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Auctioneer Notes
Cally Christensen Auction Manager
Buyers Premium
Auction Close
Pick up
Auction Calendar
Organizer full of misc hardware
Allen wrenches
Vise grips
Locking pliers
Crescent wrenches
Misc drill bits
Nut drivers
Misc needle nose pliers
Chanel locks
Cornwell screw drivers
Misc screwdrivers and nut drivers
Punches and chisels
Proto impact sockets 1/2 in drive standard
Adjustable wrenches
Misc wrenches
Adjustable wrenches
Misc pliers and box cutter
Blue point snap ring pliers
Wire strippers, tape measure, misc
Misc wrenches
Misc screwdrivers
Air chisel
3/8 standard sockets
Misc nut drivers
Metal toolbox
Dewalt chop saw
Hydraulic cylinders
Misc stainless steel bins
Hydraulic cylinders
Boat tow rope
Misc hammers and mallets
Vintage Hamilton Beach malt mixer
Organizer full of misc hardware
Milwaukee M12 drill driver
Pry bars
Bearing pullers
Proto Allen 3/8 drive sockets
1/2 and 3/4 conduit knockouts
Ball joint separators
Proto 3/8 drive torx
Screw set
Misc sockets and misc
Air impact IR
E Klind tool
Snap-On 2 jaw puller
Piece of Steele plate
AMP meter
Misc 1/4 drive sockets
Misc ratchets and extensions
Craftsman puller
2 jaw puller
Puller parts and pieces
Sockets, wrenches, misc tools
3 jaw puller
Misc hardware
Air chisel bits
Bearing pullers
Electric motor cooling fins
Fuel barrel pump 110 volt
Caster wheels
14 AWG wire
Hammers and mallets
12 GA Cerro Wire and Cable
16 ga wire
16 GA wire
18 GA wire
16 AWG wire
14 GA wire
Misc tools
18 GA wire
18 GA wire
18 AWG wire
16 GA wire
Letter stamps
14 GA wire
16 GA wire
Test clip
Hullhorst Tools Undercutter
Misc washers
Misc hardware
Misc hardware
Milwaukee Hammer drill
Wire disconnects
Amp gauge
18 GA wire
18 GA wire
18 GA wire
18 GA wire
Bearing pullers
14 GA wire
16 GA wire
14 AWG wire
18 GA wire
14 remote appliance wiring material
18 GA wire
Soldering gun
16 ga appliance wiring material
16 AWG
Air hose and reel
Electric motor end caps
Electric motor end caps
Capacitor covers and misc parts
Air hose and reel
Bar clamps
Punches, files, chisels
Misc tools
Misc tools and oiler
Bosch drill
Milwaukee sander grinder
Air nozzles
Power supply engraver
Electrical misc
Rivet gun and misc
Key stock and eyelets
Toggle switches and switches
Switches, toggle switches, and misc
Drill bits
Ball bearings
Electrical misc
Caster wheels- swivel
Caster wheels- swivel
Primitive metal parts bin
Organizer full of misc hardware
Taylor commercial grade ice cream machine
Metal merchandising rack
Shop vac
Wood planks
Adjustable stand
JET ban saw
Conduit bender
Bar clamp
Steel pipe
Scrap pile
Misc welding steel
Misc metal and electrical boxes
Dixon panel and Demco belt rack
Metal shelf with misc
Metal shelving with misc
Metal shelf racks- no legs!
Kubota generator
ARC welder
Wheel weights
Homemade loader and misc brackets
Sand blast cabinet and dust vacuum
Wooden saw horses
Wayne lawn pump
Werner aluminum ladder
Misc bar stools
Lincoln welding wire
Zip ties, tape, misc
Welding wire
Welding wire
14 and 16 GA wire
Respooled wire
16 and 18 GA wire
Misc wire
14,16,18 GA wire
Misc wire
Organizer full of bushings
Organizer full of misc hardware
Organizer full of gaskets
Grinding blades and misc tape
Wagner heat gun
Buffing wheels and misc
Pioneer clock
Triplett tester
16 AWG electric motor wire
16 AWG electric motor wire
16 AWG electric motor wire
16 AWG electric motor Wire
19 AWG electric motor wire
19 AWG electric wire
17 AWG electric motor wire
17 AWG electric motor wire
16 AWG electric motor wire
17 AWG electric motor wire
Drive gears for electric motors
Welding misc
19 AWG electric motor wire
20 AWG electric motor wire
18 AWG electric motor wire
20 AWG electric motor wire
19 AWG electric motor wire
23 AWG electric motor wire
20 AWG electric motor wire
24 AWG electric wire motor
21 AWG electric motor wire
22 AWG electric motor wire
21 AWG electric motor wire
26 AWG electric motor wire
22 AWG electric motor wire
22 AWG electric motor wire
22 AWG electric motor wire
23 AWG electric motor wire
25 AWG electric motor wire
30AWG electric motor wire
28 AWG electric motor wire
29 AWG electric wire
Bucket of scrap wire
Eclectic motor fans
Electric motor parts/ scrap
Heavy 220 wire- misc lengths and pieces
Electric motor parts
Misc hardware, fittings
Fill rite pump rebuild kits
Electrical brushes
Electric motor replacement parts
AC High Pot tester
Tool Shop bench grinder on stand
Misc electrical parts
Election motor pulleys
Shovel and clay shovel
Brand new Baldor Farm Duty electric motor
Light duty shelving unit
Craftsman work stool
Light duty shelving unit
Rolling work station
Light duty shelving unit
Armature tester and cutter
Electrical boxes and misc
Misc scrap wire
Aluminum electric motor fans
Mounting brackets and fans
Misc parts and pieces
Formed fibre
Flex conduit
Wire winding die
Wire winding die
Wire winding die
Wire winding dies
Wire winding dies
Wire winding die
Wire winding die
Wire winding die
Wire winding dies
Wire winding dies
Misc wire
Misc electric motor wire
Wire winding dies and misc
Wire winding die
Vintage metal parts shelving
Air hose
Misc GE parts
Misc electric motor parts
Misc electric motor parts
Misc electric motor parts
Armature, tester, miscellaneous wire, misc
Vintage heavy metal Shaw Walker card catalog
Clamps and misc
Metal Air Gas sign
Craftsman tool cabinet- needs TLC
Wire winding machine
Tool shop drill press
Electric motor mounting plates
Vintage metal parts drawers
Formed Fibre wedges
Hand tools
Misc parts
Primitive metal tub full of misc
Vintage fan- needs work
Vintage metal parts organizer
Metal filers
Craftsman toolbox
Bucket of misc hardware
Misc hardware
Vintage metal card file cabinet
Air compressor- parts only
Misc hardware
Misc bolts
Bucket of misc scrap wire
Bucket of misc scrap wire
Bucket of misc scrap wire
Bucket of misc scrap copper wire
Misc parts
Craftsman air compressor
Kobalt air compressor
Rubbermaid commercial grade plastic rolling cart
Baldor electric motor- new in box
Balder electric motor- new in box
Metal cabinet
Home made cherry picker
Drafting stool
Masterforce industrial fan
Industrial fan
Max Air industrial fan- no motor
55 gallon drum full of electric motors and scrap
Heavy gauge wire
55 gallon drum full of electric motors and scrap
Heavy duty 2 wheel dolly
55 gallon drum of electric motors and scrap
Krunch Keene hood and parts
Electric motor
Dayton electric fan
Electric blower fans
Vintage primitive parts bins
Vise grips
Electric motors
Century electric motor
AC Motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Balfour electric motor
Dayton electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Hi flow AC pump
Electric motors
Baldor electric motor
Silver spray paint
Electric motor
Century electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor parts
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Clear lacquer
Blue spray paint
Red spray paint
Misc spray paints and string
Paint thinner and metal box on wheels
Electric motors
Bench vise
Craftsman bench vise
Bin fan parts
Rail road beam section
Empty propane tank
Hobart welder
Electric motor on cart
Bin fan parts
Heavy duty Steele work bench
Heavy duty steel work table
rolling work station
ABB electrical motor
ABB electric motor
ABB electric motor
Marathon electric motor
ABB electric motor
Century electric motor
ABB electric motor
Heavy duty metal work table on wheels
Shovels and misc
Motorcraft tool cabinet full of electrical
Electric motor winding furnace
Electric motor
Electric motors
Electric motor
Bucket of misc copper wire
Large electrical motor
Hydraulic frame press OTC 12 ton
Hydraulic press accessories
Cast Square set special
Electrical terminals
Air compressor parts
Empty benzomatic ans misc
Stainless parts containers and misc
Baldor banner
Electric motors
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Decor electric motor
Bottle jack
Vintage metal parts bin container
Peg board hooks
Metal sign
Thank you!