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1989-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c GEM++ Proof Deep
1961 Soviet Russia 5 Rubles Banknote P# 224a Grade
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
1988 United States Mint Prestige Proof Set 6 Coins
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades xf+
1992-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c GEM++ Proof Deep
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1980-d 40 pcs Bank $
2023 Star Wars IG-11 Mandalorian Bounty Hunter Dro
1957A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades Selec
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - "We'll Be Bac
2021 Star Wars Baby Yoda Grogu The Mandalorian 1o
2007 United States Mint Proof Set - 14 Pieces!
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked "Unc Peace Standard," x10
2004-s Keel Boat Proof Jefferson Nickel Westward J
1995 United States Mint Set in Original Government
1970-s Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Standard," x10 co
Group of 5 2007-2008 Zimbabwe 3rd Dollar (ZWR) 20,
1972-d Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM++ Unc
2005 U.S. Mint American Legacy Collection Set 12 C
2022 Game OF Thrones Targaryen Sigil 1 oz .999 Sil
1971-s Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Unc RD
1880-p Morgan Dollar $1 Grades Choice Unc
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Standard," x10 co
2007-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Morgan Dollar
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
1980-d Kennedy Half Dollar 50c Grades GEM++ Unc
NGC 2016-p Star Trek USS Enterprise High Relief 1
1991 United States Mint Proof Set 5 coins
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Mil
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
2005-s Western Waters Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c Gr
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 2000-p 40 pcs Dunbar
1896-p Morgan Dollar $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
1970-s Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM Unc PL
Wow! Covered End Roll! Marked "Peace Limited"! X10
1984-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
1998 United States Mint Proof Set 5 coins
1962-p Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Mixed Covered End Roll! Marked "Mo
**Star Note** 1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificat
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Abominable Sn
1880-p Morgan Dollar $1 ms65+ SEGS
1953A $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf+
2011 Mint Proof Set In Original Case! 14 Coins Ins
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 2003-d 40 pcs Coin-T
***Major Highlight*** 1922-p Peace Dollar Near Top
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades f+
1991-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
20 Great Coins of the World, hand selected, many t
1878-s Morgan Dollar $1 Grades Choice Unc PL
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
1991-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
1987 United States Mint Set in Original Government
1964-d Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Premium," x10 coi
1964 Proof Roosevelt Dime 10c Grades GEM++ Proof
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
NGC 2015 Marvel Iron Man Colorized Avengers Age of
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1973-d 40 pcs Bell T
1879-s Morgan Dollar $1 Grades GEM Unc PL
1953B $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades xf
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - "We'll Be Bac
***Major Highlight*** 1879-p Morgan Dollar $1 ms66
1953 Peoples Bank of China 1 Fen Banknote P# 860c,
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Mixed Covered End Roll! Marked "Mo
1997-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
1996 United States Mint Set in the original packag
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
1972-d Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM++ Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1898-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms67
1963 $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1999 United States Mint Proof Set 9 coins
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Mil
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
***Major Highlight*** 1878-s Morgan Dollar $1 ms66
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf deta
1997-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
1887-s Morgan Dollar $1 ms64 SEGS
1986-1991 Canada 10 Dollars Banknote Sig. Thiessen
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Unc
2005-d Western Waters Jefferson Nickel Westward Jo
2015 United States Mint Proof Set - 14 pc set
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Jackalope Sty
***Auction Highlight*** 1879 & CC Uncirculated Mor
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Walking Liber
***Major Highlight*** 1925-d Gold Indian Quarter E
1880-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms63+ SEGS
Original sealed 1959 United States Mint Proof Set
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
***Major Highlight*** 1942-p Walking Liberty Half
2001-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
20 Great Coins of the World, hand selected, many t
***Major Highlight*** 1887-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms64
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Reserve," x10 coi
2006-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
2009 United States Mint Proof Set - 18 Pieces!
1994-p Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Standard," x10 co
1935D $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
***Major Highlight*** 1880-s Morgan Dollar $1 ms67
Original sealed box of 5x 1989 United States Mint
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
1989-p Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM Unc
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1977-p 40 pcs Bank $
***Major Highlight*** 1884-s Morgan Dollar $1 Choi
1953A $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades xf
2014-d Arches Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM++
***Major Highlight*** 1882-s Morgan Dollar Near To
2008 100 Trillion Reserve Bank Of Zimbabwe Hyperin
*EXCLUSIVE* x20 Mixed Covered End Roll! Marked "Mo
***Major Highlight*** 1973-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c
1987 United States Mint Proof Set 5 coins
1974-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
1961 Soviet Russia 5 Rubles Banknote P# 224a Grade
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
***Major Highlight*** Complete 1999 - 2009 US Stat
2005 United States Mint Proof Set 10 coins
1997 United States Mint Set in Original Government
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 2008-d 40 pcs Bank $
***Major Highlight*** 1896-p Morgan Dollar Near To
1935D $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Mercury Dime
20 Great Coins of the World, hand selected, many t
***Major Highlight*** 1879-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms65
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
***Major Highlight*** 1981-s Ty 1 Proof Lincoln Ce
1971 United States Mint Proof Set 5 coins
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Apollo 11 Sty
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Mixed Covered End Roll! Marked "Mo
1992-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
***Major Highlight*** 1889-o Morgan Dollar $1 Choi
1953A $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf+
1977 United States Mint Proof Sets 6 coins
***Major Highlight*** 1955 Proof Franklin Half Dol
1953B $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf+
1977-p Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM++ Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1880-p Morgan Dollar Near To
1953C $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades xf det
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Unc
1988-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
1995-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Premium," x10 coi
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1989-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1913-s Gold Indian Half Eagl
***Major Highlight*** 1891-p Morgan Dollar $1 ms65
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
1988-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c GEM++ Proof Deep
***Major Highlight*** 1878-cc Morgan Dollar $1 ms6
1961 Soviet Russia 5 Rubles Banknote P# 224a Grade
1984-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
20 Great Coins of the World, hand selected, many t
***Major Highlight*** 1906-p Barber Dime TOP POP!
1963A $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades xf+
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked "Unc Peace Exceptional," x
1991-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
Must See! Covered End Roll! Marked "Unc Peace Stan
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Statue of Lib
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
***Major Highlight*** RARE 1996 Atlanta Olympic Ga
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Mil
***Major Highlight*** 1880-o Morgan Dollar Near To
1957A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf de
1960-d Sm Date Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM+ Unc RD
***Major Highlight*** 1878-cc Morgan Dollar $1 ms6
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Mixed Covered End Roll! Marked "Mo
1996-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
1979 United Stated Mint Proof Set 6 coins
1989-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Unc
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Jackalope Sty
***Major Highlight*** 1892-p Morgan Dollar $1 ms65
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
2013 United States Proof Set - 14 pc set
***Major Highlight*** 1901-s Morgan Dollar $1 ms64
1961 Soviet Russia 5 Rubles Banknote P# 224a Grade
***Major Highlight*** 1879-s Rev '78 Top 100 Morga
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked "Unc Peace Reserve," x20 c
2022 United States Mint Proof Set - 10 pc set
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Standard," x10 co
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
***Major Highlight*** 1882-s Morgan Dollar TOP POP
1963 $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
***Major Highlight*** 1878-s Morgan Dollar Near To
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1990-s Proof Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM++ P
***Major Highlight*** RARE 1896 6-Coin Commerative
*EXCLUSIVE* x20 Morgan Covered End Roll! Marked "U
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
1953 Peoples Bank of China 1 Fen Banknote P# 860c,
1979-s TY I Proof Washington Quarter 25c Grades GE
***Major Highlight*** 1879-p Morgan Dollar TOP POP
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Mil
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
***Major Highlight*** 1879-s Rev '78 Top 100 Morga
1988-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM++ Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1879-o Morgan Dollar TOP POP
2019 United States Mint Proof Set - 10 pc set
Wow! Covered End Roll! Marked " Morgan Exceptional
1994 United States Proof Set, 5 Coins Inside! No O
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - "Drop Bear" S
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Mixed Covered End Roll! Marked "Mo
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf deta
2001-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
1990 United States Mint Prestige Proof Set 6 Coins
1996 United States Mint Set in the original packag
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1973-d 40 pcs Bank $
1957A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
1989-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
2007 U.S. Mint American Legacy Collection Set 12 C
1961 Soviet Russia 5 Rubles Banknote P# 224a Grade
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Limited," x10 coi
2003-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
1978 United States Proof Set, 5 Coins Inside
1974-s Proof Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM++ P
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Premium," x10 coi
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Statue of Lib
1879-p Morgan Dollar $1 Grades Choice Unc
1963 $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades xf
1986 United States Mint Set in the original packag
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
1991-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c GEM++ Proof Deep
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1977-p 40 pcs Bell T
1880-p Morgan Dollar $1 Grades GEM Unc
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
1891-p Morgan Dollar $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1953A $5 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
2005-s Western Waters Proof Jefferson Nickel Westw
1989-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
1942 Philippines WWII Japanese Occupation 10 Pesos
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Jackalope Sty
1896-p Morgan Dollar $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
2014 United States Proof Set
Scarce 5ml Glass Screwtop Vial of 100% Pure Gold L
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Mil
1776-1976-p Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM++ Un
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1993-p 40 pcs Bell T
1878-s Morgan Dollar $1 Grades GEM Unc
2001-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
***Major Highlight*** 1885-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms66
*EXCLUSIVE* x20 Morgan Covered End Roll! Marked "U
1981-s Ty 1 Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SE
1994 United States Mint Set in the original packag
1989-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM++ Unc
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Unc
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1986 Canada $1 Canada Dollar 1 Grades Select Unc
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
PCGS 2017-p Star Trek The Next Generation TNG 30t
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades xf
1987 United States Mint Proof Set 5 coins
1953A $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1972-d Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM++ Unc
Complete 1999-2009 COLORIZED State Quarters 56-Coi
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1959-p Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM+ Unc RD
***Major Highlight*** 1879-p Morgan Dollar $1 ms66
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked "Unc Peace Supreme," x20 c
1989-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
2007 United States Mint Proof Set - 14 Pieces!
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Panda Style G
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Standard," x10 co
Biden Novelty 2017A $1 Federal Reserve Note Grades
1992-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
***Major Highlight*** 1878-s Morgan Dollar $1 ms66
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades xf
1969 United States Mint Set in Original Government
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1990-d 40 pcs Bell T
NGC 2016 Star Wars Classic Darth Vader 1oz Silver
1935E $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
High Value! - Covered End Roll - Marked " Morgan R
1995-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
2021 Unite States Mint Proof Set 7 Coins
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
1776-1976-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
1879-s Morgan Dollar $1 Grades GEM+ UNC PL
1935C $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf, v
1972 United States Mint Set in Original Government
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Mil
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 2008-d 40 pcs Bank $
1880-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms63+ SEGS
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf+
1988-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM++ Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1887-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms64
1957A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Mor
2005-d Bison Jefferson Nickel Westward Journey Nea
2020 United States Mint Set in Original Government
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Walking Liber
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Mixed Covered End Roll! Marked "Mo
2008 100 Trillion Reserve Bank Of Zimbabwe Hyperin
***Major Highlight*** 1929-p Gold Indian Quarter E
***Major Highlight*** 1946-s Walking Liberty Half
2003 United States Mint Proof Set 10 coins
Original sealed 1961 United States Mint Proof Set
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
1974-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM++ Unc
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1990-d 40 pcs Bell T
NGC 2011 Star Wars Stormtrooper Colorized 1oz .999
Biden Novelty 2017A $1 Federal Reserve Note Grades
20 Great Coins of the World, hand selected, many t
***Major Highlight*** 1913-p TY I Buffalo Nickel N
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf deta
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Morgan Covered End Roll! Marked "U
2001-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
2010 United States Mint Proof Set - 14 Pieces!
1977-p Kennedy Half Dollar 50c Grades Choice+ Unc
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Premium," x10 coi
1991 Soviet Russia 5 Rubles Banknote P# 239a Grade
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
***Major Highlight*** 1882-s Morgan Dollar Near To
Original sealed box of 5x 1978 United States Mint
2005 United States Mint Uncirculated Coin Set in O
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
***Auction Highlight*** 1971-p Roosevelt Dime TOP
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 2010-d 40 pcs Bank $
***Major Highlight*** 1880-p Morgan Dollar $1 ms65
1957A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf de
1964-d Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1883-s Morgan Dollar $1 Sele
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Unc
1962 Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr69 rd dcam SEGS
2019 United States Mint Proof Set - 10 pc set
Must See! Covered End Roll! Marked "Unc Peace Stan
1974-s Silver Eisenhower Dollar 1 Grades GEM++ Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1879-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms65
1979 United Stated Mint Proof Set 6 coins
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Lincoln Penny
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1999-p 40 pcs Bank $
***Major Highlight*** 1887-s Morgan Dollar $1 ms65
1953 Peoples Bank of China 1 Fen Banknote P# 860c,
1982-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c GEM++ Proof Deep
20 Great Coins of the World, hand selected, many t
***Major Highlight*** 1957 Proof Franklin Half Dol
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Morgan Covered End Roll! Marked "M
***Major Highlight*** 1978-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c
1970-s Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
***Auction Highlight*** 1889 & CC Uncirculated Mor
Russia 1789 EM 2 Kopek C# 58.3 Grades xf+
***Major Highlight*** 1880-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms63
1992 United States Mint Proof Set 5 coins
***Major Highlight*** 1897-o Morgan Dollar $1 Choi
2007-2008 Zimbabwe (ZWR 3rd Dollar) 100 Million Do
1974-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1924-p Peace Dollar Near Top
1935A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Unc
1970 United States Mint Set in the original packag
2009-d James K. Polk Position A Presidential Dolla
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Standard," x10 co
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
***Major Highlight*** 1915-s Gold Indian Half Eagl
***Major Highlight*** 1882-s Morgan Dollar Near To
1963 $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
2016 United States Mint Proof Set - 13 pc set
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
***Major Highlight*** 1898-p Morgan Dollar TOP POP
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - "Drop Bear" S
***Major Highlight*** 1878-cc Morgan Dollar $1 ms6
1957 $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
High Value! - Covered End Roll - Marked " Morgan S
1990-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
1957 $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
2009-d William Henry Harrison Position-A President
***Major Highlight*** 1902-o Morgan Dollar Near To
1934C $5 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
1998 United States Mint Proof Set 5 coins
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Mil
1999 United States Mint Set in Original Government
***Major Highlight*** 1878-cc Morgan Dollar Near T
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Right to Bear
***Major Highlight*** 1880-p Morgan Dollar TOP POP
1953 Peoples Bank of China 1 Fen Banknote P# 860c,
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked "Unc Peace Premium," x20 c
1995-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
1980-d Kennedy Half Dollar 50c Grades GEM++ Unc
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Mixed Covered End Roll! Marked "Mo
1957 $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
1989-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c GEM++ Proof Deep Came
***Major Highlight*** 1879-s Rev '78 Top 100 Morga
1999 United States Mint Proof Set 9 coins
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
***Major Highlight*** 1894-o Morgan Dollar $1 Sele
1964-d Lincoln Cent 1c Grades Gem+ Unc RD
***Major Highlight*** 1892-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms65
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Premium," x20 coi
1998-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
1992-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Premium," x10 coi
1988-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
***Major Highlight*** RARE 1996 Smithsonian 4 Coin
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1998 United States Mint Set in Original Government
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
***Major Highlight*** RARE 1991 6-Coin Commerative
1957A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Bitcoin Style
***Major Highlight*** 1880-o Morgan Dollar Near To
High Value - Mixed Covered End Roll - Marked "Morg
2001-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
2009-p Washington DC Washington Quarter 25c Grades
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
***Major Highlight*** 1879-p Morgan Dollar TOP POP
1953A $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
2008 United States Mint Proof Quarters Set - 5 Pie
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Mil
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
***Major Highlight*** 2016 Star Trek 50th Annivers
1898 (A G) Russia 1 Ruble Silver Y# 59.3 Grades Se
***Major Highlight*** 1878-s Morgan Dollar Near To
High Value! - Covered End Roll - Marked " Peace Re
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Statue of Lib
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Unc
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1974-p Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM++ Unc
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1963 $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1977 United States Mint Proof Sets 6 coins
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1981-d 40 pcs Bank $
2021 Tetris St. Basil's Cathedral 1oz .999 Silver
1961 Soviet Russia 5 Rubles Banknote P# 224a Grade
1885-o Morgan Dollar 1 Grades Choice+ Unc
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Premium," x10 coi
2004-s Keel Boat Proof Jefferson Nickel Westward J
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Standard," x10 co
1953C $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1986-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c GEM++ Proof Deep Came
2007 U.S. Mint American Legacy Collection Set 12 C
1996 United States Mint Set in the original packag
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
1953A $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1962-p Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 2008-d 40 pcs Bank $
1880-p Morgan Dollar $1 Grades Choice Unc
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Year of The D
1879-p Morgan Dollar $1 Grades Choice Unc
2020 United States Proof Set - 10 pc set
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Peace Supreme," x20 coin
2007-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
1988-s Proof Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM++ P
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Indian Gold C
1891-p Morgan Dollar $1 Grades Select+ Unc
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades xf
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Mil
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1990-d 40 pcs Bell T
1896-p Morgan Dollar $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
1993-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c GEM++ Proof Deep Came
20 Great Coins of the World, hand selected, many t
1878-s Morgan Dollar $1 Grades GEM Unc
1934C $10 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades Sele
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked "Unc Peace Premium," x10 c
1986-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
1986-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM++ Unc
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Mixed Covered End Roll! Marked "Mo
1957 $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
NGC 2016 Disney Mickey Band Concert Colorized $2 S
2011 Mint Proof Set In Original Case! 14 Coins Ins
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
1962 Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades Gem++ Proof Red
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1988-p 40 pcs Bell T
1880-p Morgan Dollar $1 ms65+ SEGS
***Major Highlight*** 1946-d Walking Liberty Half
1978 United States Proof Set, 5 Coins Inside
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
1992-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Panda Style G
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Premium," x10 coi
1970-s Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
Complete 1999-2009 COLORIZED State Quarters 56-Coi
1993 United States Mint Set in Original Government
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
1980-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM++ Unc
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1986-p 40 pcs Bell T
***Major Highlight*** 1879-p Morgan Dollar $1 ms66
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1995-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
***Major Highlight*** 1898-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms67
1991 Soviet Russia 5 Rubles Banknote P# 239a Grade
2020 United States Proof Set - 10 pc set
Wow! Covered End Roll! Marked "Unc Morgan Supreme"
1998-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
Must See! Covered End Roll! Marked "Unc Peace Stan
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf+
2006-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
***Major Highlight*** 1878-s Morgan Dollar $1 ms66
1993 United States Mint Proof Set 5 coins
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1980-d 40 pcs Bell T
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf+
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Panda Style G
20 Great Coins of the World, hand selected, many t
1879-s Morgan Dollar $1 Grades GEM+ UNC PL
2008 100 Trillion Reserve Bank Of Zimbabwe Hyperin
High Value! - Covered End Roll - Marked "Unc Morga
2005-p Bison Jefferson Nickel Westward Journey Nea
1972-d Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM++ Unc
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Unc
1957A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1987-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM++ Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1928-p Gold Indian Quarter E
1880-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms63+ SEGS
1953A $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1957 $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
1980-p Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM Unc
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1980-p 40 pcs Bank $
***Major Highlight*** 1887-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms64
1972-d Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
NGC 2011 Star Wars Colorized Luke Skywalker & Leia
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1985 United States Proof Set, 5 Coins Inside!
Wow! Covered End Roll! Marked " Morgan Extraordina
2006-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
1989-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Standard," x10 co
1898 (AG) Russia 1 Ruble Silver Y# 59.3 Grades vf+
NGC 2017-p Star Wars Classic Obi-Wan "ben" Kenobi
1935E $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1987 United States Mint Set in Original Government
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1986-p 40 pcs Bank $
***Major Highlight*** 1913-p TY I Buffalo Nickel N
1957 $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Lincoln Penny
***Major Highlight*** 1881-s Morgan Dollar $1 ms67
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf deta
2000 United States Mint Proof Set 10 coins
High Value! - Covered End Roll - Marked " Peace Re
***Major Highlight*** 1973-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c
1994-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c GEM++ Proof Deep Came
***Auction Highlight*** 1885 & CC Uncirculated Mor
1957A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
***Major Highlight*** 1883-o Morgan Dollar Near To
Original sealed box of 5x 1977 United States Mint
1993 United States Mint Proof Set 5 coins
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1981-d 40 pcs Bank $
***Major Highlight*** 1879-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms65
1953C $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1983-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
20 Great Coins of the World, hand selected, many t
***Major Highlight*** 1887-s Morgan Dollar $1 ms65
1957A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades xf
1999 United States Mint Set in Original Government
High Value - Mixed Covered End Roll - Marked "Morg
***Major Highlight*** 1981-s Ty 2 Proof Lincoln Ce
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Jackalope Sty
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Mixed Covered End Roll! Marked "Mo
1942 Philippines WWII Japanese Occupation 10 Pesos
2009-d Washington DC Washington Quarter 25c Grades
***Major Highlight*** 1957 Proof Franklin Half Dol
1994 United States Proof Set, 5 Coins Inside! No O
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
1985-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
***Major Highlight*** 1880-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms63
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1915 (BC) Russia 15 Kopeks Silver Y# 21a.3 Grades
***Major Highlight*** 1924-p Peace Dollar Near Top
1953 Peoples Bank of China 1 Fen Banknote P# 860c,
2003 20 piece United States Mint Set w/Sacagawea D
Wow! Covered End Roll! Marked "Peace Exceptional"!
1988-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
1992-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Premium," x10 coi
1957 $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - "Drop Bear" S
***Major Highlight*** 1915-p Gold Indian Half Eagl
***Major Highlight*** 1882-s Morgan Dollar Near To
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
2014 United States Proof Set
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
1965 Small Beads, Pointed 5 Canada Dollar KM# 64.1
***Major Highlight*** 1897-o Morgan Dollar $1 Sele
1991 Soviet Russia 5 Rubles Banknote P# 239a Grade
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - We'll Be Back
20 Great Coins of the World, hand selected, many t
***Major Highlight*** 1878-cc Morgan Dollar $1 ms6
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
2020 United States Mint Set in Original Government
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked "Unc Peace Extraordinary,"
1991-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
1984-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
1998-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c GEM++ Proof Deep
***Major Highlight*** 1902-o Morgan Dollar Near To
1995 United States Mint Proof Set 5 coins
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
***Major Highlight*** 1878-cc Morgan Dollar Near T
1980-d Kennedy Half Dollar 50c Grades GEM+ Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1880-p Morgan Dollar TOP POP
1957 $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1981 United States Mint Set in the original packag
High Value - Mixed Covered End Roll - Marked "Morg
1996-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Unc
2007-2008 Zimbabwe (ZWR 3rd Dollar) 20,000 Dollars
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Jackalope Sty
***Major Highlight*** 1879-s Rev '78 Top 100 Morga
2015 United States Mint Proof Set - 14 pc set
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
***Major Highlight*** 1894-o Morgan Dollar $1 Sele
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Right to Bear
***Major Highlight*** 1892-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms65
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
1972 United States Mint Set in Original Government
High Value! - Covered End Roll - Marked " Morgan E
1999-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
***Auction Highlight*** 1981-s Ty 1 Proof Lincoln
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Standard," x10 co
1989-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
***Major Highlight*** RARE 1996 Smithsonian 4 Coin
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
2004 United States Mint Proof Set 10 coins
Scarce 5ml Glass Screwtop Vial of 100% Pure Gold L
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
1963 $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
***Major Highlight*** RARE 1991 6-Coin Commerative
1776-1976-d Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1879-p Morgan Dollar TOP POP
1957A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
1979 United States Mint Set in Original Government
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Unc
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
1961 Soviet Russia 5 Rubles Banknote P# 224a Grade
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Indian Gold C
***Major Highlight*** 2016 Star Trek 50th Annivers
2007 United States Mint Proof Set - 14 Pieces!
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Mil
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
2005-s Western Waters Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c Gr
***Major Highlight*** 1878-s Morgan Dollar Near To
1975-d Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1880-o Morgan Dollar TOP POP
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf+
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Unc
1988 United States Mint Proof Set 5 coins
1988-s Proof Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM++ P
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Mixed Covered End Roll! Marked "Mo
1935G $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+ M
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Morgan Dollar
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1987 United States Mint Set in Original Government
1953A $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1988-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c GEM++ Proof Deep
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1990-p 40 pcs Bank $
2023 Muhammad Ali Boxing 1oz .999 Silver $2 Niue
1991 Soviet Russia 5 Rubles Banknote P# 239a Grade
1983-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c GEM++ Proof Deep Came
2020 Disney The Lion King Circle of Life 1oz .999
Trump & Reagan Novelty 2017A $1 Federal Reserve No
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Morgan Covered End Roll! Marked "U
2004-s Keel Boat Proof Jefferson Nickel Westward J
2011 Mint Proof Set In Original Case! 14 Coins Ins
1989-p Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Premium," x10 coi
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
1991-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c GEM++ Proof Deep
1997 United States Mint Prestige Proof Set With Bo
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
2016 United States Mint Proof Set - 13 pc set
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 2003-p 40 pcs Bank $
1880-p Morgan Dollar $1 Grades Choice Unc
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf+
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Jackalope Sty
2022 Game Of Thrones The Three Eyed Raven 1oz Silv
Group of 16 2007-2008 Zimbabwe 3rd Dollar (ZWR) 10
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Mor
2007-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
Must See! Covered End Roll! Marked "Unc Peace Stan
Mitt Romney Novelty 2003 $1 Federal Reserve Note $
1984-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c GEM++ Proof Deep Came
1878-s Morgan Dollar $1 Grades Choice Unc
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Mil
1935E $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
2009-d James K. Polk Position A Presidential Dolla
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1973-p 40 pcs Bank $
1896-p Morgan Dollar $1 Grades GEM+ Unc
1953B $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades xf
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
1879-p Morgan Dollar $1 Grades GEM Unc
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Peace Extraordinary," x2
1984-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
1993 United States Mint Proof Set 5 coins
1983-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM++ Proo
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Unc
1953B $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1984-p Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades Gem++ Unc
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
1879-s Morgan Dollar $1 Grades Choice Unc PL
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades xf
2010 United States Mint Proof Set - 14 Pieces!
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
1992-s Silver Proof Washington Quarter 25c Grades
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1995-p 40 pcs Bank $
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Panda Style G
20 Great Coins of the World, hand selected, many t
1880-p Morgan Dollar $1 ms65+ SEGS
1953 Peoples Bank of China 1 Fen Banknote P# 860c,
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Mixed Covered End Roll! Marked "Mo
1992-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
2000 United States Mint Proof Set 10 coins
1970-s Lg Date Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Unc RD
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Standard," x10 co
2008 100 Trillion Reserve Bank Of Zimbabwe Hyperin
1981-p Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
1887-o Morgan Dollar $1 Grades Choice Unc
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1993-p 40 pcs Bank $
NGC 2015 Marvel Hulk Colorized Avengers Age of Uit
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Bitcoin Style
***Major Highlight*** 1887-p Morgan Dollar $1 ms66
1935G $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+ M
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Exceptional," x10
1998-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
1999 United States Mint Set in Original Government
1943-p Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM++ Unc
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
1981-s Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c pr70 dcam SEGS
***Major Highlight*** 1898-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms67
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1979 United States Mint Set in Original Government
Scarce 5ml Glass Screwtop Vial of 100% Pure Gold L
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Mil
1984 Mint Proof Set, 5 Coins Inside!
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 2010-p 40 pcs Bell T
***Major Highlight*** 1878-s Morgan Dollar $1 ms66
1935E $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1776-1976-p Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM++ Un
1880-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms63+ SEGS
1961 Soviet Russia 5 Rubles Banknote P# 224a Grade
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
2005-p Bison Jefferson Nickel Westward Journey Nea
2004 United States Mint Proof Set 10 coins
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Walking Liber
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Mixed Covered End Roll! Marked "Mo
1935C $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1964-p Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1914-d Gold Indian Quarter E
***Major Highlight*** 1941-p Walking Liberty Half
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 2003-d 40 pcs Coin-T
***Major Highlight*** 1896-p Morgan Dollar $1 ms67
1975-p Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
20 Great Coins of the World, hand selected, many t
***Major Highlight*** 1956 Type 2 Proof Franklin H
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades xf+
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked "Unc Peace Reserve," x10 c
2006-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
1996 United States Mint Set in the original packag
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Statue of Lib
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Premium," x10 coi
2008 100 Trillion Reserve Bank Of Zimbabwe Hyperin
1984-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c GEM++ Proof Deep Came
NGC 2021 Star Wars THE MANDALORIAN 1oz .999 Silver
1963 $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1979 United Stated Mint Proof Set 6 coins
Original sealed 1964 United States Mint Proof Set
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Trump Style G
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1990-d 40 pcs Bank $
NGC 2016 Star Wars Classic R2-D2 1oz Silver $2 Aus
1957 $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
***Major Highlight*** Rare NGC 2017 Disney Mickey-
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
High Value - Mixed Covered End Roll - Marked "Morg
***Major Highlight*** 1973-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c
2007 United States Mint Proof Set - 14 Pieces!
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
1957 $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
2004-p Peace Medal Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
***Major Highlight*** 1880-s Morgan Dollar $1 ms67
1935D $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1985 United States Mint Set in the original packag
BU Shotgun Jefferson 5c roll, 1977-p 40 pcs Bell T
***Major Highlight*** 1882-s Morgan Dollar Near To
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - "We'll Be Bac
20 Great Coins of the World, hand selected, many t
***Major Highlight*** 1879-o Morgan Dollar $1 ms65
1953C $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades xf det
High Value! - Covered End Roll - Marked " Peace Ex
***Major Highlight*** 1981-s Ty 1 Proof Lincoln Ce
1978 United States Proof Set, 5 Coins Inside
1982-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
***Auction Highlight*** 1879 & CC Uncirculated Mor
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Bitcoin Style
***Major Highlight*** 1879-p Morgan Dollar Near To
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1970-d Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM++ Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1880-p Morgan Dollar Near To
1977-p Kennedy Half Dollar 50c Grades GEM++ Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1888-s Morgan Dollar $1 GEM+
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Mor
1988-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
2008 United States Mint Proof Quarters Set - 5 Pie
1970-s Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Standard," x10 co
1961 Soviet Russia 5 Rubles Banknote P# 224a Grade
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Bitcoin Style
***Major Highlight*** 1912-p Gold Indian Half Eagl
***Major Highlight*** 1892-p Morgan Dollar $1 ms64
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf de
2003 20 piece United States Mint Set w/Sacagawea D
NEW! *Watchmaker�s Hoard* Original Covered End Nat
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
***Major Highlight*** Complete 1999 - 2008 SILVER
1957A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
1964-p Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
***Major Highlight*** 1891-p Morgan Dollar $1 ms65
1942 Philippines WWII Japanese Occupation 10 Pesos
*EXCLUSIVE* x20 Morgan Covered End Roll! Marked "U
1991-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
1994 United States Proof Set, 5 Coins Inside! No O
1970-p Washington Quarter 25c Grades GEM+ Unc
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Pea
1961 Soviet Russia 5 Rubles Banknote P# 224a Grade
1985-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
***Major Highlight*** 1878-s Morgan Dollar $1 ms66
Scarce 5ml Glass Screwtop Vial of 100% Pure Gold L
2014 United States Proof Set
***Major Highlight*** 1879-o Morgan Dollar Near To
1957B $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf++
2004-s Keel Boat Proof Jefferson Nickel 5c GEM++ P
20 Great Coins of the World, hand selected, many t
***Major Highlight*** 1878-cc Morgan Dollar $1 ms6
*Uncovered Hoard* - Covered End Roll - Marked "Unc
1996-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
2021 Unite States Mint Proof Set 7 Coins
Ca. 330 AD Ancient Rome, Era of Constantine the Gr
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Mixed Covered End Roll! Marked "Mo
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf+
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
***Major Highlight*** 1901-o Morgan Dollar Near To
1963 $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades AU Deta
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
2005 United States Mint Uncirculated Coin Set in O
***Major Highlight*** 1880-o Morgan Dollar Near To
***Major Highlight*** Rare 1995 Atlanta Olympics 4
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked "Unc Peace Supreme," x10 c
1999-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c pr70 rd DCAM SEGS
1994 United States Proof Set, 5 Coins Inside! No O
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
*EXCLUSIVE* Hand Marked " Morgan Premium," x10 coi
1953 Peoples Bank of China 1 Fen Banknote P# 860c,
1916 Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
***Major Highlight*** 1883-s Morgan Dollar $1 Sele
***Major Highlight*** 1878-cc Morgan Dollar $1 ms6
1oz .999 Fine Copper Bullion Round - Apollo 11 Sty
***Major Highlight*** 1882-s Morgan Dollar TOP POP
High Value! - Covered End Roll - Marked " Morgan S
1980 United States Mint Set in the original packag
2006-s Proof Lincoln Cent 1c Grades GEM++ Proof De
Must See! Covered End Roll! Marked "Unc Peace Stan
1957A $1 Blue Seal Silver Certificate Grades vf+
1974-p Jefferson Nickel 5c Grades GEM+ Unc
Buffalo Nickel Shotgun Roll in Old Bank Style 'Bel
***Major Highlight*** 2014 Baseball Hall of Fame G
1953A $2 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
1963 $5 Red Seal United States Note Grades vf++
2009 United States Mint Proof Set - 18 Pieces!
***Major Highlight*** 1879-s Rev '78 Top 100 Morga
Sealed 2005 United States Mint Set in Original Gov
Hobo Buffalo Nickel 5c Grades Hand Carved
***Major Highlight*** 1879-s Morgan Dollar TOP POP
1942 Philippines WWII Japanese Occupation 5 Pesos
*EXCLUSIVE* x10 Morgan Covered End Roll! Marked "U