Ed Lyon Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 230349

Sale Location

Billings, MO 65610
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Mar 30, 2019 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Email: bidnowsold@aol.com
Website: www.fosterauctionservice.com/

EstateSale.com ID#: 8448
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Listing Information
Estate Auction
10:00 AM * Saturday, March 30th., * 10:00 AM
Location: 14757 Lawrence 1250 (Poinsetta Rd.) Billings, Mo
Directions: From Billings take Hwy. 14 west 2.7 mi. then left on Poinsetta Rd. 1/4 to Sale.
Antique Tractors - Farm
Minneapolis Moline R Tractor,(complete with good sheet metal);
Minneapolis M602 LP, Ran good when parked 2 years ago;
Allis - Chalmers WD Tractor, Ran good when parked 2 years ago;
Massey Ferguson 6ft. Bush Hog (pull type);
3pt. King Cutter 6ft. Blade;
PTO Sprayer Pump & Hose;
Mowers - Tools - Scrap
10hp. Snapper Riding Mower;
10hp. Snapper Riding Mower (Parts);
5hp. Garden Tiller (front tine);
Push Mower;
Sanborn 22gal. Portable Air Compressor;
Wards Powr Kraft 295 Amp Arc Welder;
Bench Grinder;
Desmond Stephan Bench Vise;
Buckeye Railroad Jack;
McCullough Mac 3200 Chainsaw;
Few Misc. Shop & Hand Tools;
1978 Chrysler Lebaron (complete for salvage);
Misc. Scrap Metal;
1964 ½ Mustang - Boats
1964 ½ Mustang, 6cyl. 3 Spd., all original, (was running when parked in barn in 1979);
Old Studebaker Pickup Tailgate;
14ft. Richline Aluminum Bottom Boat with 20hp. Mercury Motor & Trailer;
Vintage Starcraft Ski Boat with 40hp. Elgin Motor (no trailer);
Antique - Collectible
Western Stoneware 10 gal Crock Jar w/ Fruit decoration and bail handles;
Dazey 1 Gallon Butter Churn;
Winchester wood Shotgun Shell Box;
White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer (nice);
Sunshine Coffee Jar;
Old 5 Gallon Metal Gas Cans;
Red Coleman Lantern;
Lot Fruit Jars (some blue);
Old Wood & Metal 2 Wheel Dolly;
Single & Double Tree’s;
Old Red Rotary Dial Telephone;
(10+) Sheets Used Galvanized Tin;
(120+)Pcs Avon Cape Cod Ruby Red Glass;
(12) Avon Steins;
Lot Misc. Avon Bottles;
Mantle Clock;
Misc. China;
Vintage Home Interior Deco.;
Furniture-Appliances- Misc.
Dining Table & 6 Chairs with Matching China Hutch;
Breakfast Table & 4 Chairs;
(3) Curio Cabinets;
Misc. Occasional Tables;
Cannonball Bed w/ Dresser & Nightstands;
Full Bed w/ Dresser & Chest;
Floral Sofa & Chair;
Black Vinyl Recliner;
Kenmore Washer;
GE Dryer;
6’ Youth Pool Table;
Heatwave Wood Heating Stove;
Fisher Wood Heating Stove;
Fireplace Insert;
Set Saladmaster Cookware;
Presto Pressure Cooker (NIB);
New Carhart Coat (42);
Misc. Furniture & Household not Listed
Auctioneers Note:
Tractors & Car sell at 12:00 Noon
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Ed Lyon Estate Auction

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Sale Location
14757 Lawrence 1250 Poinsetta Rd.
Billings, MO 65610
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 30, 2019 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details
Estate Auction
10:00 AM * Saturday, March 30th., * 10:00 AM
Location: 14757 Lawrence 1250 (Poinsetta Rd.) Billings, Mo
Directions: From Billings take Hwy. 14 west 2.7 mi. then left on Poinsetta Rd. 1/4 to Sale.
Antique Tractors - Farm
Minneapolis Moline R Tractor,(complete with good sheet metal);
Minneapolis M602 LP, Ran good when parked 2 years ago;
Allis - Chalmers WD Tractor, Ran good when parked 2 years ago;
Massey Ferguson 6ft. Bush Hog (pull type);
3pt. King Cutter 6ft. Blade;
PTO Sprayer Pump & Hose;
Mowers - Tools - Scrap
10hp. Snapper Riding Mower;
10hp. Snapper Riding Mower (Parts);
5hp. Garden Tiller (front tine);
Push Mower;
Sanborn 22gal. Portable Air Compressor;
Wards Powr Kraft 295 Amp Arc Welder;
Bench Grinder;
Desmond Stephan Bench Vise;
Buckeye Railroad Jack;
McCullough Mac 3200 Chainsaw;
Few Misc. Shop & Hand Tools;
1978 Chrysler Lebaron (complete for salvage);
Misc. Scrap Metal;
1964 ½ Mustang - Boats
1964 ½ Mustang, 6cyl. 3 Spd., all original, (was running when parked in barn in 1979);
Old Studebaker Pickup Tailgate;
14ft. Richline Aluminum Bottom Boat with 20hp. Mercury Motor & Trailer;
Vintage Starcraft Ski Boat with 40hp. Elgin Motor (no trailer);
Antique - Collectible
Western Stoneware 10 gal Crock Jar w/ Fruit decoration and bail handles;
Dazey 1 Gallon Butter Churn;
Winchester wood Shotgun Shell Box;
White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer (nice);
Sunshine Coffee Jar;
Old 5 Gallon Metal Gas Cans;
Red Coleman Lantern;
Lot Fruit Jars (some blue);
Old Wood & Metal 2 Wheel Dolly;
Single & Double Tree’s;
Old Red Rotary Dial Telephone;
(10+) Sheets Used Galvanized Tin;
(120+)Pcs Avon Cape Cod Ruby Red Glass;
(12) Avon Steins;
Lot Misc. Avon Bottles;
Mantle Clock;
Misc. China;
Vintage Home Interior Deco.;
Furniture-Appliances- Misc.
Dining Table & 6 Chairs with Matching China Hutch;
Breakfast Table & 4 Chairs;
(3) Curio Cabinets;
Misc. Occasional Tables;
Cannonball Bed w/ Dresser & Nightstands;
Full Bed w/ Dresser & Chest;
Floral Sofa & Chair;
Black Vinyl Recliner;
Kenmore Washer;
GE Dryer;
6’ Youth Pool Table;
Heatwave Wood Heating Stove;
Fisher Wood Heating Stove;
Fireplace Insert;
Set Saladmaster Cookware;
Presto Pressure Cooker (NIB);
New Carhart Coat (42);
Misc. Furniture & Household not Listed
Auctioneers Note:
Tractors & Car sell at 12:00 Noon
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Ed Lyon Estate Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Mar 30, 2019 Completed
Sale Location

Billings, MO 65610
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Email: bidnowsold@aol.com
Website: www.fosterauctionservice.com/

Estate Auction
10:00 AM * Saturday, March 30th., * 10:00 AM
Location: 14757 Lawrence 1250 (Poinsetta Rd.) Billings, Mo
Directions: From Billings take Hwy. 14 west 2.7 mi. then left on Poinsetta Rd. 1/4 to Sale.
Antique Tractors - Farm
Minneapolis Moline R Tractor,(complete with good sheet metal);
Minneapolis M602 LP, Ran good when parked 2 years ago;
Allis - Chalmers WD Tractor, Ran good when parked 2 years ago;
Massey Ferguson 6ft. Bush Hog (pull type);
3pt. King Cutter 6ft. Blade;
PTO Sprayer Pump & Hose;
Mowers - Tools - Scrap
10hp. Snapper Riding Mower;
10hp. Snapper Riding Mower (Parts);
5hp. Garden Tiller (front tine);
Push Mower;
Sanborn 22gal. Portable Air Compressor;
Wards Powr Kraft 295 Amp Arc Welder;
Bench Grinder;
Desmond Stephan Bench Vise;
Buckeye Railroad Jack;
McCullough Mac 3200 Chainsaw;
Few Misc. Shop & Hand Tools;
1978 Chrysler Lebaron (complete for salvage);
Misc. Scrap Metal;
1964 ½ Mustang - Boats
1964 ½ Mustang, 6cyl. 3 Spd., all original, (was running when parked in barn in 1979);
Old Studebaker Pickup Tailgate;
14ft. Richline Aluminum Bottom Boat with 20hp. Mercury Motor & Trailer;
Vintage Starcraft Ski Boat with 40hp. Elgin Motor (no trailer);
Antique - Collectible
Western Stoneware 10 gal Crock Jar w/ Fruit decoration and bail handles;
Dazey 1 Gallon Butter Churn;
Winchester wood Shotgun Shell Box;
White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer (nice);
Sunshine Coffee Jar;
Old 5 Gallon Metal Gas Cans;
Red Coleman Lantern;
Lot Fruit Jars (some blue);
Old Wood & Metal 2 Wheel Dolly;
Single & Double Tree’s;
Old Red Rotary Dial Telephone;
(10+) Sheets Used Galvanized Tin;
(120+)Pcs Avon Cape Cod Ruby Red Glass;
(12) Avon Steins;
Lot Misc. Avon Bottles;
Mantle Clock;
Misc. China;
Vintage Home Interior Deco.;
Furniture-Appliances- Misc.
Dining Table & 6 Chairs with Matching China Hutch;
Breakfast Table & 4 Chairs;
(3) Curio Cabinets;
Misc. Occasional Tables;
Cannonball Bed w/ Dresser & Nightstands;
Full Bed w/ Dresser & Chest;
Floral Sofa & Chair;
Black Vinyl Recliner;
Kenmore Washer;
GE Dryer;
6’ Youth Pool Table;
Heatwave Wood Heating Stove;
Fisher Wood Heating Stove;
Fireplace Insert;
Set Saladmaster Cookware;
Presto Pressure Cooker (NIB);
New Carhart Coat (42);
Misc. Furniture & Household not Listed
Auctioneers Note:
Tractors & Car sell at 12:00 Noon