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Monthly Equipment Consignment Auction
Listing ID#: 244448
Sale Location |
Leola, PA 17540 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019 Completed |
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Wolgemuth Auction Contact: Dennis Phone: 717-656-2947 Email: Website: ID#: 5844 View company information and listings |
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Listing Information |
PUBLIC AUCTION Tuesday, October 22, 2019 9:00am LOCATION: 109 N. MAPLE AVENUE, LEOLA, PA 17540
MONTHLY EQUIPMENT AUCTION TRACTORS NH TT75, 884 hrs, CIH JX75, 3700 hrs, Kubota M7060 4x4 w/cab, 630 hrs, NH 8670 w/cab, Duals, 3600 hrs, MF 1225, 602 hrs, hydro 4x4, belly mower, ldr, ROPS, JD 2210 4x4 w/mower deck & ldr, JD 4630, JD 2520 4x4 ldr, 842 hrs, JD 585 4x4, 54” mower deck, 54” snowblade, Ford 8N, IH 1566 w/Cab, Farmall 140 w/Culti & side dresser, CC 5252, 3pt PTO, cab & snowblower, 214 hrs, JD 4230, JD 4020, Kubota B6100 w/mower deck, Ford 2110 4x4 ldr & cab, Case IH 385, Kubota L3010, 4x4, IH Hydro 86, IH 584 w/cab, JD 4630 w/Cab, Belarus 562 4x4 ldr & cab, NH TC18 4x4 Mower Deck, Oliver 550, JD 2350, Ford 3910, Ford 5000, JD 2950, Kubota M5400 4x4, IH 595, JD 430, IH 184, Bradco Ford 1910 w/ldr, Mitsibishi, MF 1010, Farmall 806 Single Wheel, Nuffield 342, Kubota B3000 w/cab 4x4, LA403 ldr Burned, JD 2940 SKIDLOADERS & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Kubota SSV 75 skidloader, 1000 hrs, Cab/heat/air, Kubota B21 Tractor/ldr/backhoe, motor smokes, JCB 505.22 Tellehandler, Bobcat S850, Volvo MC90, JD 326D Skidloader, Bobcat S650 skid ldr 1250 hrs, MF F084 Fork lift, JD 410 ldr & backhoe, NH L555 (2), NH LX465, Ford CL40 skidloader, CAT BH30 Backhoe, Yale Forklift, NH B104 backhoe, Case 660 Trencher & Backhoe, NH 220 Skid ldr (needs repairs), Bobcat 753 (needs repairs) JD SS mount asphalt grinder, Valby 600 SS Mount Chipper, Almo Light plant, FARM EQUIPMENT: Balers: NH 273 w/thrower Round Balers: NI 4845, NH 630, NI 530 Bale Wrappers: McHale 991BC (like new), with ldr arms & bale slide, Roll-n-Wrap, Fort F6500 Manure Spreaders: Kuhn 814 Slinger, NH 791, Knight 252, 2000 gal. vacuum Discbines: Gehl 2365, NH 411, NI 5209 Haybines: JD 830, Badger BN1005, NH 488, Hesston 1120, NH 479, Rakes: Kuhn 4120, NH 258, NH 256’s, NH 56’s Tedders: NI 4 star, Fella 4 star, Pequea 710 Inverters: (2) NH 144 Harvesters: CIA 8750, NH 3pt, 2R cornhead & grass head, JD 3950, (2) NH 790, JD 35 Flail Choppers: Brillion 15’ Hammermills: Gehl 135, Gehl 95, Farm Hand 853, Lancaster 40 Combines: IH82 pt Cornpickers: (3) NI 323 Cornplanters: JD 7000 2R, JD 7100 2R, Sub Soilers: Taylorway 5 tooth Chisels: 3PT & P/T Numerous Sizes Cultipackers: Numerous Sizes Mixer Wagons: Knight 2250, Wagons:Forage: Hay: Bin: Numerous Sizes Grain Drills: JD 8200, IH 5100 Seeders: Plows: White 508 4B, 1B’s, 2B’s, 3B’s Discs: Krause 18’ Wing Disc, Numerous Sizes Sprayers: 100 gal 3pt , Demco 1,000 gal, Engines: CAT 3160, Irrigation pumps w/ Duetz engine, Generators: 10kw dsl, (3), 50 kw, w/AC 6 cylinder Dsl, Katolite 45 KW PTO, Windpower Kohler 11KW Blowers: Finish Mowers: 5’, 6’, 7’ Rotary Mowers: Woods 15’ batwing, Mohawk 15’ batwing, 4’, 5’, 6’ Disc Mowers: Vicon 122 Crimpers: Mowers: NH 456’s, NH 451’s, NH 450 Field Cultivators: Rolling Baskets:20’ Cultivators: 2 & 4 rows Tillers: 4,5,6’ Log Splitters: Misc.: FarmKing 600 3pt snowblower, Western 8’ power angle snow plow, Dual Rake hitch, Kubota LA703 Ldr, Fertilizer Buggy, SP Pallet Forks, 3 pt post pounder, SS mount dumpster, 6’ & 7’ 3pt blade, Meyers 8’ power angle blade, 20’ hog loading chute, JD Tractor Cab, 1R potato digger, Shaver Post Driver, Gratemate Grate Cleaner, 2 seat Mennonite Buggy, (2) Mott Mowers, Boss 90’ V plow SS mount, MH Antique H&M Sprayer, SS Mount Hyd Bush Hogs, Sizes of Ldr & Grapple Buckets, Various Sizes of Pallet Forks, TRUCKS/CARS/TRAILERS: ’04 F150 w/snow blade, ’04 Ford Explorer 4x4, ’86 Dodge Stake body Dump, 20’ Cattle Trl, 18’ gooseneck trailer, 14’ Deck over trailer, Pequea 6’x10’ trailer, ’00 6’x8’ box trailer, Various Sizes of Trailers RTV’S & GATORS: JD 620i 4x4, 697 hrs, Bobcat 2200 w/cab, Yamall UTV 4x4, RIDING MOWERS (selling at 10:00 AM): Kubota F2880, JD 425, Kubota F2680, Kubota F2400, Scag XMark ZT, Ferris ZT, CC 2135, Craftsman 1000, JD 465, Non Running: Honda 4213, Scag (2), Simplicity, Craftsmans (4), XMark WB
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