Jewelry Store Gift Department #7
Listing ID#: 217858

Sale Location

St Louis, MO 63144
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Bidding Starts: Friday Nov 23
Bidding Ends: Friday Jan 11
Sale Type
Company Information
AAG Auction

Contact: Ed Harpenau
Phone: 314-645-1735
Website: ID#: 10013
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Payment Instructions

Cards will be charged following the auction. Charges will include final bid price & buyer's premiums will be charged. Any bidders with cards that are declined on reconciliation day a $35 dollar processing fee will be charged to run another credit card. Everything is sold "as is" and all sales are final. Bidders hereby waive their right to initiate a chargeback on his/her credit card for any reason.

EXTENDED BIDDING FEATURE: This auction features extended bidding! Any lot that receives a bid within 3 MINUTES of its scheduled closing will remain open for bids past its normal close and then enter into extended bidding. The lot will remain open until there are no bids received on that lot for a period of 3 MINUTES. This only affects lots with last minute bids; other lots will continue to close at their normal times. If you have questions please call us 314-645-1735. When a max bid is placed, the current bid price does not automatically go to your max bid. Another bidder has to bid to increase the current price and the computer will automatically inject your bid in the next increment, continually after being outbid, until it reaches your maximum bid amount.

Terms and Conditions
1. All persons attending the exhibition, sale, or removal of merchandise assume all risk of damage to person or property and specifically release and indemnify Arnold Auction Gallery from liability.
2. All property is sold "AS IS", and ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Property is open to thorough public inspection. It is the bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Arnold Auction Gallery may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising, on the internet and at the auction but makes no representations. In no event shall Arnold Auction Gallery be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value.
3. All internet bidders agree to pay a buyer's premium equal to 10% on the hammer price on each item they purchase.
4. Bidders who bid from off-site understand and acknowledge that they may not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examine it in person. It is the bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age genuineness, value or any other determining factor. Arnold Auction Gallery shall endeavor to describe in detail each item and any pertinent information about it. Arnold Auction Gallery will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise unless it is a material and intentional misrepresentation of the item itself. Bidders agree that everything is sold as and that they may not return any item they purchase for any reason.
5. Arnold Auction Gallery is providing internet bidding as a service to bidder. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly the day of the auction. Under no circumstances shall bidder have any kind of claim against Arnold Auction Gallery or anyone else if the internet service fails to work correctly before or during the live auction. Arnold Auction Gallery will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged, should use the Proxy-Bidding feature and leave their maximum bid 24 hours before the auction ends. Arnold Auction Gallery reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction.
6. The auctioneer should advance the bid at his own discretion. Arnold Auction Gallery may withdraw any item before or during the auction. Should a tie or dispute arise between two bidders, the auctioneer may, at his discretion reopen the bidding until the property is sold. The record of the auction made by Arnold Auction Gallery shall be conclusive.
7. When the auctioneer says "sold" Bidder assume full responsibility for the merchandise. Everything MUST BE PAID FOR IN FULL AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE AUCTION. Payment shall be made by VISA, MASTERCARD, or DISCOVER. Unless exempt by law the purchaser shall pay any and all applicable taxes. Bidder agrees indemnify Arnold Auction Gallery against any claim if sales tax is not collected on bidders purchases. Bidder further agrees that under no circumstances will he/she initiate a charge back on his/her credit card.
8. Any merchandise not removed by bidder may be resold at the next auction or disposed of in any other way Arnold Auction Gallery deems to be suitable. Once you become the successful bidder it is your responsibility to pick up the item.
9. Arnold Auction Gallery may refuse a bidder's number to anyone for any reason. Bidder agrees to provide any identification Arnold Auction Gallery may request including but not limited to: driver's license: photo copies of credit cards, social security card or passport. Bidders agrees to comply with any stated additional terms or conditions associated with particular items.
10. CHOICE OF LAW, JURISDICTION, and AND VENUE: Any auction matter shall be exclusively construed and governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue of any controversy or claim between the parties shall be the city of Maryland Heights (St Louis County) in the state of Missouri.
11. We want you to be happy with your purchases. If you have any question about the merchandise the time to ask questions is well in advance of the live auction. No returns are allowed. Thank You for your patronage.


Our first priority is that your items are received by you in the same condition as when we list them in our auction. All pickups need to be within the advertised pick up time. Long distance buyers can make other arrangements. Items are to be picked up at the St Louis Estate Liquidators warehouse at 390 Fee Rd, St Louis, MO 63043.

Listing Information
Another sale full of New Old Store Stock. Hummels, Dept 56, Dolls and Other

Hummels, Prec Moments, Dept 56, Mdm Alexander,
Boyds Bears and other items Preview & Pickup is at our warehouse 390 Fee Fee Rd. Pickup Saturday , January 12 and Sunday January 13 from 10 till 3. Almost all of these items are new in box. I will photograph as such. Please come for preview or call ...

Hummel blumenk
Hummel blumenk

Hummel exclusive edition ball at play
Hummel exclusive edition ball at play

Hummel one plus one
Hummel one plus one

Hummel melodic mandolin
Hummel melodic mandolin

Hummel club kinder choir stage and cover
Hummel club kinder choir stage and cover

In the land of Hummel new sealed book
In the land of Hummel new sealed book

Price guide book to Hummel
Price guide book to Hummel

Hummel box of accessories
Hummel box of accessories

Department 56 village streetcar set
Department 56 village streetcar set

Department 56 Disney olde world antiques
Department 56 Disney olde world antiques

Department 56 Disney fantasyland
Department 56 Disney fantasyland sealed

Department 56 Disney parks family 2 sets
Department 56 Disney parks family 2 sets

Department 56 Disney Mickey and Minnie 2 sets
Department 56 Disney Mickey and Minnie 2 sets

Department 56 north pole series set of 12
Department 56 north pole series set of 12

Department 56 monopoly Yorkshire grand hotel
Department 56 monopoly Yorkshire grand hotel

Department 56 monopoly law offices inc
Department 56 monopoly law offices inc

Department 56 monopoly opera du jardin
Department 56 monopoly opera du jardin

4 department 56 monopoly light adapter
4 department 56 monopoly light adapter

Madame Alexander groom
Madame Alexander groom

Madame Alexander white rabbit
Madame Alexander white rabbit

Madame Alexander Hansel
Madame Alexander Hansel

Madame Alexander red and white dressed
Madame Alexander red and white dressed

Madame Alexander chef
Madame Alexander chef

Ashton drake Miguel doll
Ashton drake Miguel doll

Ashton drake from the heart doll
Ashton drake from the heart doll

Ashton drake sweetie doll
Ashton drake sweetie doll

Dynasty rosalyn doll
Dynasty rosalyn doll

Phyllis parkins doll
Phyllis parkins doll

Ashton drake guardian angel doll
Ashton drake guardian angel doll with wings as white as snow

Ashton drake opera doll with stand
Ashton drake opera doll with stand

Ashton drake angelica doll
Ashton drake angelica doll

Larger boyds bear white with red plaid scarf
Large boyds bear white with red plaid scarf

5 boyds bears figures w original box
5 boyds bears figures w original box

2 stuffed boyds bears in military attire
2 stuffed boyds bears in military attire

5 boyds bears figures w original box
5 boyds bears figures w original box

3 pairs boyds bears binoculars
3 pairs boyds bears binoculars

Larger stuffed boyds bear red,white n blue
Larger stuffed boyds bear red, white and blue

5 boyds bears figures w original box
5 boyds bears figures w original box

4 stuffed boyds domestic divas
4 stuffed boyds domestic divas

Box of smaller stuffed boyds bears variety
Box of smaller stuffed boyds bears variety

5 enesco memories of yesteryear figures
5 enesco memories of yesteryear figures

Cherished teddies club gift set
Cherished teddies club gift set

5 enesco memories of yesteryear figures
5 enesco memories of yesteryear figures

Limited edition chicken stein
Limited edition chicken stein

Toy rocking horse
Toy rocking horse

Resin holiday music box
Resin holiday music box

3 boxes of 24 precious moments refer magnets
3 boxes of 24 precious moments refer magnets

6 Andre tealight candle holders
6 Andre tealight candle holders

Precious moments 5 x 7 photo frame
Precious moments 5 x 7 photo frame

Rfd America by Lowell Davis figures and ornaments
4 rfd America by Lowell Davis figures and ornaments

5 pretty as a picture figures
5 pretty as a picture figures

2 boxes mount Vernon just the right shoes
2 boxes mount Vernon just the right shoes

5 heart shaped trinket boxes
5 heart shaped trinket boxes

3 just the right shoes golden leaf wedge
3 just the right shoes golden leaf wedge

6 precious moments life's a ball etc
6 precious moments life's a ball etc

3 rfd America by Lowell Davis figures
3 rfd America by Lowell Davis figures

Harmony kingdom rule Britannia figure
Harmony kingdom rule Britannia figure

Planet hk royal watch collectors club figures
Planet hk royal watch collectors club figures

Boyds little faeries collection
3 boxed boyds little faeries collection

Flat of 8 ganz carded figures
Flat of 8 ganz carded figures

Flat of webkin pink pet carriers
Flat of webkin pink pet carriers

Flat of webkin camo tank tops
Flat of webkin camo tank tops

Flat of webkin pink baggy jeans
Flat of webkin pink baggy jeans

Flat of webkin purple pet carriers
Flat of webkin purple pet carriers

Flat of webkin stripy toque caps
Flat of webkin stripy toque caps

12 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, cheers
12 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

11 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, soccer
11 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, Godzilla
8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

10 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, friends
10 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

16 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, soccer
16 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, avatar
8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, romance
8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

9 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, Elvis
9 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

6 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, birds
6 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

Rfd America by Lowell Davis the leapin lizzard
Rfd America by Lowell Davis the leapin lizzard

Rfd America by Lowell Davis slim Pickens
Rfd America by Lowell Davis slim Pickens

7 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, horse
7 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

Large cast art dreamsicles
Large cast art dreamsicles artist signed

Cooper great British pubs ,the bluebell
Cooper great British pubs, the bluebell

Rfd America by Lowell Davis burlap sack set
Rfd America by Lowell Davis burlap sack set, 2 hats, figure and coloring book

Maurice wideman American coll, king Williams
Maurice wideman American coll, king William tavern

Boyds shoe box bears Dorothy, tinman
Boyds shoe box bears Dorothy and tinman

Boyds doll on stand
Boyds doll on stand

2 precious moments bunny booty photo frame
2 precious moments bunny booty photo frame

Mabel Lucie attwell book by Chris beetles
Mabel Lucie attwell book by Chris beetles

3 precious moments action musical grandma
3 precious moments action musical grandma

Basket by ganz
Basket by ganz

Book of the history of lladro
Book of the history of lladro

3 rfd America by Lowell Davis leapin lizzard
3 rfd America by Lowell Davis leapin lizzard

Photo Gallery

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Jewelry Store Gift Department #7

AAG Auction

AAG Auction

Contact: Ed Harpenau
Phone: 314-645-1735
Sale Location
PO Box 440308
St Louis, MO 63144
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
Payment Instructions Cards will be charged following the auction. Charges will include final bid price & buyer's premiums will be charged. Any bidders with cards that are declined on reconciliation day a $35 dollar processing fee will be charged to run another credit card. Everything is sold "as is" and all sales are final. Bidders hereby waive their right to initiate a chargeback on his/her credit card for any reason. EXTENDED BIDDING FEATURE: This auction features extended bidding! Any lot that receives a bid within 3 MINUTES of its scheduled closing will remain open for bids past its normal close and then enter into extended bidding. The lot will remain open until there are no bids received on that lot for a period of 3 MINUTES. This only affects lots with last minute bids; other lots will continue to close at their normal times. If you have questions please call us 314-645-1735. When a max bid is placed, the current bid price does not automatically go to your max bid. Another bidder has to bid to increase the current price and the computer will automatically inject your bid in the next increment, continually after being outbid, until it reaches your maximum bid amount. Terms and Conditions 1. All persons attending the exhibition, sale, or removal of merchandise assume all risk of damage to person or property and specifically release and indemnify Arnold Auction Gallery from liability. 2. All property is sold "AS IS", and ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Property is open to thorough public inspection. It is the bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Arnold Auction Gallery may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising, on the internet and at the auction but makes no representations. In no event shall Arnold Auction Gallery be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. 3. All internet bidders agree to pay a buyer's premium equal to 10% on the hammer price on each item they purchase. 4. Bidders who bid from off-site understand and acknowledge that they may not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examine it in person. It is the bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age genuineness, value or any other determining factor. Arnold Auction Gallery shall endeavor to describe in detail each item and any pertinent information about it. Arnold Auction Gallery will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise unless it is a material and intentional misrepresentation of the item itself. Bidders agree that everything is sold as and that they may not return any item they purchase for any reason. 5. Arnold Auction Gallery is providing internet bidding as a service to bidder. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly the day of the auction. Under no circumstances shall bidder have any kind of claim against Arnold Auction Gallery or anyone else if the internet service fails to work correctly before or during the live auction. Arnold Auction Gallery will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged, should use the Proxy-Bidding feature and leave their maximum bid 24 hours before the auction ends. Arnold Auction Gallery reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction. 6. The auctioneer should advance the bid at his own discretion. Arnold Auction Gallery may withdraw any item before or during the auction. Should a tie or dispute arise between two bidders, the auctioneer may, at his discretion reopen the bidding until the property is sold. The record of the auction made by Arnold Auction Gallery shall be conclusive. 7. When the auctioneer says "sold" Bidder assume full responsibility for the merchandise. Everything MUST BE PAID FOR IN FULL AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE AUCTION. Payment shall be made by VISA, MASTERCARD, or DISCOVER. Unless exempt by law the purchaser shall pay any and all applicable taxes. Bidder agrees indemnify Arnold Auction Gallery against any claim if sales tax is not collected on bidders purchases. Bidder further agrees that under no circumstances will he/she initiate a charge back on his/her credit card. 8. Any merchandise not removed by bidder may be resold at the next auction or disposed of in any other way Arnold Auction Gallery deems to be suitable. Once you become the successful bidder it is your responsibility to pick up the item. 9. Arnold Auction Gallery may refuse a bidder's number to anyone for any reason. Bidder agrees to provide any identification Arnold Auction Gallery may request including but not limited to: driver's license: photo copies of credit cards, social security card or passport. Bidders agrees to comply with any stated additional terms or conditions associated with particular items. 10. CHOICE OF LAW, JURISDICTION, and AND VENUE: Any auction matter shall be exclusively construed and governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue of any controversy or claim between the parties shall be the city of Maryland Heights (St Louis County) in the state of Missouri. 11. We want you to be happy with your purchases. If you have any question about the merchandise the time to ask questions is well in advance of the live auction. No returns are allowed. Thank You for your patronage. PICKUP Our first priority is that your items are received by you in the same condition as when we list them in our auction. All pickups need to be within the advertised pick up time. Long distance buyers can make other arrangements. Items are to be picked up at the St Louis Estate Liquidators warehouse at 390 Fee Rd, St Louis, MO 63043.
Listing Details
Another sale full of New Old Store Stock. Hummels, Dept 56, Dolls and Other

Hummels, Prec Moments, Dept 56, Mdm Alexander,
Boyds Bears and other items Preview & Pickup is at our warehouse 390 Fee Fee Rd. Pickup Saturday , January 12 and Sunday January 13 from 10 till 3. Almost all of these items are new in box. I will photograph as such. Please come for preview or call ...

Hummel blumenk
Hummel blumenk

Hummel exclusive edition ball at play
Hummel exclusive edition ball at play

Hummel one plus one
Hummel one plus one

Hummel melodic mandolin
Hummel melodic mandolin

Hummel club kinder choir stage and cover
Hummel club kinder choir stage and cover

In the land of Hummel new sealed book
In the land of Hummel new sealed book

Price guide book to Hummel
Price guide book to Hummel

Hummel box of accessories
Hummel box of accessories

Department 56 village streetcar set
Department 56 village streetcar set

Department 56 Disney olde world antiques
Department 56 Disney olde world antiques

Department 56 Disney fantasyland
Department 56 Disney fantasyland sealed

Department 56 Disney parks family 2 sets
Department 56 Disney parks family 2 sets

Department 56 Disney Mickey and Minnie 2 sets
Department 56 Disney Mickey and Minnie 2 sets

Department 56 north pole series set of 12
Department 56 north pole series set of 12

Department 56 monopoly Yorkshire grand hotel
Department 56 monopoly Yorkshire grand hotel

Department 56 monopoly law offices inc
Department 56 monopoly law offices inc

Department 56 monopoly opera du jardin
Department 56 monopoly opera du jardin

4 department 56 monopoly light adapter
4 department 56 monopoly light adapter

Madame Alexander groom
Madame Alexander groom

Madame Alexander white rabbit
Madame Alexander white rabbit

Madame Alexander Hansel
Madame Alexander Hansel

Madame Alexander red and white dressed
Madame Alexander red and white dressed

Madame Alexander chef
Madame Alexander chef

Ashton drake Miguel doll
Ashton drake Miguel doll

Ashton drake from the heart doll
Ashton drake from the heart doll

Ashton drake sweetie doll
Ashton drake sweetie doll

Dynasty rosalyn doll
Dynasty rosalyn doll

Phyllis parkins doll
Phyllis parkins doll

Ashton drake guardian angel doll
Ashton drake guardian angel doll with wings as white as snow

Ashton drake opera doll with stand
Ashton drake opera doll with stand

Ashton drake angelica doll
Ashton drake angelica doll

Larger boyds bear white with red plaid scarf
Large boyds bear white with red plaid scarf

5 boyds bears figures w original box
5 boyds bears figures w original box

2 stuffed boyds bears in military attire
2 stuffed boyds bears in military attire

5 boyds bears figures w original box
5 boyds bears figures w original box

3 pairs boyds bears binoculars
3 pairs boyds bears binoculars

Larger stuffed boyds bear red,white n blue
Larger stuffed boyds bear red, white and blue

5 boyds bears figures w original box
5 boyds bears figures w original box

4 stuffed boyds domestic divas
4 stuffed boyds domestic divas

Box of smaller stuffed boyds bears variety
Box of smaller stuffed boyds bears variety

5 enesco memories of yesteryear figures
5 enesco memories of yesteryear figures

Cherished teddies club gift set
Cherished teddies club gift set

5 enesco memories of yesteryear figures
5 enesco memories of yesteryear figures

Limited edition chicken stein
Limited edition chicken stein

Toy rocking horse
Toy rocking horse

Resin holiday music box
Resin holiday music box

3 boxes of 24 precious moments refer magnets
3 boxes of 24 precious moments refer magnets

6 Andre tealight candle holders
6 Andre tealight candle holders

Precious moments 5 x 7 photo frame
Precious moments 5 x 7 photo frame

Rfd America by Lowell Davis figures and ornaments
4 rfd America by Lowell Davis figures and ornaments

5 pretty as a picture figures
5 pretty as a picture figures

2 boxes mount Vernon just the right shoes
2 boxes mount Vernon just the right shoes

5 heart shaped trinket boxes
5 heart shaped trinket boxes

3 just the right shoes golden leaf wedge
3 just the right shoes golden leaf wedge

6 precious moments life's a ball etc
6 precious moments life's a ball etc

3 rfd America by Lowell Davis figures
3 rfd America by Lowell Davis figures

Harmony kingdom rule Britannia figure
Harmony kingdom rule Britannia figure

Planet hk royal watch collectors club figures
Planet hk royal watch collectors club figures

Boyds little faeries collection
3 boxed boyds little faeries collection

Flat of 8 ganz carded figures
Flat of 8 ganz carded figures

Flat of webkin pink pet carriers
Flat of webkin pink pet carriers

Flat of webkin camo tank tops
Flat of webkin camo tank tops

Flat of webkin pink baggy jeans
Flat of webkin pink baggy jeans

Flat of webkin purple pet carriers
Flat of webkin purple pet carriers

Flat of webkin stripy toque caps
Flat of webkin stripy toque caps

12 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, cheers
12 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

11 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, soccer
11 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, Godzilla
8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

10 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, friends
10 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

16 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, soccer
16 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, avatar
8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, romance
8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

9 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, Elvis
9 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

6 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, birds
6 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

Rfd America by Lowell Davis the leapin lizzard
Rfd America by Lowell Davis the leapin lizzard

Rfd America by Lowell Davis slim Pickens
Rfd America by Lowell Davis slim Pickens

7 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, horse
7 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

Large cast art dreamsicles
Large cast art dreamsicles artist signed

Cooper great British pubs ,the bluebell
Cooper great British pubs, the bluebell

Rfd America by Lowell Davis burlap sack set
Rfd America by Lowell Davis burlap sack set, 2 hats, figure and coloring book

Maurice wideman American coll, king Williams
Maurice wideman American coll, king William tavern

Boyds shoe box bears Dorothy, tinman
Boyds shoe box bears Dorothy and tinman

Boyds doll on stand
Boyds doll on stand

2 precious moments bunny booty photo frame
2 precious moments bunny booty photo frame

Mabel Lucie attwell book by Chris beetles
Mabel Lucie attwell book by Chris beetles

3 precious moments action musical grandma
3 precious moments action musical grandma

Basket by ganz
Basket by ganz

Book of the history of lladro
Book of the history of lladro

3 rfd America by Lowell Davis leapin lizzard
3 rfd America by Lowell Davis leapin lizzard

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Jewelry Store Gift Department #7
 Online Only Auction
Sale Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Friday Nov 23
Bidding Ends: Friday Jan 11
Sale Location

St Louis, MO 63144
Listing Terms and Conditions
Payment Instructions Cards will be charged following the auction. Charges will include final bid price & buyer's premiums will be charged. Any bidders with cards that are declined on reconciliation day a $35 dollar processing fee will be charged to run another credit card. Everything is sold "as is" and all sales are final. Bidders hereby waive their right to initiate a chargeback on his/her credit card for any reason. EXTENDED BIDDING FEATURE: This auction features extended bidding! Any lot that receives a bid within 3 MINUTES of its scheduled closing will remain open for bids past its normal close and then enter into extended bidding. The lot will remain open until there are no bids received on that lot for a period of 3 MINUTES. This only affects lots with last minute bids; other lots will continue to close at their normal times. If you have questions please call us 314-645-1735. When a max bid is placed, the current bid price does not automatically go to your max bid. Another bidder has to bid to increase the current price and the computer will automatically inject your bid in the next increment, continually after being outbid, until it reaches your maximum bid amount. Terms and Conditions 1. All persons attending the exhibition, sale, or removal of merchandise assume all risk of damage to person or property and specifically release and indemnify Arnold Auction Gallery from liability. 2. All property is sold "AS IS", and ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Property is open to thorough public inspection. It is the bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Arnold Auction Gallery may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising, on the internet and at the auction but makes no representations. In no event shall Arnold Auction Gallery be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. 3. All internet bidders agree to pay a buyer's premium equal to 10% on the hammer price on each item they purchase. 4. Bidders who bid from off-site understand and acknowledge that they may not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examine it in person. It is the bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age genuineness, value or any other determining factor. Arnold Auction Gallery shall endeavor to describe in detail each item and any pertinent information about it. Arnold Auction Gallery will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise unless it is a material and intentional misrepresentation of the item itself. Bidders agree that everything is sold as and that they may not return any item they purchase for any reason. 5. Arnold Auction Gallery is providing internet bidding as a service to bidder. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly the day of the auction. Under no circumstances shall bidder have any kind of claim against Arnold Auction Gallery or anyone else if the internet service fails to work correctly before or during the live auction. Arnold Auction Gallery will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged, should use the Proxy-Bidding feature and leave their maximum bid 24 hours before the auction ends. Arnold Auction Gallery reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction. 6. The auctioneer should advance the bid at his own discretion. Arnold Auction Gallery may withdraw any item before or during the auction. Should a tie or dispute arise between two bidders, the auctioneer may, at his discretion reopen the bidding until the property is sold. The record of the auction made by Arnold Auction Gallery shall be conclusive. 7. When the auctioneer says "sold" Bidder assume full responsibility for the merchandise. Everything MUST BE PAID FOR IN FULL AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE AUCTION. Payment shall be made by VISA, MASTERCARD, or DISCOVER. Unless exempt by law the purchaser shall pay any and all applicable taxes. Bidder agrees indemnify Arnold Auction Gallery against any claim if sales tax is not collected on bidders purchases. Bidder further agrees that under no circumstances will he/she initiate a charge back on his/her credit card. 8. Any merchandise not removed by bidder may be resold at the next auction or disposed of in any other way Arnold Auction Gallery deems to be suitable. Once you become the successful bidder it is your responsibility to pick up the item. 9. Arnold Auction Gallery may refuse a bidder's number to anyone for any reason. Bidder agrees to provide any identification Arnold Auction Gallery may request including but not limited to: driver's license: photo copies of credit cards, social security card or passport. Bidders agrees to comply with any stated additional terms or conditions associated with particular items. 10. CHOICE OF LAW, JURISDICTION, and AND VENUE: Any auction matter shall be exclusively construed and governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue of any controversy or claim between the parties shall be the city of Maryland Heights (St Louis County) in the state of Missouri. 11. We want you to be happy with your purchases. If you have any question about the merchandise the time to ask questions is well in advance of the live auction. No returns are allowed. Thank You for your patronage. PICKUP Our first priority is that your items are received by you in the same condition as when we list them in our auction. All pickups need to be within the advertised pick up time. Long distance buyers can make other arrangements. Items are to be picked up at the St Louis Estate Liquidators warehouse at 390 Fee Rd, St Louis, MO 63043.
Another sale full of New Old Store Stock. Hummels, Dept 56, Dolls and Other

Hummels, Prec Moments, Dept 56, Mdm Alexander,
Boyds Bears and other items Preview & Pickup is at our warehouse 390 Fee Fee Rd. Pickup Saturday , January 12 and Sunday January 13 from 10 till 3. Almost all of these items are new in box. I will photograph as such. Please come for preview or call ...

Hummel blumenk
Hummel blumenk

Hummel exclusive edition ball at play
Hummel exclusive edition ball at play

Hummel one plus one
Hummel one plus one

Hummel melodic mandolin
Hummel melodic mandolin

Hummel club kinder choir stage and cover
Hummel club kinder choir stage and cover

In the land of Hummel new sealed book
In the land of Hummel new sealed book

Price guide book to Hummel
Price guide book to Hummel

Hummel box of accessories
Hummel box of accessories

Department 56 village streetcar set
Department 56 village streetcar set

Department 56 Disney olde world antiques
Department 56 Disney olde world antiques

Department 56 Disney fantasyland
Department 56 Disney fantasyland sealed

Department 56 Disney parks family 2 sets
Department 56 Disney parks family 2 sets

Department 56 Disney Mickey and Minnie 2 sets
Department 56 Disney Mickey and Minnie 2 sets

Department 56 north pole series set of 12
Department 56 north pole series set of 12

Department 56 monopoly Yorkshire grand hotel
Department 56 monopoly Yorkshire grand hotel

Department 56 monopoly law offices inc
Department 56 monopoly law offices inc

Department 56 monopoly opera du jardin
Department 56 monopoly opera du jardin

4 department 56 monopoly light adapter
4 department 56 monopoly light adapter

Madame Alexander groom
Madame Alexander groom

Madame Alexander white rabbit
Madame Alexander white rabbit

Madame Alexander Hansel
Madame Alexander Hansel

Madame Alexander red and white dressed
Madame Alexander red and white dressed

Madame Alexander chef
Madame Alexander chef

Ashton drake Miguel doll
Ashton drake Miguel doll

Ashton drake from the heart doll
Ashton drake from the heart doll

Ashton drake sweetie doll
Ashton drake sweetie doll

Dynasty rosalyn doll
Dynasty rosalyn doll

Phyllis parkins doll
Phyllis parkins doll

Ashton drake guardian angel doll
Ashton drake guardian angel doll with wings as white as snow

Ashton drake opera doll with stand
Ashton drake opera doll with stand

Ashton drake angelica doll
Ashton drake angelica doll

Larger boyds bear white with red plaid scarf
Large boyds bear white with red plaid scarf

5 boyds bears figures w original box
5 boyds bears figures w original box

2 stuffed boyds bears in military attire
2 stuffed boyds bears in military attire

5 boyds bears figures w original box
5 boyds bears figures w original box

3 pairs boyds bears binoculars
3 pairs boyds bears binoculars

Larger stuffed boyds bear red,white n blue
Larger stuffed boyds bear red, white and blue

5 boyds bears figures w original box
5 boyds bears figures w original box

4 stuffed boyds domestic divas
4 stuffed boyds domestic divas

Box of smaller stuffed boyds bears variety
Box of smaller stuffed boyds bears variety

5 enesco memories of yesteryear figures
5 enesco memories of yesteryear figures

Cherished teddies club gift set
Cherished teddies club gift set

5 enesco memories of yesteryear figures
5 enesco memories of yesteryear figures

Limited edition chicken stein
Limited edition chicken stein

Toy rocking horse
Toy rocking horse

Resin holiday music box
Resin holiday music box

3 boxes of 24 precious moments refer magnets
3 boxes of 24 precious moments refer magnets

6 Andre tealight candle holders
6 Andre tealight candle holders

Precious moments 5 x 7 photo frame
Precious moments 5 x 7 photo frame

Rfd America by Lowell Davis figures and ornaments
4 rfd America by Lowell Davis figures and ornaments

5 pretty as a picture figures
5 pretty as a picture figures

2 boxes mount Vernon just the right shoes
2 boxes mount Vernon just the right shoes

5 heart shaped trinket boxes
5 heart shaped trinket boxes

3 just the right shoes golden leaf wedge
3 just the right shoes golden leaf wedge

6 precious moments life's a ball etc
6 precious moments life's a ball etc

3 rfd America by Lowell Davis figures
3 rfd America by Lowell Davis figures

Harmony kingdom rule Britannia figure
Harmony kingdom rule Britannia figure

Planet hk royal watch collectors club figures
Planet hk royal watch collectors club figures

Boyds little faeries collection
3 boxed boyds little faeries collection

Flat of 8 ganz carded figures
Flat of 8 ganz carded figures

Flat of webkin pink pet carriers
Flat of webkin pink pet carriers

Flat of webkin camo tank tops
Flat of webkin camo tank tops

Flat of webkin pink baggy jeans
Flat of webkin pink baggy jeans

Flat of webkin purple pet carriers
Flat of webkin purple pet carriers

Flat of webkin stripy toque caps
Flat of webkin stripy toque caps

12 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, cheers
12 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

11 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, soccer
11 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, Godzilla
8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

10 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, friends
10 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

16 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, soccer
16 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, avatar
8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, romance
8 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

9 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, Elvis
9 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

6 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, birds
6 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

Rfd America by Lowell Davis the leapin lizzard
Rfd America by Lowell Davis the leapin lizzard

Rfd America by Lowell Davis slim Pickens
Rfd America by Lowell Davis slim Pickens

7 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments, horse
7 Carlton heirloom holiday ornaments

Large cast art dreamsicles
Large cast art dreamsicles artist signed

Cooper great British pubs ,the bluebell
Cooper great British pubs, the bluebell

Rfd America by Lowell Davis burlap sack set
Rfd America by Lowell Davis burlap sack set, 2 hats, figure and coloring book

Maurice wideman American coll, king Williams
Maurice wideman American coll, king William tavern

Boyds shoe box bears Dorothy, tinman
Boyds shoe box bears Dorothy and tinman

Boyds doll on stand
Boyds doll on stand

2 precious moments bunny booty photo frame
2 precious moments bunny booty photo frame

Mabel Lucie attwell book by Chris beetles
Mabel Lucie attwell book by Chris beetles

3 precious moments action musical grandma
3 precious moments action musical grandma

Basket by ganz
Basket by ganz

Book of the history of lladro
Book of the history of lladro

3 rfd America by Lowell Davis leapin lizzard
3 rfd America by Lowell Davis leapin lizzard