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French West Africa Stamps Mint and Used on album
French West Africa Stamps Mint and Used, CV $200+
Worldwide Stamps Mint and Used on CV $240+
Scandinavia Stamps mostly Used lots of variety,
Sweden Stamps #49 singles, pairs, block of 4.
US Stamps FACE VALUE $255+, lots of variety
US Stamps 3 Hammarskjold autographed covers
US Stamps Hawk Hatfield signed cover
US Stamps Variable Rate Machine coil, 2 with
US Stamps 25+ covers 1994-1999, interesting group
US Stamps 35 souvenir pages, includes high values,
Worldwide Stamps 1950s-1970s 100+, nice variety
Worldwide Stamps 75+ First Day Covers
United Nations Stamps complete set 1980-2001,
Austria Stamps #1048, 1053a, 1032a, 1037a, CV $130
Congo Stamps Mint and Used, mixed condition
Worldwide Stamps 1996 Atlanta Georgia Fist Day
Worldwide Stamps large group of glassines and
US Stamps stuck stamps in flat box
Canada Stamps Used early 20th century, fresh sets
US Stamps #294-299 Used Pan-American 1901 set CV $
Worldwide Trade & Advertising Cards 50+ from 1880s
Worldwide Trade & Advertising Cards 50+ from 1880s
Worldwide Trade & Advertising Cards 50+ from 1880s
Postcards Mint & Used group, interesting assortmen
Portugal Stamps 1853-1940 Mint and Used on album
Portugal Stamps 1941-1971 Mint and Used on album
Portuguese India Stamps 1877-1959 Mint and Used on
Pakistan Stamps 1945-1948 Mint and Used on album
Palestine Stamps 1918-1942 Mint and Used on album
Panama Stamps 1903-1945 Mint and Used on album
Portugal Stamps 1940s-1973 Mint and Used on album
Paraguay Stamps 1870-1941 Mint and Used on album
Paraguay Stamps 1941-1963 Mint and Used on album
Iran Stamps 1870-1939 Mint and Used on album pages
Iran Stamps 1941-1961 Mint and Used on album pages
Iran Stamps 1961-1987 Mint and Used on album pages
Peru Stamps 1866-1938 Mint and Used on album pages
Peru Stamps 1866-1969 Mint and Used on album pages
Philippines Stamps 1878-1940 Mint and Used on albu
Philippines Stamps 1942-1965 Mint and Used on
US Stamps Cut Squares collection on pages, include
US Stamps Back of Book, includes Revenues, collect
Egypt and UAR Stamps Mint and Used on 5 Vario page
Canada Stamps Mint and Used on 8 Vario pages
Worldwide Stamps Mint and Used on 11 Vario pages
Worldwide Stamps Mint and Used on album pages
United Nations Stamps dealer stock on pages, Scott
Supplies 2000+ 104 Cards, black and white backgrou
Supplies 3,000+ 104 Cards, black background, unuse
New Zealand Stamps #246//O108 Mint NH on dealer st
Switzerland Stamps Postal History 10 1860s-1880s c
Korea Stamps #1788-1790 Mint NH sheets of 20, CV $
Japan Stamps 1970s Mint NH in blocks, 450+ stamps
Guernsey Stamps 1969-1983 Mint NH on Scott Pages
Isle of Man Stamps 1971-1999 Mint NH on Scott Page
Jersey Stamps 1969-2002 Mostly Mint NH on Scott Pa
Newfoundland Stamps #104-114 Mint Hinged, bright a
Germany Stamps #C55 & C56 Mint NH, CV $265
Great Britain Stamps #O28 Used, CV $1,600
Great Britain Stamps #43 Mint No Gum, short perfs,
British Commonwealths Stamps Mint NH Queen Elizabe
Marshall Islands & Palau Stamps Mint NH including
Papua New Guinea Stamps Mint (a few early issues a
US Stamps 1920s-1980s Mint (NH by about the 1940s
United Nations Stamps 1950s-1980s Mint & Used accu
US & Worldwide Stamps & Covers accumulation in 2 b
Stamp Supplies Mounts, mostly Showgard Strips in v
British Commonwealths Stamps Mint NH in glassines,
US Stamps Legends of the West & Civil War 1990s Mi
US Stamps 1966-1980 Mint NH collection on White Ac
US Stamps 1981-1989 Mint NH collection on White Ac
US Stamps 1990-1994 Mint NH collection on White Ac
US Stamps 1995 Mint NH collection on White Ace pag
US Stamps Booklets 1917-1989 Mint (early issues ar
US Stamps Booklets 1990-1995 Mint NH collection on
US Stamps #2870 Error Sheet in original blue folde
United Nations (West New Guinea) Stamps #1a-19a Se
US Stamps Definitives & Airmails 1970s-1980s Mint
US Stamps 1893-1965 Mint and used commemorative co
Worldwide Stamps 1000+ in 2 childhood albums & 199
US Stamps #328-330 Mint OG, small perf issues & th
US Stamps $650+ Face Value, $590+ of which is 32 &
US Stamps #211 Mint Hinged with horizontal crease,
US Stamps 20th century Used in Scott Minuteman and
Netherlands Stamps 1960s-1980s First Day Cover col
Israel Stamps Mint NH with tabs 20th century colle
France Stamps Mint NH Art topicals in small stockb
Worldwide Stamps including some topical issues on
US Stamps First Day Covers in large flat rate box,
US Stamps First Day Ceremony Programs and other an
US Stamps Mint NH & Used collection with various p
US Stamps Mint NH & Used collection with various p
US Stamps Mint NH & Used collection with various p
US Stamps Mint NH & Used collection with various p
US Stamps Mint NH & Used collection with various p
US Stamps Mint NH & Used collection with various p
US Stamps Mint NH & Used collection with various p
US Stamps Mint NH & Used collection with various p
US Stamps Mint NH & Used collection with various p
US Stamps Mint NH & Used collection with various p
US Stamps Mint NH & Used collection with various p
US Stamps Mint NH & Used collection with various p
US Stamps Mint NH & Used collection with various p
US Airmail Stamps Mint NH & Used collection with v
US Stamps 1870s-1920s Mint & Used collection with
US Stamps 1870s-1970s Mint & Used Back of Book col
US Stamps 1920-1940s Mint & Used Collection on pag
US Stamps Mint NH 1970s-1980s in stockbook, single
US Stamps accumulation of Covers and some Used sta
US Stamps #26//512 & Cut Squares #U59//82 mint and
Canada Stamps #166//248, mostly mint NH, CV $200+
US Stamps Mint Collection, mostly NH, #158//#735,
Liechtenstein Stamps used collection, mostly compl
Ireland Stamps group of 7 complete booklets, CV $1
New Zealand Stamps Small Selection of 7 Postal-Fis
German Offices Abroad Stamps, Morocco, China, ANd
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
Canada Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighth
US Stamps First Day Cover collection in Lighthouse
Venezuela Stamps Mint & Used in stockbook, with du
Germany Stamps Used in stockbook, neatly organized
Berlin Germany Stamps Used in stockbook, neatly or
US Stamps 1930s-1970s Mint & Used in stockbook, mi
Zeppelin ephemera, Airships Souvenir Program 2nd e
US Stamps #W434 Mint Entire, scarce unfolded wrapp
1894 Lottery Ticket Louisiana Lottery Co $1 with c
US & Worldwide Stamps in two bankers boxes, includ
US & Worldwide Stamps on display pages, thousands
US & Worldwide Stamps on display pages, thousands
US & Worldwide Stamps on display pages, thousands
US Stamps 1951-1960 Mint NH Plate Blocks in Minkus
US Stamps 1961-1970 Mint NH Plate Blocks in Minkus
US Stamps 1851-1895 used collection on pages, incl
US Stamps 1971-1975 Mint NH Plate Blocks in Minkus
US Stamps 1940-1949 Mint NH Plate Blocks in White
US Stamps Airmail Mint NH Plate Blocks in White Ac
US Stamps 1987 State Ducks Mint NH in Fleetwood al
Worldwide Princess Diana Stamps Mint NH Souvenir S
US Stamps 1860s-1880s used with better cancellatio
Worldwide & US Christmas Seal & Labels Stamps in 2
Worldwide Christmas Seal & Labels Stamps in stockb
Worldwide Stamps Mint NH year sets & Mint packs, m
US Stamps 1895-1918 mint and used on pages, heavil
US Stamps 1919-1970 mint and used on pages, heavil
US Stamps #397-404 mint hinged and used Pan-Pacifi
US Stamps FACE VALUE $350+ Mint NH in bankers box
US & Worldwide Stamps Bankers Box mix, a few thous
Worldwide Stamps thousands of mostly used stamps i
US & Worldwide Stamps Bankers Box mix, mostly US F
US Stamps 1860s-1950s Used and Mint on mix of page
US Stamps 1860s-1960s Used and Mint in Scott Minut
US Stamps accumulation including a Liberty & Mysti
US Stamps Federal Duck Stamp Collection on pages,
US Stamps 1870s Used with Boston Negative Numerals
US Stamps #238 NH OG, 1893 15 cent, CV $600
US Stamps #251 NH OG with APS certif, CV $1,250
US Stamps #295 NH OG Plate Block of 6, CV $240
US Stamps Mint 1909 Issues, CV $256.50
US Stamps #630 Mint 1926 Souvenir Sheet, CV $500
US Stamps Mint and Used, 106 stamps in Vario page
US Stamps #572 and two 573 NH OG, total CV $480
US Stamps #669-679 Mint LH, total CV $265.25
US Stamps #291 Mint HR OG with PF certif, CV $600
US Stamps #589 (20) Mint, total CV $1,150
US Stamps #153 Used few with, total CV $4,500
US Stamps #J1//J26, 11 Postage, total CV $1,422
US Stamps #C3 Mint NH OG, two 1918, CV $260
CSA Stamps #8 and 8a Mint LH OG, CV $165
CSA Stamps #11 Block of 4, CV $85
Philippines Stamps #N7 Mint NH OG, CV $155
Leeward Islands Stamps #1-8 Mint OG 1890, CV $228
US and Worldwide Stamps First Day Covers, mixed
Iceland Stamps #92-98 Used with faults, CV $454
Liberia Stamps #186//219 Mint, CV $133.50
Canada Stamp #E1 Mint NH, CV $350
Canada Stamp #MR1-MR4 Mint NH, CV $292.50
Germany Stamp #670-683 Mint NH, CV $833.40
Germany Stamps #391-397, 401-414, CV $1,357.80
Germany Stamps #78 Mint OG, CV $200
Hungary Stamps #859,860, C63 Mint Hinged Imperf be
French Guyana Stamps #C18-20 Mint LH, CV $67.50
Germany Stamps Mint NH on dealer card, CV $225
Great Britain Stamps #33 Used, CV $122.75
Spain Stamps #434-447 (missing 433), C50-57CV $275
Bavaria Stamps #271-275 Used, CV $190.15
Portugal Stamps #684//698 Mint and Used, CV $290
Portugal Stamps #88-96 Used 1893, CV $922.50
Portugal Stamps #110-131 Mint and Used, CV $571.55
Portugal Stamps #437-452 Mint collection, CV $138.
Canal Zone Stamps mint and Used on page, some iden
Ireland Stamps mint and Used on page, some
Germany Stamps mint and Used on pages, some
Germany Stamps mint and Used on pages, some
Finland Stamps mint and Used on page, some
Mexico Stamps mint and Used on pages, some
Pitcairn islands Stamps mint and Used on pages
AMG Stamps Mint Hinged Occupations collection on
Germany Stamps Mint and Used on pages, some
Canada Stamps Mint and Used on pages, some
France Stamps Mint and Used on pages, some
German States Stamps Mint and Used on pages, some
Worldwide Stamps Mint and Used on pages with many
Worldwide Stamps Mint and Used on pages with many
Worldwide Stamps Mint and Used on pages with many
Worldwide Stamps Mint and Used on pages with many
US Stamps 1900s-1920s Washington and Franklin issu
US Stamps 1910s-1920s Imperf issues in dealer card
US Stamps 1910s-1920s Back of Book issues in deale
US Stamps 1860s-1930s Mint and Used in dealer card
US Stamps 1860s-1930s Mint and Used in dealer
US Stamps 1951-1960 American Plate Block Album III
US Stamps 1961-1970 American Plate Block Album IV
US Stamps Mint Blocks with Scott Numbers, 28 pages
US Stamps Large Blocks and Sheets of Commemorative
US Stamps Mint and Used, Album of Blocks, 100+ on
US Stamps 1973-1985 (missing 1974 and 1982) USPS
US Stamps 1900s-1930s Mint and Used Covers and Pos
US Stamps Mint and Used Covers includes First Day
US Stamps 1973-1984 First Day Covers, 177 covers
US Stamps Mint Sheets with Scoot numbers, 10 sheet
US Stamps Mint Collection of Commemorative Stamps
US Stamps 1972 USPS Special Stamp Mini album, incl
US Stamps Mint large Blocks in folder
US Stamps 1950s-1980s Postal Commemorative Society
US Stamps early stamps with overprints in stock pa
US Stamps Early Vintage Postcards with Scott
US Stamps C32//C126 Mint Airmail Plate Blocks with
US Stamps C35//C126 Mint Airmail Plate Blocks with
US Stamps 36 Plate Blocks including Airmails with
US Stamps Mint Plate Blocks with Scott Numbers, 20
US Stamps Mint and Used on small Stockbook
US Stamps Mint Booklet Collection with Scott
US Stamps Blocks of 6 Collection with Scott Number
US Stamps Blocks of 4 Collection with Scott Number
US Stamps 24 Coil Pairs Mint NH, includes some
WWII Ration Stamps, includes one rare 1944 WWII
Germany Stamps Mint and Used, includes Safe
Germany Stamps 1923 Deutsche Reich 8 Saufed, over
US Stamps Mint and Used Cut Square collection with
US Stamps Mint Duck Stamps, signed from Interior D
US Stamps 1920s Mint with Scott Numbers, on 2
US Stamps Mint National Park issues and early
Stamp Reference Books and catalogs, includes blac
Match Covers mostly 1940s-1960s, hundreds of adver
Match Covers mostly 1940s-1960s, hundreds of adver
Match Covers Salesman Sample group of 100+, 1940s-
Match Covers Salesman Sample Collection neatly mou
Match Covers mostly 1940s-1960s, hundreds of adver
Match Covers mostly 1940s-1960s, 50+ large size pl
Match Covers 40+ WWII Patriotic, Bonds, Military,
Match Covers 60+ Tobacco and Alcohol related adver
Match Covers topicals groups including Trains, Ani
Match Covers a few dozen better advertising covers
Match Covers a few dozen better advertising covers
Match Covers a few dozen better advertising covers
Matchbooks Complete with matches, a few hundred, i
Matchbooks Complete with matches, 100+ sorted by t
Match Covers 25+ mixed condition feature types, so
Match Covers remainders group including miscellane
Match Covers 15+ sports related and Topps gum cove
Matchbooks and Match Covers, many hundred mostly 1
Matchbooks and Match Covers, many hundred mostly 1
Matchbooks and Match Covers, many hundred mostly 1
Matchbooks and Match Covers, many hundred mostly 1
Matchbooks and Match Covers, many hundred mostly 1
Matchbooks and Match Covers, many hundred mostly 1
Matchbooks and Match Covers, many hundred mostly 1
Matchbooks and Match Covers, many hundred mostly 1
Matchbooks and Match Covers, many hundred mostly 1
US Stamps First Day and other Covers in Bankers Bo
US & Worldwide Stamps First Day and other Covers i
US Stamps 200+ 1998 Clean unaddress, uncacheted Fi
US Stamps 120+ Uncacheted unaddressed, Entertainme
US Stamps 85+ Uncacheted unaddressed, US History
US Stamps 85+ Uncacheted unaddressed, Animals
US Stamps 90+ Uncacheted unaddressed, Birds
US Stamps 100+ Uncacheted unaddressed, Famous
US Stamps 120+ First Day Covers Multi Stamp Issues
UN Stamps full sheets Geneva and Vienna, CV $100+
US Christmas Seal Stamps 2 Covers (seal on back no
US Stamps 8 Free Frank Covers modern issues
Canada Stamps used accumulation on pages, hundreds
US Stamps Airmail letter sheets, 3 different
US Stamps First Day Covers 1980-1981 Artmaster Cac
US Stamps First Day Covers 1982 Artmaster Cachets,
US Stamps 1930s-1960s Used Blocks of 4 in glassine
US Stamps 1930s-1940s Mint Hinged & Used collectio
US Stamps 1930s-1940s Used & Mint accumulation on
Japan Stamps mint hinged and used on old album pag