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(Sherman Wright) Estate Gun Auction
Listing ID#: 210629
Sale Location |
Sedalia, MO 65301 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday Nov 24, 2018 Completed |
Sale Type |
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Johnson & Bay Auction Service Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay Phone: 660-221-4067 Email: ID#: 9118 View company information and listings |
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“Estate Gun Auction”
Selling a private Lifetime collection of firearms
“the Late Sherman Wright”
Auction at the “Knights of Columbus”
1708 Elm Hills Blvd, Sedalia Mo. 65301
Due to the death of my husband we will sell the following at public Auction on:
Saturday November 24th 11:00am 2018
Directions: From 50 & 65 hwy intersection in Sedalia go South on 65 hwy. 2.3 Miles to Auction on Left watch for signs on sale day.
Winchester model 94 AE 30-30 lever action w/BSA scope,
Winchester model 94 30-30 lever action,
Winchester model 94AE 30-30 lever action,
Winchester model 62 .22cal. pump,
Remington model 552 speed master .22cal. semi auto.,
Remington model 770 .243win. bolt action,
Remington model 03-A3 .30-06 bolt action,
Marlin “Golden” model 38AS .30-30 lever action,
Marlin “Golden” model 39A lever action,
Marlin “Golden” 39M .22cal.,
Marlin model 39A lever action .22cal,
Marlin “Glenfield” model 15 bolt action .22cal.,
Marlin model 1895GS 45/70 Stainless Steel w/ laminated stock,
Rugar “M77” markll .308win. w/bipod & scope,
Rugar all weather 77/50 black powder .50cal.
Rugar model 10-22 w/scope,
Rugar mini 14 .223 (Stainless Steel),
Rugar mini 14 .223,
Kel-Tec KSG 12ga. (15 shot)
(2) M-1 US Carbines .30cal,
M-1 “Garand” 7.62cal.,
M-1 “Garand” .30cal.,
Areo-Precision AR-15 Nikon scope lazer sights,
Springfield Armory model 1903 ad96 .30-06 cal. Bolt action,
Russian mosin-nagant 7.62x54R bolt action,
SKS 7.62x39cal. w/bayonet,
Savage model 93R17 HMR .17cal. w/scope,
Liberty ll 12ga. dbl. barrel coach gun,
Yugoslavian M24/47 8mm Mauser Bolt Action Rifle,
DPMS AR15 .223,
Interarms model 22-ADT .22 cal. Semi auto,
German .8mm bolt action,
Iver Johnson “Cycle works” .410 (single),
Rock Island 12ga pump,
Marksman Spanish 4.5 air rifle,
Smith & Wesson model 686 .357 mag.,
Smith & Wesson model 629-1 .44mag Stainless Steel
Smith & Wesson .38 special model 14-3,
Taurus “Tracker” 9 shot .22 mag.,
Taurus model PT-1911 .45 acp.,
IJA target sealed 8 shot .22 cal.,
H&R model 940 revolver .22 cal.,
9 – Remington knives in boxes w/matching posters,
Several Turkey federation prints & stamp framed wall hangings,
Large lot camping supplies,
LARGE lot military items & clothing (Flak jacket, canteens, belts etc.)
Large lot, Ammo, ammo boxes & Magazines, (30-30, .308, 7.62, 45 acp, 30cal., 5.56, .22, many more plus a lg asst. of shot gun shells)
Lg lot Patriot survival food packs,
Traps, trapping supplies & live traps,
Lg asst. misc. knives & live traps,
Brinks smoker, Wagner cast iron bean pot, lot cast iron cook ware,
Peters “Ammo” store display,
Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention
Johnson / Bay Auction Service
“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”
Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067
Skip Bay (660) 221-8695
Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389
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