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Welcome to a Great March Consignment Auction!
LOCAL PICKUP: Sat March 29th 11AM-4PM
SHIPPING: Available on *Most* Lots to US/Can
CC on file Charged Automatically @ Auction Close
(6) Fostoria Glass Co Chintz Sherbets 4.5" Tall
Fostoria Spartan Clear set of (4) Sherbets 4 1/8"
Crystal Oval Celery Dish Floral / Laural Design 13
Fostoria Jamestown Amber Glass set of (8) Sherbets
Wedgewood Tea Leaf Rectangular Platter 12.25x
China Pearl Apples Set of (3) Mixing Bowls 8" +
Antique Custard Glass Handpainted Floral Design
2-Sue Zipkin Certified International Ceramic Mugs
Nippon Handpainted Jelly/Jam Dish w/ Lid & Ladle
Antique Brilliant Cut Glass Pitcher 8.75" tall
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Canister w/ Wooden Lid
Crystal Pitcher w/ Cut Floral Design 8.25"
Hawkes Signed Cut Crystal Serving Bowl 6"
Lladro Spanish Porcelain 1987 Annual Bell
Pair Vtg Cranberry Flash Glass Stemmed Goblets
(4) Cranberry Flash Glass Sherbet/Champagne
(4) Cranberry Flash Glass Sherbet/Champagne
16" Tall Black Art Glass Vase
Vintage Black Glass Handled Serving Platter 11.25"
Vtg Black Glass Divided 3 Part Bowl 6.5"
Vintage Black Glass Pcs w/ Lidded Candy Dish
Vintage Black Glass Creamer - Unique Pattern 3.25"
Heavy Ruby Flash Glass Bowl 5.75 x 3.5
Imperial Candlewick Glass Cake Stand 11"
Imperial Candlewick Glass 2 Handled Tray 10" +
Heavy Crystal Serving Bowl 5.75" x 3"
Heavy Crystal Leaf Design Serving Bowl 7.5 x 4.5
Aladdin Model B Kerosene Lamp 12.5
Aladdin Model B Kerosene Lamp 12.5 w/ Wick Cleaner
Bradley & Hubbard Metal Kerosene Lamp #4 Radiant
Barn Lamp Glass Insert Dietz Fitzall 6.75" + #40
(3) Boxes of Aladdin Kerosene Lamp Wicks
Murano Italy Black Art Glass w/ Clear Applied Rope
Vtg Yellow & Red Art Glass Swirl Design Vase 5 5/8
Antique Japanese Earthenware Pottery 4 Handled
Vtg Fenton Silvercrest Milk Glass Banana Boat Dish
Vtg Fenton Silvercrest Milk Glass 3 Tier Server
Vtg Fenton Silvercrest Milk Glass Handled Tidbit
Vtg Fenton Silvercrest Milk Glass 8 3/8" Salad Plt
Lemonade Galvanized Handled Serving Tray 16.25"
Set of (3) Metal Bird Wall Hangings 11 1/8" square
Contempo Resin Duck Home Accent Pc 8"
Farberware Salad Serving Fork & Spoon Set w/ Bead
Sango Sweet Shop Teapot w/ Lid
(2) Noble Excellence Napa Valley Dinner Plates 11
Jeannette Floragold Glass Set of 4 Sherbets 4"
Jeannette Floragold Glass Set of 4 Footed Tumblers
Jeannette Floragold Glass Set of 5 Cup & Saucers
Jeannette Floragold Glass Set of (7) Dinner Plates
Jeannette Floragold Glass Set of 5 Ruffled Fruit
Jeannette Floragold Glass Set of 4 Cereal/Individ
Jeannette Floragold Glass Tall Pitcher 9 1/8"
Jeannette Floragold Glass Creamer & Sugar Set
Jeannette Floragold Glass Large Ruffled Fruit Bowl
Jeannette Floragold Glass Ruffled Serving Bowl 9.5
Jeannette Floragold Glass Salad Serving Bowl 9.5
Jeannette Floragold Glass Set Small Square Bowls
Jeannette Floragold Glass Square Serving Bowl
Jeannette Floragold Glass Oval 1/4lb Butter Dish
Jeannette Floragold Glass Round Covered Butter
Jeannette Floragold Glass Pair Double Candle
Jeannette Floragold Glass Pair Handled Small Candy
Jeannette Floragold Glass set of 3 Small 4 Footed
Jeannette Floragold Glass Candy/Cheese Dish w/
Jeannette Floragold Glass set of (3) Coaster Ash
Jeannette Floragold Glass Oval Serving Platter 11
Jeannette Floragold Glass Salt & Pepper Shakers
Jeannette Floragold Glass Salt & Pepper Shakers
Jeannette Floragold Glass Round Serving Tray 13.5
Jeannette Floragold Glass Round Serving Tray 13.5
Jeannette Floragold Glass set of (4) Cups
Imperial Open Rose Marigold/Amethyst Carnival
Vtg Fenton Hobnail Milk Glass Banana Boat Dish
Studio Nova Crystal Heavy Bowl 9.5 x 5
Vintage Blue Art Glass Footed Banana Boat 8.5
PIneapple & Floral Blue Round Serving Bowl 7.5
Anchor Hocking Cameo Uranium Glass Vase 8"
Anchor Hocking Cameo Uranium Glass Oval Serving
Anchor Hocking Cameo Uranium Glass 3 Part Relish
Anchor Hocking Cameo Uranium Glass Dinner Plate
Pair Belmont Rose Cameo Uranium Glass Tumblers
Victorian Jefferson Green Opalescent Glass Beaded
Antique German Child's ABC Ceramic DInner Plate
Vintage Glass Pedestal Cake Stand 10.25 x 6.5
Vintage Glass Pedestal Pastry Stand 6.5 x 5.75
9" Tall White Porcelain Water Pitcher
Old Fiestaware Green Pcs: 2 Bowls 8 3/8" + 7.25
Old Fiestaware Yellow Pcs: 10 1/8" Plate, 8 3/8"
Old Fiestaware Turquoise Pcs: 10 1/8" Plate, 7.25
Old Fiestaware Ivory Plate 10 1/8"
Set of (3) Shell Dishes 2 Matched HP Germany +
Pair France Shell Shaped Dishes 5.5
France Shell Shape Dish w/ Bird Design 6 5/8"
Limoges France Ladybug Design Shell Dish 5 1/8"
Royal Worcester + 1 Shell Shape Dishes
Germany Shell Shaped Dish 5 3/8"
Vtg USA Pottery 665 Shell 3 Leg Planter 5" w
Brass & Silverplate Shell Shape Dishes
Handpainted Shell Design Plate 9"
Handpainted Shell Design Plate 9"
350 lots to be added ~ stay tuned!
Sadler Teapot w/ Handpainted Gold Trim 7"
Vtg Hall Teapot in Green & Yellow 5.5
Moderntone Blue Glass Creamer & Sugar Set
Jam / Jelly Jar in Cobalt Glass w/ Tootsie Handle
Cobalt Glass Swan + Salt & Pepper Shakers
Ornate Enamelware Square Bowl w/ Asian Design
Heavy Crystal Serving Bowl 7 x 3.25
Large Octagonal Heavy Crystal Bowl w/ Cut Design
Tall Art Glass Swan Figure 9.5
Crystal Serving Bowl 7 x 3.25
Cambridge Rosepoint 3 Part Relish Bowl w/ Handles
(4) Cordials w/ Floral Design 4.75
(3) Nesting Metal Bowls w/ Apple Design
Small Lidded Canister with Apple Design
Creamer & Sugar with Apple Design
International Applejack Set of (4) Soup Bowls 8"
International Applejack Set of (4) Salad Plates
Fostoria Baroque Crystal Compote 5 5/8
Antique Bohner's Safety Crushed Fruit Bowl Pat.d
Vintage Swung Art Glass Vase 11.25
Butterfly Design Large Crystal Bell 7.25
Vintage Amethyst Glass Footed Vase 8.25"
(4) Hazel Atlas Georgian Blue Tumblers 4"
(4) Imperial Shaeffer Blue Glass Tumblers 4"
3-Leg Green Glass Bowl w/ Ground Base 7.5"
(12) Heisey Crystal Plates Set 6 7/8"
Vtg Bisco Holland Pewter Tea Set w/ 16" Tray
(6) Farber Bros Chrome Goblets w/ Amethyst Glass
Pink Depression Glass Handled Bon Bon Dish
1974 Bing & Grondahl Mothers Day Plate 6
1976 Bing & Grondahl Mothers Day Plate 6
1975 Bing & Grondahl Mothers Day Plate 5 7/8
Lime Green Acrylic Handled Serving Tray 19" x 13.5
Pair of Fruit Design Handpainted Plates 7 1/8
Handpainted Fruit Design Plate Pierced Rim 8.25
Raymor Italy Porcelain Lidded Box 6 x 4.5
Swedish Art Crystal Paperweight 4"
Lidded & Etched Floral Design Crystal Jar 6.25
Crownford England Cup & Saucer Set
Wedgwood College of Teresa Cup & Saucer 2 7/8
Nippon 3 Leg China Handpainted Bowl 5"
Lenox Fine Porcelain Shell Shaped Bowl 6.25
Vtg Lefton China Rose Chintz Dish 6 3/8
Vtg Vietri Italy Large Fish Platter 16.5 (small
Everlast Forged Aluminum Covered Service
Rodney Kent 2 Handled Aluminum Tray 10.5
Aluminum Handled Basket w/ Pierced Rim 7.25 x
Aluminum Handled Basket w/ Pierced Rim 7.25 x
Aluminum Handled Serving Bowl w/ Lid
Aluminum Serving Dish w/ Rose Pattern 9.5
Rodney Kent Aluminum Floral Design Dish 356 7"
Continental Aluminum Hand Wrought Relish Dish
Continental Aluminum Hand Wrought Wild Rose
Round Aluminum Serving Platter 11.5
(4) Party Crystal Wine Goblets 6"
(4) Party Crystal Wine Goblets 6"
(8) Sherbets w/ Cobalt Base & Clear Top 2.75"
(6) Star-Kiss Glasses in Original Box
Fancy Italian Egg / Trinket Box 3.5
Enesco Spring Wicker Handled Basket 14 x 14
Vintage Mickey Mouse Donald Duck Dental Appt
Grasslands Road Claddagh Ring Love Teapot 56oz
Vintage Cranberry Glass Handkerchief Vase 8"
Royal Worcester Floral Design Creamer w/ Face
1933 Chicago Expo Swedish Arts & Crafts 94pg
(8) Etched Crystal Finger Bowls 4 5/8 x 2 3/8
Crystal Toothpick Holder w/ Sterling Bands 3"
(2) Campbells Soup Girl Spoons
Howdy Doody Silverplate Spoon 7"
Dutch Windmill Sugar Shovel 4.75"
Oneida Rendezvous Old South SP Bon Bon Spoon
Oneida Wm A Rogers Bros Long Handle Pickle Fork
Rogers & Bros Silverplate Strawberry Fork 5"
Swedish Silverplate Sugar Tongs 4"
Sterling Silver Leaf Pattern Sugar Tongs 3.5
Vintage Inarco Yellow Florals Ceramic Planter 4 x
Opalescent Glass Footed Candy / Nut Dish 7.75
Vtg Solid Brass Sailboat 9.5
(12) Mats from Royal Horticultural Soc Collection
Van Briggle Art Pottery Turquoise Shell Planter 9"
(6) Pink Depression Glass Luncheon Plates 8"
Vtg Lefton November Girl Ceramic Figure 4"
Clay Art Pepper Dish w/ (2) Spreaders
Pair of Irish Linen "Erinore" Dish Towels 30x19
Fish Shaped Colorful Oven Mitt 13.5L
Heritage Mint Mediterranean Pear Oval Serving Bowl
Heritage Mint Mediterranean Pear Oval Serving
Steuben Signed Crystal Etched Poetic Vase 8.25
Mikasa Ranier heavy Crystal Bowl 9.25
Fostoria American Jug with Ice Lip 6"
Fostoria American Oval Serving Platter 12.25
Fostoria American Rolled Edge Serving bowl 12"
Pair Fostoria American Flared Bud Vases 6"
Fostoria American Two Handled Serving Bowl 12.25
Fostoria American Oval Torte Plate 13.5
Fostoria American 3 Part Relish Dish 10.5
Fostoria American Covered 1/4# Butter Dish
Fostoria American 59 Ounce Pitcher 7.5
Fostoria American Divided Relish Boat 12"
Fostoria American Double Light Candlestick 4.5
Pair Fostoria American Single Light Candle Holders
Fostoria American Celery Dish 12"
Fostoria American Pickle Dish 8"
Fostoria American Tall Single Candlestick 6.25
Fostoria American Oval Serving Bowl
Fostoria American Round Serving Bowl 8.25
Fostoria American Round Serving Bowl 7.5
(4) Fostoria American Low Water Goblets 5.5
(4) Fostoria American Champagne/Sherbets 4.75
(4) Fostoria American Water Goblets 4 7/8"
(4) Fostoria American Lady Water Goblets 6 1/8
Fostoria American Urn Vase 6 5/8
Fostoria American Footed Mayo Bowl 5.25
Fostoria American Rose Bowl 4.75
Fostoria American Flared Vase 5.25
Fostoria American 3 Part Relish Dish 10.5
Hummel Goebel Steiff Bear Wonder of Christmas
Disney Classics Melody Time Slue Foot Sue 1995
Disney Classics Melody Time Pecos Bill 1995
Disney Classics Duos Tortoise & the Hare CW058
Disney Classics Cleared for Takeoff Pedro Saludes
Disney Classics Snow White 60th Anniv Queen
Disney Classics Alice in Wonderland Tweedledee
Disney Classics The Delivery Boy Mickey Mouse Hey
Disney Classics The Delivery Boy Minnie Mouse I'm
Disney Classics Brave Little Tailor Mickey Mouse
Disney Classic Brave Little Tailor Princess Minnie
Disney Classics How To Fly Mickey Mouse Plane
Disney Classics Millenium Mickey on Top of the
Disney Classics Susie The Little Blue Coupe Isn't
Disney Classics On the the Show Magician Mickey
Disney Classics Snow White Take the Apple Witch
Disney Classics Snow White Won't You Smile For
Disney Classics Don Donald Daisy's Debut Daisy
Disney Classics The Wise Little Hen Donald's Debut
Disney Classics A Perfectly Beautiful Little Lady
Disney Classics The Lion King Timon Luau Figure
Disney Classics Pinocchio Crickets the Name Jiminy
Disney Classics Peter Pan Tinker Bell Little
Disney Classics Dumbo Simply Adorable 1995
Disney Classics Alice in Wonderland Twas Brillig
Disney Classics Peter Pan Oh Dear Dear Dear
Disney Classics Dumbo Bundle of Joy Messenger
Disney Classics Pluto Helps Decorate Ornament
Disney Classics Bambi Thumper Belly Laugh
Disney Classics 101 Dalmations Lucky Ornament
Disney Classics Members Only Sculpture Display
Disney Classics Winnie the Pooh and the Honey
175++ Lots to be added ~ stay tuned!!
Disney Winnie the Pooh & Friends Welcome Little
Anri Italy Disney Mickey Mouse Wooden Figure 817
Anri Italy Disney Minnie Mouse Wooden Figure 1051
Anri Italy Disney Pinocchio Wooden Figure No 134
Anri Italy Disney Pluto the Pup Rescue Dog Wooden
Anri Italy Disney Donald Duck Stick Horse Wooden
Vtg Japan Ceramic Disney Minnie & Mickey Mouse
Vtg Walt Disney Mickey Mouse Ceramic Music Box
Vtg Disney Mickey Mouse Faux Marble Cup Holder
Vtg Patriot China Disney Pluto the Pup Ceramic Mug
Vtg Walter E Disney Bavaria Porcelain Child's Tea
Vtg Applause China Disney Mug & Box Donald Duck
Vtg Applause China Disney Mug & Box Minnie Mouse
Vtg Applause China Disney Mug & Box Mickey Mouse
Vtg Applause China Disney Mug & Box Mickey Mouse
(2) SEALED Vtg Applause China Disney Mug & Box
Vtg Patriot China Disney Mickey Mouse & Pluto Bowl
Vtg Patriot China Disney Three Little Pigs & Plane
Vtg Japan Lustreware Disney Donald Duck Plate +
Vtg National Home Prod Melamine Disney Child's
Vtg National Home Prod Melamine Disney Child's Set
(3) Vtg SP Disney Mickey & Minnie Mouse Child's
1920's Performa Toy Co Disney Mickey Mouse Wooden
Vtg Walt Disney Japan Bisque Donald Duck Figure
Vtg Sieberling Latex #6 Walt Disney Donald Duck
1936 Fisher Price Wooden Disney Donald Duck Toy
1940's Disney Mickey Mouse Cardboard Soldier
1946 Transogram Disney Mickey & Donald Crayon
1960's Plastic Disney Donald Duck 8" Bowling Pin
1968 Transogram Disney Donald Duck Roly Poly Toy
Vtg Applause Plastic Disney Mickey Minnie Mouse
Vtg Applause Plastic Disney Lion King Nala Mug
Vtg Enesco Disney Mickey Mouse Musical Waterball
Vtg Enesco Disney Minnie Mouse Ceramic Bank
1941 Whitman Disney Donald Duck Playing Card
Vtg Halsam Disney Mickey Mouse Dominoes in Box
(2) Vtg Disney Mickey Mouse Playing Card Sets w/
(2) Vtg Disney Mickey Mouse Films Silly Symphony
Vtg Hallmark Disney Mickey Mousekabank Tin
(2) Vtg National Patent Medical Disney Mickey &
Vtg Enesco Disney Mickey Mouse Ceramic Bank
Monopoly Disney's 75th Anniv Collectors Edition
Vtg Marks Bros Disney Mickey Mouse Target Game
(2) 1938 Whitman Disney's Snow White Puzzles
Vtg Colorforms Disney Mickey Mouse Play House
Vtg Colorforms Disney Mickey Mouse Rub N Play
Vtg Colorforms Disney Mickey Mouse Rub N Play
Vtg Magic Colorforms Tricky Mickey Mouse Set in
Vtg Macks Bros Disney Mickey Mouse Scatter Ball
Vtg Marks Bros Disney Mickey Mouse Waterskiing
Vtg Disney Mickey & Minnie Mouse Painted Glass
(2) Disney Sheet Music w/ Irving Caesar "Wait, No
(4) Vtg Saalfield Disney Mickey Mouse Coloring
(4) Framed Disney Pages w/ Saalfield Coloring
(2) Vtg Whitman Disney HC Books: Timid Elmer
(2) Vtg Whitman Disney HC Books: Donald Duck &
(2) Vtg Whitman Disney HC Books: Mickey & Minnie
(2) Vtg Whitman Disney HC Books: Mickey Mouse
(2) Vtg Disney Mickey Mouse Books w/ Pop-Up &
(2) Vtg Big Little Books Disney Mickey Mouse
(2) Vtg Big Little Books Disney Mickey Mouse &
(2) Vtg Big Better Little Books Disney Snow White
(2) Vtg Disney Books w/Mickey Mouse & Tanglefoot
Vtg Wheaties Walt Disney's Li'l Bad Wolf Comic Bk
1932 Disney The Adventures of Mickey Mouse Book
1933 Blue Ribbon Books Walt Disney Mickey Mouse
1933 Blue Ribbon Books Walt Disney Minnie Mouse
1933 Blue Ribbon Books Disney's Mickey Mouse in
1934 Collins Disney Mickey Mouse in Giant Land
1935 Collins Disney Mickey Mouse in Pygmy Land
1934 McKay Disney Mickey Mouse Stories PB Book
Vtg Powers Paper Co Disney Composition Book
1931 McKay Disney Adventures of Mickey Mouse Book
1931 McKay Disney Mickey Mouse Illustrated Movie
1938 Hachette Disney Mickey Mouse No 13 Book
(2) 1935 Whitman Big Big Books Disney Mickey
1935 Dean & Son Disney Mickey Mouse Movie Stories
1935 Whitman Disney Tortoise and the Hare Book
1950 Little Golden Book Disney's Cinderella +
1992 Applewood Disney Mickey Mouse Waddle
1940 Whitman Disney Figaro & Cleo A Story Paint
(2) HP Books 1984/85 Disney HC Goofy & Donald
1979 Viking Disney's Snow White Large HC Book
1979 Harmony Disney's Donald Ducks Blitz HC Book
1973 Abrams The Art of Walt Disney Large HC Book
2018 D23 Disney Editions The Art of Mickey Minnie
1981 Abbeville 1st Edit Disney Animation HC Book
1991 Walt Disney Masterpiece Fantasia VHS Set
1982 1st Ed/3rd Prt Treasures of Disney Animation
1971 Big Golden Book Disney's Pinocchio +
1977 Harmony the Disney Poster Book VGC
Vtg Whitman Disney Mickey Mouse Silly Symphony
(4) Vtg Disney's Coloring & Story Books w/ Mickey
(2) Vtg Disney Books w/ 1940 Parade & Snow White
Vtg Capitol Records 78 Album Disney's So Dear
Vtg RCA Victor Record 78 Album Disney's Peter
Vtg Capitol Records 78 Album Disney's Uncle
Vtg Victor Records 78 Album Disney's Pinocchio
Vtg Victor Records 78 Album Disney's Pinocchio
Vtg Decca Records 78 Album Disney's Snow White
Vtg Viewmaster Disney's 3D Reel Set Mickey Mouse
Vtg Viewmaster Disney's 3D Reel Set Sport Goofy
Vtg Viewmaster Disney's 3D Reel Set Snow White
Vtg Viewmaster Disney's 3D Reel Set Donald Duck
LARGE Collection of Disney Collectors Society
Collection of Disney's Mickey Mouse Post Cards +
Skybox Disney's Snow White Collectors Cards Set
1974 Buena Vista Disney's Alice in Wonderland
1988 Marc Davis Walt Disney's Cinderella Prod
Vtg Disney's Pluto the Pup Sealed Wallpaper 5 yard
Retro Disney Cereal Box Toy Lot w/ Hunchback
(3) Vtg Walt Disney Wonderful World of Gardening
Vintage Set of (7) Disney's Snow White Patches
Disney Mickey Mouse Pinback, Keychains + Medals
Vtg Disney Mickey Mouse Club Toy Kaleidoscope
Vtg Disney's Mickey Mouse Club Drivers License
1977 GE Disney's Mickey Mouse Night Light in
1933 Disney Chicago World's Fair Mickey Mouse
(4) Vtg Disney Donald Duck, Micikey Mouse +
Vtg Walt Disney Hard Plastic Pluto the Pup +Mickey
1939 Walt Disney Mickey Mouse Valentine's Card
Vtg Knickerbocker Disney Mickey Mouse Plush Toy
(7) Vintage Walt Disney Plush Toys w/ Mickey Mouse
(2) Vtg Walt Disney Plush Toys w/ Tags: Dumbo +
Disney's Tim Burton Frankenweenie Dog Plush Toy
Vtg Disney Mickey Mouse Calendar Accent Pillow
(3) Disney Advent Calendars Unused : Cleo/Hallmark
(3) Egmont Petersen Disney 70332 Organizer
Disney Store Mickey Through the Years Blown Glass
Vtg Noma Disney Mickey Mouse Christmas Lights
(2) Vtg Toriart Anri Italy Wooden Disney Mickey
(5) Kurt S Adler Wooden Disney Christmas Ornaments
(2) Wooden Walt Disney Book Ornaments + Heart
Arribas Bros Cristal Walt Disney Hand Cut Ornament
(4) Hallmark Keepsake Disney Christmas Ornaments
(4) Hallmark Keepsake Disney Christmas Ornaments
(3) Hallmark Keepsake Disney Christmas Ornaments
(4) Hallmark Keepsake Disney Christmas Ornaments
(3) Hallmark Keepsake Disney Christmas Ornaments
(3) Vintage Walt Disney Christmas Ornaments w/
(11) Vintage Walt Disney Christmas Ball Ornaments
(3) Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Ornaments w/
Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Ornaments w/
Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Ornaments w/
(4) Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Ornaments w/
(5) Vintage Christmas Ornaments w/ Patricia Reach
(2) Vtg Whitman Big Little Books Moon Mullins &
(2) Vtg Whitman Big/Better Little Books w/ Tiny
(4) Vtg HC Children's Books w/ Henny Penny,
(4) Vintage Children's Books w/ Mother Goose +
(3) Vtg Children's Books w/ Peppi the Duck,
(3) Vtg Skeezix Frank King HC Books Circus, Out
(3) Vtg School Related Books w/ Flowers & Spring
(5) Vtg Children's Books w/ Abel Spendabel, Babar,
1968 Dr Seuss Horton Hatches the Egg HC Book
1930 Wilder Mfg Movie Land Cut Ups Our Gang
1935 Stamperkraft Favorite Funnies Printing Set
SME Co Prentice Superior 4000 Rubber Type Set +
Hallmark A Peanuts Christmas Advent Calendar
Contempo Victorian Trading Co Humpty Dumpty
1991 Crayola Collectors Colors LE Tin Sealed!
Collection of Cereal Box Prizes: MLB Baseball +
(4) NOS Popeye Character Keychains w/ Olive
Vtg FTCP Felix the Cat Wooden Push Puppet Toy
Made in Austria Cat Pull Puppet Toy
Vtg Bisque Momma Bear Figure + Die Cut Goose
VTg NN Hill Brass Co Wooden Cat Puzzle
Vtg Novelty & Advertising Toys/Cards Collection
Vtg Toys Lot w/ Hi-Ker Wooden YoYo, US Metal
Gallon Bag Full of Vintage Rubber Super Bouncy
Vtg Hubley Cast Iron Black Chrysler Airflow 6L
Hallmark Kiddie Car Classics 1935 Murray Steel
Hallmark Kiddie Car Classics 1935 Murray Steel
Hallmark Kiddie Car Classics 1937 Murray Steel
Vtg Looney Tunes Mug, Figurines, Disk Lot +
(2) Vintage Rubber Toys Lot w/ Magic Chef + Duck
1998 Tiger 70-800 Giraffe Furby Interactive Toy
Vtg 1981 Animal Fair Baggies Alligator Advertising
(2) Retro Ty Beanie Babie Beanbag Plush Beak
Vintage Viewmaster Lot w/ Entertainer Projector +
Vtg Sebring Pottery Fred A Wish Uncle Wiggly
Vtg Patriot China Disney's Three Little Pigs Mug
Vtg Patriot China Little Orphan Annie Mug
Vtg Little Orphan Annie Shake Up Cup and Lid
Gorgeous Casige Germany 116 Child's Sewing
1921 The Katzenjammer Kids Hans & Fritz Framed
1918 Original Katzenjammer Kids Hans & Fritz