Fabulous Auction Saturday April 1st
Listing ID#: 117786

Sale Location

Hockley, TX 77447
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Apr 1, 2017 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Magnolia Gardens Auction House

Contact: Tina Murphy
Phone: 713 363 4855
Email: newacct569105@aol.com
Website: www.magnoliagardensauctionhouse.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 4820
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Tina Murphy 16380
items sold as is, no warranty or guarantee
14% buyers premium
open to the public
cash check and charge accepted

Listing Information

April Fool's Day could be your best day ever if you join us this Saturday at Magnolia Gardens Auction House!! We have another Fantastic floor set that will knock your socks off.

Oh the beauty of new inventory of Carnival Glass, Hand Painted Rocker, 1785 Century Sheraton Mahogany Drinking Tables, Antique Leather Covered Asian Trunk, Antique Wood Chair with a family crest carved in, Asian Wedding Basket, Asian Ivory Inlay Screen, Palmer chaise lounge, leather ottoman, Coins, Antique Quilts, Boy Scout items, Primitives, and oh so much more to come.

We are getting more and more gorgeous items ready for auction this week...you don't want to miss out on any of it!!! There is china...absolutely just Beautiful Royal Doulton China sets, Lawton Dolls(Meg, Amy) Tiffany, camping cookware, and the cutest, neatest little toy car(this would be a great piece for photo props) Canteens, the weather is heating up and you need to stay hydrated we have Coolers, a Sarawak Bomeo Tribel Ikat Hand Woven Ceremonial Cloth, tons of primitive items, a variety of Asian pieces, beds, tables, chairs, dresser, night stand and armoire would be great for a kids room!  So go ahead and plan to spend the evening with us....tell all your friends or better yet bring them with you!!

Auction night is a perfect date night or girls night out, so if you have not been in awhile or never been mark your calendar to join us for a fun, exciting evening. Our doors open at 5pm and the sale starts at 7pm. We can save you some seats just give us a call at 281-516-7251 or 713-363-4855 or better yet "like" us on Facebook and use our convenient seat reservation link. Check out our web site at www.magnoliagardensauctionhouse.com  

Tina Murphy 16380

Items Sold As Is

14% Buyers Premium

Cash, Check and Charge Accepted

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Fabulous Auction Saturday April 1st

Magnolia Gardens Auction House

Magnolia Gardens Auction House

Contact: Tina Murphy
Phone: 713 363 4855
Sale Location
18090 Bauer Rd
Hockley, TX 77447
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Apr 1, 2017 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Tina Murphy 16380 items sold as is, no warranty or guarantee 14% buyers premium open to the public cash check and charge accepted
Listing Details

April Fool's Day could be your best day ever if you join us this Saturday at Magnolia Gardens Auction House!! We have another Fantastic floor set that will knock your socks off.

Oh the beauty of new inventory of Carnival Glass, Hand Painted Rocker, 1785 Century Sheraton Mahogany Drinking Tables, Antique Leather Covered Asian Trunk, Antique Wood Chair with a family crest carved in, Asian Wedding Basket, Asian Ivory Inlay Screen, Palmer chaise lounge, leather ottoman, Coins, Antique Quilts, Boy Scout items, Primitives, and oh so much more to come.

We are getting more and more gorgeous items ready for auction this week...you don't want to miss out on any of it!!! There is china...absolutely just Beautiful Royal Doulton China sets, Lawton Dolls(Meg, Amy) Tiffany, camping cookware, and the cutest, neatest little toy car(this would be a great piece for photo props) Canteens, the weather is heating up and you need to stay hydrated we have Coolers, a Sarawak Bomeo Tribel Ikat Hand Woven Ceremonial Cloth, tons of primitive items, a variety of Asian pieces, beds, tables, chairs, dresser, night stand and armoire would be great for a kids room!  So go ahead and plan to spend the evening with us....tell all your friends or better yet bring them with you!!

Auction night is a perfect date night or girls night out, so if you have not been in awhile or never been mark your calendar to join us for a fun, exciting evening. Our doors open at 5pm and the sale starts at 7pm. We can save you some seats just give us a call at 281-516-7251 or 713-363-4855 or better yet "like" us on Facebook and use our convenient seat reservation link. Check out our web site at www.magnoliagardensauctionhouse.com  

Tina Murphy 16380

Items Sold As Is

14% Buyers Premium

Cash, Check and Charge Accepted

Open to the Public

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Fabulous Auction Saturday April 1st
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Apr 1, 2017 Completed
Sale Location

Hockley, TX 77447
Listing Terms and Conditions
Tina Murphy 16380 items sold as is, no warranty or guarantee 14% buyers premium open to the public cash check and charge accepted

April Fool's Day could be your best day ever if you join us this Saturday at Magnolia Gardens Auction House!! We have another Fantastic floor set that will knock your socks off.

Oh the beauty of new inventory of Carnival Glass, Hand Painted Rocker, 1785 Century Sheraton Mahogany Drinking Tables, Antique Leather Covered Asian Trunk, Antique Wood Chair with a family crest carved in, Asian Wedding Basket, Asian Ivory Inlay Screen, Palmer chaise lounge, leather ottoman, Coins, Antique Quilts, Boy Scout items, Primitives, and oh so much more to come.

We are getting more and more gorgeous items ready for auction this week...you don't want to miss out on any of it!!! There is china...absolutely just Beautiful Royal Doulton China sets, Lawton Dolls(Meg, Amy) Tiffany, camping cookware, and the cutest, neatest little toy car(this would be a great piece for photo props) Canteens, the weather is heating up and you need to stay hydrated we have Coolers, a Sarawak Bomeo Tribel Ikat Hand Woven Ceremonial Cloth, tons of primitive items, a variety of Asian pieces, beds, tables, chairs, dresser, night stand and armoire would be great for a kids room!  So go ahead and plan to spend the evening with us....tell all your friends or better yet bring them with you!!

Auction night is a perfect date night or girls night out, so if you have not been in awhile or never been mark your calendar to join us for a fun, exciting evening. Our doors open at 5pm and the sale starts at 7pm. We can save you some seats just give us a call at 281-516-7251 or 713-363-4855 or better yet "like" us on Facebook and use our convenient seat reservation link. Check out our web site at www.magnoliagardensauctionhouse.com  

Tina Murphy 16380

Items Sold As Is

14% Buyers Premium

Cash, Check and Charge Accepted

Open to the Public