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Estate Sale Photo Gallery
Wooden end table with drawer
Electric lamp
Wallmont Mirror
Framed Floral picture
Seville classic Tower fan
Desk wastebasket
Phillips Respironics
Floral arrangements
Wall decor
Floating thermometer
MIsc picture frames
Misc home decor lot
Leather couch
6ft Wooden cabinet display only
MIsc collectibles lot
Etched glass Nativity background glass
4ft Wooden coffee table
Upright Dolly
Wooden open face cabinet
MIsc collectibles lot
English set
Misc collectibles lot
Wooden display set
Sewing basket
Couch chair and ottoman
Quartz wall clock
Wooden chair
Framed Oil on canvas
Misc collectibles lot
Queen Ann leg/ lamp dropleaf table
MIsc linens lot
Old Oil on canvas
Gun cleaning kits
Ballet Box with shoes
Framed Oil on canvas
Misc Margarita glasses
Wine cabinet
MIsc contents of laundry room&pantry
Butcher Block top island
Misc household decor
Bag of ladies jewelry
42" Framed print
Bag of ladies jewelry
Lamp with shade
Bag of ladies jewelry
Pair of Cameo jewelry
Bag of ladies jewelry
Misc lot of womens jewelry
Bag of ladies jewelry
Misc lot of ladies jewelry
Pine ? kitchen cabinet
Bakers rack
Misc kitchen decor lot
Misc contents of kitchen
Kitchen Aid mixer
Lefton Handpainted Tea set
Igloo ice maker
Ninja blender
Cuisinart processer
Dux Top Hot plate warmer
Cuisinart grill press
Emeril Lagasse Toaster
BBQ set
Honeywell Tower fan
Swivell chair
Paper shredder
Wooden magazine stand
Framed Oil on canvas
Plaid loveseat-clean
MIsc contents of bathrooms
Goldstar Humidifier
Corby Trousers Pants press
Misc bedroom decor
MIsc closets of ladies clothes
Misc lot of ladies purses
Upright fridge/freezer
Wooden dresser with mirror
Red cloth ottoman
Misc linens lot
Queen size bed
Oak table with chairs
Desk with misc bedroom decor
Misc hats lot
Tower fan
King size bed
Anniversary Dome clock
Desk lamp
Wooden nightstand
Misc CD's
3ft Metal foldup shelf
Artist Eisle
Misc luggage lot
Framed picture
6 Drawer chest
Rolling organizer
Desk with misc contents
Justin boots size 7.5
New Yorker Coffee table book
Rand McNally International atlas
Desk lamps
Rotary phone
Compass in a wood box
6ft Wooden shelf with misc books
Glazed vase with faux flowers
6ft Wooden double door shelf
Misc books lot
6ft Wooden bookcase
Misc office items
Texas coffee table book
Rolling file organzier
Metal Texas State sign
KTBC framed hand drawn picture
Nikon camera
Fountain on a board
Pair of outdoor chairs
Church pew-deacons style
MIsc outdoor decor, planters
Outdoor glider-sturdy
Glasstop wicker table
Garden wagon
MIisc contents of shop items
Working-Shop fridge/freezer
Grandio Grenhouse
Wooden cabinet w/misc kitchen items
Misc contents of work shop
Two shelves with misc shop items
Multi drawer organizer
Misc contents of out building
Nesco food warmer
Meades telescope
Misc contents of out building
2010D UNCIRCULATED Millard Fillmore $
2016D Uncirculated Jefferson nickel
2010D Uncirculated Franklin Pierce $
1883 O Morgan Brilliant Uncirculated Silver dollar
2010D Uncirculated James Buchanan $
Uncirculated US coins
1 oz Fine Silver
1922 US Silver dollar
1902 Indian Head penny
2016 P Uncirculated Native American $
2014P Uncirculated Kennedy half $
1934 FINE Walking Liberty 50c
1926 S Peace Silver dollar
1921 US Morgan Silver dollar
1896 Morgan Silver dollar
2014 D Uncirculated Kennedy half dollar
2014 Uncirculated Great Sand Dunes
1971 S Uncirculated Eisenhower silver $
2015D Uncirculated Native American dollar
2010D Uncirculated Abe Lincoln $
2016D Uncirculated Native American dollar
1979P Uncirculated Narow Rim
2002 Uncirculated Silver Eagle
Presidential Dollars 2007-2016 partial
Fifty States Quarter collection book
Swarovski crystal Mouse
Swarovski Snow-woman
Swarovoski Swan
Swarovski Snail on leaf
Swavorski Cat figurine
Swavorski Owl figurine
Swavorski Snowman figurine
Swavorski Cat figurine
Swavorski Squirrel figurine
Swavorski Penquins
Swavorski Dog figurine
Swavorski Mice figurines-as is
Swavorski Rooster
Swavorski Drummer Boy figurine
Swavorski Red Comb rooster figurine
1991 Waterford crystal Christmas ornament