(Ted Brackett) Estate Auction - Johnson & Bay Auction Service
Listing ID#: 189015

Sale Location

Warsaw, MO 65355
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Sep 29, 2018 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9118
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Listing Information


“Estate Auction”


The Late, Ted Brackett


32739 Hwy MM (American Legion post 217) Warsaw Mo. 65355


Due to the loss of my husband I will sell the following at public Auction on:


Saturday Sept. 29th 10:00am 2018


Directions: From Warsaw go South on 65 Hwy. to White Branch Exit to Wildcat Dr. follow Wildcat Dr./MM to Auction on Right, Watch for signs on sale day.


Antique Furniture


tiger oak bent glass china hutch w/claw feet, tiger oak mirrored hall tree, tiger oak library table, 


tiger oak bow front mirrored dresser, tiger oak bow front mirrored dresser, tiger oak chest of drawers,


Tiger oak mirrored high boy dresser, tiger oak wash stand, tiger oak four poster full sized bed,


Oak bent glass china hutch, mission style oak bed, restored oak upright piano (must see),


oak secretary, oak china cabinet, oak table w/stowaway leaves & 4 chairs & matching buffet,


several oak rocking chairs, upholstered platform rocker w/ottoman, oval inlaid coffee table,


brass day bed, upholstered oak settee, RCA Victrola, ornate kitchen clock, oak framed mirror




Glass & Misc.


Matching “Aladdin #23” Rail Road Caboose oil lamps, lot oil lamps, copper store oil lamp,


copper wall oil lamp w/reflector, rail road lantern, green & white chamber pot with wash basin & stand,


 ruby red caster set, RS Prussia bowl, Hand painted limoge, pink depression, Fenton, cut crystal,


ruby red water set, 4 - Sleepy Eye pitchers, Watt pottery, blue crock bowl, coffee grinder,


one gal. Dandy butter churn, Crock water jar, small scale set (complete w/weights)


lot refrigerator dishes, butter crock w/advertising, MFA jar, 6 - gal Redwing crock w/handles,


8 gal. crock, L. balestrieri lithograph w/Keen Kutter water mark on back,


2 hand stitched wedding ring quilts, commode, Kenmore gas BBQ grill, lot hand tools,


3 – metal lawn chairs, patio set w/4 chairs, round beveled glass patio table, 


 Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention


Auctioneer Note: Every so often we get one of these WOW auctions, you will not be disappointed it is all in great condition & well cared for, lunch provided by R&M concessions.   


Johnson / Bay Auction Service


“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”


Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067


Skip Bay (660) 221-8695


Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3378


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(Ted Brackett) Estate Auction - Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Sale Location
32739 Hwy MM 32739 Hwy MM
Warsaw, MO 65355
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Sep 29, 2018 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details


“Estate Auction”


The Late, Ted Brackett


32739 Hwy MM (American Legion post 217) Warsaw Mo. 65355


Due to the loss of my husband I will sell the following at public Auction on:


Saturday Sept. 29th 10:00am 2018


Directions: From Warsaw go South on 65 Hwy. to White Branch Exit to Wildcat Dr. follow Wildcat Dr./MM to Auction on Right, Watch for signs on sale day.


Antique Furniture


tiger oak bent glass china hutch w/claw feet, tiger oak mirrored hall tree, tiger oak library table, 


tiger oak bow front mirrored dresser, tiger oak bow front mirrored dresser, tiger oak chest of drawers,


Tiger oak mirrored high boy dresser, tiger oak wash stand, tiger oak four poster full sized bed,


Oak bent glass china hutch, mission style oak bed, restored oak upright piano (must see),


oak secretary, oak china cabinet, oak table w/stowaway leaves & 4 chairs & matching buffet,


several oak rocking chairs, upholstered platform rocker w/ottoman, oval inlaid coffee table,


brass day bed, upholstered oak settee, RCA Victrola, ornate kitchen clock, oak framed mirror




Glass & Misc.


Matching “Aladdin #23” Rail Road Caboose oil lamps, lot oil lamps, copper store oil lamp,


copper wall oil lamp w/reflector, rail road lantern, green & white chamber pot with wash basin & stand,


 ruby red caster set, RS Prussia bowl, Hand painted limoge, pink depression, Fenton, cut crystal,


ruby red water set, 4 - Sleepy Eye pitchers, Watt pottery, blue crock bowl, coffee grinder,


one gal. Dandy butter churn, Crock water jar, small scale set (complete w/weights)


lot refrigerator dishes, butter crock w/advertising, MFA jar, 6 - gal Redwing crock w/handles,


8 gal. crock, L. balestrieri lithograph w/Keen Kutter water mark on back,


2 hand stitched wedding ring quilts, commode, Kenmore gas BBQ grill, lot hand tools,


3 – metal lawn chairs, patio set w/4 chairs, round beveled glass patio table, 


 Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention


Auctioneer Note: Every so often we get one of these WOW auctions, you will not be disappointed it is all in great condition & well cared for, lunch provided by R&M concessions.   


Johnson / Bay Auction Service


“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”


Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067


Skip Bay (660) 221-8695


Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3378


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(Ted Brackett) Estate Auction - Johnson & Bay Auction Service
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Sep 29, 2018 Completed
Sale Location

Warsaw, MO 65355
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com


“Estate Auction”


The Late, Ted Brackett


32739 Hwy MM (American Legion post 217) Warsaw Mo. 65355


Due to the loss of my husband I will sell the following at public Auction on:


Saturday Sept. 29th 10:00am 2018


Directions: From Warsaw go South on 65 Hwy. to White Branch Exit to Wildcat Dr. follow Wildcat Dr./MM to Auction on Right, Watch for signs on sale day.


Antique Furniture


tiger oak bent glass china hutch w/claw feet, tiger oak mirrored hall tree, tiger oak library table, 


tiger oak bow front mirrored dresser, tiger oak bow front mirrored dresser, tiger oak chest of drawers,


Tiger oak mirrored high boy dresser, tiger oak wash stand, tiger oak four poster full sized bed,


Oak bent glass china hutch, mission style oak bed, restored oak upright piano (must see),


oak secretary, oak china cabinet, oak table w/stowaway leaves & 4 chairs & matching buffet,


several oak rocking chairs, upholstered platform rocker w/ottoman, oval inlaid coffee table,


brass day bed, upholstered oak settee, RCA Victrola, ornate kitchen clock, oak framed mirror




Glass & Misc.


Matching “Aladdin #23” Rail Road Caboose oil lamps, lot oil lamps, copper store oil lamp,


copper wall oil lamp w/reflector, rail road lantern, green & white chamber pot with wash basin & stand,


 ruby red caster set, RS Prussia bowl, Hand painted limoge, pink depression, Fenton, cut crystal,


ruby red water set, 4 - Sleepy Eye pitchers, Watt pottery, blue crock bowl, coffee grinder,


one gal. Dandy butter churn, Crock water jar, small scale set (complete w/weights)


lot refrigerator dishes, butter crock w/advertising, MFA jar, 6 - gal Redwing crock w/handles,


8 gal. crock, L. balestrieri lithograph w/Keen Kutter water mark on back,


2 hand stitched wedding ring quilts, commode, Kenmore gas BBQ grill, lot hand tools,


3 – metal lawn chairs, patio set w/4 chairs, round beveled glass patio table, 


 Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention


Auctioneer Note: Every so often we get one of these WOW auctions, you will not be disappointed it is all in great condition & well cared for, lunch provided by R&M concessions.   


Johnson / Bay Auction Service


“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”


Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067


Skip Bay (660) 221-8695


Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3378