Sissel Farm Dispersal Auction
Listing ID#: 141448

Sale Location

Billings , MO 65610
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Oct 14, 2017 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Website: ID#: 8448
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Listing Information
Public Auction
9:00 AM * Saturday, October 14th. * 9:00 AM
Location: 761 Hwy 413, Billings Mo. 65610
Directions: From Billings at Jct Hwy 60 & 413 take 413 south 1 Mile to Sale.
Trailers - Tractor - Machinery
1994 28 ft. Barrett Aluminum Stock Trailer with Aluminum Floor, side Ramp Door, Sliding Center Divider, inside & outside Tie Rails, 8k Axles
(Very Clean Show Cow Trailer)
1982 24ft. Flatbed Gooseneck Trailer;
White 2-85 Farm Boss Tractor with Loader, Good Rubber, Runs Strong;
Bush Hog 3210 10ft. Brushhog,
pull type (Excellent Condition);
John Deere 1360 9’ Discbine;
New Holland 315 Square Baler;
2 Basket Tedder;
New Holland 256 Rake with Dolly Wheel;
Oliver Side Delivery Rake;
New Holland left & right Rake Hitch;
7ft. Angle Blade;
John Deere 4 Bottom Plow;
3 pt. Bale Spike;
Danhauser Post Hole Digger;
Farm Wagon Chassis;
8ft. Shop Built Field Roller;
2 Wheel Boom Sprayer (needs work);
Pickup -ATV - Jet Ski
1993 Chevy 2500 4x4, 6.5 Diesel, 5 spd. Trans. (Farm Truck);
Camper Shell;
Aluminum Pickup Toolbox;
2005 Yamaha Grizzly 4x4, 660 cc. ATV;
1997 Sea Doo GTX 3 Seat Jet Ski, (only 230 Hours) with Trailer:
Cattle - Hay - Equipment
(16) Registered Hereford Cows 3 to 9 yrs, 5 with Calves, balance due in Feb;
(3) 2 year old Bred Heifers;
(3) 11 month old Open Heifers;
(4) 11 month old Bulls (A-I Sired);
2 year old calving ease Herd Bull;
Registrations will be transferred to new owners, Cows will be Pregnancy Checked & Vaccinated, Bull will be Semen & Trich. Tested.
These Cattle are the product of a 50 year Breeding program by Don of High Quality Hereford Genetics including A-I Sires Revolution, CHAC Mason, Prospector 145Y, Wrangler 19D, etc..
(50) 4’x5 ½’ 2017 Grass Round Bales;
WW Portable Cattle Sale Ring;
Powder River Squeeze Chute;
Paul mod. 16, 1600lb. Livestock Scale;
(4) 8ft. Concrete Feeders;
(2) Poly Feeders;
(2) Pride of the Farm Mineral Feeders;
(4) Round Bale Feeders;
(3) Stock Tanks;
1500 lb. Twin Creeper Calf Feeder;
(3) Farrowing Crates;
Baby Pig Feeder;
300 Gallon Water Hauling Tank;
(25+) Used Steel Posts;
(2) Rolls Barbed Wire;
Gallagher Electric Fence Chargers;
110v. Electric Fence Chargers;
Gallagher Electric Fence Supplies;
Fence Stretcher & Post Puller;
Misc. Vet. Supplies;
15 & 25 Gal. 12v. ATV Sprayers;
(2) Saddles & Tack;
Cattle Show Supplies
Sullivan’s Showtime 5 ft. Upright Dolly Showbox;
Sullivan’s Air Express Blow Dryer III;
Stewart, Andis & Heiniger Clippers;
Clipping Chute;
Small Show Boxes;
Show Halters & Leads;
Lots Combs & Brushes;
Portable Show Fan & Stands;
Misc. Show Items;
Winchester 94 Ranger 30-30;
Mossberg 500-A 12 ga. Pump Shotgun;
Crossman 178-B Livestock Dart Rifle;
Few Rods & Reels;
Tools - Generators - Mower
John Deere LT 180 Riding Mower,
17hp, Hydro Trans, 48” Deck;
Briggs & Stratton Elite 10,000 watt, 21hp. Generator, Electric start;
Homelite 5000 watt Generator;
Craftsman 33 gal. Air Compressor;
Lincoln 225 amp AC-DC Welder;
Cutting Torch Set with Bottles & Cart;
Craftsman 2400 PSI Power Washer;
Troy-Bilt 2 Wheel String Trimmer;
Stihl HT56C Pole Saw;
Shindawa T242 Weedeater;
Stihl 028 & MS171 Chainsaws;
Yard Machines Garden Tiller;
John Deere Garden Tiller;
Craftsman 10” Radial Arm Saw;
Schumacher 10/30/200 amp Battery Charger/ Booster (like new);
Craftsman 8 Drawer Tool Box;
Lots misc. Hand & Electric Tools;
Few Dewalt Cordless Tools;
Antique Leg Vise;
Werner 8ft. Fiberglass Step Ladder;
24ft. Aluminum Extension Ladder;
Heavy Welding Table;
Shop Stands;
Craftsman 20 Gal. Shop Vac;
2 Wheel Lawn Cart;
Lawn Seeder;
Lot Lawn & Garden Tools;
Barrel Stove;
Metal Shelves;
Antique -Toys
Antique Hoosier Style Kitchen Cabinet with Flour Bin & Sifter;
Antique Pump Organ;
Old Iron Rake Wheels;
Metal Implement Seats;
Old Wood Military 20 Drawer Cabinet;
#8 Western Stoneware Crock Jar;
(2) Cast Iron Kettles on Stands;
Old 5 Gal. Gas Cans;
Old Buggy Seat;
Well Bucket & Pulley;
Hay Knife;
David Bradley Corn Sheller;
Milk Strainer;
Old Buckets;
Wagner C.I. Water Kettle;
Ingraham Kitchen Clock;
United Figural Horse Clock;
Old Saw Blade;
Hog Scraper;
Old Typeset Tray;
Old Wood Ladder;
Old Road Maps;
Coleman Metal Cooler;
Hall Orange Poppy Pitchers & Bowls;
Several Nice Hall Teapots;
Hall Refrigerator Dishes;
Hall Cookie Jar & Bowls;
Longabarger Dinnerware;
(3) Fenton Cranberry Hobnail Pieces;
10 pcs Ertyl Die Cast Farm Toys incl. Precision Oliver 77 & Early New Holland Swather;
Gavel Collection;
Furniture -Appliances
Whirlpool Electric Cookstove;
Whirlpool SxS Refrigerator;
20 cu. Ft. Chest Freezer;
Whirlpool Washer;
Maytag elec. Dryer;
Lazy Boy Microfiber Sofa & Recliner;
Lazy Boy Leather Recliner;
Glider Rocker;
Wood Rocker;
Dining Table & 4 Chairs;
Tea Cart;
Oak Queen Bed;
Antique Poster Bed & Chest;
Queen Waterbed Frame;
Dresser & 2 Night Stands;
2 Drawer Table;
Old Occasional Table;
(2) Bookshelves;
Desk & Chair;
Wicker Bathroom Shelf;
(2) Oak Table Top Showcases;
Metal Patio Bench & 2 Chairs;
Poly Dog House;
Pet Carriers;
Pet Cage;
Pet Feeder;
Large Live Animal Trap;
Bird Bath;
400 lb Wood Stove Pellets;
Few Christmas Yard Decorations;
American Standard Toilet new in Box;
Misc. Scrap Metal;
Lots Not Listed;

Auctioneers Note:
Don & Cathy have sold their Farm & are Downsizing so
we’re selling their Farm Equipment, Registered
Cattle & Lots Lots More!
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Sissel Farm Dispersal Auction

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Sale Location
761 Hwy 413
Billings , MO 65610
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Oct 14, 2017 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details
Public Auction
9:00 AM * Saturday, October 14th. * 9:00 AM
Location: 761 Hwy 413, Billings Mo. 65610
Directions: From Billings at Jct Hwy 60 & 413 take 413 south 1 Mile to Sale.
Trailers - Tractor - Machinery
1994 28 ft. Barrett Aluminum Stock Trailer with Aluminum Floor, side Ramp Door, Sliding Center Divider, inside & outside Tie Rails, 8k Axles
(Very Clean Show Cow Trailer)
1982 24ft. Flatbed Gooseneck Trailer;
White 2-85 Farm Boss Tractor with Loader, Good Rubber, Runs Strong;
Bush Hog 3210 10ft. Brushhog,
pull type (Excellent Condition);
John Deere 1360 9’ Discbine;
New Holland 315 Square Baler;
2 Basket Tedder;
New Holland 256 Rake with Dolly Wheel;
Oliver Side Delivery Rake;
New Holland left & right Rake Hitch;
7ft. Angle Blade;
John Deere 4 Bottom Plow;
3 pt. Bale Spike;
Danhauser Post Hole Digger;
Farm Wagon Chassis;
8ft. Shop Built Field Roller;
2 Wheel Boom Sprayer (needs work);
Pickup -ATV - Jet Ski
1993 Chevy 2500 4x4, 6.5 Diesel, 5 spd. Trans. (Farm Truck);
Camper Shell;
Aluminum Pickup Toolbox;
2005 Yamaha Grizzly 4x4, 660 cc. ATV;
1997 Sea Doo GTX 3 Seat Jet Ski, (only 230 Hours) with Trailer:
Cattle - Hay - Equipment
(16) Registered Hereford Cows 3 to 9 yrs, 5 with Calves, balance due in Feb;
(3) 2 year old Bred Heifers;
(3) 11 month old Open Heifers;
(4) 11 month old Bulls (A-I Sired);
2 year old calving ease Herd Bull;
Registrations will be transferred to new owners, Cows will be Pregnancy Checked & Vaccinated, Bull will be Semen & Trich. Tested.
These Cattle are the product of a 50 year Breeding program by Don of High Quality Hereford Genetics including A-I Sires Revolution, CHAC Mason, Prospector 145Y, Wrangler 19D, etc..
(50) 4’x5 ½’ 2017 Grass Round Bales;
WW Portable Cattle Sale Ring;
Powder River Squeeze Chute;
Paul mod. 16, 1600lb. Livestock Scale;
(4) 8ft. Concrete Feeders;
(2) Poly Feeders;
(2) Pride of the Farm Mineral Feeders;
(4) Round Bale Feeders;
(3) Stock Tanks;
1500 lb. Twin Creeper Calf Feeder;
(3) Farrowing Crates;
Baby Pig Feeder;
300 Gallon Water Hauling Tank;
(25+) Used Steel Posts;
(2) Rolls Barbed Wire;
Gallagher Electric Fence Chargers;
110v. Electric Fence Chargers;
Gallagher Electric Fence Supplies;
Fence Stretcher & Post Puller;
Misc. Vet. Supplies;
15 & 25 Gal. 12v. ATV Sprayers;
(2) Saddles & Tack;
Cattle Show Supplies
Sullivan’s Showtime 5 ft. Upright Dolly Showbox;
Sullivan’s Air Express Blow Dryer III;
Stewart, Andis & Heiniger Clippers;
Clipping Chute;
Small Show Boxes;
Show Halters & Leads;
Lots Combs & Brushes;
Portable Show Fan & Stands;
Misc. Show Items;
Winchester 94 Ranger 30-30;
Mossberg 500-A 12 ga. Pump Shotgun;
Crossman 178-B Livestock Dart Rifle;
Few Rods & Reels;
Tools - Generators - Mower
John Deere LT 180 Riding Mower,
17hp, Hydro Trans, 48” Deck;
Briggs & Stratton Elite 10,000 watt, 21hp. Generator, Electric start;
Homelite 5000 watt Generator;
Craftsman 33 gal. Air Compressor;
Lincoln 225 amp AC-DC Welder;
Cutting Torch Set with Bottles & Cart;
Craftsman 2400 PSI Power Washer;
Troy-Bilt 2 Wheel String Trimmer;
Stihl HT56C Pole Saw;
Shindawa T242 Weedeater;
Stihl 028 & MS171 Chainsaws;
Yard Machines Garden Tiller;
John Deere Garden Tiller;
Craftsman 10” Radial Arm Saw;
Schumacher 10/30/200 amp Battery Charger/ Booster (like new);
Craftsman 8 Drawer Tool Box;
Lots misc. Hand & Electric Tools;
Few Dewalt Cordless Tools;
Antique Leg Vise;
Werner 8ft. Fiberglass Step Ladder;
24ft. Aluminum Extension Ladder;
Heavy Welding Table;
Shop Stands;
Craftsman 20 Gal. Shop Vac;
2 Wheel Lawn Cart;
Lawn Seeder;
Lot Lawn & Garden Tools;
Barrel Stove;
Metal Shelves;
Antique -Toys
Antique Hoosier Style Kitchen Cabinet with Flour Bin & Sifter;
Antique Pump Organ;
Old Iron Rake Wheels;
Metal Implement Seats;
Old Wood Military 20 Drawer Cabinet;
#8 Western Stoneware Crock Jar;
(2) Cast Iron Kettles on Stands;
Old 5 Gal. Gas Cans;
Old Buggy Seat;
Well Bucket & Pulley;
Hay Knife;
David Bradley Corn Sheller;
Milk Strainer;
Old Buckets;
Wagner C.I. Water Kettle;
Ingraham Kitchen Clock;
United Figural Horse Clock;
Old Saw Blade;
Hog Scraper;
Old Typeset Tray;
Old Wood Ladder;
Old Road Maps;
Coleman Metal Cooler;
Hall Orange Poppy Pitchers & Bowls;
Several Nice Hall Teapots;
Hall Refrigerator Dishes;
Hall Cookie Jar & Bowls;
Longabarger Dinnerware;
(3) Fenton Cranberry Hobnail Pieces;
10 pcs Ertyl Die Cast Farm Toys incl. Precision Oliver 77 & Early New Holland Swather;
Gavel Collection;
Furniture -Appliances
Whirlpool Electric Cookstove;
Whirlpool SxS Refrigerator;
20 cu. Ft. Chest Freezer;
Whirlpool Washer;
Maytag elec. Dryer;
Lazy Boy Microfiber Sofa & Recliner;
Lazy Boy Leather Recliner;
Glider Rocker;
Wood Rocker;
Dining Table & 4 Chairs;
Tea Cart;
Oak Queen Bed;
Antique Poster Bed & Chest;
Queen Waterbed Frame;
Dresser & 2 Night Stands;
2 Drawer Table;
Old Occasional Table;
(2) Bookshelves;
Desk & Chair;
Wicker Bathroom Shelf;
(2) Oak Table Top Showcases;
Metal Patio Bench & 2 Chairs;
Poly Dog House;
Pet Carriers;
Pet Cage;
Pet Feeder;
Large Live Animal Trap;
Bird Bath;
400 lb Wood Stove Pellets;
Few Christmas Yard Decorations;
American Standard Toilet new in Box;
Misc. Scrap Metal;
Lots Not Listed;

Auctioneers Note:
Don & Cathy have sold their Farm & are Downsizing so
we’re selling their Farm Equipment, Registered
Cattle & Lots Lots More!
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Sissel Farm Dispersal Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Oct 14, 2017 Completed
Sale Location

Billings , MO 65610
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329

Public Auction
9:00 AM * Saturday, October 14th. * 9:00 AM
Location: 761 Hwy 413, Billings Mo. 65610
Directions: From Billings at Jct Hwy 60 & 413 take 413 south 1 Mile to Sale.
Trailers - Tractor - Machinery
1994 28 ft. Barrett Aluminum Stock Trailer with Aluminum Floor, side Ramp Door, Sliding Center Divider, inside & outside Tie Rails, 8k Axles
(Very Clean Show Cow Trailer)
1982 24ft. Flatbed Gooseneck Trailer;
White 2-85 Farm Boss Tractor with Loader, Good Rubber, Runs Strong;
Bush Hog 3210 10ft. Brushhog,
pull type (Excellent Condition);
John Deere 1360 9’ Discbine;
New Holland 315 Square Baler;
2 Basket Tedder;
New Holland 256 Rake with Dolly Wheel;
Oliver Side Delivery Rake;
New Holland left & right Rake Hitch;
7ft. Angle Blade;
John Deere 4 Bottom Plow;
3 pt. Bale Spike;
Danhauser Post Hole Digger;
Farm Wagon Chassis;
8ft. Shop Built Field Roller;
2 Wheel Boom Sprayer (needs work);
Pickup -ATV - Jet Ski
1993 Chevy 2500 4x4, 6.5 Diesel, 5 spd. Trans. (Farm Truck);
Camper Shell;
Aluminum Pickup Toolbox;
2005 Yamaha Grizzly 4x4, 660 cc. ATV;
1997 Sea Doo GTX 3 Seat Jet Ski, (only 230 Hours) with Trailer:
Cattle - Hay - Equipment
(16) Registered Hereford Cows 3 to 9 yrs, 5 with Calves, balance due in Feb;
(3) 2 year old Bred Heifers;
(3) 11 month old Open Heifers;
(4) 11 month old Bulls (A-I Sired);
2 year old calving ease Herd Bull;
Registrations will be transferred to new owners, Cows will be Pregnancy Checked & Vaccinated, Bull will be Semen & Trich. Tested.
These Cattle are the product of a 50 year Breeding program by Don of High Quality Hereford Genetics including A-I Sires Revolution, CHAC Mason, Prospector 145Y, Wrangler 19D, etc..
(50) 4’x5 ½’ 2017 Grass Round Bales;
WW Portable Cattle Sale Ring;
Powder River Squeeze Chute;
Paul mod. 16, 1600lb. Livestock Scale;
(4) 8ft. Concrete Feeders;
(2) Poly Feeders;
(2) Pride of the Farm Mineral Feeders;
(4) Round Bale Feeders;
(3) Stock Tanks;
1500 lb. Twin Creeper Calf Feeder;
(3) Farrowing Crates;
Baby Pig Feeder;
300 Gallon Water Hauling Tank;
(25+) Used Steel Posts;
(2) Rolls Barbed Wire;
Gallagher Electric Fence Chargers;
110v. Electric Fence Chargers;
Gallagher Electric Fence Supplies;
Fence Stretcher & Post Puller;
Misc. Vet. Supplies;
15 & 25 Gal. 12v. ATV Sprayers;
(2) Saddles & Tack;
Cattle Show Supplies
Sullivan’s Showtime 5 ft. Upright Dolly Showbox;
Sullivan’s Air Express Blow Dryer III;
Stewart, Andis & Heiniger Clippers;
Clipping Chute;
Small Show Boxes;
Show Halters & Leads;
Lots Combs & Brushes;
Portable Show Fan & Stands;
Misc. Show Items;
Winchester 94 Ranger 30-30;
Mossberg 500-A 12 ga. Pump Shotgun;
Crossman 178-B Livestock Dart Rifle;
Few Rods & Reels;
Tools - Generators - Mower
John Deere LT 180 Riding Mower,
17hp, Hydro Trans, 48” Deck;
Briggs & Stratton Elite 10,000 watt, 21hp. Generator, Electric start;
Homelite 5000 watt Generator;
Craftsman 33 gal. Air Compressor;
Lincoln 225 amp AC-DC Welder;
Cutting Torch Set with Bottles & Cart;
Craftsman 2400 PSI Power Washer;
Troy-Bilt 2 Wheel String Trimmer;
Stihl HT56C Pole Saw;
Shindawa T242 Weedeater;
Stihl 028 & MS171 Chainsaws;
Yard Machines Garden Tiller;
John Deere Garden Tiller;
Craftsman 10” Radial Arm Saw;
Schumacher 10/30/200 amp Battery Charger/ Booster (like new);
Craftsman 8 Drawer Tool Box;
Lots misc. Hand & Electric Tools;
Few Dewalt Cordless Tools;
Antique Leg Vise;
Werner 8ft. Fiberglass Step Ladder;
24ft. Aluminum Extension Ladder;
Heavy Welding Table;
Shop Stands;
Craftsman 20 Gal. Shop Vac;
2 Wheel Lawn Cart;
Lawn Seeder;
Lot Lawn & Garden Tools;
Barrel Stove;
Metal Shelves;
Antique -Toys
Antique Hoosier Style Kitchen Cabinet with Flour Bin & Sifter;
Antique Pump Organ;
Old Iron Rake Wheels;
Metal Implement Seats;
Old Wood Military 20 Drawer Cabinet;
#8 Western Stoneware Crock Jar;
(2) Cast Iron Kettles on Stands;
Old 5 Gal. Gas Cans;
Old Buggy Seat;
Well Bucket & Pulley;
Hay Knife;
David Bradley Corn Sheller;
Milk Strainer;
Old Buckets;
Wagner C.I. Water Kettle;
Ingraham Kitchen Clock;
United Figural Horse Clock;
Old Saw Blade;
Hog Scraper;
Old Typeset Tray;
Old Wood Ladder;
Old Road Maps;
Coleman Metal Cooler;
Hall Orange Poppy Pitchers & Bowls;
Several Nice Hall Teapots;
Hall Refrigerator Dishes;
Hall Cookie Jar & Bowls;
Longabarger Dinnerware;
(3) Fenton Cranberry Hobnail Pieces;
10 pcs Ertyl Die Cast Farm Toys incl. Precision Oliver 77 & Early New Holland Swather;
Gavel Collection;
Furniture -Appliances
Whirlpool Electric Cookstove;
Whirlpool SxS Refrigerator;
20 cu. Ft. Chest Freezer;
Whirlpool Washer;
Maytag elec. Dryer;
Lazy Boy Microfiber Sofa & Recliner;
Lazy Boy Leather Recliner;
Glider Rocker;
Wood Rocker;
Dining Table & 4 Chairs;
Tea Cart;
Oak Queen Bed;
Antique Poster Bed & Chest;
Queen Waterbed Frame;
Dresser & 2 Night Stands;
2 Drawer Table;
Old Occasional Table;
(2) Bookshelves;
Desk & Chair;
Wicker Bathroom Shelf;
(2) Oak Table Top Showcases;
Metal Patio Bench & 2 Chairs;
Poly Dog House;
Pet Carriers;
Pet Cage;
Pet Feeder;
Large Live Animal Trap;
Bird Bath;
400 lb Wood Stove Pellets;
Few Christmas Yard Decorations;
American Standard Toilet new in Box;
Misc. Scrap Metal;
Lots Not Listed;

Auctioneers Note:
Don & Cathy have sold their Farm & are Downsizing so
we’re selling their Farm Equipment, Registered
Cattle & Lots Lots More!