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(Don & Shirley Rowe) Public Auction - Johnson & Bay Auction Service
Listing ID#: 189756
Sale Location |
Sedalia, MO 65301 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday Sep 15, 2018 Completed |
Sale Type |
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Johnson & Bay Auction Service Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay Phone: 660-221-4067 Email: ID#: 9118 View company information and listings |
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“Public Auction”
Don & Shirley Rowe
22128 Hwy H, (Georgetown) Sedalia Mo. 65301
As we have sold our home we will sell the following at public Auction on:
Saturday Sept. 15th 10:00am 2018
Directions: From 50 & 65 hwy intersection in Sedalia go North on 65 hwy. to Georgetown Rd. (next to Caterpillar) turn Left (North) on Georgetown Rd. to Auction on Right watch for signs on sale day.
1976 Hydro-sport bass boat 115hp mercury newer trailer,
24’ Grumman pontoon alum. Canopy with canvas 70hp Evinrude,
Honda “Trail 70” & Mini chopper (Shriner bikes),
1937 Allis Chalmers “B” w/belly mower,
Hammerhead extreme 150cc dune buggy,
Kawasaki KAPS-400 4x4 ATV,
Honda 3011 riding mower,
Scotts “Fast-Trac Z” zero turn mower,
John Deer 17hp lawn tractor (no deck),
Savage model 110 bolt action .223 w/Bushnell scope,
Powder River head gate (New), Lawn sweeper, Murry 4.5hp push mower self-propelled, Craftsman 10” table saw,
100+ T-post 5.5’ (new), 15 wire panels, 2 bottom plow, Creep Feeder, 5’ chisel plow, horse drawn potato lister,
3 pt. post hole digger, 300 gal. water tank, 8’ tandem 3 pt. disk, 5’ pull type brush hog, lg. 3 pt. seeder,
lg pull type ATV seeder, 4 feed troughs, misc. iron wheels, utility trailer, 2 – yard carts, horizontal air compressor,
Century AC/DC 230-140 welder, lg vise, Poulan pro chain saw, lg. tarp hay cover,
7 – 50lb bags Kentucky 31 fescue seed,
Quality Household & Misc.
Thomasville mahogany formal dining room set table 2 leafs 10 chairs & matching china cabinet,
Chippendale triple settee, Thomasville mahogany side board, Thomasville mahogany entry table,
Victorian gilded mirror, 5 pc. king size Lexington bedroom set, electric recliner,
small antique secretary, iron & glass breakfast set, dual reclining leather sofa, coffee & end table set,
Antique pie crust table, Chinese leather trunk, Baker round table, over stuffed sofa & love seat,
corner curio cabinet, drop leaf gate leg table, several area rugs (5.5x7.5 & matching runners), entry table,
Uthmanor 38”x52” mirror & sconces, Victorian upholstered chair, several OCC tables, lg Asian vases,
4 pc. king size bedroom set, Henreydon drop leaf table, Pearson camel back sofa,
numerous antique & modern lamps, claw foot cherry foot stool, wicker patio furniture,
patio set, Baker gate leg table, pr. matching full size sleigh beds, antique school desk,
childs bent wood cane rocker, chest of drawers with hidden secretary, arm chair,
Kyocera commercial printer model KM2050, 4x8 slate drop pocket pool table,
Emil J. paidar barber chair, collection barber items, tea cart, metal lawn chairs,
Vitamaster treadmill, firepit, beer stine collection, neon & mirrored bar lights,
plaid green hide-a-bed w/matching chair and ottoman, glider, coffee & end tables,
lg. pressed back rocker, ball & claw occ table, 3 pc. full size “Waterfall” bedroom set,
game table, barrel table, several quilts, small trunk, 2-horizontal file cabinets, sewing machine,
lot material & craft supplies, rubber made wardrobe, wheel barrow,
antique leather mail bags (marked US), several oil on canvas art paintings, hand made dolls,
horse figurines, lot baskets (some Longaberger), sports memorabilia, die cast car collection,
lg. antique wood tool box, lot seasonal decorations, many unique & signed numbered prints,
pewter tea set, cut crystal, pub patio set, folding tables, studio pottery, vintage rolling stones magazines,
Auctioneer Note: Don and Shirley have been pillars of the community for years, we are proud to be asked to conduct this Auction of high quality & well-maintained items, this will be a LARGE sale so come prepared to spend an enjoyable day. We wish the Rowes our best in their endeavors.
Lunch served by R&M concessions.
Johnson / Bay Auction Service
“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”
Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067
Skip Bay (660) 221-8695
Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3378
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