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Estate Sale Photo Gallery
Misc. Literature
(2) Implements + Wrench Book
(2) Caterpillar Thirty Manuals
Big Four Tractor BW Photo
Rumely Gas Pull Tractor Photo
Rumely Oil Pull Tractors + Truck at Texaco Photo
1919 Advance Rumely Tractor School Photo
Leader Steam Engine Photo
Steam Engine Threshing Scene Photo
(2) Threshing Crew Photos
(2) Twin City Gas Tractors Threshing Photos
1937 John Deere Centennial Brass Coins
Waterloo Boy Tractor Button
John Deere Celluloid Brush
1937 John Deere Centennial Coin Bank
1901 John Deere Farmers Pocket Companion
(2) John Deere Steel Plow Button + Medallion
John Deere Pocket Knife
John Deere Pocket Knife
John Deere Pocket Knife
John Deere S&P Shaker
John Deere S&P Shaker
(2) John Deere Mechanical Pencils
John Deere Blue Oil Can
John Deere Thermometer
Cockshutt Lighter
Oliver Tape Measure
Oliver + MM S&P Shaker
(2) Hart-Parr Bullet Pencil + Oliver Pen
MM Tape Measure
(2) MM Pocket Knife + Thimble
(2) MM S&P Shaker + Mechanical Pencil
(2) MM Mechanical Pencils
(2) MM Mechanical Pencils
(2) MM Bullet Pencils
(2) MM Playing Cards
IH S&P Shaker
(2) IH Mechanical Pencils
(2) IH Roller Chain Scale + IH Crawler Charm
(3) New Idea Bullet Pencils + Pocket Mirror
Massey-Harris Swath Board
(2) Massey-Harris Rain Gauge + Catalog
(2) Hercules Button + Schramm Button Hole Stud
Funk's G Hybrid Bolt Gauge
Cornhusker Hybrids License Plate Topper
Muntz-McLaughlin Corn Hybrids License Plate Topper
Steckley's Genetic Giant Tape Measure
Dekalb Chix Mechanical Pencil
Pioneer Thermometer
(2) Massey-Harris No. 26 Combine Manuals
Massey Ferguson Ski Whiz Snowmobile Operators Manual
Ford Tractor Dearborn Equipment Sales Literature
Dearborn Farm Equipment Catalog
(3) Ford Dearborn Sales Literature
(3) Ford, Dearborn, Ferguson Manuals
150 Years of International Harvester Book Wendel
(2) IH Loader and Binder Manuals
AC HD5 Crawler Tractor Parts List
AC 900 Series L&G Operators Manual
(6) AC Implement Sales Literature + Manuals
(2) Case Combine + Planter Manuals
(2) Oliver + CO-OP Planter Manuals
(2) Oliver Super 55 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver Super 77 + Super 88 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver Super 66, 77, 88 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver 66, 77, 88 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver 77 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver 77 Tractor Sales Literature
(3) Oliver 70 + Loader Sales Literature
(3) Oliver 88 + Loader Sales Literature
(4) Oliver 88 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver Super 99 Tractor Sales Literature
Oliver 880 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver 770 + 880 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver Tractor Sales Literature
Oliver 660 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver 550 Tractor Sales Literature
Oliver 440 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver 1750 + 1850 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver 1650 Tractor Sales Literature
Oliver Sales & Service Paper Hat
(2) Oliver 1550 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver 1600 + 1550 Tractor Sales Literature
Oliver 1800 + 1900 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver Super 99 + 950/990/995 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver 1850 + 1950 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver 1850 + 1950 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver 1850 Tractor Sales Literature
(3) Oliver 1950-T Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver 2150/1950-T + 2050/2150 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver 1255 + 1355 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver 1755/1855/1955 + 2255 Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Oliver 1255/1355 + 1555/1655 Tractor Sales Literature
(5) Oliver Baler Sales Literature
(6) Oliver Implement Sales Literature
(8) Oliver Implement Sales Literature
(6) Oliver Implement Sales Literature
(7) Oliver Implement Sales Literature
(5) Oliver Baler Sales Literature
(5) Oliver Baler Sales Literature
(5) Oliver Cultivators Sales Literature
(7) Oliver Plow Sales Literature
(6) Oliver Plow Sales Literature
(6) Oliver Plow Sales Literature
(5) Oliver Plow Sales Literature
(2) Oliver Wagon Sales Literature
(2) 1963 Oliver Better Farming Catalog + 1970 Magazine
(7) Oliver Grain Drills Sales Literature
(6) Oliver Planters Sales Literature
(5) Oliver Planters Sales Literature
(6) Oliver Combine Sales Literature
(7) Oliver Combine Sales Literature
(5) Oliver Combine Sales Literature
(5) Oliver Combine Sales Literature
(5) Oliver Combine Sales Literature
(6) Oliver Combine Sales Literature
(2) Oliver Red River Special Thersher Sales Literature
(5) White Combine Sales Literature
(3) Oliver Corn Picker Sales Literature
(4) Oliver Corn Picker Sales Literature
(4) Oliver Corn Picker Sales Literature
(4) Oliver Corn Picker Sales Literature
(4) Oliver Corn Picker Sales Literature
1970 Oliver Better Farming Magazine
(6) Oliver Implement Sales Literature
(5) Oliver Sales Literature
(7) Oliver Manure Spreader Sales Literature
(8) Oliver Sales Literature
Oliver Magazine Ads
(6) White Tractor Sales Literature
(3) White 4wd Tractor Sales Literature
(3) White Tractor Sales Literature
(5) White Tractor Sales Literature
(4) AGCO White Tractor Sales Literature
(4) AGCO White Tractor Sales Literature
(5) White Planter Sales Literature
(6) White Implement Sales Literature
(8) White Disk Sales Literature
(2) Oliver Paper Hats
Oliver Hart-Parr Book Wendel
Oliver Tractor Manual
Oliver Iron Age Sales Manual
Oliver 1600 Tractor Shop Manual
(2) Oliver 2255 Service Manual + Parts Catalog
(2) Oliver Tractor Manuals
(6) Oliver + White I&T Manuals
(2) Oliver 1600 + 1800/1900 Tractor Parts Catalogs
(8) Oliver Corn Picker Manuals
(5) Oliver Tractor Manuals
(2) Oliver Super 99 GM Diesel Manuals
(3) Oliver Tractor Manuals
(3) Oliver Tractor Manuals
Oliver + Cletrac Crawler Manuals
(5) Oliver Tractor Manuals
(5) Oliver Combine Manuals
Oliver Implement Manuals
(6) Oliver Tractor Manuals
(5) Oliver Tractor Manuals
(4) GM Diesel Manuals
(3) White 4-180 Tractor Manuals
(3) White 4-180 Tractor Manuals
(7) White Tractor Manuals
(9) White Tractor Manuals
White Combine + Implement Manuals
Oliver Literature Lot
(4) Empty Binders
(4) Massey Ferguson Sales Literature
(5) Massey Ferguson Sales Literature + Manuals
Massey Harris Clipper Combine Sales Literature
(6) Ford + New Holland Sales Literature
(7) Caterpillar Manuals
(3) IH Implement Sale Literature + Manuals
Branson + Mahindra Tractor Sales Literature
(3) Steiger + MM Literature
(3) Allis Chalmers All-Crop Combine Sales Literature
(4) AC All-Crop Combine Sales Literature + Manuals
(2) 1934 + 1938 Hudson-Hill & Co. Catalogs
(7) Bush Hog, Hahn, Gehl, Etc Sales Literature
(6) Fox Sales Literature
New Idea Sales Literature
(9) Kinze, Melroe, Unverferth Sales Literature
John Deere 5020 Tractor Sales Literature
John Deere 110 L&G Tractor Sales Literature
(2) John Deere Implement Sales Literature
(4) John Deere Combine Sales Literature + Manuals
(6) Truck + Automotive Literature
Car Magazines
Car Magazines
International Model 20 Industrial Tractor Sales Literature
International TD-40 TracTracctor Sales Literature
(2) Farmall + McCormick-Deering Tractor Sales Literature
McCormick-Deering Tractor Power Sales Literature
(2) McCormick-Deering Plows + Tillage Tools Sales Literature
(3) 1940 IH Tractor Farming Magazines
(2) International Truck Sales Literature
International Model K Trucks Sales Literature
International Trucks Sales Literature
Case Tractor Sales Literature
(4) Case Implement Sales Literature
Case From Tillage to Treasure Sales Literature
Case The Facts in the Case Sales Literature
(3) Case Implement Sales Literature
Case Sales Literature
(2) CO-OP + Graham-Bradley Tractor Sales Literature
(2) Farmall Tractor Owner's Manuals
(3) John Deere Sales Literature
(4) John Deere Manuals
John Deere No. 9 Combine Sales Literature
(2) John Deere Tractor Sales Literature
MM Moline-Monitor Drills Sales Literature
Misc. Literature
(2) Wisconsin + Waukesha Engine Manuals
Gravely Literature Lot
Misc. Literature Lot
(5) Automotive Literature
Galloway of Waterloo Watch Fob
1913 Wm. Galloway Co. Catalog
(2) Wm. Galloway Co. Catalogs
(5) William Galloway Engines Literature
Wm. Galloway Co. Catalog
1912 Wm. Galloway Co. Catalog
(4) Wm. Galloway Co. Catalogs
Reference Material Lot
Maytag Manson Motor Co. Light Delivery Car Sales Literature
Maytag Manson Motor Co. Hill Climbers Sales Literature
(3) Wm. Galloway Postcards
Empire Mfg. Co. Price List
Eisemann Magneto Instructions
(8) Truck, Tractor, Engine Magazines
(5) IHC Tractor Manuals
(2) Nichols & Shepard Red River Special Thresher Manuals
(2) Reeves Pulley Co. Manuals
(2) Sheppard Diesel Tractor Manuals
(2) John Deere 110/112 L&G + Belt Pickup Manuals
(2) AC HD9 + HD15 Crawler Parts List Manuals
(2) AC HD7 Crawler Parts List Manuals
(2) AC Tractor Manuals
(6) Caterpillar Literature
(2) Caterpillar Sixty Manuals
(3) Caterpillar D4, D6, D7 Servicemens Reference Books
(4) Caterpillar Manuals
(5) Caterpillar Traxcavator Manuals
Caterpillar Service Magazine Articles
(2) Caterpillar Service Binders
(2) Caterpillar Service Binders
(2) Caterpillar Service Binders
(2) Caterpillar Service Binders
(3) LeTourneau-Westinghouse Co. Tournatractor Manuals
(6) LeTourneau-Westinghouse Co. Tournatractor Manuals
(8) LeTourneau-Westinghouse Co. Manuals + Literature
Industrial Manuals Lot
(6) LeTourneau-Westinghouse Co. Manuals
(6) Case, Farmall, Ferguson, MM, Graham Bradley Manuals
AC Spark Plugs Case
AC Spark Plugs Case
AC Spark Plugs Case
Super Trojan Spark Plugs Case
Super Trojan Spark Plugs Case
Super Trojan Spark Plugs Case
(5) Champion + Gold Medal Spark Plugs
(3) Ford Wrenches
(5) Ford Lamp Lens NIB
(5) Tail Light Lenses
(7) Chevrolet Tail Light Lenses
(3) Chevrolet Tail Light Lenses
Pierce, Butler & Pierce Water Gauge
(5) IHC Wrenches
IHC Invoices
Esso Rest Room Signs
(5) Ford Hub Caps + Emblem
(4) Ford Manuals + Newspaper
Automotive Literature
Champion Machine Companty Reference Material
Smith Mfg. Co. Notebook
Oliver Chilled Plow Receipts
South Bend Chilled Plow Literature
P.P. Mast & Co. Literature
Stoddard Mfg. Co. Literature
Literature Lot
Syracuse Chilled Plow Literature
Roland Chilled Plow Receipts
Gale Mfg. Co. Literature
A.B. Farquhar Literature
Luse Mfg. Co. Literature
Virginia Feeder Cattle Ass'n Tag
(7) FFA Pins, Award Charms, and Button
Lot of B&W Photos
Literature Lot
Farm Scene Print
(5) Literature Lot
Buch's Sons Co. Literature
Poultry Literature Lot
1894 De Laval Baby Cream Separators Sales Literature
Sharples Separator Co. Literature Lot
Literature Lot
Ice Cream Dipping Poster
(4) Burpee Seed Paper Signs
Automotive Tools + Parts
IH Hy-Tran Fluid Barrel
Huber Super Four Tractors Parts List
MM Manuals
(6) MM Tractor Manuals
MM Mocraft L&G Manual
(6) MM Tractor Manuals
(5) MM Tractor Manuals
(2) MM Tractor Manuals
(2) MM Service Bulletins + I&T Shop Book
MM Manuals
MM + David Brown Sales Literature
Oliver Manuals
Oliver Tractor Parts Manuals
Oliver 1355 + 1550/1555 Tractor Parts Catalogs
MM Engine + Power Unit Manuals
MM Manuals
(3) MM Tractor + Backhoe Manuals
(3) MM Tractor Manuals
(10) MM Power Unit Manuals
MM Uni-Tractor Manual
(8) MM Power Unit Manuals
(7) MM Power Unit Manuals
(10) MM Power Unit Manuals
(4) MM Tractor Manuals
MM Combine Manuals
MM Implement Manuals
(2) Oliver 1850 + 1250-A Tractor Parts Catalogs
(2) Oliver 1950 + 2050/2150 Tractor Parts Catalogs
(2) Oliver 1550/1555 + 1650/1655 Tractor Parts Catalogs
(5) Oliver Combine Manuals
White Manuals
Catalogs + Manuals
4 Drawer Lateral Filing Cabinet
(6) Ives Toys Prints
(8) Lionel Trains Prints
(9) American Flyer Prints
(7) Toy Train Prints
Toy Train Literature + Print Lot
American Flyer Sales Literature
Ball, Aultman & Co. Reaper + Mower Sales Literature
Hercules, Lauson, Rock Island Engine Literature
McCormick Mower SST Sign
Steam Engine Show Buttons + Plaques
Clectrac Tape Measure
MM Tape Measure
Oliver Employee Badge
(2) Oliver Buttons
(3) Oliver Brass Tacks Pin + Decals
(4) Oliver Matchbooks
1949 New Idea Spreader 50 Years Medallion
Superior Drill Co. Pocket Mirror
Rumely Oil Pull 12-20 Tractor Button
Caterpillar 50 Years on Tracks Medallion
(2) Kemp & Burpee Success Manure Spreader Charm + Pin Holder
(2) DeKalb Medal + Matchbook
(2) 1940 + 1941 Indiana Corn Growers 100 Bushel Club Charms
(2) Studebaker Button + Brass Tag
(2) Newton Wagon Charm + Mitchell Wagon Button
(3) Sharpless Separator Co. Buttons
Ford Farming Button
B.F. Avery & Sons New Torpedo Plows Flag Straight Pin
(4) Caterpillar Pins + Name Tag, Champion Watch Fob
Aultman & Taylor Machinery Co. Watch Fob
Caterpillar 10 Year Service Pin
Frisco Line Pocket Mirror
(2) A.P. Wright + Moon Buggy Buttons
(2) Bement Plow Buttons
(2) Crown Mfg. + American Harrow Buttons
Bettendorf Wagon Button
(2) DWW + Marland Francey Badges
(2) Fuller & Johnson + Hummer Plow Buttons
(2) Page Fence + Albert Dickinson Rulers
Fish Bros. Wagon Co. Button
Acme Harvesting Machine Co. Button
Rumely Oil Pull 12-20 Tractor Button
Studebacker Bros. Buggy Button
Rock Island Plow Co. Button
(2) Brown Manly + Lund Land Buttons
Dempster Mill Mfg. Co. Button
Bickford & Huffman Co. Money Clip
(2) Allis Chalmers Cuff Links + Bullet Pencil
Allis Chalmers Pin
Allis Chalmers 30 Year Service Pin
Allis Chalmers 10 Year Service Pin
(3) Case Pin, Pencil, Watch Fob
(2) IHC Pin + P&O Caton Pin
(2) Case Button + Pocket Mirror
(3) John Deere Key Chains
(2) John Deere + P&O Plow Straight Pins
(3) John Deere Buttons + Tape Measure
(2) John Deere Plow Pin + Syracuse Chilled Plow Charm
(2) John Deere Plow Straight Pins
(3) John Deere Pen, Pencil, Decal
(2) IH Crawler Watch Fob + Mechanical Pencil
(5) IH Pens + Pencils
Tractor Show Buttons, Plaque, Pins
1890 Smith & Winchester Catalog
1900 Deering Harvester Co. Book
McCormick The Century of the Reaper Book
1927 John M. Brant Co Catalog
William N. Whitely Co. Catalog
International McCormick French Poster
1845 The Cultivator Newspaper
(2) 2000 John Deere Collector Calendars
Best Mfg. Co. Combined Harvester Photo
(4) John Deere Plant Postcards
(3) John Deere Plant Postcards
(4) John Deere Plant Postcards
(3) John Deere Tractor Photos + Postcard
(3) John Deere Tractor Photos
(3) Photo Postcards
(3) Harvesting Photos + Postcard
(5) McCormick-Deering Photos + Postcard
(4) McCormick-Deering Photos
(3) Hart-Parr Postcards + Oliver Photo
(5) Plant Postcards
(2) Photo Postcards
(3) Fish Bros. Wagon Company Letters
(5) Mitchell & Lewis Co. Wagon Letters
Wagon Company Literature
Literature Lot
Literature Lot
Plow Company Literature
Tractor Company Literature
Literature Lot
Rock Island Plow Co. Literature
(4) C.L. Best Tractor Invoices
Advance Thresher Co. Literature
Case + Racine-Sattley Co. Literature
Literature Lot
Wagon Company Literature
Literature Lot
Literature Lot
Literature Lot
Literature Lot
Literatrue Lot
Literature Lot
Literature Lot
Literature Lot
Literature Lot
(2) Schlitz Can Opener + Diamond King Razor Hone
(4) Massey Literature
(2) Oliver Manuals
Cletrac DD Crawler Operators Manual
1964 IH Industrial Parts + Accessories Catalog
Heil Bulldozers Manual
(2) Case Combine Manuals
(3) MM Sales Literature + Manual
(3) Case, John Deere, Weather Brake Literature
(2) McCormick-Deering + New Holland Sales Literature
Literatrue Lot
(2) New Holland Film Canisters
(2) U.S. Challenge Co. Windmills Literature
(4) Farmall + Other Photos
(6) 1990 Big Iron Postcards
(8) Case Photos + Postcards
(2) New Idea Postcards
(2) IH Postcards
(7) Postcards
(3) Ford Sales Literature + Postcards
Fahr + Oliver Photos
(4) Hesston Sales Literature + Postcards
Case Photos
(3) Framed Trade Cards
McCormick International French Poster
McCormick International French Poster
Frost & Wood Sales Literature
Sales Literature Lot
(3) Equipment Catalogs
Sales Literature Lot
Russell & Co. Literature
(7) Farm Related Literature
(11) Farm Related Literature
(3) Books
Mower Literature
(4) Trade Cards
(6) Equipment Sales Literature
Misc. Sales Literature
Studebaker + Other Reference Material
Misc. Literature