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South Branch AUCTION! Sun July 8th 10am
Listing ID#: 180005
Sale Location |
South Branch, MI 48761 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Sunday Jul 8, 2018 Completed |
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Company Information |
LETS TALK AUCTION COMPANY Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle Phone: 989-848-5158 Email: Website: ID#: 6482 View company information and listings |
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Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for credit/debit card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material |
Listing Information |
Moving Household Sportsman & ShopAUCTION!Sunday July 8, 2018 10AMSouth Branch, MI. 48761Preview 9:00 AM Day of Sale.
To Include:
King sz. bedroom set; single bed; dressers; dinette set; hide a bed; frig; upright freezer; microwave; sm. kitchen appliances; kitchen dishware; Simplicity serger sewing machine; Big Boy comm. meat band saw; Hobart mod. A200 mixer; 30gal. stainless vat; bar mirrors; Valley Cougar Darts coin op. dart game; LGB Lehmann-Gross Bahn The Big Train & HO scale trains; base/basketball cards; Ludwig snare drum;
Guns: Remington 180th Anniv. 5 gun set including models 700 30-06, 7400 30-06, 7600 30-06, 870 12ga., & 11-87 12ga., all matching 013 serial numbers, factory in box, investment level gold engraved set, will not be broken up, sells as set; Winchester 1957 mod. 94 30-30; Savage mod. 11 204 Ruger; LC Smith sxs 12ga.; Rem. 597 Magnum 17HMR; Win. 190 & 250 22cal.; Night MK85 blk pwdr 54 cal.; Ruger Air Hawk .177& other long guns; Mountain Eagle 22 cal. target edition pistol; Barnett RC300 & Summit 150 crossbows; Browning compound bow; manual & elec. MEC 20 & 12ga reloaders; MEC super sizer; Dillon Precision & RCS reloaders; asst. dies, powders, shells, shot & other related reloading; Outers American Sporter 2 clay pigeon thrower; shooters bench; deep water fish rods & reels; Big Jon down riggers; deer mount; lanterns & camping related;
Special Interest:
Robyn T240 40 channel & T123 23 channel CB base units; Astatic base mics; Galaxy Satun 10meter base station Hamm radio; linears & related;
Garage & Shop:
Snap-On Tools 23 drawer rolling tool chest; hand & power tools; micrometers; pneumatic tools; Rigid pipe dies, thin wall benders, flaring & work supports; Greenlee hyd. Punch driver; Hobart Handler 210 MVP wire feed welder; Wards 295 continues amperage control welder; chain falls; metal nut/bolt cabinets; metal storage cabinets; Bostitch nailers; porta-power units; 1000lb platform grain scale; shop carts; Delta & Rockwell scroll saw; Delta planer; oscillating spindle sander; 2/10/50 battery charger; engine hoist & stand; 327 & 305 GM V-8 engines; arbor press; pulley pullers; floor jack; hand trucks; cylinder hones;
Industrial / Powder Metallurgy:
Delta 1000 Water Maze water reclaiming system; Aaladin steam power washer; Precision Quincy mod. 12 500degree power metal ceramic parts oven; Aremco econ heat furnace; Western Elec. carbide polisher; Sorgel 220-480 step up step down transformer; power supply for Komage 50ton press; Rexroth hyd. Pump; Dorst TPA4 press; 2 Reeves 5hp 580 output w/gear reduction motors; Carbon hydrogen analyzer; floor mod. drill press & grinder; Dumore grinder; US Standard sieve machine; Alup Industair air compressor; Rol-Lift & Lift-Rite pallet dollies; barrel drum hand truck; Baldor sander; Trinco comm. dry blast cabinet; Hitachi CB75F metal cutting band saw; rolling pinch bars; hydraulic compression press; Blak Ray long wave ultra violet light; Specs Ind. mixer mill; asst. high voltage motors, reduction gear boxes, cylinders, & related; manual volume pumps; shelving; files cabinets full of vintage machinery schematics;
White Outdoors FR16 zero turn & John Deere STX36 riding mowers, need TLC; Stihl 028WB chain saw; LE Smith jobsite air compressor; Minute Marker Accuguard laser level; folding ATV ramps; power washer; bicycles; utility trailer; 500gal. fuel cell; lg. semi box trailer used for storage; 24” c.i. school bell; concrete geese; 6’ lighthouse; full sz. wooden wagon; scrap metal; & More.
Real Estate available through private treaty consisting of 2100 sq ft 3 bedroom, 4 bath home, walk out basement with 2 car garage, 1500 sq ft wrap-around porch, on 14 acres. Also available deeded separately an adjoining 2 acres+/- w/30 x 40 two story garage, 14’ ceiling, 12’ garage doors, another 2+/- acres with 2 bedroom cabin. Call for contact information.
Auctioneer's Note:
The Lets Talk Auction Co. has been commissioned to sell no loner needed items from Guy Santoni’s home & shop as he downsizes and prepares to move. See you at the Auction!! Greg, Donna, Matthew & Staff!
Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.
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