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Estate Sale Photo Gallery
Oak chair
MIsc wall decor
Panasonic DVD player w/remote
Cloth chair
HP printer
Cloth ottoman
Adidas workout mat
Wooden lamp table
2 Drawer Bisley metal file cabinet
Metal 4 drawer organizer
Pair of BOSE speakers
Set of Gateway to Great Books series
Complete set of Britannica
MIsc books of Pipe fitting
Misc books lot
Die cast car models
42" Bravia Engine Pro TV
Wooden wall art
Mrs Tuckers tin
Brass Packard tags
Pair of Definitive speakers
Pair of glazed Pitchers
Pair of Occupied in Japan
Italy glazed Plate
Alaska blade with stand
MIsc cobalt blue lot
MIsc glass bells lot
MIsc collectible figurines lot
One Pint Liquid Dairy bottle
Glazed Mexico vase
Pair of Hippo figurines
Babys plate-old as is
Musical Bird figurine
Scalloped edge vases
Shaving mug and brush as is
Hand painted egg in box with stand
MIsc collectibles lot
Misc marble figurines
Old Ladies hand fan
Angel figurine
Glazed pitcher
Old Glass planter/vase
African figurine-heavy
Glass candy dish
Salt lamp
Young Republc China cabinet
Glazed dish with handles
MIsc plates lot
MIsc Silverplate lot
Musical dancing figurine
MIsc CD's lot
Sears binoculars
Pentax binoculars
Engineering drafting tools
John Deere die cast set-new
New City Cruisers
New Five Star Series
1969 Oldsmobile diecast car
Engineering drafting tools
1967 Corvette Stingray
Woven basket
Misc extension cords
Wooden Velveeta cheese box
Childs wooden stepstool
Bushnell binoculars
MIsc blueglazed plates
Handstitched afgan
Energizer Weather Ready
Bushnell binoculars
Blue dish with lid
Scalloped edge Cake stand
Very pretty white dish
Misc wooden figurines
Misc Turtle figurines
Handpainted set with lids
Misc cut crystal glass lot
Scalloped edge Pedestal dish
Packard 4 pc glass set
Milady Community flatware in wood case
Rolex watches spoon
France Sabino glass
France Sabino glass
Swarovski crystal Swan
Swarovski crystal glass
Swarovski crystal glass
Glazed Dolphin dish
Vintage Thermometer as is
Crystal top pedestal base dish
Royal Albert Moss Rose dish set
Wedgewood Rabbit plate
Teacup quartze watch
Bavaria Bird plates
Extra Glass ball
Misc kitchen items lot
Wicker baskets with leather handles
Basket of misc linens
Crystal footed dish with lid
Misc crystal glassware
Oakley glasses case only
MIsc kitchen/glassware lot
Lego? Florals in vase
7 pc Pointsettas plates
Dessert Rose cannister with lid
Cannister with misc cookie cutters
Asian Man figurine
Misc pitchers lot
Hot Wheels, misc cars
Sony Radio system
Misc office supplies lot
Misc organizers, household etc lot
Misc Beach &bath towels etc
Misc books lot
3ft Wooden handpainted bench
Pair of Sports Field binoculars
Wooden table and chairs
Multi color blanket-clean
Longhorn birdhouse
Windchime, no clanger
Weber propane Grill
Lifetime Storage bin
Insulated faucet covers
Stinger Bug zapper-electric
MIsc planters lot-nicec lot
Wooden plantstand
McCoy planter
Water hose with nozzle
Corvette American Legend book
Corvette The American Legend book
Outdoor alum table with chairs
Corvette 1953-2001 book
Corvette American Legend
Corvette Black Book
Ultimate Corvette Trivai Challenge book
All Corvettes Are Red book
Corvette C5 book
Outdoor patio drink table
National Corvette Museum book
Auto Focus Corvette book
Corvette An American Classic
Corvette book
Board of misc Railroad nails
1947 Railroad nails
1943 Railroad nails
1951 Railroad nails
1931 Railroad nails
1940 Railroad nails
1949 Railroad nails
1944 Railroad nails
1929 Railroad nails
1930 Railroad nails
1941 Railroad nails
1937 Railroad nails
1939 Railroad nails
1928 Railroad nails
1933 Railroad nails
1932 Railroad nails
1927 Railroad nails
1958 Railroad nails
1953 Railroad nails
1955 Railroad nail
1946 Railroad nails
1945 Railroad nails
1934 Railroad nails
1942 Railroad nails
1935 Railroad nails
1938 Railroad nails
Misc Railroad nails from Oregan
Antique server
Msic kitchen cookware
Wooden frame Barometer
Misc picture frames
6ft Bookshelf with misc books
Teacup display with cups
Half moon wooden table
Pair of pictures
Misc balls of yarn
Bless this Home linen
Handstitched afgan
HP printer
End table with drawers
Wooden bookstand
Wooden bed-clean, includes bedding
Life Fitness Exercise bike
African woven basket
Spain doll
Pair of childrens chairs
The Green Machine Frog band
Framed Oil on canvas
Daybed with drawers
Misc books lot
Misc books lot
Misc books lot
MIsc books lot
Misc books lot
the First 50 Years book
Misc books lot
Beatles book
Misc books lot
Pair of King Ranch books
MIsc books lot
Complete Short stories of Mark Twain books
Misc books lot
I Would Rather Sleep in Texas book
Misc Books lot
Misc books lot
Misc books lot
Sam Houstons Texas book
Misc books lot
MIsc books lot
Texas Gardening the Natural Way book
Misc books lot
6-7ft tall Bookshelf only
Oak childs rocker
Misc paperback books lot
Childs musical rocker
Tub of childrens toys
Misc religious books
Rolling Horse toy
Tub of building blocks
Rain stick
Antique Oak chest of drawers
Charles Russell book
Wild Animals book
Multi Color organizer bins
Leather couch
Technics Turntable
Misc lapel pins
Curio cabinet
Childs chair
Misc collectibles lot
Large basket with handles
Framed print by Denis Murphy African artist
Misc childrens books
Misc Albums and 45's
Denon stereo componet
Pair of Definitive speakers
Signed Denis Murphy framed print
5x8ft Rug
Glass top Teakwood? coffee table
Misc Christmas/Holiday decor and accessories
Misc board games, etc
Oak frame mirror
Framed print
6ft Bookstand
Misc Automobile books
Misc Northern Pacific
Oak dresser with misc decor
Indy Speedway seat cushions
Misc Railroad magazines
Misc toys lot
MiscRailroad books
MIsc 78 Albums lot
Corvette Model car
1937 Chevy Coupe
MIsc Railroad models