Frank Thornton Public Auction
Listing ID#: 167558

Sale Location

Rogersville, MO 65742
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday May 12, 2018 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Website: ID#: 8448
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Listing Information
Public Auction
10:00 AM * Saturday May 12th. * 10:00 AM
Location: 976 Compton Hollow Rd., Rogersville, Mo. 65724
Directions: From Rogersville take Hwy. B north 9 mi then Right on Compton Hollow Rd. 1 mi. to Sale.

Dump Truck & Pickup
1968 Ford F-350 1 Ton Dump Truck with 12ft. Steel Flatbed (Runs & Works Good);
 1966 Ford Pickup (Project or Parts ); 92)  
 Old Pickup Bed Trailers;
Guns - Fishing
 Winchester mod. 94, 30WCF with Lyman Peep Sight (1949);
 Winchester mod. 94, 30-30 (pre 64);
 Winchester mod. 63, .22 semi-auto (1958);
 Winchester mod. 62, .22 pump (1941);
 Winchester mod. 90,.22 short pump (1907);
 Winchester mod. 42 .410, replaced Butt Stock
(1933, 2 digit serial #) ;
 Winchester mod. 97, 12ga. pump (1923);
 Winchester mod. 12 12ga. pump (1929);
 Winchester mod. 12 12ga pump w/ wide vent rib & Herters Selechoke (1929);
 Winchester mod. 12 16ga. pump (1941);
 Winchester mod. 12 20ga. pump w/ vent rib & Poly Choke (1949);
 Remington mod. 12-A .22 pump;
 Stevens Crackshot .22;
 Colt Cobra, .38spl. 2” barrel, revolver;
 S&W Safety Hammerless  .38 revolver;
 S&W Lemon Squeezer 38 revolver; S&W Old Top Break .38 revolver;
 Iver Johnson Top Break revolver;
 CZ 83 .380 semi-auto;
 Kel-Tec P32PK .32 semi-auto w/ box;
 Sm. Lot Ammo;
 Misc. Rods & Reels;
 (2) Coleman Lanterns;
  Glass Minnow Trap;

Pool Cues
 (5) Good Pool Cues including Meucci, Huebler & Mcdermott;
 Antiques & Collectible
 5 Gallon Red Wing Crock Butter Churn;
 10 Gallon Crock Jar;
 6 Gallon Crock Jar;
 2 Gallon Crock Jar;
 2 Gallon Crock Jug;
 Misc. Old Crock Pcs.;
 Dazey #40 1 Gallon Butter Churn with original Label & Paperwork;
 Few Old Kitchen Items;
 Few Old Kitchen Tins;
 Copper Boiler;
 Granite Wash Pan & Coffee Pot;
 (12+) Cast Iron Skillets up to #12 by Griswold, Wagner, Chicago, Lodge etc...;
 Cast Iron Griddles & Corn Pans;
 Cast Iron Scalder;
 (2) Cast Iron Match Safes;
 (2) Winner 4 Cap Wood Cookstoves;
 Perfection Kerosene Heater w/ Glass Globe;
 Corn Sheller;
 Ice Tongs;
 Several Pcs. Pink & Green Depression Glass;
 Misc. Blue Carnival Pcs;
 Blue Carnival Punch Bowl Set;
 Blue Carnival Nesting Hen;
 Misc. Nice Glass;
 Lot Teapots;
 Cat Tail Disc Refrigerator Jug;
 Ball Jug Pitchers;
 (2) McCoy Planters;
 Clear Aladdin Lamp;
 Misc. Oil Lamps;
 Few Old Marbles;
 Buddy L Texaco Gas Truck (metal);
 Lot Holly Hobby Collectibles;
 Waltons Metal Lunch Box;
 Iron Implement Wheels;
 Barn Loft Hay Trolley & Rails;
 Barn Loft Hay Cradle Hooks;
 Cast Iron Implement Seat;
 Buzz Saw Blades;
 Cross Cut Saw;
 Stilliard (Cotton) Scales;
  (2) Wood Rope Pully’s;
 Set Old Wood Hames;
 Kerosene Can;
 Sad Irons;
 More not Listed;
Farm - Tools
 7ft. 3pt. Box Blade w/ Digger Teeth;
 5ft. 5pt Brushhog (Farmco);
 2 Bottom 3pt. Plow (Pittsburg);
 2 Bottom 3pt. Disc Plow (Athens);
 Heavy 6ft. 3 pt. Adjustable Disc. (Towner Tillage Tools);
 Horse Drawn Hay Loader (complete);
 Horse Drawn 4 Iron Wheel Manure Spreader Running Gear;
 Horse Drawn Dump Rake;
 Horse Drawn 1 Bottom Plow;
 (2) 48” Metal Exhaust Box Fans;
 Misc. Electric Hand Tools;
 2 Wheel String Trimmer;
 Push Mower;
 Railroad Spike Hammer;

 Furniture - Household
 Antique Possum Belly Cabinet;
 Old Bow Front Claw Foot Curio Cabinet;
 Claw Foot Dresser with Mirror;
 Antique Dresser;
 Oak Pedestal Dining Table;
 Duncan Phyfe Drop Leaf Table & Chairs;
 Wood Rocker;
 Micro-Suede Sofa;
 Coffee & End Tables;
 Misc. Furniture Not Listed;
 Lot Good Pots, Pans & Dishes;
 Lot Misc. Dolls;
 Lots & Lots Not Listed;

Guns Sell at 1:00 PM
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Frank Thornton Public Auction

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Sale Location
976 Compton Hollow Rd.
Rogersville, MO 65742
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday May 12, 2018 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details
Public Auction
10:00 AM * Saturday May 12th. * 10:00 AM
Location: 976 Compton Hollow Rd., Rogersville, Mo. 65724
Directions: From Rogersville take Hwy. B north 9 mi then Right on Compton Hollow Rd. 1 mi. to Sale.

Dump Truck & Pickup
1968 Ford F-350 1 Ton Dump Truck with 12ft. Steel Flatbed (Runs & Works Good);
 1966 Ford Pickup (Project or Parts ); 92)  
 Old Pickup Bed Trailers;
Guns - Fishing
 Winchester mod. 94, 30WCF with Lyman Peep Sight (1949);
 Winchester mod. 94, 30-30 (pre 64);
 Winchester mod. 63, .22 semi-auto (1958);
 Winchester mod. 62, .22 pump (1941);
 Winchester mod. 90,.22 short pump (1907);
 Winchester mod. 42 .410, replaced Butt Stock
(1933, 2 digit serial #) ;
 Winchester mod. 97, 12ga. pump (1923);
 Winchester mod. 12 12ga. pump (1929);
 Winchester mod. 12 12ga pump w/ wide vent rib & Herters Selechoke (1929);
 Winchester mod. 12 16ga. pump (1941);
 Winchester mod. 12 20ga. pump w/ vent rib & Poly Choke (1949);
 Remington mod. 12-A .22 pump;
 Stevens Crackshot .22;
 Colt Cobra, .38spl. 2” barrel, revolver;
 S&W Safety Hammerless  .38 revolver;
 S&W Lemon Squeezer 38 revolver; S&W Old Top Break .38 revolver;
 Iver Johnson Top Break revolver;
 CZ 83 .380 semi-auto;
 Kel-Tec P32PK .32 semi-auto w/ box;
 Sm. Lot Ammo;
 Misc. Rods & Reels;
 (2) Coleman Lanterns;
  Glass Minnow Trap;

Pool Cues
 (5) Good Pool Cues including Meucci, Huebler & Mcdermott;
 Antiques & Collectible
 5 Gallon Red Wing Crock Butter Churn;
 10 Gallon Crock Jar;
 6 Gallon Crock Jar;
 2 Gallon Crock Jar;
 2 Gallon Crock Jug;
 Misc. Old Crock Pcs.;
 Dazey #40 1 Gallon Butter Churn with original Label & Paperwork;
 Few Old Kitchen Items;
 Few Old Kitchen Tins;
 Copper Boiler;
 Granite Wash Pan & Coffee Pot;
 (12+) Cast Iron Skillets up to #12 by Griswold, Wagner, Chicago, Lodge etc...;
 Cast Iron Griddles & Corn Pans;
 Cast Iron Scalder;
 (2) Cast Iron Match Safes;
 (2) Winner 4 Cap Wood Cookstoves;
 Perfection Kerosene Heater w/ Glass Globe;
 Corn Sheller;
 Ice Tongs;
 Several Pcs. Pink & Green Depression Glass;
 Misc. Blue Carnival Pcs;
 Blue Carnival Punch Bowl Set;
 Blue Carnival Nesting Hen;
 Misc. Nice Glass;
 Lot Teapots;
 Cat Tail Disc Refrigerator Jug;
 Ball Jug Pitchers;
 (2) McCoy Planters;
 Clear Aladdin Lamp;
 Misc. Oil Lamps;
 Few Old Marbles;
 Buddy L Texaco Gas Truck (metal);
 Lot Holly Hobby Collectibles;
 Waltons Metal Lunch Box;
 Iron Implement Wheels;
 Barn Loft Hay Trolley & Rails;
 Barn Loft Hay Cradle Hooks;
 Cast Iron Implement Seat;
 Buzz Saw Blades;
 Cross Cut Saw;
 Stilliard (Cotton) Scales;
  (2) Wood Rope Pully’s;
 Set Old Wood Hames;
 Kerosene Can;
 Sad Irons;
 More not Listed;
Farm - Tools
 7ft. 3pt. Box Blade w/ Digger Teeth;
 5ft. 5pt Brushhog (Farmco);
 2 Bottom 3pt. Plow (Pittsburg);
 2 Bottom 3pt. Disc Plow (Athens);
 Heavy 6ft. 3 pt. Adjustable Disc. (Towner Tillage Tools);
 Horse Drawn Hay Loader (complete);
 Horse Drawn 4 Iron Wheel Manure Spreader Running Gear;
 Horse Drawn Dump Rake;
 Horse Drawn 1 Bottom Plow;
 (2) 48” Metal Exhaust Box Fans;
 Misc. Electric Hand Tools;
 2 Wheel String Trimmer;
 Push Mower;
 Railroad Spike Hammer;

 Furniture - Household
 Antique Possum Belly Cabinet;
 Old Bow Front Claw Foot Curio Cabinet;
 Claw Foot Dresser with Mirror;
 Antique Dresser;
 Oak Pedestal Dining Table;
 Duncan Phyfe Drop Leaf Table & Chairs;
 Wood Rocker;
 Micro-Suede Sofa;
 Coffee & End Tables;
 Misc. Furniture Not Listed;
 Lot Good Pots, Pans & Dishes;
 Lot Misc. Dolls;
 Lots & Lots Not Listed;

Guns Sell at 1:00 PM
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Frank Thornton Public Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday May 12, 2018 Completed
Sale Location

Rogersville, MO 65742
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329

Public Auction
10:00 AM * Saturday May 12th. * 10:00 AM
Location: 976 Compton Hollow Rd., Rogersville, Mo. 65724
Directions: From Rogersville take Hwy. B north 9 mi then Right on Compton Hollow Rd. 1 mi. to Sale.

Dump Truck & Pickup
1968 Ford F-350 1 Ton Dump Truck with 12ft. Steel Flatbed (Runs & Works Good);
 1966 Ford Pickup (Project or Parts ); 92)  
 Old Pickup Bed Trailers;
Guns - Fishing
 Winchester mod. 94, 30WCF with Lyman Peep Sight (1949);
 Winchester mod. 94, 30-30 (pre 64);
 Winchester mod. 63, .22 semi-auto (1958);
 Winchester mod. 62, .22 pump (1941);
 Winchester mod. 90,.22 short pump (1907);
 Winchester mod. 42 .410, replaced Butt Stock
(1933, 2 digit serial #) ;
 Winchester mod. 97, 12ga. pump (1923);
 Winchester mod. 12 12ga. pump (1929);
 Winchester mod. 12 12ga pump w/ wide vent rib & Herters Selechoke (1929);
 Winchester mod. 12 16ga. pump (1941);
 Winchester mod. 12 20ga. pump w/ vent rib & Poly Choke (1949);
 Remington mod. 12-A .22 pump;
 Stevens Crackshot .22;
 Colt Cobra, .38spl. 2” barrel, revolver;
 S&W Safety Hammerless  .38 revolver;
 S&W Lemon Squeezer 38 revolver; S&W Old Top Break .38 revolver;
 Iver Johnson Top Break revolver;
 CZ 83 .380 semi-auto;
 Kel-Tec P32PK .32 semi-auto w/ box;
 Sm. Lot Ammo;
 Misc. Rods & Reels;
 (2) Coleman Lanterns;
  Glass Minnow Trap;

Pool Cues
 (5) Good Pool Cues including Meucci, Huebler & Mcdermott;
 Antiques & Collectible
 5 Gallon Red Wing Crock Butter Churn;
 10 Gallon Crock Jar;
 6 Gallon Crock Jar;
 2 Gallon Crock Jar;
 2 Gallon Crock Jug;
 Misc. Old Crock Pcs.;
 Dazey #40 1 Gallon Butter Churn with original Label & Paperwork;
 Few Old Kitchen Items;
 Few Old Kitchen Tins;
 Copper Boiler;
 Granite Wash Pan & Coffee Pot;
 (12+) Cast Iron Skillets up to #12 by Griswold, Wagner, Chicago, Lodge etc...;
 Cast Iron Griddles & Corn Pans;
 Cast Iron Scalder;
 (2) Cast Iron Match Safes;
 (2) Winner 4 Cap Wood Cookstoves;
 Perfection Kerosene Heater w/ Glass Globe;
 Corn Sheller;
 Ice Tongs;
 Several Pcs. Pink & Green Depression Glass;
 Misc. Blue Carnival Pcs;
 Blue Carnival Punch Bowl Set;
 Blue Carnival Nesting Hen;
 Misc. Nice Glass;
 Lot Teapots;
 Cat Tail Disc Refrigerator Jug;
 Ball Jug Pitchers;
 (2) McCoy Planters;
 Clear Aladdin Lamp;
 Misc. Oil Lamps;
 Few Old Marbles;
 Buddy L Texaco Gas Truck (metal);
 Lot Holly Hobby Collectibles;
 Waltons Metal Lunch Box;
 Iron Implement Wheels;
 Barn Loft Hay Trolley & Rails;
 Barn Loft Hay Cradle Hooks;
 Cast Iron Implement Seat;
 Buzz Saw Blades;
 Cross Cut Saw;
 Stilliard (Cotton) Scales;
  (2) Wood Rope Pully’s;
 Set Old Wood Hames;
 Kerosene Can;
 Sad Irons;
 More not Listed;
Farm - Tools
 7ft. 3pt. Box Blade w/ Digger Teeth;
 5ft. 5pt Brushhog (Farmco);
 2 Bottom 3pt. Plow (Pittsburg);
 2 Bottom 3pt. Disc Plow (Athens);
 Heavy 6ft. 3 pt. Adjustable Disc. (Towner Tillage Tools);
 Horse Drawn Hay Loader (complete);
 Horse Drawn 4 Iron Wheel Manure Spreader Running Gear;
 Horse Drawn Dump Rake;
 Horse Drawn 1 Bottom Plow;
 (2) 48” Metal Exhaust Box Fans;
 Misc. Electric Hand Tools;
 2 Wheel String Trimmer;
 Push Mower;
 Railroad Spike Hammer;

 Furniture - Household
 Antique Possum Belly Cabinet;
 Old Bow Front Claw Foot Curio Cabinet;
 Claw Foot Dresser with Mirror;
 Antique Dresser;
 Oak Pedestal Dining Table;
 Duncan Phyfe Drop Leaf Table & Chairs;
 Wood Rocker;
 Micro-Suede Sofa;
 Coffee & End Tables;
 Misc. Furniture Not Listed;
 Lot Good Pots, Pans & Dishes;
 Lot Misc. Dolls;
 Lots & Lots Not Listed;

Guns Sell at 1:00 PM