Jim Griffin Estate Auction #2
Listing ID#: 195306

Sale Location

Springield, MO 65804
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Sep 29, 2018 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Email: bidnowsold@aol.com
Website: www.fosterauctionservice.com/

EstateSale.com ID#: 8448
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Listing Information
Estate Auction
9:00 AM * Saturday September 29th * 9:00 AM
Location: 1236 S. Oak Grove Ave. Springfield Mo.
               Parking: Located Across Street in Cherry Street Baptist Church Parking Lot
* Breakfast, Lunch & Restrooms Available  * Rain or Shine *
Antiques & Collectible:
Frisco Locks, Keys & Ephemera;
Frisco Pocket Calendars;
Railroad Locks & Lanterns;
Keen Kutter Brass Lock;
Winchester Flashlight;
Singer #20 Hand Crank Sewing Machine;
Fairbanks 25lb. Counter Top Scales;
Cast Iron Scalder & Kettle;
Copper Boiler;
(3) Kelly & Kerr Splfd. Mo. Whisky Bottles;
 Several Embossed Springfield Mo. Medicine Bottles incl. Hinton,Overstreet, Stancill & Denton, Squibb, ink, Weiswanger etc...;
Potter Nut Cracker;
Old Wagon Spoke Pointer;
Springfield Mo. Ice Tongs;
Brass Apple Butter Bucket;
Foremost Milk Home Delivery Box;
Milk Bottle Delivery Crate;
Milk Bottles;
Sunshine & MFA Coffee Jars;
Lots Old Fruit Jars;
Red Wing 5 gal. Crock Jar;
3 gal. Crock Butter Churn;
Wakanda Water Crock Jug;
Several Crock Jars & Jugs;
Mandeville & King Seed Display;
1 Gallon Butter Churn;
Dazey 2 Gal. Metal Butter Churn;
Old Egg Shipping Crate;
Superior Feeds Egg Feed Sack;
Ozark Brand 50lb. Lard Can;
Perfection Kerosene Heater;
Several Old Insulators incl. Red, Greens, Blue, Purple etc...;
Misc. Antique Telephones & Parts;
Few Older Radio’s;
(5) Aladdin Lamps;
Lot Old Kerosene Lamps & Barn Lanterns;
Carbide Lights;
Old Calendars & Yardsticks;
Lightening Rod Glass Balls;
Old Child’s Hotplate;
Lot Old Washboards;
Toy Sad Irons;
Old Horse Collar;
Draw Knife;
Misc. Arrowheads;
Old Oval Pictures;
Lot Marbles;
Lg. lot Buttons;
Cigarette Lighters;
Goodyear & Goodrich Tire Ashtrays;
Older Political Pins;
Bruyers Lidded Pipe;
Misc. Smoking Pipes;
Lots of Old Ephemera;
Old Newspapers & Magazines;
Old Valentines;
Lots Old Postcards & Pictures;
Comic Books;
Lot Baseball Cards;
Lot 45’s & LP Records;
Kriss Kross Razor Blade Sharpener;
Razor Strap;
Tobacco Tins;
Fenton Vase & Tumble Up;
Occupied Japan Pieces;
McCoy Planters;
Nesting Hen;
Milk Glass;
Marigold Carnival Glass Dinnerware;
Small lot Nice Glass;
Coors Light Neon Light;
Wicker Arm Chair;
Lot nice Dolls;
Lot Figurines;
Lots & Lots of Antiques & Primitives not Listed;
Coins & Jewelry:
$1.00 & $5.00 Silver Certificates;
$2.00 Dollar Bills;
(9) Morgan Silver Dollars;
(8) Peace Silver Dollars;
(4) Barber ½ Dollars;
Seated Dimes & ½ Dimes;
1854 Seated Quarter;
Shield, V & Bufalo Nickels;
(4) 3 Cent Pieces;
1864 2 Cent Piece;
(4) Large Cents;
100+ Indian Head Cents;
Lot Wheat Pennies;
Silver Eagle;
Lots more Coins not Listed;
Misc. Old Tokens, Misc. Foreign Money;
Lot Costume Jewelry (some older);
Music Instruments:
Old Custom Kraft Guitar;
(2) Newer Fiddles;
Bundy Flute;
Lot Misc. Power & Hand Tools;
Router & Drill Bits;
Frame & Bar Clamps;
Battery Charger /Booster;
Lots & Lots of Shop Related Items;
Lg. Lot Wood Working Patterns of all kinds;
Auctioneers Note:
Great Auction! Jim was an avid Collector & Dealer;
There is no way to list all of the Fantastic Collectibles in this
auction. Be sure to see our website for a more complete list & 100’s of pictures.
Please note early start time : YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS THIS SALE!!
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Jim Griffin Estate Auction #2

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Sale Location
1236 S. Oak Grove
Springield, MO 65804
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Sep 29, 2018 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details
Estate Auction
9:00 AM * Saturday September 29th * 9:00 AM
Location: 1236 S. Oak Grove Ave. Springfield Mo.
               Parking: Located Across Street in Cherry Street Baptist Church Parking Lot
* Breakfast, Lunch & Restrooms Available  * Rain or Shine *
Antiques & Collectible:
Frisco Locks, Keys & Ephemera;
Frisco Pocket Calendars;
Railroad Locks & Lanterns;
Keen Kutter Brass Lock;
Winchester Flashlight;
Singer #20 Hand Crank Sewing Machine;
Fairbanks 25lb. Counter Top Scales;
Cast Iron Scalder & Kettle;
Copper Boiler;
(3) Kelly & Kerr Splfd. Mo. Whisky Bottles;
 Several Embossed Springfield Mo. Medicine Bottles incl. Hinton,Overstreet, Stancill & Denton, Squibb, ink, Weiswanger etc...;
Potter Nut Cracker;
Old Wagon Spoke Pointer;
Springfield Mo. Ice Tongs;
Brass Apple Butter Bucket;
Foremost Milk Home Delivery Box;
Milk Bottle Delivery Crate;
Milk Bottles;
Sunshine & MFA Coffee Jars;
Lots Old Fruit Jars;
Red Wing 5 gal. Crock Jar;
3 gal. Crock Butter Churn;
Wakanda Water Crock Jug;
Several Crock Jars & Jugs;
Mandeville & King Seed Display;
1 Gallon Butter Churn;
Dazey 2 Gal. Metal Butter Churn;
Old Egg Shipping Crate;
Superior Feeds Egg Feed Sack;
Ozark Brand 50lb. Lard Can;
Perfection Kerosene Heater;
Several Old Insulators incl. Red, Greens, Blue, Purple etc...;
Misc. Antique Telephones & Parts;
Few Older Radio’s;
(5) Aladdin Lamps;
Lot Old Kerosene Lamps & Barn Lanterns;
Carbide Lights;
Old Calendars & Yardsticks;
Lightening Rod Glass Balls;
Old Child’s Hotplate;
Lot Old Washboards;
Toy Sad Irons;
Old Horse Collar;
Draw Knife;
Misc. Arrowheads;
Old Oval Pictures;
Lot Marbles;
Lg. lot Buttons;
Cigarette Lighters;
Goodyear & Goodrich Tire Ashtrays;
Older Political Pins;
Bruyers Lidded Pipe;
Misc. Smoking Pipes;
Lots of Old Ephemera;
Old Newspapers & Magazines;
Old Valentines;
Lots Old Postcards & Pictures;
Comic Books;
Lot Baseball Cards;
Lot 45’s & LP Records;
Kriss Kross Razor Blade Sharpener;
Razor Strap;
Tobacco Tins;
Fenton Vase & Tumble Up;
Occupied Japan Pieces;
McCoy Planters;
Nesting Hen;
Milk Glass;
Marigold Carnival Glass Dinnerware;
Small lot Nice Glass;
Coors Light Neon Light;
Wicker Arm Chair;
Lot nice Dolls;
Lot Figurines;
Lots & Lots of Antiques & Primitives not Listed;
Coins & Jewelry:
$1.00 & $5.00 Silver Certificates;
$2.00 Dollar Bills;
(9) Morgan Silver Dollars;
(8) Peace Silver Dollars;
(4) Barber ½ Dollars;
Seated Dimes & ½ Dimes;
1854 Seated Quarter;
Shield, V & Bufalo Nickels;
(4) 3 Cent Pieces;
1864 2 Cent Piece;
(4) Large Cents;
100+ Indian Head Cents;
Lot Wheat Pennies;
Silver Eagle;
Lots more Coins not Listed;
Misc. Old Tokens, Misc. Foreign Money;
Lot Costume Jewelry (some older);
Music Instruments:
Old Custom Kraft Guitar;
(2) Newer Fiddles;
Bundy Flute;
Lot Misc. Power & Hand Tools;
Router & Drill Bits;
Frame & Bar Clamps;
Battery Charger /Booster;
Lots & Lots of Shop Related Items;
Lg. Lot Wood Working Patterns of all kinds;
Auctioneers Note:
Great Auction! Jim was an avid Collector & Dealer;
There is no way to list all of the Fantastic Collectibles in this
auction. Be sure to see our website for a more complete list & 100’s of pictures.
Please note early start time : YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS THIS SALE!!
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Jim Griffin Estate Auction #2
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Sep 29, 2018 Completed
Sale Location

Springield, MO 65804
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Email: bidnowsold@aol.com
Website: www.fosterauctionservice.com/

Estate Auction
9:00 AM * Saturday September 29th * 9:00 AM
Location: 1236 S. Oak Grove Ave. Springfield Mo.
               Parking: Located Across Street in Cherry Street Baptist Church Parking Lot
* Breakfast, Lunch & Restrooms Available  * Rain or Shine *
Antiques & Collectible:
Frisco Locks, Keys & Ephemera;
Frisco Pocket Calendars;
Railroad Locks & Lanterns;
Keen Kutter Brass Lock;
Winchester Flashlight;
Singer #20 Hand Crank Sewing Machine;
Fairbanks 25lb. Counter Top Scales;
Cast Iron Scalder & Kettle;
Copper Boiler;
(3) Kelly & Kerr Splfd. Mo. Whisky Bottles;
 Several Embossed Springfield Mo. Medicine Bottles incl. Hinton,Overstreet, Stancill & Denton, Squibb, ink, Weiswanger etc...;
Potter Nut Cracker;
Old Wagon Spoke Pointer;
Springfield Mo. Ice Tongs;
Brass Apple Butter Bucket;
Foremost Milk Home Delivery Box;
Milk Bottle Delivery Crate;
Milk Bottles;
Sunshine & MFA Coffee Jars;
Lots Old Fruit Jars;
Red Wing 5 gal. Crock Jar;
3 gal. Crock Butter Churn;
Wakanda Water Crock Jug;
Several Crock Jars & Jugs;
Mandeville & King Seed Display;
1 Gallon Butter Churn;
Dazey 2 Gal. Metal Butter Churn;
Old Egg Shipping Crate;
Superior Feeds Egg Feed Sack;
Ozark Brand 50lb. Lard Can;
Perfection Kerosene Heater;
Several Old Insulators incl. Red, Greens, Blue, Purple etc...;
Misc. Antique Telephones & Parts;
Few Older Radio’s;
(5) Aladdin Lamps;
Lot Old Kerosene Lamps & Barn Lanterns;
Carbide Lights;
Old Calendars & Yardsticks;
Lightening Rod Glass Balls;
Old Child’s Hotplate;
Lot Old Washboards;
Toy Sad Irons;
Old Horse Collar;
Draw Knife;
Misc. Arrowheads;
Old Oval Pictures;
Lot Marbles;
Lg. lot Buttons;
Cigarette Lighters;
Goodyear & Goodrich Tire Ashtrays;
Older Political Pins;
Bruyers Lidded Pipe;
Misc. Smoking Pipes;
Lots of Old Ephemera;
Old Newspapers & Magazines;
Old Valentines;
Lots Old Postcards & Pictures;
Comic Books;
Lot Baseball Cards;
Lot 45’s & LP Records;
Kriss Kross Razor Blade Sharpener;
Razor Strap;
Tobacco Tins;
Fenton Vase & Tumble Up;
Occupied Japan Pieces;
McCoy Planters;
Nesting Hen;
Milk Glass;
Marigold Carnival Glass Dinnerware;
Small lot Nice Glass;
Coors Light Neon Light;
Wicker Arm Chair;
Lot nice Dolls;
Lot Figurines;
Lots & Lots of Antiques & Primitives not Listed;
Coins & Jewelry:
$1.00 & $5.00 Silver Certificates;
$2.00 Dollar Bills;
(9) Morgan Silver Dollars;
(8) Peace Silver Dollars;
(4) Barber ½ Dollars;
Seated Dimes & ½ Dimes;
1854 Seated Quarter;
Shield, V & Bufalo Nickels;
(4) 3 Cent Pieces;
1864 2 Cent Piece;
(4) Large Cents;
100+ Indian Head Cents;
Lot Wheat Pennies;
Silver Eagle;
Lots more Coins not Listed;
Misc. Old Tokens, Misc. Foreign Money;
Lot Costume Jewelry (some older);
Music Instruments:
Old Custom Kraft Guitar;
(2) Newer Fiddles;
Bundy Flute;
Lot Misc. Power & Hand Tools;
Router & Drill Bits;
Frame & Bar Clamps;
Battery Charger /Booster;
Lots & Lots of Shop Related Items;
Lg. Lot Wood Working Patterns of all kinds;
Auctioneers Note:
Great Auction! Jim was an avid Collector & Dealer;
There is no way to list all of the Fantastic Collectibles in this
auction. Be sure to see our website for a more complete list & 100’s of pictures.
Please note early start time : YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS THIS SALE!!