refrig multi-deck Open Meat 3- sections Models:OHMH12, OHMH8 24'• Hill Phoenix Refrig multi-deck Open Meat 2- sections Model:OHMH12 2• Hill Phoenix 8'×6'-6" Refrig Dual-Temp Pkg. Meat Islands 4- sections Models:OWIZ8, OWEZ 4• BARNS 24"×24" Insulated Ice Bin Display Stands w/4" glass top guard 1• 10' Hill Phoenix multi-deck Frozen Seafood (4-doors) Model:ORZH4 1• 8' Hill Phoenix single-deck Frozen Seafood Model:ONZ8 1• Walk-in-box Refrig 18'×57'×9'6" 998 sq.ft. Dairy, 7'W × 7'H Double-Action Impact Access Doors, W/ 21 Reach-In Dairy Bossies Doors 4• Rolling Bossy Gravity Flow Racks 2• Hill Phoenix 12'×6'-6" Dual-Temp Specialty Foods Islands 4- sections Models:OWIZ12, OWEZ 2• Hill Phoenix 8'×6'-6" Dual-Temp Dairy Islands 4- sections Models:OWIZ8, OWEZ 2• Hill Phoenix 8'×6'-6" Dual-Temp Frozen Foods Islands 4- sections Models:OWIZ8, OWEZ 48'• Hill Phoenix Refrig multi-deck Dairy 4- 12' sections (6-doors ea.) Model:O5DMH12 24• Hill Phoenix multi-deck Frozen Foods 2- 12' sections (5- doors ea.) Model:ORZH5 84'• Hill Phoenix multi-deck Frozen Foods 7- 12' sections (5- doors ea.) Model:ORZH5 24'• Manufactured Dry Bakery Display Shelving Units in 4', 8', 12' sections 1• 8' Refrigerated single-deck Bakery Grab-N-Go case 1• Hobart Adamatic single-track Oven w/ Rack 2• S/S sheet pan racks for Rack Oven 1• Hobart Proofing Cabinet 1• S/S Cabinet/Stand 30"×84" w/4" backsplash 1• Combination Walk-in-Freezer 12'×14'×9'6" w/ attached Refrig/Retarder 6'×8'×9'6" common wall on 8' side 1• S/S 3- Compartment Sink w/ double drainboard LOA 10'4" w/24"×24"×14" bowls 1• S/S Hand Sink (wall mounted) w/ knee pedals 22• Hill Phoenix multi-deck Frozen Foods 3- sections (11- doors) Models: 2- ORZH3, ORBH5 1• ☆Mechanical Parallel Refrigeration Rack System, 2- zone A & B. Complete with Computerized Control System and Roof Top Air-cooled condensing Units 8• S/S Tri-shelf Dunnage Racks 4' & 5' sections 14• ROYSTON series 100 Cashiers check-out Counters 1• Beverage Air (one door) reach-in Refrig Merchandiser 1• S/S Exhaust Hood w/make up air and Fire suppression system 54"×13'-2" 1• Old Hickory Chicken Rotisserie (7spit) 1• Combination Walk-in-Refrig 17’x9’-6” Dual Combo trapezoid 1• Aluminum Sheet Pan Cabinet on casters 4• S/S Cabinet/Stands w/4" backsplash 1• Combination Walk-in-Refrig 32'×32'×10'-6" 1012sq.ft. Produce Cooler & Produce Prep, Center Common Wall w/ 5'W × 7'H Double-Action Impact Doors, Outside Access Doors, 1- 5'W×7'H Double-Action Impact Doors, 1-5'W×7'H Insulated Door 1• S/S 3- Compartment Sink W/ Double Drain boards, LOA 10'-4" W/ 24"×24"×14" Bowls 1• S/S 2- Compartment Sink W/ Right side Drain board, LOA 69" W/ 24"×24"×11" Bowls 1• S/S Hand Sink (wall mounted) with knee pedals 3• S/S Tables with 5" backsplash, 1• Walk-in-Freezer 28'×29'×10' 812sq.ft. W/5' Insulated Door 1• Walk-in-Refrig 19'×30'×9'-6" Meat Cooler 567sq.ft. W/ 7'W × 7'H Double-Action Impact Doors 1• Walk-in-Refrig 8'×10'×9'-6" 80sq.ft. Seafood Cooler 1• HOSHIZAKI Ice Machine (flaker) Model:F-2000MLF22 with FOLLETT Ice Transport System Ice Bin Model:ITS1350SG-60 1• S/S 3-Compartment Sink with double drain boards LOA 10'-4" W/ 24"×24"×14" Bowls 1•S/S Hand Sink (wall mounted) w/ knee pedals 1• S/S Exhaust Hood with Make-Up Air & Fire Suppression System 54"×8' 2• Double-Action Impact Doors from Retail Space to back-end of store, 1- 7'W ×8'H, 1- 7'W × 8'-6"H 1- Onan Cummings 45KW Standby Generator (LPG) Model: 45EM 180• Shopping Carts 1• Eye Wash Sink Station 48• Dunnage Racks 14• U-Boat Dolley Carts 1• Security System with Cameras throughout Store 4• S/S Department Manager Stands Aluminum Dock Plates Many more item too numerous to mention Inspection: By Appointment and Day Of Sale 10AM To Sale Time. Terms: Cash Or Bank Cashiers Checks Payable to MICHAEL AMODEO & CO., INC. 15% Buyers Premium. Auctioneers Phone: 212-473-6830 or 917-776-1080 |
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