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Auctioneer's Notes
Heather Nielsen, Auction Manager
Auction Close
Buyers Premium
Pick UP
Auction Calendar
1998 Yamaha Golf cart
2003 Ford F250 Super Duty Pick Up
2007 Haul Mark Enclosed Trailer
Tailgate/camping table (green)
Vintage trash can and rugs
Tailgate/camping table (brown)
Reusable bags
4 Vintage ladies' magazines
Vintage Ladies' Home Journal
Vintage magazines
Vintage Family Circle mags
4 old youth books
Vintage school workbooks +
Vintage McCall's magazines
3 Vintage Better Homes & Gardens
4 Vintage Better Homes & Gardens
Seventeen, Cosmo vintage mags
Shoe trees
Brushes, shoe horns
Hat stretcher
Shoe brushes and shoe horns
Tractor fog lights
Tractor lights
Taillight, reflectors
Tractor fog lights (2)
Hand tools
Noritake china (15 pcs)
Flannel silver rolls (6)
Flannel silver rolls (5)
50 Piece Silverware Roll
Embroidered linen/flannel silver rolls (3)
Embroidered linen/flannel silver rolls (2)
3 Bavaria China Platters (13" x 8")
Bavaria China (19 pieces)
32" HD TV with remote
German China (8 pieces)
28" HD TV with remote
England Johnson Bros Serving bowls
Limoges China (11 pieces)
Nippon soup cups and saucers
Nippon China (6 pieces)
Misc China (8 pieces)
Green Depr. "Block Optic" Lunch plates (11)
Green Depr. "Block Optic" Dinner (1), Salads (9)
Green Depr. "Block Optic" Sherbets (11)
Green Depr. "Block Optic" Misc. Cups
Tea infusers
Occ. Japan figurines (7)
Wooden Polish Couple
3 Shelf Sitters (Occ. Japan)
4 Occ. Japan figurines
Toys (Hero windup- works!)
Misc Medicine Cabinet items
Pink Depr. "Cherry Blossom" Dinner, Cups/Saucers
Pink Depr. "Tea Room" Dinner plates, candleholders
Mansfield Customatic projector (works)
Mid-Continent Bottlers wooden pop crate
Vintage adding machines
Teak salad bowl set
Teak pineapple nut/snack bowls
Teak MCM salad bowls
Vintage coin racks (4)
Vintage accounting record books
Tin string/yarn holder
Geneva padded camera bag
Steel tackle box (loaded)
Large metal bread pan (17" x 16")
Stearns fishing lifejacket (XXXL)
Floormats for Mercedez GLK
2 drop cords (25', 33')
Vintage bucket, license plates and smoker
Adding machines
Ice crusher
Cast Iron Frog door stop
Antique barbells (3 lb)
Steel step-up blocks (2-1/4" x 3-3/4")
Vintage aluminum cake carrier
7 ropes of crystal prisms (32 each)
Globemaster 12" diameter globe
40 crystal prisms
18 crystal prisms
Western Stoneware shoulder jug
11 crystal prisms
Beehive stoneware jug (9" tall)
Birch bark fish creel
Misc. crystal prisms/baubles
8 hard back books
Hard back books (8)
8 hard back books
Books (6 hard back, 2 paper back)
Cookbooks (8, some vintage)
4 Collectors' guide books
Vintage hardback storybooks (5)
Youth books (top row all hardback)
4 Antique cook books
4 hardback coffee table books
Collier's World Atlas & Gazetteer (c. 1938)
Openers (PBR, GrainBelt, Glueks, Schmidt)
Antique hardback story books
Original White House cookbook w/ ephemera
Paper back books/program
Bottle openers
Antique Xmas paper back books
4 Watkins Cookbooks
Set Watkins Cookbooks/Household Hints
Very old youth paper back books
Antique paperback story books, color by #
Antique paper story books, coloring/scrap
Very old paper back story books
8 silk ties
7 silk ties and tie hanger
4 crystal glass goblets (1 slight mismatch)
4 Pink Depr glass sherbet/berry goblets
Blue depr. glass footed serving tray (12")
Depr. glass luncheon plates, refrig. dish
Clear depr. glass serving tray (11-1/2")
Green depr. glass berry/salad bowls (6")
Coin glass covered candy, Coronet vase/candle
Pink depr. glass goblets, cream & sugar
Ammon. Hydrox bottle, pyrex beaker, candy dish
4 tins
Wood Pinnocchio puppet toy (made in Poland)
Cast iron 7Up bottle opener
Cast iron Coca Cola bottle opener
Cast iron Kist bottle opener
Cast iron Pepsi bottle opener
Magic Brain calculators, dictionary, Ropps book
Very old Coping Saw design book
Large flash cards
Cooking ephemera
24 vintage travel post cards (never used)
16 vintage Harvey Thomas Dunn post cards
19 old Pony Express post cards (never used)
11 vintage post cards (stamped, never used)
11 vintage post cards (stamped, never used)
15 antique holiday cards
9 very old greeting cards (top row never used)
10 antique greeting cards (never used)
Very old Easter cards, Confirmation certificate
Victorian card (1913)
Commemorative stamps
Holiday commemorative stamps
Olympics commemorative stamps
State commemorative stamps
Authors/politicians commemorative stamps
Nature commemorative stamps- full sheet
Buffalo Bill, Red Cloud commemorative stamps
Old stamps
Office supplies
Desktop stamp dispenser, letter scale
Pewter communion wine cups (25)
26 Advertising pencils, caligraphy pens
Misc office, advert. ruler, carved desktop ruler
Collectible sewing notions
Office supplies (all new)
Folk art match holder/striker (2)
Triptych picture frame
Kentucky Derby racing game (c. 1938)
Hanky, Cigar boxes (one dated 1890s)
Spectacle cases, manicure set
Photo cases
Karloby Vary cig holder, ash tray
Dice, game pieces
Travel S&P shakers
Leaded slag glass & mirror box (4"x2"x1.5"H)
Vintage Advert. Mirror, pics (pic have no backs)
Articulated stopper, wine corksrew
Cast iron chicken opener, brass mermaid
Cast iron goat, elephant openers
1940 WWII regiment picture
2024 Wonder Woman ornament (new)
Cook's Illustrated Mags (issue #95-105, 107)
Cook's Illustrated Mags (issue #109-119)
Cook's Illustrated Mags (issue #120-131)
Smith Corona electric typewriter (works)
Vintage googles
Cook's Illustrated Mags (#132-137, 143-148)
Cast cat bell
2 Mirrors (16" x 12" each)
Weis oak index card box
Santa box w/ 10 vintage glass ornaments
Doulton & Lambeth stoneware foot warmer
State Fair corn dog warmer (works)
Kitcher air fryer (never used)
Vintage string of Xmas lights (working)
Vintage breast pump, Mapleine bottle
2 storage tubs
Steel number punches w/ boxes
Faux marble and brass side table (24" H x 16" W)
Havahart live trap
16 Pink Depr glass "Normandie" sherbet/berry
Poker chips/cards
Wooden propellers (2 x 10", 1 x 8")
3 gallon beverage dispenser (new in box)
Wire Bunny Egg Holder (new)
Brass "Pump Room" plate
"Corbin" brass tags (19)
Lighted globe
Enamel urinal
Metal machinery tags (93, 3" x 1.5")
Metal machinery tags (100, 3" x 1.5")
Brass sleigh bells (19 bells, 6-ft, leather in
Wattware apple 9" bowl (6" deep)
Coffee travel cups
Black & Decker Pivot Driver (works)
Garcia Kingfisher GK50 fly reel
Folding multi-tool
Plano box w/ 100+ plastic jigs
Bear spray (never used, but past exp date)
Vintage women's flannel shirt
Painter's smock
Vintage college felt pennants (3)
Vintage college felt pennants (4)
Very old set of Big Ten pennants (orig schools)
Presto 4 qt pressure cooker (good sealing gasket)
Ring Home Sec. Kit + freeze/leak sensors,
Hedge indoor security cameras (2) + 3 leak
DVDs (7)
VHS movies (13)
Metal shelves (36" tall x 31" wide x 9-1/4" deep)
Fold-up picnic/tailgating table
4 wood bobbins
3 wood bobbins with thread
lingerie hanger
Doll hangers
Vintage starch box, burner cover, rug repairer
Topaz depr. glass "Princess" plates (2 9", 1
10 Topaz depr. "Princess" glass plates (5-1/2")
10 Topaz depr. glass "Princess" cups
Xmas swizzle sticks (glass and plastic)
Wood spoon and butter mold
Large Xmas tree stand
Tort pan and ladyfinger pan
Misc crafting supplies, lots of beads
5 Pink Depr glass "Normandie" B&B plates (6"),
2 Pink depr glass sherbet/berry bowls, clear
Pink Depr glass "Princess" 10" footed tray, 6"
9 Pink depr glass sherbet/berry bowls
4 miniature ducks
Vintage ephemera (12 pieces)
Drawing/sketching items
Placecards/namecards, charceuterie labels
Nutcrackers and picks
Vintage cookbooks, guides
Vintage recipe books/guides (1920s)
5 Glass candy containers
Leather marble bags and 2 clay marbles
Brass kaleidescope, wood spectacles box, can
3 glass candy containers
Birch bark canoes (8" and 4.5")
Vintage magazines (1949, 1966, 1936)
Magazines, joke books
Piggy bank, mech pencil refills, perfumes, belt
3 piggy bank jars
Vintage shelf liners (NOS), and wrapping papers
13 very old photographs
Stereoptic slides (1 c. 1895), tin type photo,
Bozo record book, M Poppins viewmaster booklet,
Vintage ephemera (9 pieces)
Vintage books, booklets, world atlas
1886 marriage license, home arts booklets
Masters of the Arts (Reminton, Rembrandt) 5x7
Sad eyes lithographs by Girard Goodenow (cats)
Sad eyes lithographs by Girard Goodenow (dogs)
Lithographs of cute kid portraits (6)
Lithographs of cute baby portraits (7)
Green Depr. glass "Princess" shaker, tumbler, 2
Green Depr. glass "Princess" sherbet/berry bowls
4 rolls 5" shrink wrap plastic
4 Tier Pyramid Nativity Scene
Wooden Pulley
Mason City Iowa Coca Cola Tray
6 ring/jewelry boxes
Boris Vallejo Calendars
Easter d�cor
Plastic Porthole Mirror
Boris Vallejo Posters
Easter decorations
4 dozen plus plastic Easter eggs
Boris Vallejo Posters
2 Clear depr. glass "Park Ave" large serving bowls
Boris Vallejo Posters
Shells! Shells! Shells!
Boris Vallejo Posters
Easter village (missing one light bulb)
Boris Vallejo Posters
Boris Vallejo Posters
3 porcelain Easter bunnies
Stuffed bunny, bunny bank, porc. votive, basket
Boris Vallejo Posters
Boris Vallejo Posters
Copper spinning yard art
Boris Vallejo Posters
Boris Vallejo Posters
Brass/copper "Wedding Bells" wind chimes
Boris Vallejo Posters
Wood steel wind chimes by Arias
Boris Vallejo Posters
Kohler electric mower w/ battery, charger, bagger
Boris Vallejo Posters
Dell monitor 25 inch
Boris Vallejo Posters
Farmall M pedal tractor
Boris Vallejo Posters
Ertl John Deere no 12A
Misc Posters
Ertl Grain Auger
Ertl Massey Ferguson 3050 Tractor
Batwoman Photos
Book of Boris Vallejo Posters
Ertl Massey Ferguson 4900
Book of Misc Photos
JackPlot Board Game
Book of Vintage Playboy Centerfolds
John Deere Battery Operated Tractor
Ertl McCormick Deering Model M
Ertl John Deere Skid Steer Loader
Ertl New Holland 9882
Tonka Dump Truck
Tonk Cement Truck
Tru Scale Trailer
Tru Scale Front Loader Attachment
Tru Scale Corn Picker
Vintage Gleaner Allis Chalmers Combine
Structo Ladder Truck and Trailer
Tru Scale Square Baler
Tru Scale Manure Spreader
Wyandotte Pressed Steel Cement Mixer Truck
McCormick International 4 Bottom Plow
True Scale Combine
Tru Scale Plow
Tru Scale Disc Harrow
Tru Scale Sickle Bar Mower
Tru Scale Forage Harvester
Tru Scale Hay Rake
Tru Scale Wagon
Tru Scale Grain Auger
McCormick Elevator
Tru Scale Wagon
Tru Scale Two Bottom Plow
Metal Cargo Trailer
Tru Scale Tractor
Hubley Tractor
Ertl International 1586
Ertl McCormick Farmall Cub
Ertl John Deere 5020
McCormick Farmall Super M-TA
Syrup pitchers and wine rack
Ertl John Deere 4850
Ertl Ford 1710
Dog toy
Hawkeye die cast bank
Ertl John Deere 5020
Sheaffers Pen
Case Construction King Dozer
John Deere Special Edition
Ertl John Deere Tractor
Ertl John Deere 9950
McCormick Farmall Super MTA
Ertl Disk
John Deere 3010
International Manure Spreader
Ertl John Deere 4960
Ertl John Deere
Ertl John Deere Tractor
Ertl 3070 Massey Ferguson
John Deere 4450 Tractor
John Deere Tractor
Ertl John Deere MFWD Row Crop Tractor
Tonka Truck
Nylint Truck
John Deere Four Bottom Plow
John Deere Lubricant Bottle
John Deere Lubricant Bottle
Ertl Case 9150
Ertl Plastic New Holland and John Deere
John Deere Sprayer
The Big Blue Wagon
New Holland
Ertl Plows
Ford Wagon
Tractor and Misc
Metal and Plastic Wagons
Flatbed Trailers
Blue Metal Wagon/ Trailers
Metal Wagons
Tonka Truck
Spirit of Minneapolis Moline Tractor
Metal and Plastic Ol MacDonalds Farm Truck
Structo Dump Truck
Dekalb Hat
Case IH Manuals
Case IH Manuals
Texaco Lubrication Guides
John Deere Owners Manuals
John Deere Owners Manuals
John Deere Owners Manuals
John Deere Combine Parts Catalogs
John Deere Owners Manuals
John Deere Combine Parts Catalog
Case IH Manuals
John Deere Owner Manuals
John Deere Owners Manuals
John Deere Owner Manuals
Parts Guide and Misc
John Deere Combine Owners Manual
Wisconsin AIR cooled Engine Manuals
Allis Chalmers Owners Manual s
Vintage Owners Manuals
Boy Scouts of America Cook Kit
Glass Bowl, Enamel Strainer, Advertising Strainer
Vintage Successful Farming Magazine
Vintage Zombies Tin
Mint Stamps Peoples Republic of China
Cast Bathroom Decor
Sterling Cup Holders
Fisher Price Fido Zilo Pull Toy
Glass National Washboard
Possibly GF Jewelry
Onkyo Equalizer
Dell comics
Dell comics
Dell comics
DC Archer and misc comics
Misc comics
Misc comics
Misc comics
Misc comics
Western comics
Misc comics
Misc comics
Union Hand Plane
Misc clamps
Stanley Hand plane
Vintage Iowa Hawkeyes sweatshirt
Air wick plug ins
Minburn Iowa Plate
Wharfedale speakers
Xstream wire
Beckett condensation pump
Zareba Electric fencer
Remington crate
Handmade arrow
Hand Carved Box
Old Hookers wood Sign
Home essentials
Home essentails
Home essentials
Vintage keepsakes
Knife block
Aladdin thermos set
Cast iron Bear bottle opener
Cast Iron Husband sign
Beats headphones
Campfire popcorn popper
Power strips and peg board hooks
New metal Pac Man Sign
Briggs and Stratton Diamond Dealer Sign
Double Sided Nourse Oil Sign
Post Hole Digger and Hand Scythe
Metal Caution Sign
New Metal Attitude sign
New Metal Man Cave Sign
Canes, walking sticks
Antique wood bow
Postage stamp Diecast airplanes
Johnny lightening and misc die cast
Model Kit and corgi plane
Frog collection
Vintage misc
Antique stand up chalk board
Antique 33 in saw
Little chunky books
Advertiser caps.
Wagner ware 11 inch cast iron skillet
8 inch Cast Iron Skillet
8 Inch Cast Iron Skillet
Four Aviation posters
Cast Iron Aebleskiver Pan
Audio box and Pyle electronics
Cat Boot scraper
Sentry Safe
Slow Down Metal Sign
Sentry Safe
Lifeguard metal Sign
Gamblers Enamel sign
Hasboro Wing darts
General Store Metal Sign
Folk art wine corks
No dumping metal sign
Skimshaw belt buckle
Slow down metal sign
Scrimshaw Art
Grumpy metal sign
24 in lamp
Elderly Metal Sign
Vintage thermos
Elderly Metal Sign
Bubble glass frame
11 in western Stoneware crock
Vintage thermos
Vintage kitchenware
Hawkeye collectibles
Cow collection
Fenton glass dish
Antique cooler
Blue glass candy dish
Antique suitcase of records
Galileo thermometer
Aluminum cake mold
Antique floor Croquet game
Antique Stereoscope
Antique copper pull down lamp
Slate/ chalk board
Singer Zigzagger
Antique metal US Space Corps lunch box
Alphabet print set
Westclock pocket watch
Antique dust respirator
Antique Donald Duck Puppet
Vintage trays
Vintage toy gun holster set
Vintage toy blocks
Vintage stamp set
Antique Airline radio
Vintage toy pistol and holster
Vintage leather tooled purse
Handmade items
Vintage Pony Boy holster and Hawkeye toy pistol
Vintage red rim glass bowls
Jadeite Fire king dish
Pyrex glass measuring
Pyrex glassware
Vintage games and toys
Antique tin jewelry box of buttons
Antique figurines
Vintage glamour girl head vase
Advertiser and collectibles
Antique Letterman magazines
Various records
Bubble glass framed US capital building
Bubble glass framed wall decor
Vintage toys, wood blocks
Antique view master
Metal copper candle lantern
1913 Bomb yearbook
Antique lantern
Antique wood wheeled horse
8 lb anvil
Griswold cast iron pot
License plates
License plates
Antique telephone
Vintage Toledo torch steel smudge pot road hazard
Antique license plates
Antique license plates
Vintage license plates
License plates
License plates
25 lb Anvil
Keen Kutter saw
Cast iron wedge pan
Antique hay trolley
Cast iron pot
Cigarette items
Vintage tobacco cans
Vintage tobacco cans
Vintage tobacco cans
Vintage Tobacco cans
Antique tobacco cans
Antique tobacco cans
Vintage tobacco cans
Antique tobacco cans
Prince Albert tobacco cans
7 Up bottles and crate
Tokheim air compressor
Enamel lights
Pony saddle and matching breast collar
Vintage galvanized cooler
Metal/ copper candle lanterns
Red Wing stoneware crock
Coleman lantern
Vintage metal pulley
Vintage wood pulley
Antique wood pulley frames
Coleman lantern
Choroplast Super Crost seed sign
Stoneware bowl
Choroplast Super Crost seed sign
Omaha Standard sign
Choroplast Super Crost seed sign
Antique car head light
Dewalt 1/2 in hammer drill driver - works as it
Dewalt sawzall , drill and impact - work as they
Dewalt heavy duty cut off tool - works as it
Dewalt 1/4 impact, light, 1/2 drill, chargers/
Dewalt sawzall, impacts, light and chargers. No
Dewalt circular saw, hammer drill, impact
Dewalt circular saw, light, sawzall, drill
Idler wheels, auxiliary wheel
Galvanized railroad oil can
Redwing crock
Antique little red chair
Antique metal pulley and galvanized bucket
Archer aircraft oils scraper advertisers
Firestone tier holder advertiser
Fishing lure
Pioneer and vintage caps
1974 Gillette Co. George Washington advertiser
Vintage collectibles
Vintage Start can
Vintage DuPont Bug remover can/ full
Vintage MACS cleaner can
Vintage Brasso can
Vintage Z-4 degreaser can/ full
Vintage automotive cans
Vintage Yorkshire tobacco can
Vintage tobacco can
Vintage tobacco cans
Vintage can
Vintage S-200 can
Vintage tobacco tins
Vintage automotive cans
Vintage Camel patch units can
Vintage tobacco cans
Vintage tins
Vintage baseball face mask
Powder horn
Horn caps
Japanese smoking jacket
Railroad padlock
Vintage padlock and locks
Railroad padlock with key
Antique padlock
Farm manuals and misc
Powder horn
Vintage Ford emblem
Advertisers, Adair, Avoca, Exira, Casey Iowa
Buddy L trailer
Coca Cola and Pepsi marble Shooters
Chevy emblems and Cub Cadet hub caps
Guthrie county centennial and various ephemeral
Black Americana/ Little Black Sambo
Advertisers and bullet pencils
WW2 Airforce pins and buckle
Jensens Ice Cream Guthrie Center and ephemeral
Dekalb and Vintage awards
Vintage post cards
Indianola Bank bag with key
Vintage photos
Purina pen and coins
Pioneer sign
Metal Crows sign
Renk Corn metal sign
7 UP bottles and wood crate
Various manuals
Vintage photos, coon hounds photos
License plates
License plates
Puzzles and softball
14k gold pens
Archer petroleum advertiser
Antique surgical set
IH and Massey Ferguson manuals
1949 Ford catalog and miscellaneous books
Vintage pontiac fuse cover
Jungers emblem
John Deere manuals and miscellaneous
Wyoming license plates
Vintage hand plane and tools
English saddle iron
Vintage Archer glass oil bottle
Maytag oil can
Cival war buckle
Dekalb, Garst and misc advertisers
Vintage picket knives
Vintage milk glass canister
John Deere clock
Brass trophy figures
Vintage toys
Advertiser pens
Vintage Fonda Iowa calendar
Guthrie County items
Antique marble reflector
Original Maxwell Parish framed print
Vintage coke items
Vintage items
Vintage post cards
Litho toy bus
Antique toy truck
Hubley log truck
Vintage slot car
Scooter feed advertiser
Cast iron vintage car
Hubley log truck
Vintage slot car
XL dress and 9 shoes
Vintage kids clothing
Vintage framed prints and prints
Metal Meows dealer sign
1870 plat book Atlas
Dewalt sawzall, circular saw, light, drill set
Torch hoses, gauges
No truck Parking Sign
No Truck Parking
No Parking Sign
Reserved Parking Sign
Rekluse Banner
Motosport.com Banner
Industrial cutting torch handle, hoses and gauges
Wiseco Banner
Metal and So They Built a Life They Loved Sign
Lionel I Love Minnesota and Spirit of 76 Train
Anheuser Busch Freight Car
Kids Toys
Cookie Cutters
Safety Vests
Hallmark Ornaments
Lionel Snowflake Express
Creative Playthings Rubber Farm Animals
Galvanized Tub
Wooden Stake Mall
Enamel Light
Enamel Light
Vintage Trike
Cast Bench Ends
Standard Oil Can
Packing Blankets and Straps and. Cords
Bushnell Area Light
Toy Barn
New John Deere Hats
New John Deere Hats
Pampered Chef Dishes
Pink Depr. "Open Lace" Large Bowl/Vase, Ice
Delta Faucet
Pink Depr. "Miss America" C&S, Serving bowl/tray
Cargill Dealer Sign
Grn. Depr. "New Century" Dinners (6), Sherbets
Pink Depr. "Royal Lace" Sherbet/Berry bowls (3)
Grn. Depr. "Spoke" Berry/dessert set, cups
Pink Depr. "Doric" Square tray, Fireking bowl
Sanyo compact fridge
Pink Depr. Misc pieces (7-pcs)
AV Cables and misc
Water toys
Grn. Depr. "Spoke" Dinners (4), cups (2)
Grn. Depr. 6 dinners, 6 cups, 6 saucers
Grn. Depr.- 24 pieces
Walker Mufflers sign
Mid-Century Modern cups, creamer
Kero heat
Clear Depr. Footed tray, snack, candlesticks
24" Acer Monitor with Stand
Clear Depr. Sherbet/berry bowls
Grn. Depr. Ice bucket w/tongs, large cruet
24" Acer Monitor with Stand
Cow butter mold
Tiller Disks
Tiller Disks
Green czech glass stopper, shaker, glass frog
Tiller Disks
"Colonial Is Good Bread" prainted on screen NOS
2 green hoosier jars with lids
2 American Fostoria candy dishes w/ lids
Speaker Travel Trunk Case
4 Holy water bottles
Tote of Tarps
Varidesk Proplus 36
Wattware blue band 6" stoneware bowl
Tote of Tarps
Art glass serving platter 11.5" (Peggy Karr?)
Speaker Travel Case
Ampeg Speaker
Light Bar
Mini KINTA AND Quad Phase Lights
Lights with Tripod
Behring Speakers With Tripods
JBL M Pro Speakers
John Deere Tractor Umbrella
Ford plastic sign
Plastic Ford Sign
(5) 5� TRS -Female 3 Pin Cord
25� 1/4" Speaker
10" Speakon Cord
50� Speakon Cord
50� Speakon Cord
25� 1/4" Speaker Cord
48 in Samsung tV
25� 1/4" Speaker Cord
2 plastic 15 gal. totes
25� 1/4" Speaker Cord
2 plastic 15 gal. totes
30� Speakon Cord
100� Speakon Cord
100� Speakon Cord
100� Speakon Cord
50� 1/4" Speaker Cord
50� Speakon Cord
Sunn Dual 200 Watt Amplifier
Carvin XP800L
Crown XLS 602 Poweramp
Rolling Dee Zee Aluminum Tool Chest
Plexiglass Divider
Tv Stand/ Cabinet
Wood stool
Pioneer speakers
Avari Elliptical
Kraus under mount sink
Drop leaf Table
Wood stool
Primitive wood trunk
Primitive Wood Trunk
Eastlake style mirror and bracket
Pioneer speakers
Wine rack
Shop vac
Two full louvre bifold doors
Three bifold closet doors
Two bifold doors new in packaging
Daybed frame.
Hanging closet doors
Vintage teeter totter
Chicken feeder
Walking plow
Walking plow
Walking plow
Walking plow
AM McDonald well pump
Vintage Metal Stool
Dahls flyer
Walking plow
Two steel wheels
Nesting box
Wood workbench seat
Sterilite Locker
Two totes
Wood workbench seat
Bale fork
Two ladder jacks
Two stations
27 inch steel wheel
Implement seat
Center link
weights possibly IH
12 Gallon Shop Vac Rough
Belt pulley
Dock cart
Tractor tool box
Center Link and Draw Bar
Saw blade
Implement Seat
Warehouse Cart
Warehouse cart
Well Pipe
6 ft Plow Blade
Warehouse Cart
Well Pipe
Sledge Hammer
55 Inch Saw
Daisy Waterer
Two strainers
Stop Sign
Bridge Out Sign
Basket of Lights and Chain
AE Metal Milk Box
Metal Miscellaneous
Galvanized Tub
Fence Stretchers
Ice Tongs
Single Tree
Chicken Feeder
Feed Bucket
Chicken Feeder
Chicken Feeder
Chicken Feeder
Wooden Gate
Corn Sheller
Traffic Cones
Chicken Nester
Crosstown Bike
Koi Pond
Costco Stool
Kitchen Table Drop Leaf
Whirlpool Fridge
Barbed Wire
Hamilton Beach Microwave
Hot point deep freeze
Marshfield Loveseat
Diamond Gasoline Double Sided Sign
Two Swivel rocker Chairs
Metal Floor Grate
6ft Artificial Tree
One Tv Tray
Side table
Kirby Vacuum
Side table. See broken leg
Lazy Boy Lift Chair
Tv Wall Mount
Wood Shelf
Thank you
Oak Table
4 wood chairs
Two oak swivel bar stools
Four oak dining chairs
Oversized tote