Listing ID#: 220281

Sale Location

Locust, NC 28097
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Mar 30, 2019 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Classic Auctions

Contact: Tony Furr
Phone: 704-888-1647
Website: ID#: 6165
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Saturday, March 30th, 2019 at 10am

Unique Collection from the Smith Estate (dec.)
Early Lever Action Winchester Rifles, Colt Revolvers, & Early 22cal Rifles.  Also, many other Unique and Rare Items.
Mark Your Calendars!!  You Don't Want to Miss this Awesome Gun Auction!



Preview and Inspection:  Friday, March 29th from 10am-2pm

Location and Map:   201 S Central Ave Locust, NC 28097


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as this will be the Inventory Used at the Auction.

Partial Listing:

Lot # 1 Daisy 650 Short BB Gun in Box
Lot #2 Red Ryder BB Gun
Lot #3 Gamo Hunter 220 Air Pellet Rifle
Lot #4 Sheridan blue Streak Air Rifle
Lot #5 Gamo Cadet Delta Pellet Rifle
Lot #6 Benjamin Super Air Pistol in Box
Lot #7 Crosman Mark I Target 22 cal C02 Pistol in Box
Lot #8 Remington 1100 s/n 333IV Shotgun 12ga; Semi-Auto Plain Barrel 2 ¾ or Shorter. Clean Nice Shotgun!
Lot #9 Remington 870 s/n 1270084V Shotgun 12ga; Pump Action, Plain Barrel 2 ¾ or Shorter
Lot #10 Ithaca 37 Featherlight s/n 909899 Shotgun 16ga; Pump Action, Very Nice!
Lot #11 Savage 6A s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto with Early Weaver Scope, 22 Long Long Rifle & Short
Lot #12 Remington 550-1 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi-Auto Short Long & Long Rifle
Lot #13 American Gun Co Rabbit Ear s/n 393199 Shotgun 16 ga; Double Barrel
Lot #14 Stevens 311A s/n None Shotgun 16 ga; Double Barrel Nice Gun
Lot #15 Stevens 311A s/n None Shotgun 410 ga; Double Barrel 3in Shells Clean!
Lot #16 Ruger 10-22 s/n 120-91602 Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto with Extra Clip
Lot #17 Remington Model 11 s/n 337499 Shotgun 12 ga; Semi Auto
Lot #18 LC Smith, Fieldgrade s/n 400905R Shotgun 16 ga; Double Barrel, Clean
Lot #19 AH Fox Sterlingworth s/n 56360 Shotgun 12 ga; Double Barrel, Some Pitting, Not Original Stock
Lot #20 Ruger Mini 14 s/n 183-71456 Rifle 223 cal; Semi Auto Leather Sling and Clip
Lot #20A (3) 30 Round Mini 14 Clips
Lot #21 Quality Hardware M-1 Carbine s/n 1888982 Rifle 30 cal; Semi auto Bayonet Lug Original Sling and 15 Round Clip
Lot #22 Inland M-1 Carbine s/n 644261 Rifle 30 cal; Semi Auto Bayonet Lug, Sling 15 Round Clip, No Import Marks, Barrel marked Inland, GM, 8-43
Lot #22A (5) M-1 Clips
Lot #23 Remington 1100 s/n N186802V Shotgun 12 ga; Semi Auto, Vent Rib, Forearm Cracked
Lot #24 Remington 1100 s/n M863041V Shotgun 12 ga; Semi Auto, Vent Rib, Like New
Lot #25 Mauser 98 s/n RR6068 Rifle 243 win; Bolt Action Stainless Heavy Fluted Barrel, Custom Built by Alson Gralyn Siler with Leupold 6-18 Vari-XIIC Scope
Lot #26 Mauser 98 s/n 14220 Rifle 30-06; Brazilian Mauser Action, Custom Built Stock Sling w/ Scope Mounts
Lot #27 Eddystone 1917 s/n 1135958 Rifle 30-06; Bolt Action Custom Stock Leupold Scope Mounts
Lot #28 Remington 700 s/n A6812169 Rifle 338-06; Bolt Action Scope Mounts, Rifle was Custom Built by Keith Carrington!
Lot #28A Chiappa Kodiak s/n 8600415 Rifle 45-70; Lever Action Stainless New in Box!!
Lot #29 Safari Arms 1911 s/n D1470 Pistol 45 ACP; Semi Auto, appears to be New!
Lot #30 Colt Single Action Army s/n S05511A Revolver 44-40; Nickel 7 ½” BBL, appears to be New w/Original Ziptie
Lot #31 Colt Single Action Army s/n 93587SA Revolver 357 Mag; Case hardened Blue 7 ½ “ BBL, Looks Like New!
Lot #32 Colt Single action Army s/n SA28695 Revolver 357 Mag; Blued 4 ½” BBL, Like New!
Lot #33 Colt Single Action Army s/n 92240SA Revolver 45 LC; Case Hardened Blue, 4 ½” BBL, Excellent Condition
Lot #34 Colt Single Action Army s/n 2814SA Revolver 45 LC; Case Hardened Blue, Bone Style Grips, 5 ½” BBL, Some Light Pitting
Lot #35 Colt Officer’s Model 38 Heavy Barrel s/n 603205 Revolver 38 cal; 6” BBL Blue, Very Light Holster Wear
Lot #36 Colt Model 357 s/n 12412 Revolver 357 mag cal; Double Action, 4” BBL Blue, Light Holster Wear but Clean!
Lot #37 Colt Single Action Frontier Scout s/n 18400K revolver 22 LR; 4 ½” BBL Nickel, New in Wooden Case
Lot #38 Ruger Single Six s/n 105341 Revolver 22 cal; 5 ½” BBL, Blue Like New w/ Original Box
Lot #39 Ruger New Model Blackhawk s/n 46-03550 Revolver .45 LC; Blue 7 ½” BBL, Excellent Condition in Original Box
Lot #40 Smith & Wesson 34-1 s/n M124190 Revolver .22 LR; Blue 2” BBL w/ Original Blue box
Lot #41 Smith & Wesson Model Airweight 37 s/n 366179 Revolver 38 spl; Blue, Rubber Grips 3” BBL Clean
Lot #42 Smith & Wesson 19-4 s/n 46K1564 Revolver 357 mag; Blue 6” BBL Holster Wear
Lot #43 Smith & Wesson N Frame s/n K291757 Revolver 22 cal; 6” BBL Blue, Heary BBL, Holster Wear
Lot #44 Remington 870 Express Mag s/n C296811A Shotgun 12 ga; Pump Vent Rib, Camo, Redfield Lo-Pro Scope 2 ¾” 3 ½” Shells
Lot #45 Mossberg 835 Ultramag s/n UM541564 Shotgun 12 ga; Pump Vent Rib 24” Accumag 2 ¾- 3 ½” Shells
Lot #46 Mossberg 500 s/n T596915 Shotgun 20 ga; Pump 24” Rifled Bore Barrel 2 ¾ -3” Shells Check Rest Scope Rail
Lot #46A Remington 870 Express Magnum s/n B084273M Shotgun 12 ga; Pump, 2 ¾ - 3” Shells, 28” BBL New in Box
Lot #47 Winchester Model 1892 s/n 409276 Rifle 32 wcf; Lever Action 24” BBL Original Patinaed Condition. Action Smooth 1907
Lot #48 Winchester Model 1873 s/n 456196B 32 wcf; Lever Action, Heavy Pitting, Missing Parts, Not Working, 1893 w/ Kings Improvement, 1st year side loading port
Lot #49 Winchester Model 1894 s/n 429652 rifle 30 wcf; Lever Action, 24” Octagonal BBL, 1908, Lyman Frt Sight, Tang Peep Sight Rear, Action seems to work properly
Lot #50 Winchester Model 92 s/n 924021 rifle 25-20 wcf; Lever Action, 20” Round BBL, Saddle Ring, Original Patina. Action seems to be working. 1921-1928
Lot #51 Winchester Model 1892 s/n 310856 rifle 38 wcf; 1905 Lever Action, 24” Octagonal BBL, Original Patina. Action seems to work, but hammer will not cock.
Lot #52 Winchester 1894 s/n 384831 Rifle 30 wcf; Lever Action 20’ Round BBL, 1908 Original w/ Pitting. Action seems to be working, some damage on stock & forearm
Lot #53 Winchester Model 53 s/n 68 Rifle 32 wcf; Lever Action 1924 22” Round BBL Original Patina. Action seems to be working, half magazine model.
Lot #54 Winchester Model 1892 s/n 95535 Rifle 38 wcf; Lever Action 1898 24” Octagonal BBL, Original Patina. Action seems to be working 1898.
Lot #55 Winchester Model 1892 s/n 335346 Rifle 38 wcf; Lever Action 20’ Round BBL Original Patina Light, Pitting on Barrel. Action seems to be working, 1906 front sight has been changed
Lot #56 Winchester Model 94 s/n 1391922 Rifle 25-35 wcf; Lever Action 20” round BBL Original Patina, 1946. Action seems to be working.
Lot #57 Winchester Model 1892 s/n 46980 Rifle 32 wcf; Lever Action, has been refinished to blue. Action seems to be working. 18” Octagonal BBL 1907
Lot #58 Marlin Model 1892 s/n 17148 Rifle 32 Rim; Lever Action 24” Octagonal BBL Original Patina. Action seems to be working 1887
Lot #59 Rossi Model 92 SRC s/n K133535 Rifle 357 mag; Lever Action 20” BBL
Lot #60 Winchester 94AE s/n 5389621 Rifle 30-30; Lever Action 20” BBL. Great Condition
Lot #61 Winchester 94 s/n 3423138 Rifle 30-30; Lever Action 20” BBL. Great Condition. 1970
Lot #62 Winchester 94-22 s/n F228362 Rifle 22 cal; Lever Action, 19 ½” BBL, 1975. Great Condition
Lot #63 Winchester 94 s/n 2790695 Rifle 30-30; Lever Action, 20” BBL, 1964, Case Hardened Blueing
Lot #64 Marlin 39-A s/n N9008 Rifle 22 cal; Lever Action, 1956, Clean Great Condition
Lot #65 Winchester Buffalo Bill s/n WC92847 30-30; Lever Action, Buffalo Bill Commemorative, appears to be Brand New but has driver lic # engraved under lever
Lot #66 Winchester Buffalo Bill w/n WC117761 Rifle 30-30; Lever Action Buffalo Bill Commemorative, in Original Box. Gun is in New Condition, box is rough
Lot #66A Marlin 336R.C. s/n J32445 Rifle 30-30; Lever Action, 1952, 20’ BBL, Original Patina Clear Rifle!
Lot #66B Winchester 1897 s/n 65282 Shotgun 12 ga; Pump Shotgun, 28” BBL, Action Works Great, Perfect Cowboy Shooter
Lot #67 Colt New Frontier s/n 123424 Revolver 22 cal; 4” BBL Blued, Case Hardened, Original Box, Like New Condition 1959
Lot #68 Colt Frontier Scout s/n 103648F Revolver 22 cal; Blued 4 ½” BBL, Like New Condition 1959
Lot #69 Colt Frontier Scout 62 s/n 47740P Revolver 22 cal; Blue 4 ½” BBL, showing wear 1967
Lot #70 Colt Single Action Frontier Scout s/n 156315F Revolver 22 cal; Blued 4 ½” BBL, Original Patina w/ wear 1959
Lot #71 Colt New Frontier s/n G57007 Revolver 22 cal; Blued 6” BBL, Like New but case hardening is discolored 1972
Lot #72 Iver Johnson Breaktop s/n 5941 Revolver .32 short; 6” BBL Nickel, shows signs of nickel peeling
Lot #73 H&R 732 s/n BB017379 Revolver 32 S&W Long; 2 ½” BBL, Original Patina w/ Pitting
Lot #74 High Standard Sentinel s/n 1226333 Revolver 22; Anodized Aluminum 4” BBL, Like New w/ a few scratches 1958
Lot #74A High Standard R-103 Sentinel s/n 1351727 Revolver 22 cal; 6” BBL
Lot #75 Browning Baby Browning s/n 350398 Pistol 25 cal; Blued, Excellent Condition
Lot #76 Beretta 948 s/n 025330N Pistol 22 cal; Original Patina, some wear, nice pistol!
Lot #77 North American Arms Mini-Rev s/n B73411 Revolver 22 cal
Lot #78 Meriden Breaktop s/n 226706 Revolver 32 cal; Nickel 3” BBL, nickel is peeling, has numbers scratched into frame
Lot #79 H&R Hammerless Breaktop s/n 184776 Revolver 38 S&W; nickel peeling, barrel is bulged
Lot #80 Smith & Wesson Lemon Squeezer s/n 216858 Revolver 32 cal; shows lots of wear
Lot #81 Remington Model 95 s/n 640 Derringer 41 cal; Original Patina, tight clean gun
Lot #82 FIE Model Tex 22 s/n TX87124 Revolver 22 cal; Blue, lots of wear w/ Original Box 6 ½” BBL
Lot #83 Colt 1908 Pocket Hammerless s/n 83083 Pistol 25 cal; Original Patina
Lot #84 Spanish Destroyer s/n 78613 Pistol 6.35 cal; Original Patina, grip has been repaired
Lot #85 Hopkins & Allen XLDA s/n 9142 Revolver 22 cal; missing cyl pin, poor condition
Lot #86 US Revolver Breaktop s/n None Revolver 32 cal; cylinder loose, finish worn, missing grip screw, poor condition
Lot #87 Italian Replica s/n 12035 Revolver 44 cal; Blackpowder. No paperwork required!!
Lot #88 Winchester 62A s/n 225609 Rifle 22 cal; Pump Action, Original Patina, action seems to work. 1948
Lot #89 Winchester 62A s/n 214135 Rifle 22 cal; Pump Action, Original Patina, action seems to work. 1947
Lot #90 Stoeger Uplander s/n 556759-06 Shotgun 20 ga; Double Barrel, Like New
Lot #91 Carolina Arms Single Shot s/n 187 Shotgun 12 ga; Single Barrel, action a little loose
Lot #92 Long Tom Single Shot s/n None Shotgun 12 ga; Single Barrel, stock cracked, 36” BBL
Lot #93 Winchester 37 s/n None Shotgun 410 ga; Single Shot, wood has blemishes, 3” shells
Lot #94 Remington 550-1 s/n None Rifle 22; Semi Automatic, action seems to work clean
Lot #95 Winchester 69 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action w/ Clip
Lot #96 Winchester 67-A s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Clean Rifle
Lot #97 Marlin 55 s/n None Shotgun 12 ga; Bolt Action, w/ Marlina Micro Choke w/ Clip
Lot #98 Mossberg 190 s/n None Shotgun 12 ga; Bolt Action w/ Clip & Choke
Lot #99 Winchester 69A s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action w/ Clip, Peep Sight
Lot #100 Remington 511 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action w/ Clip, Scoremaster
Lot #101 H&R Topper 148 s/n None Shotgun 12 ga; Single Shot 36” BBL
Lot #102 Iver Johnson Excel s/n 64600XG Shotgun 410 ga; wood shows wear
Lot #102A Savage Super Sporter s/n 11045 Rifle 30-30; Bolt Action Clip Fed, Clean
Lot #103 Stevens 87A s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto Short, Long, & Long Rifle
Lot #104 Stevens 6-A s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto, short, Long, & Long rifle in Excellent Shape
Lot #105 Mossberg 151-K s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto, 22 Long Rifle only
Lot #106 Remington Sportmaster 512 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Short, Long or Rifle, stock has bad spots
Lot #107 Remington Scoremaster 511 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Short, Long, & Long Rifle Clip Fed
Lot #108 Remington Sportsmaster 512 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Short, Long, & Long Rifle
Lot #109 JC Higgins 36 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto w/ Scope 22 LR only
Lot #110 Remington TargetMaster 510 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Sling, Short, Long, & Long Rifle
Lot #111 Remington TargetMaster 510 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Short, Long, & Long Rifle, bolt loose
Lot #112 King Hardware Single Shot s/n 78233 Shotgun 12 ga; Single Shot, Stock Repairs, end of barrel bulged
Lot #113 Sears 101.40B s/n None Shotgun 410 ga; Single Shot, 3” 410, stock damaged
Lot #114 AJ Aubrey Model Single Shot s/n 3358 Shotgun 12ga; Single Barrel made by Meriden Firearms, missing parts, not fireable
Lot #115
Westpoint 487-T s/n B571222 Rifle 22 cal; missing lots of parts, not fireable
Remington Sportsmaster 512 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; missing lots of parts, not fireable
Lot #116 Stoeger Arms Luger s/n 103709 Pistol 22cal Semi Auto, broken sear, missing grips, not operable

Benjamin Franklin 312 22cal Air Rifle, missing bolt
(14) BB Guns (Rifles) Daisy to Ben Franklins
Baby Desert Eagle BB Pistol
Crosman Phantom BB Pistol
Daisy Model 188 BB Pistol
Daisy CO2 200 BB Pistol
Precise 440 Italian Cap Pistol
Colt Champ Cap Pistol
Crosman 130 BB Pistol in Original Box
L-Metal Products Double Barrel Cork Shotgun
Replica Spanish made Colt Peacemaker in Box
Nazi Arm Band
Ka-Bar USMC 1217 Fighting Knife
German Knife Soligen Steel
Leather Shoulder Holster (German maybe?)
Leather Ammo Pouch (German maybe?)
(9) Leather Holsters
MI Carbine Wood
Misc Grips & Wood
Colt Marked 45 Clip
Other Misc Clips
Barska Spotting Scope 20-60X60
Vanguard Mariner 7x50ZCF, Waterproof
Tasco Electric Zoom 7X-15X35-AT7X w/ Electric Zoom
Bayonet Russian 44
Bayonet Horster
Lyman Lead Furnace, Lead & Molds, Single & Gangmolds, & more….



To Bid on Firearms, the Bidder must be of Legal Age to Own/Possess a Firearm with No Legal Disqualifications to Own/Possess a Firearm, including but not Limited to Felony Convictions or Protective Orders which Prohibit the Bidder from Ownership and or Possession of a Firearm. All Firearms Purchases will Require a NC Purchasing Permit and or Concealed Handgun Permit to Purchase or FFL Dealers License. OUT OF STATE Buyers will Require an FFL Dealer Transfer and will be a $25.00 per Firearm Fee plus Shipping and Handling Paid by Cash, Mastercard, Visa, & Discover (No American Express) Paid Before Firearms are Shipped.

For Absentee Bidding please click here





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Classic Auctions

Classic Auctions

Contact: Tony Furr
Phone: 704-888-1647
Sale Location
201 S. Central Ave.
Locust, NC 28097
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 30, 2019 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details


Saturday, March 30th, 2019 at 10am

Unique Collection from the Smith Estate (dec.)
Early Lever Action Winchester Rifles, Colt Revolvers, & Early 22cal Rifles.  Also, many other Unique and Rare Items.
Mark Your Calendars!!  You Don't Want to Miss this Awesome Gun Auction!



Preview and Inspection:  Friday, March 29th from 10am-2pm

Location and Map:   201 S Central Ave Locust, NC 28097


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as this will be the Inventory Used at the Auction.

Partial Listing:

Lot # 1 Daisy 650 Short BB Gun in Box
Lot #2 Red Ryder BB Gun
Lot #3 Gamo Hunter 220 Air Pellet Rifle
Lot #4 Sheridan blue Streak Air Rifle
Lot #5 Gamo Cadet Delta Pellet Rifle
Lot #6 Benjamin Super Air Pistol in Box
Lot #7 Crosman Mark I Target 22 cal C02 Pistol in Box
Lot #8 Remington 1100 s/n 333IV Shotgun 12ga; Semi-Auto Plain Barrel 2 ¾ or Shorter. Clean Nice Shotgun!
Lot #9 Remington 870 s/n 1270084V Shotgun 12ga; Pump Action, Plain Barrel 2 ¾ or Shorter
Lot #10 Ithaca 37 Featherlight s/n 909899 Shotgun 16ga; Pump Action, Very Nice!
Lot #11 Savage 6A s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto with Early Weaver Scope, 22 Long Long Rifle & Short
Lot #12 Remington 550-1 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi-Auto Short Long & Long Rifle
Lot #13 American Gun Co Rabbit Ear s/n 393199 Shotgun 16 ga; Double Barrel
Lot #14 Stevens 311A s/n None Shotgun 16 ga; Double Barrel Nice Gun
Lot #15 Stevens 311A s/n None Shotgun 410 ga; Double Barrel 3in Shells Clean!
Lot #16 Ruger 10-22 s/n 120-91602 Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto with Extra Clip
Lot #17 Remington Model 11 s/n 337499 Shotgun 12 ga; Semi Auto
Lot #18 LC Smith, Fieldgrade s/n 400905R Shotgun 16 ga; Double Barrel, Clean
Lot #19 AH Fox Sterlingworth s/n 56360 Shotgun 12 ga; Double Barrel, Some Pitting, Not Original Stock
Lot #20 Ruger Mini 14 s/n 183-71456 Rifle 223 cal; Semi Auto Leather Sling and Clip
Lot #20A (3) 30 Round Mini 14 Clips
Lot #21 Quality Hardware M-1 Carbine s/n 1888982 Rifle 30 cal; Semi auto Bayonet Lug Original Sling and 15 Round Clip
Lot #22 Inland M-1 Carbine s/n 644261 Rifle 30 cal; Semi Auto Bayonet Lug, Sling 15 Round Clip, No Import Marks, Barrel marked Inland, GM, 8-43
Lot #22A (5) M-1 Clips
Lot #23 Remington 1100 s/n N186802V Shotgun 12 ga; Semi Auto, Vent Rib, Forearm Cracked
Lot #24 Remington 1100 s/n M863041V Shotgun 12 ga; Semi Auto, Vent Rib, Like New
Lot #25 Mauser 98 s/n RR6068 Rifle 243 win; Bolt Action Stainless Heavy Fluted Barrel, Custom Built by Alson Gralyn Siler with Leupold 6-18 Vari-XIIC Scope
Lot #26 Mauser 98 s/n 14220 Rifle 30-06; Brazilian Mauser Action, Custom Built Stock Sling w/ Scope Mounts
Lot #27 Eddystone 1917 s/n 1135958 Rifle 30-06; Bolt Action Custom Stock Leupold Scope Mounts
Lot #28 Remington 700 s/n A6812169 Rifle 338-06; Bolt Action Scope Mounts, Rifle was Custom Built by Keith Carrington!
Lot #28A Chiappa Kodiak s/n 8600415 Rifle 45-70; Lever Action Stainless New in Box!!
Lot #29 Safari Arms 1911 s/n D1470 Pistol 45 ACP; Semi Auto, appears to be New!
Lot #30 Colt Single Action Army s/n S05511A Revolver 44-40; Nickel 7 ½” BBL, appears to be New w/Original Ziptie
Lot #31 Colt Single Action Army s/n 93587SA Revolver 357 Mag; Case hardened Blue 7 ½ “ BBL, Looks Like New!
Lot #32 Colt Single action Army s/n SA28695 Revolver 357 Mag; Blued 4 ½” BBL, Like New!
Lot #33 Colt Single Action Army s/n 92240SA Revolver 45 LC; Case Hardened Blue, 4 ½” BBL, Excellent Condition
Lot #34 Colt Single Action Army s/n 2814SA Revolver 45 LC; Case Hardened Blue, Bone Style Grips, 5 ½” BBL, Some Light Pitting
Lot #35 Colt Officer’s Model 38 Heavy Barrel s/n 603205 Revolver 38 cal; 6” BBL Blue, Very Light Holster Wear
Lot #36 Colt Model 357 s/n 12412 Revolver 357 mag cal; Double Action, 4” BBL Blue, Light Holster Wear but Clean!
Lot #37 Colt Single Action Frontier Scout s/n 18400K revolver 22 LR; 4 ½” BBL Nickel, New in Wooden Case
Lot #38 Ruger Single Six s/n 105341 Revolver 22 cal; 5 ½” BBL, Blue Like New w/ Original Box
Lot #39 Ruger New Model Blackhawk s/n 46-03550 Revolver .45 LC; Blue 7 ½” BBL, Excellent Condition in Original Box
Lot #40 Smith & Wesson 34-1 s/n M124190 Revolver .22 LR; Blue 2” BBL w/ Original Blue box
Lot #41 Smith & Wesson Model Airweight 37 s/n 366179 Revolver 38 spl; Blue, Rubber Grips 3” BBL Clean
Lot #42 Smith & Wesson 19-4 s/n 46K1564 Revolver 357 mag; Blue 6” BBL Holster Wear
Lot #43 Smith & Wesson N Frame s/n K291757 Revolver 22 cal; 6” BBL Blue, Heary BBL, Holster Wear
Lot #44 Remington 870 Express Mag s/n C296811A Shotgun 12 ga; Pump Vent Rib, Camo, Redfield Lo-Pro Scope 2 ¾” 3 ½” Shells
Lot #45 Mossberg 835 Ultramag s/n UM541564 Shotgun 12 ga; Pump Vent Rib 24” Accumag 2 ¾- 3 ½” Shells
Lot #46 Mossberg 500 s/n T596915 Shotgun 20 ga; Pump 24” Rifled Bore Barrel 2 ¾ -3” Shells Check Rest Scope Rail
Lot #46A Remington 870 Express Magnum s/n B084273M Shotgun 12 ga; Pump, 2 ¾ - 3” Shells, 28” BBL New in Box
Lot #47 Winchester Model 1892 s/n 409276 Rifle 32 wcf; Lever Action 24” BBL Original Patinaed Condition. Action Smooth 1907
Lot #48 Winchester Model 1873 s/n 456196B 32 wcf; Lever Action, Heavy Pitting, Missing Parts, Not Working, 1893 w/ Kings Improvement, 1st year side loading port
Lot #49 Winchester Model 1894 s/n 429652 rifle 30 wcf; Lever Action, 24” Octagonal BBL, 1908, Lyman Frt Sight, Tang Peep Sight Rear, Action seems to work properly
Lot #50 Winchester Model 92 s/n 924021 rifle 25-20 wcf; Lever Action, 20” Round BBL, Saddle Ring, Original Patina. Action seems to be working. 1921-1928
Lot #51 Winchester Model 1892 s/n 310856 rifle 38 wcf; 1905 Lever Action, 24” Octagonal BBL, Original Patina. Action seems to work, but hammer will not cock.
Lot #52 Winchester 1894 s/n 384831 Rifle 30 wcf; Lever Action 20’ Round BBL, 1908 Original w/ Pitting. Action seems to be working, some damage on stock & forearm
Lot #53 Winchester Model 53 s/n 68 Rifle 32 wcf; Lever Action 1924 22” Round BBL Original Patina. Action seems to be working, half magazine model.
Lot #54 Winchester Model 1892 s/n 95535 Rifle 38 wcf; Lever Action 1898 24” Octagonal BBL, Original Patina. Action seems to be working 1898.
Lot #55 Winchester Model 1892 s/n 335346 Rifle 38 wcf; Lever Action 20’ Round BBL Original Patina Light, Pitting on Barrel. Action seems to be working, 1906 front sight has been changed
Lot #56 Winchester Model 94 s/n 1391922 Rifle 25-35 wcf; Lever Action 20” round BBL Original Patina, 1946. Action seems to be working.
Lot #57 Winchester Model 1892 s/n 46980 Rifle 32 wcf; Lever Action, has been refinished to blue. Action seems to be working. 18” Octagonal BBL 1907
Lot #58 Marlin Model 1892 s/n 17148 Rifle 32 Rim; Lever Action 24” Octagonal BBL Original Patina. Action seems to be working 1887
Lot #59 Rossi Model 92 SRC s/n K133535 Rifle 357 mag; Lever Action 20” BBL
Lot #60 Winchester 94AE s/n 5389621 Rifle 30-30; Lever Action 20” BBL. Great Condition
Lot #61 Winchester 94 s/n 3423138 Rifle 30-30; Lever Action 20” BBL. Great Condition. 1970
Lot #62 Winchester 94-22 s/n F228362 Rifle 22 cal; Lever Action, 19 ½” BBL, 1975. Great Condition
Lot #63 Winchester 94 s/n 2790695 Rifle 30-30; Lever Action, 20” BBL, 1964, Case Hardened Blueing
Lot #64 Marlin 39-A s/n N9008 Rifle 22 cal; Lever Action, 1956, Clean Great Condition
Lot #65 Winchester Buffalo Bill s/n WC92847 30-30; Lever Action, Buffalo Bill Commemorative, appears to be Brand New but has driver lic # engraved under lever
Lot #66 Winchester Buffalo Bill w/n WC117761 Rifle 30-30; Lever Action Buffalo Bill Commemorative, in Original Box. Gun is in New Condition, box is rough
Lot #66A Marlin 336R.C. s/n J32445 Rifle 30-30; Lever Action, 1952, 20’ BBL, Original Patina Clear Rifle!
Lot #66B Winchester 1897 s/n 65282 Shotgun 12 ga; Pump Shotgun, 28” BBL, Action Works Great, Perfect Cowboy Shooter
Lot #67 Colt New Frontier s/n 123424 Revolver 22 cal; 4” BBL Blued, Case Hardened, Original Box, Like New Condition 1959
Lot #68 Colt Frontier Scout s/n 103648F Revolver 22 cal; Blued 4 ½” BBL, Like New Condition 1959
Lot #69 Colt Frontier Scout 62 s/n 47740P Revolver 22 cal; Blue 4 ½” BBL, showing wear 1967
Lot #70 Colt Single Action Frontier Scout s/n 156315F Revolver 22 cal; Blued 4 ½” BBL, Original Patina w/ wear 1959
Lot #71 Colt New Frontier s/n G57007 Revolver 22 cal; Blued 6” BBL, Like New but case hardening is discolored 1972
Lot #72 Iver Johnson Breaktop s/n 5941 Revolver .32 short; 6” BBL Nickel, shows signs of nickel peeling
Lot #73 H&R 732 s/n BB017379 Revolver 32 S&W Long; 2 ½” BBL, Original Patina w/ Pitting
Lot #74 High Standard Sentinel s/n 1226333 Revolver 22; Anodized Aluminum 4” BBL, Like New w/ a few scratches 1958
Lot #74A High Standard R-103 Sentinel s/n 1351727 Revolver 22 cal; 6” BBL
Lot #75 Browning Baby Browning s/n 350398 Pistol 25 cal; Blued, Excellent Condition
Lot #76 Beretta 948 s/n 025330N Pistol 22 cal; Original Patina, some wear, nice pistol!
Lot #77 North American Arms Mini-Rev s/n B73411 Revolver 22 cal
Lot #78 Meriden Breaktop s/n 226706 Revolver 32 cal; Nickel 3” BBL, nickel is peeling, has numbers scratched into frame
Lot #79 H&R Hammerless Breaktop s/n 184776 Revolver 38 S&W; nickel peeling, barrel is bulged
Lot #80 Smith & Wesson Lemon Squeezer s/n 216858 Revolver 32 cal; shows lots of wear
Lot #81 Remington Model 95 s/n 640 Derringer 41 cal; Original Patina, tight clean gun
Lot #82 FIE Model Tex 22 s/n TX87124 Revolver 22 cal; Blue, lots of wear w/ Original Box 6 ½” BBL
Lot #83 Colt 1908 Pocket Hammerless s/n 83083 Pistol 25 cal; Original Patina
Lot #84 Spanish Destroyer s/n 78613 Pistol 6.35 cal; Original Patina, grip has been repaired
Lot #85 Hopkins & Allen XLDA s/n 9142 Revolver 22 cal; missing cyl pin, poor condition
Lot #86 US Revolver Breaktop s/n None Revolver 32 cal; cylinder loose, finish worn, missing grip screw, poor condition
Lot #87 Italian Replica s/n 12035 Revolver 44 cal; Blackpowder. No paperwork required!!
Lot #88 Winchester 62A s/n 225609 Rifle 22 cal; Pump Action, Original Patina, action seems to work. 1948
Lot #89 Winchester 62A s/n 214135 Rifle 22 cal; Pump Action, Original Patina, action seems to work. 1947
Lot #90 Stoeger Uplander s/n 556759-06 Shotgun 20 ga; Double Barrel, Like New
Lot #91 Carolina Arms Single Shot s/n 187 Shotgun 12 ga; Single Barrel, action a little loose
Lot #92 Long Tom Single Shot s/n None Shotgun 12 ga; Single Barrel, stock cracked, 36” BBL
Lot #93 Winchester 37 s/n None Shotgun 410 ga; Single Shot, wood has blemishes, 3” shells
Lot #94 Remington 550-1 s/n None Rifle 22; Semi Automatic, action seems to work clean
Lot #95 Winchester 69 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action w/ Clip
Lot #96 Winchester 67-A s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Clean Rifle
Lot #97 Marlin 55 s/n None Shotgun 12 ga; Bolt Action, w/ Marlina Micro Choke w/ Clip
Lot #98 Mossberg 190 s/n None Shotgun 12 ga; Bolt Action w/ Clip & Choke
Lot #99 Winchester 69A s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action w/ Clip, Peep Sight
Lot #100 Remington 511 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action w/ Clip, Scoremaster
Lot #101 H&R Topper 148 s/n None Shotgun 12 ga; Single Shot 36” BBL
Lot #102 Iver Johnson Excel s/n 64600XG Shotgun 410 ga; wood shows wear
Lot #102A Savage Super Sporter s/n 11045 Rifle 30-30; Bolt Action Clip Fed, Clean
Lot #103 Stevens 87A s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto Short, Long, & Long Rifle
Lot #104 Stevens 6-A s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto, short, Long, & Long rifle in Excellent Shape
Lot #105 Mossberg 151-K s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto, 22 Long Rifle only
Lot #106 Remington Sportmaster 512 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Short, Long or Rifle, stock has bad spots
Lot #107 Remington Scoremaster 511 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Short, Long, & Long Rifle Clip Fed
Lot #108 Remington Sportsmaster 512 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Short, Long, & Long Rifle
Lot #109 JC Higgins 36 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto w/ Scope 22 LR only
Lot #110 Remington TargetMaster 510 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Sling, Short, Long, & Long Rifle
Lot #111 Remington TargetMaster 510 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Short, Long, & Long Rifle, bolt loose
Lot #112 King Hardware Single Shot s/n 78233 Shotgun 12 ga; Single Shot, Stock Repairs, end of barrel bulged
Lot #113 Sears 101.40B s/n None Shotgun 410 ga; Single Shot, 3” 410, stock damaged
Lot #114 AJ Aubrey Model Single Shot s/n 3358 Shotgun 12ga; Single Barrel made by Meriden Firearms, missing parts, not fireable
Lot #115
Westpoint 487-T s/n B571222 Rifle 22 cal; missing lots of parts, not fireable
Remington Sportsmaster 512 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; missing lots of parts, not fireable
Lot #116 Stoeger Arms Luger s/n 103709 Pistol 22cal Semi Auto, broken sear, missing grips, not operable

Benjamin Franklin 312 22cal Air Rifle, missing bolt
(14) BB Guns (Rifles) Daisy to Ben Franklins
Baby Desert Eagle BB Pistol
Crosman Phantom BB Pistol
Daisy Model 188 BB Pistol
Daisy CO2 200 BB Pistol
Precise 440 Italian Cap Pistol
Colt Champ Cap Pistol
Crosman 130 BB Pistol in Original Box
L-Metal Products Double Barrel Cork Shotgun
Replica Spanish made Colt Peacemaker in Box
Nazi Arm Band
Ka-Bar USMC 1217 Fighting Knife
German Knife Soligen Steel
Leather Shoulder Holster (German maybe?)
Leather Ammo Pouch (German maybe?)
(9) Leather Holsters
MI Carbine Wood
Misc Grips & Wood
Colt Marked 45 Clip
Other Misc Clips
Barska Spotting Scope 20-60X60
Vanguard Mariner 7x50ZCF, Waterproof
Tasco Electric Zoom 7X-15X35-AT7X w/ Electric Zoom
Bayonet Russian 44
Bayonet Horster
Lyman Lead Furnace, Lead & Molds, Single & Gangmolds, & more….



To Bid on Firearms, the Bidder must be of Legal Age to Own/Possess a Firearm with No Legal Disqualifications to Own/Possess a Firearm, including but not Limited to Felony Convictions or Protective Orders which Prohibit the Bidder from Ownership and or Possession of a Firearm. All Firearms Purchases will Require a NC Purchasing Permit and or Concealed Handgun Permit to Purchase or FFL Dealers License. OUT OF STATE Buyers will Require an FFL Dealer Transfer and will be a $25.00 per Firearm Fee plus Shipping and Handling Paid by Cash, Mastercard, Visa, & Discover (No American Express) Paid Before Firearms are Shipped.

For Absentee Bidding please click here





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 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Mar 30, 2019 Completed
Sale Location

Locust, NC 28097
Classic Auctions

Contact: Tony Furr
Phone: 704-888-1647


Saturday, March 30th, 2019 at 10am

Unique Collection from the Smith Estate (dec.)
Early Lever Action Winchester Rifles, Colt Revolvers, & Early 22cal Rifles.  Also, many other Unique and Rare Items.
Mark Your Calendars!!  You Don't Want to Miss this Awesome Gun Auction!



Preview and Inspection:  Friday, March 29th from 10am-2pm

Location and Map:   201 S Central Ave Locust, NC 28097


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as this will be the Inventory Used at the Auction.

Partial Listing:

Lot # 1 Daisy 650 Short BB Gun in Box
Lot #2 Red Ryder BB Gun
Lot #3 Gamo Hunter 220 Air Pellet Rifle
Lot #4 Sheridan blue Streak Air Rifle
Lot #5 Gamo Cadet Delta Pellet Rifle
Lot #6 Benjamin Super Air Pistol in Box
Lot #7 Crosman Mark I Target 22 cal C02 Pistol in Box
Lot #8 Remington 1100 s/n 333IV Shotgun 12ga; Semi-Auto Plain Barrel 2 ¾ or Shorter. Clean Nice Shotgun!
Lot #9 Remington 870 s/n 1270084V Shotgun 12ga; Pump Action, Plain Barrel 2 ¾ or Shorter
Lot #10 Ithaca 37 Featherlight s/n 909899 Shotgun 16ga; Pump Action, Very Nice!
Lot #11 Savage 6A s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto with Early Weaver Scope, 22 Long Long Rifle & Short
Lot #12 Remington 550-1 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi-Auto Short Long & Long Rifle
Lot #13 American Gun Co Rabbit Ear s/n 393199 Shotgun 16 ga; Double Barrel
Lot #14 Stevens 311A s/n None Shotgun 16 ga; Double Barrel Nice Gun
Lot #15 Stevens 311A s/n None Shotgun 410 ga; Double Barrel 3in Shells Clean!
Lot #16 Ruger 10-22 s/n 120-91602 Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto with Extra Clip
Lot #17 Remington Model 11 s/n 337499 Shotgun 12 ga; Semi Auto
Lot #18 LC Smith, Fieldgrade s/n 400905R Shotgun 16 ga; Double Barrel, Clean
Lot #19 AH Fox Sterlingworth s/n 56360 Shotgun 12 ga; Double Barrel, Some Pitting, Not Original Stock
Lot #20 Ruger Mini 14 s/n 183-71456 Rifle 223 cal; Semi Auto Leather Sling and Clip
Lot #20A (3) 30 Round Mini 14 Clips
Lot #21 Quality Hardware M-1 Carbine s/n 1888982 Rifle 30 cal; Semi auto Bayonet Lug Original Sling and 15 Round Clip
Lot #22 Inland M-1 Carbine s/n 644261 Rifle 30 cal; Semi Auto Bayonet Lug, Sling 15 Round Clip, No Import Marks, Barrel marked Inland, GM, 8-43
Lot #22A (5) M-1 Clips
Lot #23 Remington 1100 s/n N186802V Shotgun 12 ga; Semi Auto, Vent Rib, Forearm Cracked
Lot #24 Remington 1100 s/n M863041V Shotgun 12 ga; Semi Auto, Vent Rib, Like New
Lot #25 Mauser 98 s/n RR6068 Rifle 243 win; Bolt Action Stainless Heavy Fluted Barrel, Custom Built by Alson Gralyn Siler with Leupold 6-18 Vari-XIIC Scope
Lot #26 Mauser 98 s/n 14220 Rifle 30-06; Brazilian Mauser Action, Custom Built Stock Sling w/ Scope Mounts
Lot #27 Eddystone 1917 s/n 1135958 Rifle 30-06; Bolt Action Custom Stock Leupold Scope Mounts
Lot #28 Remington 700 s/n A6812169 Rifle 338-06; Bolt Action Scope Mounts, Rifle was Custom Built by Keith Carrington!
Lot #28A Chiappa Kodiak s/n 8600415 Rifle 45-70; Lever Action Stainless New in Box!!
Lot #29 Safari Arms 1911 s/n D1470 Pistol 45 ACP; Semi Auto, appears to be New!
Lot #30 Colt Single Action Army s/n S05511A Revolver 44-40; Nickel 7 ½” BBL, appears to be New w/Original Ziptie
Lot #31 Colt Single Action Army s/n 93587SA Revolver 357 Mag; Case hardened Blue 7 ½ “ BBL, Looks Like New!
Lot #32 Colt Single action Army s/n SA28695 Revolver 357 Mag; Blued 4 ½” BBL, Like New!
Lot #33 Colt Single Action Army s/n 92240SA Revolver 45 LC; Case Hardened Blue, 4 ½” BBL, Excellent Condition
Lot #34 Colt Single Action Army s/n 2814SA Revolver 45 LC; Case Hardened Blue, Bone Style Grips, 5 ½” BBL, Some Light Pitting
Lot #35 Colt Officer’s Model 38 Heavy Barrel s/n 603205 Revolver 38 cal; 6” BBL Blue, Very Light Holster Wear
Lot #36 Colt Model 357 s/n 12412 Revolver 357 mag cal; Double Action, 4” BBL Blue, Light Holster Wear but Clean!
Lot #37 Colt Single Action Frontier Scout s/n 18400K revolver 22 LR; 4 ½” BBL Nickel, New in Wooden Case
Lot #38 Ruger Single Six s/n 105341 Revolver 22 cal; 5 ½” BBL, Blue Like New w/ Original Box
Lot #39 Ruger New Model Blackhawk s/n 46-03550 Revolver .45 LC; Blue 7 ½” BBL, Excellent Condition in Original Box
Lot #40 Smith & Wesson 34-1 s/n M124190 Revolver .22 LR; Blue 2” BBL w/ Original Blue box
Lot #41 Smith & Wesson Model Airweight 37 s/n 366179 Revolver 38 spl; Blue, Rubber Grips 3” BBL Clean
Lot #42 Smith & Wesson 19-4 s/n 46K1564 Revolver 357 mag; Blue 6” BBL Holster Wear
Lot #43 Smith & Wesson N Frame s/n K291757 Revolver 22 cal; 6” BBL Blue, Heary BBL, Holster Wear
Lot #44 Remington 870 Express Mag s/n C296811A Shotgun 12 ga; Pump Vent Rib, Camo, Redfield Lo-Pro Scope 2 ¾” 3 ½” Shells
Lot #45 Mossberg 835 Ultramag s/n UM541564 Shotgun 12 ga; Pump Vent Rib 24” Accumag 2 ¾- 3 ½” Shells
Lot #46 Mossberg 500 s/n T596915 Shotgun 20 ga; Pump 24” Rifled Bore Barrel 2 ¾ -3” Shells Check Rest Scope Rail
Lot #46A Remington 870 Express Magnum s/n B084273M Shotgun 12 ga; Pump, 2 ¾ - 3” Shells, 28” BBL New in Box
Lot #47 Winchester Model 1892 s/n 409276 Rifle 32 wcf; Lever Action 24” BBL Original Patinaed Condition. Action Smooth 1907
Lot #48 Winchester Model 1873 s/n 456196B 32 wcf; Lever Action, Heavy Pitting, Missing Parts, Not Working, 1893 w/ Kings Improvement, 1st year side loading port
Lot #49 Winchester Model 1894 s/n 429652 rifle 30 wcf; Lever Action, 24” Octagonal BBL, 1908, Lyman Frt Sight, Tang Peep Sight Rear, Action seems to work properly
Lot #50 Winchester Model 92 s/n 924021 rifle 25-20 wcf; Lever Action, 20” Round BBL, Saddle Ring, Original Patina. Action seems to be working. 1921-1928
Lot #51 Winchester Model 1892 s/n 310856 rifle 38 wcf; 1905 Lever Action, 24” Octagonal BBL, Original Patina. Action seems to work, but hammer will not cock.
Lot #52 Winchester 1894 s/n 384831 Rifle 30 wcf; Lever Action 20’ Round BBL, 1908 Original w/ Pitting. Action seems to be working, some damage on stock & forearm
Lot #53 Winchester Model 53 s/n 68 Rifle 32 wcf; Lever Action 1924 22” Round BBL Original Patina. Action seems to be working, half magazine model.
Lot #54 Winchester Model 1892 s/n 95535 Rifle 38 wcf; Lever Action 1898 24” Octagonal BBL, Original Patina. Action seems to be working 1898.
Lot #55 Winchester Model 1892 s/n 335346 Rifle 38 wcf; Lever Action 20’ Round BBL Original Patina Light, Pitting on Barrel. Action seems to be working, 1906 front sight has been changed
Lot #56 Winchester Model 94 s/n 1391922 Rifle 25-35 wcf; Lever Action 20” round BBL Original Patina, 1946. Action seems to be working.
Lot #57 Winchester Model 1892 s/n 46980 Rifle 32 wcf; Lever Action, has been refinished to blue. Action seems to be working. 18” Octagonal BBL 1907
Lot #58 Marlin Model 1892 s/n 17148 Rifle 32 Rim; Lever Action 24” Octagonal BBL Original Patina. Action seems to be working 1887
Lot #59 Rossi Model 92 SRC s/n K133535 Rifle 357 mag; Lever Action 20” BBL
Lot #60 Winchester 94AE s/n 5389621 Rifle 30-30; Lever Action 20” BBL. Great Condition
Lot #61 Winchester 94 s/n 3423138 Rifle 30-30; Lever Action 20” BBL. Great Condition. 1970
Lot #62 Winchester 94-22 s/n F228362 Rifle 22 cal; Lever Action, 19 ½” BBL, 1975. Great Condition
Lot #63 Winchester 94 s/n 2790695 Rifle 30-30; Lever Action, 20” BBL, 1964, Case Hardened Blueing
Lot #64 Marlin 39-A s/n N9008 Rifle 22 cal; Lever Action, 1956, Clean Great Condition
Lot #65 Winchester Buffalo Bill s/n WC92847 30-30; Lever Action, Buffalo Bill Commemorative, appears to be Brand New but has driver lic # engraved under lever
Lot #66 Winchester Buffalo Bill w/n WC117761 Rifle 30-30; Lever Action Buffalo Bill Commemorative, in Original Box. Gun is in New Condition, box is rough
Lot #66A Marlin 336R.C. s/n J32445 Rifle 30-30; Lever Action, 1952, 20’ BBL, Original Patina Clear Rifle!
Lot #66B Winchester 1897 s/n 65282 Shotgun 12 ga; Pump Shotgun, 28” BBL, Action Works Great, Perfect Cowboy Shooter
Lot #67 Colt New Frontier s/n 123424 Revolver 22 cal; 4” BBL Blued, Case Hardened, Original Box, Like New Condition 1959
Lot #68 Colt Frontier Scout s/n 103648F Revolver 22 cal; Blued 4 ½” BBL, Like New Condition 1959
Lot #69 Colt Frontier Scout 62 s/n 47740P Revolver 22 cal; Blue 4 ½” BBL, showing wear 1967
Lot #70 Colt Single Action Frontier Scout s/n 156315F Revolver 22 cal; Blued 4 ½” BBL, Original Patina w/ wear 1959
Lot #71 Colt New Frontier s/n G57007 Revolver 22 cal; Blued 6” BBL, Like New but case hardening is discolored 1972
Lot #72 Iver Johnson Breaktop s/n 5941 Revolver .32 short; 6” BBL Nickel, shows signs of nickel peeling
Lot #73 H&R 732 s/n BB017379 Revolver 32 S&W Long; 2 ½” BBL, Original Patina w/ Pitting
Lot #74 High Standard Sentinel s/n 1226333 Revolver 22; Anodized Aluminum 4” BBL, Like New w/ a few scratches 1958
Lot #74A High Standard R-103 Sentinel s/n 1351727 Revolver 22 cal; 6” BBL
Lot #75 Browning Baby Browning s/n 350398 Pistol 25 cal; Blued, Excellent Condition
Lot #76 Beretta 948 s/n 025330N Pistol 22 cal; Original Patina, some wear, nice pistol!
Lot #77 North American Arms Mini-Rev s/n B73411 Revolver 22 cal
Lot #78 Meriden Breaktop s/n 226706 Revolver 32 cal; Nickel 3” BBL, nickel is peeling, has numbers scratched into frame
Lot #79 H&R Hammerless Breaktop s/n 184776 Revolver 38 S&W; nickel peeling, barrel is bulged
Lot #80 Smith & Wesson Lemon Squeezer s/n 216858 Revolver 32 cal; shows lots of wear
Lot #81 Remington Model 95 s/n 640 Derringer 41 cal; Original Patina, tight clean gun
Lot #82 FIE Model Tex 22 s/n TX87124 Revolver 22 cal; Blue, lots of wear w/ Original Box 6 ½” BBL
Lot #83 Colt 1908 Pocket Hammerless s/n 83083 Pistol 25 cal; Original Patina
Lot #84 Spanish Destroyer s/n 78613 Pistol 6.35 cal; Original Patina, grip has been repaired
Lot #85 Hopkins & Allen XLDA s/n 9142 Revolver 22 cal; missing cyl pin, poor condition
Lot #86 US Revolver Breaktop s/n None Revolver 32 cal; cylinder loose, finish worn, missing grip screw, poor condition
Lot #87 Italian Replica s/n 12035 Revolver 44 cal; Blackpowder. No paperwork required!!
Lot #88 Winchester 62A s/n 225609 Rifle 22 cal; Pump Action, Original Patina, action seems to work. 1948
Lot #89 Winchester 62A s/n 214135 Rifle 22 cal; Pump Action, Original Patina, action seems to work. 1947
Lot #90 Stoeger Uplander s/n 556759-06 Shotgun 20 ga; Double Barrel, Like New
Lot #91 Carolina Arms Single Shot s/n 187 Shotgun 12 ga; Single Barrel, action a little loose
Lot #92 Long Tom Single Shot s/n None Shotgun 12 ga; Single Barrel, stock cracked, 36” BBL
Lot #93 Winchester 37 s/n None Shotgun 410 ga; Single Shot, wood has blemishes, 3” shells
Lot #94 Remington 550-1 s/n None Rifle 22; Semi Automatic, action seems to work clean
Lot #95 Winchester 69 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action w/ Clip
Lot #96 Winchester 67-A s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Clean Rifle
Lot #97 Marlin 55 s/n None Shotgun 12 ga; Bolt Action, w/ Marlina Micro Choke w/ Clip
Lot #98 Mossberg 190 s/n None Shotgun 12 ga; Bolt Action w/ Clip & Choke
Lot #99 Winchester 69A s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action w/ Clip, Peep Sight
Lot #100 Remington 511 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action w/ Clip, Scoremaster
Lot #101 H&R Topper 148 s/n None Shotgun 12 ga; Single Shot 36” BBL
Lot #102 Iver Johnson Excel s/n 64600XG Shotgun 410 ga; wood shows wear
Lot #102A Savage Super Sporter s/n 11045 Rifle 30-30; Bolt Action Clip Fed, Clean
Lot #103 Stevens 87A s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto Short, Long, & Long Rifle
Lot #104 Stevens 6-A s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto, short, Long, & Long rifle in Excellent Shape
Lot #105 Mossberg 151-K s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto, 22 Long Rifle only
Lot #106 Remington Sportmaster 512 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Short, Long or Rifle, stock has bad spots
Lot #107 Remington Scoremaster 511 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Short, Long, & Long Rifle Clip Fed
Lot #108 Remington Sportsmaster 512 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Short, Long, & Long Rifle
Lot #109 JC Higgins 36 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Semi Auto w/ Scope 22 LR only
Lot #110 Remington TargetMaster 510 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Sling, Short, Long, & Long Rifle
Lot #111 Remington TargetMaster 510 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; Bolt Action, Short, Long, & Long Rifle, bolt loose
Lot #112 King Hardware Single Shot s/n 78233 Shotgun 12 ga; Single Shot, Stock Repairs, end of barrel bulged
Lot #113 Sears 101.40B s/n None Shotgun 410 ga; Single Shot, 3” 410, stock damaged
Lot #114 AJ Aubrey Model Single Shot s/n 3358 Shotgun 12ga; Single Barrel made by Meriden Firearms, missing parts, not fireable
Lot #115
Westpoint 487-T s/n B571222 Rifle 22 cal; missing lots of parts, not fireable
Remington Sportsmaster 512 s/n None Rifle 22 cal; missing lots of parts, not fireable
Lot #116 Stoeger Arms Luger s/n 103709 Pistol 22cal Semi Auto, broken sear, missing grips, not operable

Benjamin Franklin 312 22cal Air Rifle, missing bolt
(14) BB Guns (Rifles) Daisy to Ben Franklins
Baby Desert Eagle BB Pistol
Crosman Phantom BB Pistol
Daisy Model 188 BB Pistol
Daisy CO2 200 BB Pistol
Precise 440 Italian Cap Pistol
Colt Champ Cap Pistol
Crosman 130 BB Pistol in Original Box
L-Metal Products Double Barrel Cork Shotgun
Replica Spanish made Colt Peacemaker in Box
Nazi Arm Band
Ka-Bar USMC 1217 Fighting Knife
German Knife Soligen Steel
Leather Shoulder Holster (German maybe?)
Leather Ammo Pouch (German maybe?)
(9) Leather Holsters
MI Carbine Wood
Misc Grips & Wood
Colt Marked 45 Clip
Other Misc Clips
Barska Spotting Scope 20-60X60
Vanguard Mariner 7x50ZCF, Waterproof
Tasco Electric Zoom 7X-15X35-AT7X w/ Electric Zoom
Bayonet Russian 44
Bayonet Horster
Lyman Lead Furnace, Lead & Molds, Single & Gangmolds, & more….



To Bid on Firearms, the Bidder must be of Legal Age to Own/Possess a Firearm with No Legal Disqualifications to Own/Possess a Firearm, including but not Limited to Felony Convictions or Protective Orders which Prohibit the Bidder from Ownership and or Possession of a Firearm. All Firearms Purchases will Require a NC Purchasing Permit and or Concealed Handgun Permit to Purchase or FFL Dealers License. OUT OF STATE Buyers will Require an FFL Dealer Transfer and will be a $25.00 per Firearm Fee plus Shipping and Handling Paid by Cash, Mastercard, Visa, & Discover (No American Express) Paid Before Firearms are Shipped.

For Absentee Bidding please click here





Click here for a printable version of this page as this will be the Inventory Used at the Auction.



