100+ Guns - Silver & Gold Coins - Cast Iron
Listing ID#: 202739

Sale Location

Galena, MO 65656
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Sunday Oct 21, 2018 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Email: bidnowsold@aol.com
Website: www.fosterauctionservice.com/

EstateSale.com ID#: 8448
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Listing Information
Public Auction
1:00 PM * Sunday, October 21st. * 1:00 PM
Location: 1030 Peaceful Dr., Galena, Mo. 65656
Directions: From Crane take D hwy. south 1/2 mi. then left on Muskydime Rd. ½ mi. then left on Red Hill Rd. ½ mi. then left on Peaceful Dr. to Sale
Win. mod. 71 Deluxe, .348 ( Extra Nice, 1952);
Win. mod. 1873, 38-40 (1886);
Win. pre-64 mod. 70, 30/06 (1951);
Winchester model 64, 30-30;
Win. pre-64 mod. 94, 25-35 Saddle Ring;
Win. pre-64 mod. 94, .30 WCF Saddle Ring;
(2) Win. pre-64 mod. 94, 30-30;
Winchester mod 61, .22 (grooved receiver);
Winchester mod 61, .22;
Winchester mod. 62, .22 short;
Winchester mod. 63, .22 (grooved receiver);
Winchester mod. 77, .22;
Winchester mod. 90, .22 WRF;
Winchester mod. 90, .22 short (Nice);
Winchester mod. 90, .22 short;
Winchester mod. 72-A, .22;
Springfield M1 Garand, (Very Nice w/ Tool);
Weatherby Vanguard, .270, Synthetic;
Remington Imp. model 6 .22;
Remington mod.550-1 (Fancy Stock);
Remington mod. 710, 30/06, with Scope;
Remington mod. 760, 30/06 Pump;
Remington 1917 Enfield 30/06 (Nice Sporter);
Remington Improved model 6 .22;
Remington mod. 550-1 (Fancy Stock);
Remington mod 12, .22 (octagon barrel);
Remington mod 12, .22 Short Barrel;
Remington mod. 121, .22;
DPMS AR type A-150 6.8 cal. (like new in case);
SKS w/ Bayonet, 7.62x39;
Taurus Circuit Judge 45/410 Revolving Rifle (unfired);
Stevens model 310, .17HMR w/ BSA Scope;
Marlin mod. 25MN, .22 Magnum;
Browning Auto .22 Rifle;
Stevens Crackshot .22;
Premier Trailblazer .22 Octagon Barrel, Pump;
Ruger 10-22, .22;
Mossberg Intl. 702 Plinkster, .22;
Remington mod. 16, .22 Remington Auto,. cal.;
Remington Targetmaster .22;
(2) Remington mod. 552 Speedmaster .22;
Springfield mod. 83, .22;
Sears BC, .22;
Glenfield mod. 25, .22;
Springield mod. 86-C .22;
Carcano 6.5;
Win. mod. 42 .410 Skeet, Strait Stock, Select Wood, Plain Barrel (1937);
Win. mod. 42 .410, Solid Rib (1952);
Winchester model 12, 20ga. Vent Rib (1922);
Winchester model 12, 20ga. Solid Rib (1953);
Winchester model 12, 20ga. Plain Barrel w/ Cutt's Compensator (1956);
Winchester model 12, 12ga. Vent Rib (1950);
Winchester model 12, 12ga. Vent Rib;
(2) Winchester model 12, 12ga. Solid Rib;
Winchester model 12, 12ga. Smooth;
Winchester model 12, 16ga. Smooth;
Winchester model 1897 .12ga;
Winchester model 37, 16ga.;
Marlin model 410, .410 Lever Action Shotgun;
Browning A5 20ga. Skeet, Vent Rib with Box (1969);
Browning A5 20ga. Magnum with Box (1968);
Browning BPS 12ga. Invector (NIB);
Winchester model 1300 12ga. Defender;
Remington model 31, 12ga. Solid Rib;
Stevens mod. 5100 .410 Double; (Nylon Stock);
Revelation .410 Bolt Action;
Sears 12ga. Single Shot;
Jing An 12ga. O/U (engraved receiver);
Colt Python, .357, 6” Blue (Very Nice);
Colt Diamondback, 38spl. 4”, (like new);
Colt Detective, .38 spl. Nickel, 2" Barrel with Box;
Colt mod. 1903 Hammerless, .32;
Glock model 41, Gen IV, .45 Trijicon (LNIB);
Glock model 19 Gen IV .9mm;
Ruger Super Redhawk .454 Casull (LNIB);
S&W mod. 66, .357, Stainless;
S&W mod. 19, .357;
S&W mod. 10, .38spl.;
S&W K Frame, .38, Nickel, 2”;
S&W .32 Long, Nickel (small frame);
S&W .38 Top Break;
S&W Safety Hammerless .38 revolver;
S&W M&P Shield, 9mm. in box;
Erma - Werke LA22, .22;
Dan Wesson .357 Revolver;
Ruger Single Six, new model .22 / 22 mag.;
Ruger Single Six, new model .22;
Walther PK380, .380 in Box;
Walther P22, .22 w/ Laser;
Taurus Judge /45/.410 Revolver, Stainless, (NIB);
Taurus Judge /45/.410 Revolver, Blue, (NIB);
Taurus .357 Revolver 6”;
H&R mod. 732, .32 Snub Nose;
Beretta APX, 9mm, (LNIB);
EAA model 9L 9mm. compact-like CZ;
Rexio RJ22, .22, 9 shot Revolver;
Interarms mod. 80, .380;
Black Powder
Remington 700 STS .50 cal. Stainless;
Coins & Currency
1925 St. Gaudens U.S. $20.00 Twenty Dollar Double Eagle Gold Piece (BU);
1900 Liberty Head $5.00 Gold Piece;
1911 Indian Head $5.00 Gold Piece;
1889 CC (Carson City) Morgan Silver Dollar;
1878 CC (Carson City) Morgan Silver Dollar;
1883 CC (Carson City) Morgan Silver Dollar;
100+ Misc. Silver Morgan & Peace Dollars;
1808 Bust 1/2 Dollar;
1834 Bust 1/2 Dollar;
Few other Silver Coins & Proof Sets;
Cast Iron - Knives - Misc.
20 + Pcs. Griswold, Wagner, Lodge & Unmarked Cast Iron Skillets, Kettle & Dutch Oven;
(2) Case Hunting Knives;
Misc. Other Knives;
Auctioneers Note
This is another fantastic set of Quality Guns we have the opportunity to sell.
May be more Guns added by sale date,
Nice selection of Coins & Misc.
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100+ Guns - Silver & Gold Coins - Cast Iron

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Sale Location
1030 Peaceful Dr
Galena, MO 65656
Sale Dates and Times
Sunday Oct 21, 2018 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details
Public Auction
1:00 PM * Sunday, October 21st. * 1:00 PM
Location: 1030 Peaceful Dr., Galena, Mo. 65656
Directions: From Crane take D hwy. south 1/2 mi. then left on Muskydime Rd. ½ mi. then left on Red Hill Rd. ½ mi. then left on Peaceful Dr. to Sale
Win. mod. 71 Deluxe, .348 ( Extra Nice, 1952);
Win. mod. 1873, 38-40 (1886);
Win. pre-64 mod. 70, 30/06 (1951);
Winchester model 64, 30-30;
Win. pre-64 mod. 94, 25-35 Saddle Ring;
Win. pre-64 mod. 94, .30 WCF Saddle Ring;
(2) Win. pre-64 mod. 94, 30-30;
Winchester mod 61, .22 (grooved receiver);
Winchester mod 61, .22;
Winchester mod. 62, .22 short;
Winchester mod. 63, .22 (grooved receiver);
Winchester mod. 77, .22;
Winchester mod. 90, .22 WRF;
Winchester mod. 90, .22 short (Nice);
Winchester mod. 90, .22 short;
Winchester mod. 72-A, .22;
Springfield M1 Garand, (Very Nice w/ Tool);
Weatherby Vanguard, .270, Synthetic;
Remington Imp. model 6 .22;
Remington mod.550-1 (Fancy Stock);
Remington mod. 710, 30/06, with Scope;
Remington mod. 760, 30/06 Pump;
Remington 1917 Enfield 30/06 (Nice Sporter);
Remington Improved model 6 .22;
Remington mod. 550-1 (Fancy Stock);
Remington mod 12, .22 (octagon barrel);
Remington mod 12, .22 Short Barrel;
Remington mod. 121, .22;
DPMS AR type A-150 6.8 cal. (like new in case);
SKS w/ Bayonet, 7.62x39;
Taurus Circuit Judge 45/410 Revolving Rifle (unfired);
Stevens model 310, .17HMR w/ BSA Scope;
Marlin mod. 25MN, .22 Magnum;
Browning Auto .22 Rifle;
Stevens Crackshot .22;
Premier Trailblazer .22 Octagon Barrel, Pump;
Ruger 10-22, .22;
Mossberg Intl. 702 Plinkster, .22;
Remington mod. 16, .22 Remington Auto,. cal.;
Remington Targetmaster .22;
(2) Remington mod. 552 Speedmaster .22;
Springfield mod. 83, .22;
Sears BC, .22;
Glenfield mod. 25, .22;
Springield mod. 86-C .22;
Carcano 6.5;
Win. mod. 42 .410 Skeet, Strait Stock, Select Wood, Plain Barrel (1937);
Win. mod. 42 .410, Solid Rib (1952);
Winchester model 12, 20ga. Vent Rib (1922);
Winchester model 12, 20ga. Solid Rib (1953);
Winchester model 12, 20ga. Plain Barrel w/ Cutt's Compensator (1956);
Winchester model 12, 12ga. Vent Rib (1950);
Winchester model 12, 12ga. Vent Rib;
(2) Winchester model 12, 12ga. Solid Rib;
Winchester model 12, 12ga. Smooth;
Winchester model 12, 16ga. Smooth;
Winchester model 1897 .12ga;
Winchester model 37, 16ga.;
Marlin model 410, .410 Lever Action Shotgun;
Browning A5 20ga. Skeet, Vent Rib with Box (1969);
Browning A5 20ga. Magnum with Box (1968);
Browning BPS 12ga. Invector (NIB);
Winchester model 1300 12ga. Defender;
Remington model 31, 12ga. Solid Rib;
Stevens mod. 5100 .410 Double; (Nylon Stock);
Revelation .410 Bolt Action;
Sears 12ga. Single Shot;
Jing An 12ga. O/U (engraved receiver);
Colt Python, .357, 6” Blue (Very Nice);
Colt Diamondback, 38spl. 4”, (like new);
Colt Detective, .38 spl. Nickel, 2" Barrel with Box;
Colt mod. 1903 Hammerless, .32;
Glock model 41, Gen IV, .45 Trijicon (LNIB);
Glock model 19 Gen IV .9mm;
Ruger Super Redhawk .454 Casull (LNIB);
S&W mod. 66, .357, Stainless;
S&W mod. 19, .357;
S&W mod. 10, .38spl.;
S&W K Frame, .38, Nickel, 2”;
S&W .32 Long, Nickel (small frame);
S&W .38 Top Break;
S&W Safety Hammerless .38 revolver;
S&W M&P Shield, 9mm. in box;
Erma - Werke LA22, .22;
Dan Wesson .357 Revolver;
Ruger Single Six, new model .22 / 22 mag.;
Ruger Single Six, new model .22;
Walther PK380, .380 in Box;
Walther P22, .22 w/ Laser;
Taurus Judge /45/.410 Revolver, Stainless, (NIB);
Taurus Judge /45/.410 Revolver, Blue, (NIB);
Taurus .357 Revolver 6”;
H&R mod. 732, .32 Snub Nose;
Beretta APX, 9mm, (LNIB);
EAA model 9L 9mm. compact-like CZ;
Rexio RJ22, .22, 9 shot Revolver;
Interarms mod. 80, .380;
Black Powder
Remington 700 STS .50 cal. Stainless;
Coins & Currency
1925 St. Gaudens U.S. $20.00 Twenty Dollar Double Eagle Gold Piece (BU);
1900 Liberty Head $5.00 Gold Piece;
1911 Indian Head $5.00 Gold Piece;
1889 CC (Carson City) Morgan Silver Dollar;
1878 CC (Carson City) Morgan Silver Dollar;
1883 CC (Carson City) Morgan Silver Dollar;
100+ Misc. Silver Morgan & Peace Dollars;
1808 Bust 1/2 Dollar;
1834 Bust 1/2 Dollar;
Few other Silver Coins & Proof Sets;
Cast Iron - Knives - Misc.
20 + Pcs. Griswold, Wagner, Lodge & Unmarked Cast Iron Skillets, Kettle & Dutch Oven;
(2) Case Hunting Knives;
Misc. Other Knives;
Auctioneers Note
This is another fantastic set of Quality Guns we have the opportunity to sell.
May be more Guns added by sale date,
Nice selection of Coins & Misc.
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100+ Guns - Silver & Gold Coins - Cast Iron
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Sunday Oct 21, 2018 Completed
Sale Location

Galena, MO 65656
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Email: bidnowsold@aol.com
Website: www.fosterauctionservice.com/

Public Auction
1:00 PM * Sunday, October 21st. * 1:00 PM
Location: 1030 Peaceful Dr., Galena, Mo. 65656
Directions: From Crane take D hwy. south 1/2 mi. then left on Muskydime Rd. ½ mi. then left on Red Hill Rd. ½ mi. then left on Peaceful Dr. to Sale
Win. mod. 71 Deluxe, .348 ( Extra Nice, 1952);
Win. mod. 1873, 38-40 (1886);
Win. pre-64 mod. 70, 30/06 (1951);
Winchester model 64, 30-30;
Win. pre-64 mod. 94, 25-35 Saddle Ring;
Win. pre-64 mod. 94, .30 WCF Saddle Ring;
(2) Win. pre-64 mod. 94, 30-30;
Winchester mod 61, .22 (grooved receiver);
Winchester mod 61, .22;
Winchester mod. 62, .22 short;
Winchester mod. 63, .22 (grooved receiver);
Winchester mod. 77, .22;
Winchester mod. 90, .22 WRF;
Winchester mod. 90, .22 short (Nice);
Winchester mod. 90, .22 short;
Winchester mod. 72-A, .22;
Springfield M1 Garand, (Very Nice w/ Tool);
Weatherby Vanguard, .270, Synthetic;
Remington Imp. model 6 .22;
Remington mod.550-1 (Fancy Stock);
Remington mod. 710, 30/06, with Scope;
Remington mod. 760, 30/06 Pump;
Remington 1917 Enfield 30/06 (Nice Sporter);
Remington Improved model 6 .22;
Remington mod. 550-1 (Fancy Stock);
Remington mod 12, .22 (octagon barrel);
Remington mod 12, .22 Short Barrel;
Remington mod. 121, .22;
DPMS AR type A-150 6.8 cal. (like new in case);
SKS w/ Bayonet, 7.62x39;
Taurus Circuit Judge 45/410 Revolving Rifle (unfired);
Stevens model 310, .17HMR w/ BSA Scope;
Marlin mod. 25MN, .22 Magnum;
Browning Auto .22 Rifle;
Stevens Crackshot .22;
Premier Trailblazer .22 Octagon Barrel, Pump;
Ruger 10-22, .22;
Mossberg Intl. 702 Plinkster, .22;
Remington mod. 16, .22 Remington Auto,. cal.;
Remington Targetmaster .22;
(2) Remington mod. 552 Speedmaster .22;
Springfield mod. 83, .22;
Sears BC, .22;
Glenfield mod. 25, .22;
Springield mod. 86-C .22;
Carcano 6.5;
Win. mod. 42 .410 Skeet, Strait Stock, Select Wood, Plain Barrel (1937);
Win. mod. 42 .410, Solid Rib (1952);
Winchester model 12, 20ga. Vent Rib (1922);
Winchester model 12, 20ga. Solid Rib (1953);
Winchester model 12, 20ga. Plain Barrel w/ Cutt's Compensator (1956);
Winchester model 12, 12ga. Vent Rib (1950);
Winchester model 12, 12ga. Vent Rib;
(2) Winchester model 12, 12ga. Solid Rib;
Winchester model 12, 12ga. Smooth;
Winchester model 12, 16ga. Smooth;
Winchester model 1897 .12ga;
Winchester model 37, 16ga.;
Marlin model 410, .410 Lever Action Shotgun;
Browning A5 20ga. Skeet, Vent Rib with Box (1969);
Browning A5 20ga. Magnum with Box (1968);
Browning BPS 12ga. Invector (NIB);
Winchester model 1300 12ga. Defender;
Remington model 31, 12ga. Solid Rib;
Stevens mod. 5100 .410 Double; (Nylon Stock);
Revelation .410 Bolt Action;
Sears 12ga. Single Shot;
Jing An 12ga. O/U (engraved receiver);
Colt Python, .357, 6” Blue (Very Nice);
Colt Diamondback, 38spl. 4”, (like new);
Colt Detective, .38 spl. Nickel, 2" Barrel with Box;
Colt mod. 1903 Hammerless, .32;
Glock model 41, Gen IV, .45 Trijicon (LNIB);
Glock model 19 Gen IV .9mm;
Ruger Super Redhawk .454 Casull (LNIB);
S&W mod. 66, .357, Stainless;
S&W mod. 19, .357;
S&W mod. 10, .38spl.;
S&W K Frame, .38, Nickel, 2”;
S&W .32 Long, Nickel (small frame);
S&W .38 Top Break;
S&W Safety Hammerless .38 revolver;
S&W M&P Shield, 9mm. in box;
Erma - Werke LA22, .22;
Dan Wesson .357 Revolver;
Ruger Single Six, new model .22 / 22 mag.;
Ruger Single Six, new model .22;
Walther PK380, .380 in Box;
Walther P22, .22 w/ Laser;
Taurus Judge /45/.410 Revolver, Stainless, (NIB);
Taurus Judge /45/.410 Revolver, Blue, (NIB);
Taurus .357 Revolver 6”;
H&R mod. 732, .32 Snub Nose;
Beretta APX, 9mm, (LNIB);
EAA model 9L 9mm. compact-like CZ;
Rexio RJ22, .22, 9 shot Revolver;
Interarms mod. 80, .380;
Black Powder
Remington 700 STS .50 cal. Stainless;
Coins & Currency
1925 St. Gaudens U.S. $20.00 Twenty Dollar Double Eagle Gold Piece (BU);
1900 Liberty Head $5.00 Gold Piece;
1911 Indian Head $5.00 Gold Piece;
1889 CC (Carson City) Morgan Silver Dollar;
1878 CC (Carson City) Morgan Silver Dollar;
1883 CC (Carson City) Morgan Silver Dollar;
100+ Misc. Silver Morgan & Peace Dollars;
1808 Bust 1/2 Dollar;
1834 Bust 1/2 Dollar;
Few other Silver Coins & Proof Sets;
Cast Iron - Knives - Misc.
20 + Pcs. Griswold, Wagner, Lodge & Unmarked Cast Iron Skillets, Kettle & Dutch Oven;
(2) Case Hunting Knives;
Misc. Other Knives;
Auctioneers Note
This is another fantastic set of Quality Guns we have the opportunity to sell.
May be more Guns added by sale date,
Nice selection of Coins & Misc.