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US Stamps #9X1 Used, paper hinge remnant, CV $450
US Stamps #10X2 Mint No Gum as Issued 1898 reprint
US Stamps #1 Used with black grid cancel, PF Certi
US Stamps #1 used with red grid cancel three margi
US Stamps #1 Used with thins, Blue Wheeling VA 7 b
US Stamps #1 Used red-brown with black and pen ca
US Stamps #1 Used with red grid cancel, 4 large ma
US Stamps #1 Used on folded letter tied with blue
US Stamps #1 tied on folded letter by two blue gri
US Stamps #1 tied on folded letter by two red grid
US Stamps #2 Used small thin and sealed, CV $850
US Stamps #2 Used VF-XF 85, SMQ $1100
US Stamps #2 Used with red CDS, pressed, CV $900
US Stamps #2 Double Transfer tied on folded letter
US Stamps #3 Mint NGAI with grade VF 80, CV $1,000
US Stamps #4 Mint NGAI with PF Certif CV $1,300
US Stamps #7 Used CV $150 1851 Second Issue Type I
US Stamps #7 variety double transfer 1 inverted po
US Stamps #7 Used Strip of Three, with faults, exc
US Stamps #9 Used CV $100 1851 Second Issue Type I
US Stamps #9 Used with large margins, CV $100
US Stamps #9 Used with black CDS, large eveCV $100
US Stamps #11 Used block of 4 with SON CDS
US Stamps #14 Mint No Gum with PSE certificate, ra
US Stamps #15 Used, nice margins with red cancel
US Stamps #15 Used Type III Washington of 1855 cut
US Stamps #17 Used small thin, beautiful, CV $260
US Stamps #17 Used pair thins CV $600
US Stamps #18 Mint No Gum, with sealed, CV $800
US Stamps #20 Used Type II with light blue cancel
US Stamps #20 Used straddle margin single, large c
US Stamps #22 Used with tiny faults, PF $500
US Stamps #24 Used light cancel, well, CV $40
US Stamps #25 Used block of 4 with creases and per
US Stamps #26 Used block of 4 CV $175
US Stamps #28 Used Type I with perfs CV $1,050
US Stamps #28 Used Type I Red Brown with CV $1,050
US Stamps #29 Used CV $325 1859 Type I Brown 5 Cen
US Stamps #30A Used, reperf at right with red
US Stamps #30A Used with crease at bottom right co
US Stamps #30A Used, few blind perfs, CV $375
US Stamps #32 Used, tiny thin UR corner
US Stamps #35 Used with small perf faults type V C
US Stamps #35 Used sound PF certificate CV $55
US Stamps #36 Used reperforated at bottom
US Stamps #36 Used, with perf faults
US Stamps #36 Used with small crease
US Stamps #36 Used pair small perf faults on right
US Stamps #36B Mint OG HHR partial OG with CV $775
US Stamps #36B Mint OG with large sealed CV $775
US Stamps #36B Used corner perfs added, CV $275
US Stamps #37 Mint OG with large CV $1,450
US Stamps #37 Used with light cancel, well CV $400
US Stamps #38 Used well centered, oxidized,CV $500
US Stamps #38-39 with tears and faults, CV $1900
US Stamps #39 Mint Disturbed Original Gum with PSE
US Stamps #40 Mint NGAI previously hinged, speck t
US Stamps #63 Used with Columbus OH prison bars ca
US Stamps #63 Used horizontal strip of 3 tied to a
US Stamps #65 Mint Hinged with graded XF SMQ $475
US Stamps Used 3 cent Washington EFO, imperforate
US Stamps #67 Used with 2 black grid, CV $750
US Stamps #67 Used with black grid cancel perf fau
US Stamps #68 Used with fancy cancel
US Stamps #69 Used with blue cancel CV $110 1861 1
US Stamps #69 Used with small diagonal CV $90
US Stamps #69 Used, with fancy cancel CV $95 1861
US Stamps #70 Used with magenta manuscript paid XX
US Stamps #70 Used, with trimmed perfs on top
US Stamps #71 Used, with perf faults CV $250 1861
US Stamps #71 Used, with fancy cancel CV $250 1861
US Stamps #71 Used, CV $250
US Stamps #71 Used with San Francisco cogwheel can
US Stamps #71 Used with fancy cancel small crease
US Stamps #72 Used, perf thin at top, small faults
US Stamps #72 Used, small tear at top
US Stamps #72 Used with tears and major, CV $625
US Stamps #72 Used CV $625
US Stamps #72 Used CV $625
US Stamps #75 Used Red Brown CV $425
US Stamps #75 Used Dark Blue cancel, CV $455
US Stamps #76 Used, cleaned cancel
US Stamps #76 Used, reperforated at right
US Stamps #76 Used, with short perfs
US Stamps #77 Used, with cancel
US Stamps #77 Used, with perf faults
US Stamps #77 Used, with perf faults
US Stamps #78 Used, with cancel
US Stamps #78 used crease CV $400
US Stamps #78b Used, with perf faults CV $450 1862
US Stamps #78b Used, with perf faults
US Stamps #85B Used with heavy cancel, CV $1,200
US Stamps #86 Mint OG with adhesions, CV $3,000
US Stamps #87 Mint OG with adhesions, CV $1,750
US Stamps #89 Used with short perfs, CV $365
US Stamps #90 Used, E Grill, with thin in Grill
US Stamps #90 Used with tear at bottom, CV $400
US Stamps #96 Used F grill small perf faults CV $2
US Stamps #96 Used with NY radical fancy cancel 10
US Stamps #98 Used with short perfs, CV $275
US Stamps #99 Mint H CV $8,500
US Stamps #100 Used with PSE certificate
US Stamps #101 Used with PSE certificate stating"
US Stamps #102 Mint No Gum CV $350
US Stamps #112 Mint No Gum, CV $225
US Stamps #112 Used CV $150 1869 Pictorial 1 Cent
US Stamps #112 Used, well centered and CV $225
US Stamps #113 Mint OG, inclusion and thin,CV $500
US Stamps #114 Mint Regummed, bright & fresh CV $9
US Stamps #114 Mint regummed, CV $90 (as NG)
US Stamps #115 Used, perf fault at bottom, CV $225
US Stamps #116 Used, with cancel CV $110 1869 Pict
US Stamps #116 Used with PSE certificate, CV $110
US Stamps #117 Mint OG, CV $1,850
US Stamps #117 Used, CV $130
US Stamps #117 Used, CV $130
US Stamps #118 Used, with corner perf, CV $850
US Stamps #119 Used CV $190
US Stamps #119 Used, shallow thin, CV $200
US Stamps #119 Used, well centered and CV $200
US Stamps #121 Used, with tiny thin CV $450 1869 P
US Stamps #121 Used, CV $450
US Stamps #121 Used, small stains, CV $450
US Stamps #122 Used small thin and perf tip crease
US Stamps #122 Mint No Gum CV $4,000
US Stamps #132 Mint No Gum 90 Cent, CV $1,900
US Stamps #112//121 Used group of 1869 Pictorials
US Stamps #134A on Cover with PF Certificate state
US Stamps #149 Used 1871 Large Banknote CV $100
US Stamps #151 Used 12 cent Clay 1871 Large Bankn
US Stamps #153 Mint No Gum CV $750
US Stamps #153 Used 1871 Large Banknote 24 cent Sc
US Stamps #153 Used 1871 Large Banknote 24 cent Sc
US Stamps #153 Used with NY Fancy Cancel, CV $225
US Stamps #153 Used with red cancel small stains p
US Stamps #154 Used Reperforated at right 1871 Lar
US Stamps #154 Used with light cancel 1871 Large B
US Stamps #155 Used with small perf faults, 1871
US Stamps #159 Used block of 6 with perf faults at
US Stamps #162 Used with perf faults and red and b
US Stamps #165 Used 1873 Continental Bank Note30 c
US Stamps #166 Used with short corner perf at uppe
US Stamps #186 Mint HR with creases and thins, hea
US Stamps #191 Block of 4, with PSE CV $2100
US Stamps #205 Mint HR with creases and thins,heav
US Stamps #208 Used 1882 American Banknote company
US Stamps #208 Mint disturbed original gum with bl
US Stamps #208a Mint Hinged 1882 American Banknote
US Stamps #210 Used VF-XF 85 CV $45
US Stamps #213 Mint Hinged OG 1887 American Bank N
US Stamps #214 Mint Hinged Pair with stray ink spo
US Stamps #218 Used with small crease bottom 1887
US Stamps #227 Mint Hinged with blind perf at left
US Stamps #229 Mint HR with thin at upper left and
US Stamps #231 NH Block of 6 with gum wrinkles 2 c
US Stamps #231 variety Mint NH "Broken Hat" 2 cen
US Stamps #233-234 Mint Regummed attractive and we
US Stamps #235 Mint Glazed OG Plate Number Block o
US Stamps #236 Mint Hinged with thin 8 cent Columb
US Stamps #237 Used with graded 80 PSE certificat
US Stamps #238 Mint NH with some attached perf cha
US Stamps #239 Mint NH with small gum crease at bo
US Stamps #239 Used well centered 30 cent Columbia
US Stamps #240 Mint Hinged with small perf crease
US Stamps #241 Mint HR with a crease at right, $1
US Stamps #242 Used with pressed out crease $2 Col
US Stamps #243 used with creases & thins, CV $775
US Stamps #245 Used with repaired hole at CV $1200
US Stamps #230-235 Mint Regummed Group bright 1893
US Stamps #230-244 Used Columbians to the $4 with
US Stamps #260 Mint HR with small thins CV $475
US Stamps #261 Mint OG with large thin CV $1,000
US Stamps #261 Used Type I $1 Perry 1894 Small Ban
US Stamps #262 Mint HR with creases and CV $2,750
US Stamps #263 Mint LH PSE cert CV $4,000
US Stamps #264 & 279B Mint NH light gum skips CV $
US Stamps #268 Mint NH Full Top Plate Number Strip
US Stamps #275 Used block of 4 small thins crease
US Stamps #278 Mint No Gum with Hinge thin very br
US Stamps #280 & 282 Mint NH with small gum skips
US Stamps #283 Mint HR with small thin, CV $150
US Stamps #285-290 Mint Hinged with thins CV $542
US Stamps #287 Mint H CV $110
US Stamps #288 Mint LH deep color and well CV $100
US Stamps #290 Mint LH CV $140
US Stamps #291 Used with light cancel 1898 Trans-M
US Stamps #292 Mint with tear and repair at left
US Stamps #292 Used $1 Cattle in the Storm Trans-M
US Stamps #292 Used with creases $1 Cattle in the
US Stamps #292 Used Block of 4 with PSE CV $4,000
US Stamps #293 Mint OG fresh $2 1898 Trans-Mississ
US Stamps #293 Used with PSE CV $1,050
US Stamps #293 Used with small thin and crease, lo
US Stamps #293 Used with thin, pressed out crease
US Stamps #293 Used CV $1,050
US Stamps #294 Used plate block of 6 nice few HRs
US Stamps #294 & 295 Multiple on covers 2 beautifu
US Stamps #295-299 Mint Hinged #299 with CV $381
US Stamps #294-299 Mint NH CV $957
US Stamps #294-299 Used Blocks of 4 with favor can
US Stamps #295-296 Mint HR blocks of 4 CV $362.50
US Stamps #297 Mint NH plate number single, with p
US Stamps #297 Used plate block of 15 exceptional
US EFO Stamps #297-299 Used 297 & 299 with noticea
US Stamps #298 Mint NH corner margin block of four
US Stamps #298 Used block of 4 small HR on back, a
US Stamps #299 Mint NH, CV $325
US Stamps #300 Mint NH, CV $30
US Stamps #301 Mint Never Hinged 1902 Definitive 2
US Stamps #302 Mint Hinged 1902 Definitive 2nd Bur
US Stamps #303 Mint Hinged and oxidized 1902 Defin
US Stamps #304 Mint Hinged VF 80 graded PSE certif
US Stamps #305 Mint Hinged & Toned 1902 Definitive
US Stamps #306 Mint Hinged 1902 Definitive 2nd Bur
US Stamps #306 Mint NH 1902 Martha Washington 8 ce
US Stamps #307 Mint Hinged 1902 Definitive 2nd Bur
US Stamps #308 Mint Hinged 1902 Definitive 2nd Bur
US Stamps #309 Mint Hinged 1902 Definitive 2nd Bur
US Stamps #310 Mint Hinged 1902 Definitive 2nd Bur
US Stamps #311 Mint Disturbed Gum and small perf f
US Stamps #311 Used 1902 Definitive 2nd Bureau iss
US Stamps #312 Used with small thins 1902 Definiti
US Stamps #312 Mint No Gum, well centered CV $375
US Stamps #313 Mint Hinged with PSE, CV $2,250
US Stamps #313 Used with small thins, CV $700
US Stamps #314 Schermack Private Perf Mint NH Stri
US Stamps #315 Mint Hinged Arrow Block of Four, qu
US Stamps #319 Mint DOG Plate Block of 6, tCV $180
US Stamps #324 Mint NH CV $60
US Stamps #325 Mint Never Hinged, CV $170
US Stamps #325 Mint HR CV $65
US Stamps #326 Mint Never Hinged with PSE CV $180
US Stamps #323-327 Mint HR with small, CV $305
US Stamps #323-327 Mint Hinged with glazed CV $305
US Stamps #328 Mint NH CV $75
US Stamps #329 Mint NH Plate Block of 6, CV $950
US Stamps #330 mint NH with mount damage CV $150 a
US Stamps #330 Used block of 4, 3 total blocks wit
US Stamps #338 Mint HR CV $70
US Stamps #342 Mint HR CV $450
US Stamps #343-347 Mint NH Imperf Washingtons CV $
US Stamps #343-347 Mint Hinged Imperf pairs CV $15
US Stamps #344 Mint NH plate block of 6 CV $110
US Stamps #367 Mint NH Plate Block of 8, CV $275
US Stamps #367 Used plate block of 6 light creases
US Stamps #368 Mint NH CV $24
US Stamps #368 Used plate block of 6 tear at TR
US Stamps #368 Schermack Private Perf Mint LH Stri
US Stamps #369 Mint Hinged 1909 Blue Paper Lincoln
US Stamps #369 Mint Hinged 1909 Blue Paper Lincoln
US Stamps #369 Mint Hinged 1909 Blue Paper Lincoln
US Stamps #370 Mint NH block of 4 light, CV $60
US Stamps #371 Mint NH CV $30
US Stamps #372 Mint LH Plate Block of 6, CV $280
US Stamps #373 Mint NH Imperf margin single CV $40
US Stamps #373 Schermack Private Perf Mint LH Stri
US Stamps #373 Mint Hinged Plate Block of 6 with c
US Stamps #384 Used plate block of 6 with star cre
US Stamps #398 Mint NH CV $35
US Stamps #398 Used plate block of 6 with
US Stamps #399 Mint NH CV $160
US Stamps #399 Mint HR CV $70
US Stamps #400 Mint LH oxidized 1913 Pan-Pacific P
US Stamps #400A Mint NH CV $390
US Stamps #403 Mint Hinged 1913 Pan-Pacific Perf 1
US Stamps #420 Mint Hinged
US Stamps #421 Mint Lightly Hinged 1914 Franklin C
US Stamps #422 Mint HR with small thins, 1914 Fran
US Stamps #422 Mint LH CV $250
US Stamps #423 Mint HR 1915 $1 Franklin CV $475
US Stamps #438 Mint with large thin, CV $200
US Stamps #439 Mint with small thin, CV $225
US Stamps #440 Mint LH with small thin, CV $450
US Stamps #461 Mint Hinged with small thin CV $160
US Stamps #463 Mint NH Group/5 CV $50
US Stamps #464 Mint NH 3c Washington CV $165
US Stamps #472 Mint NH, reperforated at top and
US Stamps #477 Mint NH with PSE Certificate, post
US Stamps #479 Mint NH with tear at top CV $475
US Stamps #479 Used Block of 4 with few short perf
US Stamps #479-480 Mint HR with thins, CV $380
US Stamps #480 Used $5 Marshall of 1917 impressive
US Stamps #480 Used Blocks of 4 both with favor ca
US Stamps #498 Mint Foldover Printing Error, visua
US Stamps #498 Mint Foldover Printing Error, visua
US Stamps #500 Used plate number block of 4 with p
US Stamps #501c Pair with PSE, CV $2,100
US Stamps #505 Mint NH pair in Mint, CV $2,047
US Stamps #505 Used block of 9 with PSE cert stati
US Stamps #512 Used Plate Block of 6 with a scuff
US Stamps #514 Mint NH with graded VF-XF, SMQ $105
US Stamps #517 Mint LH well centered CV $50
US Stamps #518 Gem 100J Mint OGh with PSE certific
US Stamps #518 Used Plate Block of 6 lovely and ra
US Stamps #523 Used Block PSE cert CV $1,300
US Stamps #524 Used Block of 4 with double oval re
US Stamps #524 Used block of 4 with black CDS canc
US Stamps #524 Used Block of 4 with mute favor can
US Stamps #528A Mint Hinged Plate Block of CV $425
US Stamps #532 Schermack Private Perf Mint HR
US Stamps #534A Schermack Private Perf Mint LH
US Stamps #535 Schermack Private Perf Mint LH Pair
US Stamps #537 Mint NH Plate Number Block CV $350
US Stamps #537 Used plate block of 6 diagonal crea
US Stamps #538A & 539A Mint Hinged Imperforate pai
US Stamps #540 var NH Plate Block of 4, CV $750
US Stamps #540a Mint with PSE certificate stating
US Stamps #538 Mint NH Plate Block of 6 with "S 30
US Stamps #540 Mint NH Dealer Lot of 228 CV $6,270
US Stamps #547 Mint NH with short gumming at bott
US Stamps #548 Used plate block of 6 with purple C
US Stamps #548-550 Mint NH, CV $94
US Stamps #540 Mint NH Plate Block of 6 with "S 30
US Stamps #540 Mint NH Plate Block of 8 with "S 30
US Stamps #550 Mint NH CV $70
US Stamps #551 Mint NH with graded XF95 SMQ $90
US Stamps #555//623 Mint NH regular issue group
US Stamps #556//568 Mint NH group CV $280
US Stamps #565 Mint NH with graded XF90 PSE certif
US Stamps #568 Mint NH with graded VF-XF SMQ $75
US Stamps #571 Mint NH
US Stamps #571 Mint NH arrow block of 4 CV $160 as
US Stamps #571 Used plate block of 6 perf seps at
US Stamps #572 Used plate block of 6 perf seps at
US Stamps #573 Mint LH
US Stamps #573 Mint NH well centered and CV $180
US Stamps #573 Mint NH, CV $180
US Stamps #573 Used block of 4
US Stamps #573 Used plate block of 8 with favor ca
US Stamps #579 Used block of 4 with PSE certificat
US Stamps #581-591 Mint Hinged/NH,CV $280
US Stamps #584 Mint NH CV $60
US Stamps #611 Mint NH Block of eight, CV $80 (as
US Stamps #612 Mint LH Plate Block of 6, CV $70
US Stamps #612 Used plate block of 6 small crease
US Stamps #612 Used plate block of 6 toned spot at
US Stamps #612 Used plate block of 6 on piece seld
US Stamps #618 Mint NH plate block CV $84
US Stamps #620 Mint Hinged Plate Block, CV $160
US Stamps #612 Used plate block of 6 light creases
US Stamps #620 Mint Hinged Plate Block, CV $160
US Stamps #620 Mint HR plate block of 8 with Boise
US Stamps #620 Mint LH & #621 Mint NH plate blocks
US Stamps #620-621 Mint NH and LH blocks of 4
US Stamps #620 & #621 used plate block of 8 on 2 f
US Stamps #621 Mint Hinged Plate Block, CV $450
US Stamps #621 Mint LH/NCV $208 (as single stamps)
US Stamps #630 Mint NH with Perf separation at bot
US Stamps #630 Mint Hinged White Plains CV $275
US Stamps #631//701 Plate Blocks Mint NHCV $1,000+
US EFO Stamps #634 Mint NH Plate Block of 4 with P
US Stamps #628 Mint H plate block CV $57.50
US Stamps #658-668 Mint HR with small thins 1929 K
US Stamps #658-668 Mint Hinged 1929 Kansas set CV
US Stamps #658-668 Mint NH, 1929 Kansas, CV $430
US Stamps #669-679 Mint Hinged
US Stamps #699 Mint NH, Plate Block of 4, CV $60
US EFO Stamps #703b Mint NH with PSE certificate,
US Stamps #756-765 Mint NGAI plate blocks of 6 CV
US Stamps #771 Mint NGAI plate blocks of 6 CV $55
US Stamps #832 Mint NH Block of 4 with "$1.CV $280
US Stamps #832b Used block of 4 with APS certifica
US EFO Stamps #832b Used Block of 4 with PSE
US Stamps #834 Mint NH with graded XF- SMQ $250
US Stamps #1053 Mint NH, CV $47.50
US Stamps #1687 Mint NH , Yellow Eye variety
US Stamps #BKC17 Mint NH Complete Booklet with PSE
US Stamps #C1 Mint NH Arrow Block of 4 CV $500
US Stamps #834 XF-Sup 95 Mint NH Plate Number Bloc
US Stamps #C1-C3 Mint NH 1918 Airmail first set CV
US Stamps #C1-C6 Mint Hinged, C6 with, CV $322
US Stamps #C1-C6 Mint Hinged, 1918 and CV $322
US Stamps #C2 Mint NH 1918 Airmail CV $120
US Stamps #C2 Mint NH Plate Number Single 1918 Air
US Stamps #C3 Mint Hinged 1918 Airmail CV $65
US Stamps #C3 Used block of 4 Jenny 1918 Airmail
US Stamps #C3 Used plate number block of 4 with TO
US Stamps #C3 Used centerline block of 4 pencil ID
US Stamps #C3 Used block of 4 Jenny 1918 Airmail
US Stamps #C3 Mint Hinged with light diagonal crea
US Stamps #C4-C6 Mint NH, CV $285, #C5 with light
US Stamps #C4-C6 Mint NH 1923 Airmail set CV $285
US Stamps #C4-C6 Mint C4 & C5 Never Hinged with li
US Stamps #C6 Mint NH 1923 Airmail CV $130
US Stamps #C6 Used block of 6 seldom seen airmail
US Stamps #C6 Used Plate Number Block of 4
US Stamps #C10a Mint LH Booklet Pane CV $70
US Stamps #C12 Mint NH Plate Block of 6 CV $180
US Stamps #C13 Mint LH with gum creases CV $180
US Stamps #C13 Mint LH Plate Block CV $1500
US Stamps #C13 Used block of 4 gorgeous Zeppelin b
US Stamps #C13 Used plate number block of 4 on cov
US Stamps #C13 Used block of 4 on first flight cov
US Stamps #C14 Ming LH with thin CV $375
US Stamps #C14 Mint LH Plate Block CV $3600
US Stamps #C14 Used CV $360
US Stamps #C14 used on cover sent via Graf Zeppeli
US Stamps #C14 used on postcard sent via Graf Zepp
US Stamps #C14 used pair on cover, sent via Graf Z
US Stamps #C15 Mint with PSE graded XF-S SMQ $725
US Stamps #C15 Mint LH CV $525
US Stamps #C15 Mint OG Plate Number Single, CV $52
US Stamps #C15 Mint LH Plate Block CV $5250
US Stamps #C15 used on cover, sent via Graf Zeppel
US Stamps #C18 Mint NH, baby Zeppelin, CV $75
US Stamps #C18 Mint NH, small stain on perf, CV $7
US Stamps #C18 Mint NH OG, top right, CV $300
US Stamps #C18 Mint NH Block of 4 attractive 50 ce
US Stamps #C18 used on cover, sent via Graf Zeppel
US Stamps #C18 Used block of 4 nice
US Stamps #C18 Used block of 4 toned spots guideli
US Stamps #C18 Used block of 4 on cover to Marylan
US Stamps #C18 Used on cover to Wrentham, MA centu
US Stamps #BKC1 Complete Booklets x2 Mint NH 1928
US Stamps #E2 Mint NH Plate Number Single CV $1150
US Stamps #E2 Mint LH CV $500 Special Delivery
US Stamps #E5 Mint LH OG, bottom margin, CV $450
US Stamps #E6 Mint Hinged CV $240 Special Delivery
US Stamps #E7 Mint NH Plate Number Single $140 Spe
US Stamps #E7 Used Plate Block of 6 with left most
US Stamps #E9 Mint LH Plate Number Single #5854 si
US Stamps #E14 Mint NH Plate Block of 6 CV $70
US Stamps #F1 Mint NH OG, with 2017 PSE, CV $160
US Stamps #F1 Mint NH Plate Block of 6, CV $2500
US Stamps #J1-J4, J6-J7, J19 Used, CV $305
US Stamps #J3 Mint LH CV $100 1879 Postage Due
US Stamps #J17 Mint Hinged with small thin CV $105
US Stamps #J50 Mint disturbed original gum with ho
US Stamps #J60 Mint Disturbed Gum 1916 Postage Due
US Stamps #J61-J62 Used plate block of 6 with hing
US Stamps #J88 Mint NH plate block of 4 light moun
US Stamps #J88 Used plate block of 4 scarce postag
US Stamps #JQ1-JQ5 Mint Hinged, JQ4 and JQ5 with t
US Stamps #JQ1-JQ5 Mint LH Postage Due Parcel Post
US Stamps #JQ2 Mint NH Postage Due Parcel Post C
US Stamps #JQ4 Mint LH Postage Due Parcel Post CV
US Stamps #JQ5 Mint LH Postage Due Parcel Post CV
US Stamps #JQ5 Used Block of 16 on piece, very lar
US Stamps Offices in China #K1 Used with SMQ $160
US Stamps #K3 Mint LH CV $55
US Stamps Offices in China #K7 Mint H CV $82.50
US Stamps Offices in China #K8 Mint Hinged, CV $65
US Stamps Offices in China #K8 Used block of 4 wit
US Stamps Offices in China #K9 Mint Hinged, CV $60
US Stamps Offices in China #K15 Mint HR CV $550
US Stamps Offices in China #K16 Mint HingedCV $425
US Stamps Offices in China #K1//K18 Mint CV $837
US Stamps #K18 Mint no gum block of 4 on piece CV
US Stamps #LO2-LO3 Mint NG with thin, plus CV $190
US Stamps #122L1 Used with blue oval, CV $125
US Stamps #O37 Mint LH OG, CV $170
US Stamps #O68 Mint No gum, small thin, CV $850
US Stamps #O141a Mint NH OG, imperforate, CV $800
US Stamps #P6 Mint NGAI, HHR, CV $250
US Stamps #O68 Used with PSE Certificate CV $3000
US Stamps #PR7 Mint NGAI HHR, some perf, CV $300
US Stamps #PR11-14 Mint No Gum with small, CV $560
US Stamps #PR90 Mint NH with copy of PF cert from
US Stamps #PR17-20 1875 Newspaper Stamps, CV $1375
US Stamps #PR108 Used CV $1,100
US Stamps #PR121 Used VF 80 CV $175
US Stamps #PS11c Mint NH OG, booklet pane CV $100
US Stamps #PS11c Mint NH OG, booklet pane CV $115
US Stamps #Q1 Mint LH Plate Block of 6 with gum s
US Stamps #Q1-Q12 Mint Hinged Parcel Post, CV $885
US Stamps #Q6 Mint NH OG, big margins, CV $140
US Stamps #Q7 Mint LH OG, well centered, CV $75
US Stamps #Q8 Mint LH OG, well centered, CV $175
US Stamps #Q11 Mint NH OG, CV $250
US Stamps #Q11 Mint LH Parcel Post CV $85
US Stamps #Q12 Mint LH OG, with 2022 PSAG CV $340
US Stamps #Q12 Used blocks of 4 with light NY regi
US Stamps #Q12 Used block of 4 with Chicago regist
US Stamps #R100a Used with 2022 PF certificate sou
US Stamps #R135b 2c revenue with inverted center C
US Stamps #R306A Used with serial number 45, belie
US Stamps #R356 light blue handstamped cancel smal
US Stamps #RD85 Mint NH 1940 stock transfer post o
US Stamps #RD207 Used with handstamp Chicago stock
US Stamps #RD338 Used with handstamp stock clearin
US Stamps #RW1 Mint OG, light gum soak at left CV
US Stamps #RB8a Used with blue handstamped cancel
US Stamps #RW1 Mint NH OG,with 2020 PSAG, CV $775
US Stamps #RB8b Used with blue handstamp cancel li
US Stamps #RW2 Mint LH CV $325 Federal Duck Stamp
US Stamps #RW4 Mint NH CV $300 Federal Duck Stamp
US Stamps #RW4 Used CV $65 Federal Duck Stamp
US Stamps #RW5 Mint NH CV $425 Federal Duck Stamp
US Stamps #RW7 Mint NH CV $250 Federal Duck Stamp
US Stamps #RW11 Mint NH CV $125 Federal Duck Stamp
US Stamps #RW12 Mint NH Plate Number Single #15724
US Stamps #RW13 Mint NH Plate Number Single #15844
US Stamps #RW14 Mint NH CV $55 Federal Duck Stamp
US Stamps #RW18 Mint NH Plate Number Single # 1621
US Stamps #RW22 Mint NH Plate Number Single # 1652
US Stamps #RW24 Mint NH CV $85 Federal Duck Stamp
US Stamps #RW27 Mint NH CV $95 Federal Duck Stamp
US Stamps #RW31 Mint NH CV $100 Federal Duck Stam
US Stamps #RW33 Mint NH CV $100 Federal Duck Stamp
US Stamps #RW34 Mint NH CV $100 Federal Duck Stamp
US Stamps #U13 Used Cut Square, CV $150
US Stamps #U14 Mint Cut Square, CV $200
US Stamps #U16 Used Cut Square, CV $90
US Stamps #U18 Used Cut Square with Blue, CV $100
US Stamps #U29 Mint cut square CV $250
US Stamps #U36 Used Cut Square, CV $65
US Stamps #U43 Mint Cut Square, CV $250
US Stamps #U61 Mint Cut Square, CV $50
US Stamps #U62 Mint Cut Square, CV $75
US Stamps #U62 Mint Cut Square, CV $75
US Stamps #U64 Mint Cut Square, CV $50
US Stamps #U65 Mint Cut Square, CV $40
US Stamps #U72 Mint Cut Square, CV $80
US Stamps #U88 Mint Cut Square, CV $55
US Stamps #U91 Mint Cut Square, CV $82.50
US Stamps #U92 Mint Cut Square, CV $85
US Stamps #U93 Mint Cut Square, CV $100
US Stamps #U93 Mint Cut Square, CV $100
US Stamps #U94 Mint Cut Square, CV $110
US Stamps #U99 Mint Cut Square, CV $110
US Stamps #U99 Used Cut Square, CV $125
US Stamps #U103 Mint Cut Square, CV $180
US Stamps #U109 Mint Cut Square, CV $150
US Stamps #U128 Mint Cut Square, CV $60
US Stamps #U174 Mint Cut Square, CV $95
US Stamps #U176 Mint Cut Square, CV $150
US Stamps #U176 Mint Die 1, 1875 CV $150
US Stamps #U180 Mint Die 2 on fawn, CV $125
US Stamps #U180 Mint Cut Square, CV $125
US Stamps #U198 Mint Cut Square, CV $50
US Stamps #U199 Mint Cut Square, CV $140
US Stamps #U201 Mint Cut Square, CV $175
US Stamps #U204 Mint full corner Cut Square, CV$55
US Stamps #U204 Mint Cut Square, CV $55
US Stamps #U204 Mint Cut Square, CV $55
US Stamps #U207 Mint Cut Square, CV $90
US Stamps #U208 Mint Cut Square, CV $90
US Stamps #U209 Mint Cut Square full corner, CV$80
US Stamps #U210 Mint Cut Square, CV $190
US Stamps #U211 Mint Cut Square, CV $80
US Stamps #U211 Mint Cut Square, CV $80
US Stamps #U217 Mint Cut Square, CV $140
US Stamps #U240 Mint Cut Square, CV $90
US Stamps #U243 Mint full corner Cut, CV $110
US Stamps #U243 Used Cut Square, CV $75
US Stamps #U273 Mint Cut Square, CV $225
US Stamps #U338 Mint Cut Square, CV $40
US Stamps #U338 Mint Cut Square, CV $40
US Stamps #U339 Mint full corner Cut Square, CV$40
US Stamps #U341 Mint full corner Cut Square
US Stamps #U343 Mint Cut Square, CV $70
US Stamps #U361 Mint full corner Cut Square, CV$55
US Stamps #U361 Mint Cut Square, CV $55
US Stamps #U408 Die 2 Used Cut Square, CV $125
US Stamps #U429b Mint Die 3 Cut Square, CV $40
US Stamps #U436g Mint full corner, color, CV $35
US Stamps #U454 Mint Cut Square, CV $125
US Stamps #U474 Mint full corner Cut, CV $175
US Stamps #U475 Mint Cut Square, CV $150
US Stamps #U476 Mint Cut Square, CV $200
US Stamps #U494 Mint Cut Square, CV $250
US Stamps #U525a Mint full corner, Die 2, CV $60
US Stamps #U525a Mint full corner, Die 2, CV $60
US Stamps #UO6 Used full corner Cut CV $37.50
US Stamps #UO6 Mint Cut Square CV $120
US Stamps #UO8 Used with thin CV $1,200
US Stamps #UO9 Mint Cut Square, CV $120
US Stamps #UO9 Mint Cut Square, CV $120
US Stamps #UO16 Mint Cut Square, CV $125
US Stamps #UO16 Mint Cut Square, CV $125
US Stamps #UO23 Mint Cut Square, CV $250
US Stamps #UO47 Mint full corner Cut Square, CV$90
US Stamps #UO56 Mint full corner Cut Square, CV$45
US Stamps #UO57 Mint Cut Square, CV $65
US Stamps #UX1 Mint entire large USPS watermark CV
US Stamps #UX13 Mint 2 cent international use CV $
US Stamps #WO50 Mint Cut Square, CV $
US Stamps #UO47 Mint full corner Cut Square, CV$90
US Stamps #W427 Mint Cut Square, CV $
US Stamps Specimen Postal Stationery Frame Reconst
US Stamps #112P4-117P4,120P4-122P4, 129P4 fresh se
US Stamps #119P3 Plate Number and Imprint strip of
US Stamps #219P4//#229P4 proofs on card fresh set
US Stamps Peckmore 1932 Washington Specimen Pair
US Stamps Peckmore 1932 Washington Specimen Pair M
US Stamps Peckmore 1932 Washington Specimen Pair
US Stamps Peckmore 1932 Washington Specimen Pair
US Stamps Peckmore 1932 Washington Specimen Pair
US Stamps Peckmore 1932 Washington Specimen Pair
US Stamps #230P4-245P4 Columbian Exposition Proofs
US Stamps 1934 Henry Peckmore Large Die Proof on
US Stamps #O64P4-O71P4 mint with adhesions CV $105
US Stamps 1934 Henry Peckmore Large Die Proof on
US Stamps 79-E8a 3c onion skin proof 3 pinholes at
US Stamps 1934 Henry Peckmore Large Die Proof on
US Stamps CSA stamps Jefferson Davis handwritten
US Stamps 1934 Henry Peckmore Large Die Proof on
US Stamps CSA #8 Used with Texas CDS CV $350
US Stamps 1850s-1870s Mint No Gum and Mint on
US Stamps 1934 Henry Peckmore Large Die Proof on
US Stamps 1850s-1870s Used Classics and Large Bank
US Stamps 1934 Henry Peckmore Large Die Proof on
US Stamps 1850s-1860s Group on dealer cards, mixed
US Stamps 1860 Grilled Stamps on dealer cards, mix
US Stamps 1869 Pictorial Series, Mint and Used on
US Stamps Large Banknotes on dealer cards, mixed
US Stamps Large Banknotes on dealer cards, mixed
US Stamps 1890s-1900s Definitives Used and Mint,
US Stamps 1893 Colombian Commemoratives, Mint and
US Stamps 1890s-1910s Commemoratives, Mint and Use
US Stamps Washington and Franklin issues, Mint and
US Stamps Washington and Franklin issues, Mint and
US Stamps Washington and Franklin coils, unchecked
US Stamps Plate Blocks Mint includes some NH, most
US Stamps Back of Book group, on dealer cards, mix
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #1x1a Mint NGAI, Position 14
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #17e Mint Hinged CV $4000
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #18 With Commemorative Cance
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #58-62 Mint NH Blocks of 4 &
Ryukyu Islands EFO Stamps #72 variety, white flore
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #90S Mihon Specimen Mint Hin
Ryukyu Islands EFO Stamps #90a Mint NH Imperf betw
Ryukyu Islands EFO Stamps #90a Mint NH Imperf betw
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #190var Horizontal Pair with
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #C1-C3 Mint NH first airmail
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #C4-C6 First Day Cover, CV $
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #C7 & C8 First Day Covers,
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #C11 variety, 2nd printing (
Ryukyu Islands EFO Stamps #C14 Mint NH misaligned
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #C14-C18 Mint NH Corner Bloc
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #C14a Mint NH, Airmail with
Ryukyu Islands EFO Stamps #C16 Mint NH misaligned
Ryukyu Islands EFO Stamps #C16 Mint NH misaligned
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #C19c Mint NH overprint tran
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #E1 Mint NH Block of 4, CV $
Ryukyu Islands Stamps Official Stamps Election Pos
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #PVX02-B Mint Unsevered with
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #R1-R6 Mint NH First Revenue
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #R7 Mint NH, small inclusion
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #R8 Mint NH, CV $200
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #R9-16 Mint H
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #R17-25, R27-31 Mint H/NH, t
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #R10var Mint NH with Matsuko
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #RQ2, RQ4-8 Mint NH Unemploy
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #U1a Mint Letter Sheet, Oran
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UZE12 Mint 1957 18th Distri
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UZE18 Mint 1962 6th General
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UX6b x 2 Copies, Used, with
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UX26S Specimen postal card
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UX27S Specimen postal card
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UX28S Specimen postal card
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UX28S Specimen postal card
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UX29S Specimen postal card
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UY1 Mint 1948 Postal Reply
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UY4 & UY4a Entire type "b",
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UY4d & UY4e Entire type "d"
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UY4f & UY4g Entire type "a"
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UY4j & UY4k Entire type "d"
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UZE26 Used 1970 Election Ma
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UZE28 Used 1970 21st Distri
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #91S Mihon Specimen, mint NH
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #118S Mihon Specimen, mint N
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #119S Mihon Specimen, Mint N
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #120AS Mihon Specimen, mint
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #121S Mihon Specimen, Mint N
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #124S Mihon Specimen, Mint N
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #125S-127S Mihon Specimens,
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #128S Mihon Specimen, Mint N
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #129S Mihon Specimen, Mint N
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #130S Mihon Specimen, Mint N
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #131S Mihon Specimen, Mint N
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #132S Mihon Specimen, Mint N
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #133S Mihon Specimen, Mint N
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #134S Mihon Specimen, Mint N
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #135S Mihon Specimen, Mint N
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #136S Mihon Specimen Mint NH
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #139S Mihon Specimen, Mint N
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #1-7 Varieties incl 1st, 2nd
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #8-13 FDC CV $200
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #16-16B Varieties incl print
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #44 // 53 Perforation variet
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #44 // 53 on Covers, include
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #44 // 53 on Covers, include
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #44 // 53 on Covers, include
Ryukyu Islands EFO Stamps #90 with doubled perfs b
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #90 Sheets Specialized colle
Ryukyu Islands Stamps Specialized collection on pa
Ryukyu Islands EFO Stamps #90b Mint NH Imperf betw
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #117 Varieties on page, fres
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #123 Varieties study includi
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #190 Varieties study includi
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #C9-C13 Mint Hinged Blocks o
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #C9-C30 Airmail Issues on 5
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #C14-C18 Surcharge Varieties
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #C19-C23 Mint Hinged Strips
Ryukyu Islands Stamps 1973 Unissued Iriomote Park
Ryukyu Islands EFO Stamps #UY11a Mint CV $500
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #UXE5//UZE27 Mint and Used O
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #VX3M Postal Card Study, 4 M
Ryukyu Islands Stamps 3 First Day Covers, #C1 & E1
Ryukyu Islands Stamps Postal History on pages, nea
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #PV003 Mint Official Busines
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #PVX02-B Mint Unsevered, 2 e
Ryukyu Islands Stamps Artist Signed Cards with a c
Ryukyu Islands Stamps 1950 Covers, 3 native entire
Ryukyu Islands Stamps accumulation on dealer cards
Ryukyu Islands Stamps Covers accumulation on deale
Ryukyu Islands Stamps 1960s-1970s Covers collectio
Ryukyu Islands Stamps 1950s-1970s Postal History C
Ryukyu Islands Stamps 1969-1972 First Day Cover Co
Ryukyu Islands Stamps 1958-1968 First Day Cover Co
Ryukyu Islands Stamps Commemorative Cancel and Sce
Ryukyu Islands Stamps Postal Cards Collection in a
Ryukyu Islands & Japan Stamps Mint Sheets in album
Ryukyu Islands Stamps #54//228, C14//C30, WX2//WX2
Ryukyu Islands Stamps 1948-1958 Exhibited collecti
Ryukyu Islands Stamps Specialized collection on pa
Ryukyu Islands Reference Materials for Stamps, Pos