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(Witte) Commercial Real Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 194702
Sale Location |
Sedalia, MO 65301 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Sunday Sep 9, 2018 Completed |
Sale Type |
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Company Information |
Johnson & Bay Auction Service Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay Phone: 660-221-4067 Email: ID#: 9118 View company information and listings |
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Listing Information |
“Commercial Real Estate Auction”
John & Martha Witte
612 & 608 West 16th Street, 611 Magnolia, Sedalia Mo. 65301
Sunday Sept. 9th 1:00pm 2018
Directions: From 65 hwy & 16th st. stop light go East on 16 st. to Auction properties on Left (North) watch for signs & banners.
Commercial Real Estate
612 West 16th St. 754 sft. Commercial building on a large 45’x130’ lot, taxes $517. 87
611 Magnolia 35’x30’ steel framed building located behind 612 (same lot as 612 W. 16th)
608 West 16th St. 920 sft. Commercial building on a large 45’x130’ lot, taxes $715.69
Terms: 10% Nonrefundable Escrow down day of Sale, to close 30 days if not sooner, Taxes Prorated, Seller to Provide Title Insurance. All inspections & financial arrangements to be finalized Prior to sale time, Sale not Conditioned upon Finance. Seller reserves the right to accept or reject any bids, will co-broke with licensed realtor to register qualified buyer 24 hrs. prior to sale time
Remington 16ga shot gun
Browning 92, 20ga shot gun
Winchester 94 "Cowboy Commemorative" 30-30
Tools & Miscellaneous
Kellogg model A31-A 60 gal. horizontal air compressor, Columbian “No. 505” 5.5inch bench vise,
2 – wood topped work benches, Mac roll around tool box, Hook-Eye Cutlery-Grinder
“Rockwell-Delta 17” free standing drill press, Craftsman 10” radial arm saw, shop vac.
metal shelves, LG lot mechanic hand tools, lot misc. phonematic tools, FISHER anvil, 8” bench grinder,
Grizzly (model G1015) knife buffer/grinder on pedestal, Blackhawk SJ-63 1.5-ton bumper lift jack,
1970s Coca-Cola bottle machine (works), 1956 Homelite chain saw model 5-30 (restored),
18” scroll saw, alum. ATV ramps, gas leaf blower, Flymo hoover mower, sand blaster,
long frame garage floor jack, 2 – ele. chain sharpeners, 5 gal. MFA can, Campbell Hausefeld
KWIK Start roll around battery charger, 10’ alum step ladder, chain hoist,
(more than 3 shelves full) of Briggs & Stratton small engine parts new in boxes,
lot automotive & small engine books, 2 – new lg spools ¼” cable,
2- original “Garst/Eddie” drive inn models, Lot 15+ metal power equipment signs,
many beer can novelties handmade (by John Witte) bi-planes, ships etc.,
Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention
Auctioneer Note: We will be selling three income producing commercial properties all as one unit,
This is not an Absolute sale, but Sellers ABSOLUTLY want to sell. Lunch served by R&M concessions.
Johnson / Bay Auction Service
“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”
Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067
Skip Bay (660) 221-8695
Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3378
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