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Estate Sale Photo Gallery
Jacob Hoffmann Brewing Company framed litho
Budweiser porcelain sign
Indian woman print
1917 Budweiser Arbor Girl Mirror c1985
Gettleman Draftap can
Michelob beer light
Heim Brewery Royal Saxony art Plate #105 Irene
DuBois Brewing, Iron City & Hohenadel beer trays
Dewey Stevens Wine Cooler mirrored sign
30+ Red Wolf patches
Budweiser lighted sign
17 Anheuser Busch collector plates
Heim Brewery Royal Saxony Plate #104 Poesie
6 Budweiser Crested Barrel Tumblers in box
Budweiser Draft Beer sign
Olympia Brewing Co. poster on foam board
framed Anheuser Busch American Woman litho
framed litho of girl sleeping against dog
Van Dyke Lager Beer lighted sign
Iroquois Beer & Ale lighted sign
Budweiser watch, coasters, lighted sign & plaque
8 Puppy Playtime Collector plates
4 beer steins
Budweiser "Attack on the Overland Stage"
Chandler framed litho
Fidelio Brewery & Carlsberg beer trays
6 Anheuser Busch beer steins
Roman Budweiser Girl Mirrored sign 1998
Olympia beer tray; Anheuser Busch ashtrays etc.
Cooney's Bar mirror & Capitol Brewery cards
3 beer tap markers w/boxes
Anheuser Busch American Woman display
1904 St. Louis World's Fair booklet
Conrad Eurich's Brewery framed print
Anheuser Busch 20th Century in Review steins
Busch Bavarian Beer Truck display and two beer
D.G. Yuengling & Son framed print
Anheuser Busch Budweiser Beer sign
12 Busch Garden steins
Assumption of the Virgin Mary
Music of Love framed print
Krueger's Beer Ales tray
4 beer tap markers w/boxes
Iroquois Beverage Corporation sign
4 Anheuser Busch beer advertising trays
4 Busch Bavarian Beer retro Anniv. Sign
America's Favorite Beverage Budweiser sign
Anheuser Busch Bavarian Beer sign
Anheuser Busch Ceramarte decanter & cups
Olympia Brewing Co. lighted sign
6 Winchester steins
Busch Bavarian Beer lighted clock display
Budweiser Beer lighted sign
Budweiser Draft Beer lighted sign
1997 Original Budweiser framed art
Falstaff Brewing Corp. mirrored sign
Michelob on Draught lighted sign
Lowenbrau bottle holder Lion display
Budweiser Cold Faithful framed poster
Anheuser Busch mirrored framed art
Anheuser Busch Malt Nutrine "A Hurry Call"
Busch Bavarian Beer lighted display
Anheuser Busch bag, portfolios & award plaque
5 Olympic Steins
1905 Anheuser Busch Four Seasons lithos
Hamm's Beer lighted sign
framed litho of women in garden
Incolay Budweiser Clydesdale box
Hull's Ale Lager beer tray
Anheuser Busch Malt Nutrine "Dr. Stork"
4 Ceramarte 1976 themed steins
Heileman's Old Style lighted display
Braumeister Beer tray
7 beer tap markers
framed litho of Victorian woman's head
5 Vignettes of Early Anheuser Busch plates
8 beer tap markers
Anheuser Busch Michelob On Draught sign
9 Anheuser Busch steins
Anheuser Busch Atlanta 1996 Olympics stein
framed Brunswick Cigar adv. art print
framed Anheuser Busch litho
17 mini advertising steins
Christian Feigenspan Brewing Co. beer tray
Budweiser lighted beer sign
13 Anheuser Busch magazine advertisements
Anheuser-Busch Brewery framed post card
framed Budweiser metal sign
Anheuser-Busch "Westward Ho!" framed print
Ceramarte Pintado a mao pitcher and cups
Globe Brewery Arrow Beer tray
Busch Bavarian Beer lighted sign
Anheuser-Busch Budweiser porcelain sign
Anheuser-Busch trays and framed art
Budweiser The Red Dress framed mirrored art
framed Hyde Park Victorian woman print
H.D. Beach Co. art tray
90+ negatives of beer trays, signs, etc.
John Fraga Massachusetts 1916 adv. Calendar
framed print of girl and goose
The Real Painless Dentists framed trade cards
Anheuser-Busch Budweiser porcelain sign
Budweiser Clydesdale Horses framed print
Busch Bavarian Beer lighted sign
Budweiser Clydesdales 50th Anniv. Framed art
framed Heinz trade cards
framed Native American prints and cardboard fan
framed 1917 Pabst Extract yard long calendar
Old Judge Whiskey The Rothenberg Co. tray
plastic Anheuser-Busch Yeast model car in case
The HUB Moline Illinois adv. Calendar art
unused Horlacher's Bock Beer standee sign
plastic Anheuser-Busch beer sign
Budweiser King of Beers lighted beer sign
1973 Budweiser Girl Italian Mug set
Budweiser adv. Sign
12 bottles, mostly beer
Anheuser-Busch Historical Art hanging
Busch Beer lighted clock sign
framed 1907 Hood's Sarsaparilla calendar
Anheuser-Busch Old Schoolhouse print
The Darktown Fire Brigade To the Rescue print
framed stagecoach print
Anheuser-Busch replica resin sign
Anheuser-Busch Budweiser Beer sign
John Pils Anheuser-Busch framed print
1998 Roman Budweiser Girl framed art
Columbia Box Co. 24 bottle bottling crate
Anheuser-Busch 68th Anniv. Of the Clydesdales
Anheuser-Busch Budweiser pennant
3 Budweiser Girl framed mirrored art pieces
framed modern art print of a map
2 framed Anheuser Busch pieces
Budweiser Girl Mirror #2 item #N6491 in box
2 framed Vienna Art plates
Pissaro Portfolio
Beer Can Collector's Can Tote w/34 cans
K-Line Anheuser- Busch passenger car
St. Louis Cardinals lot
Anheuser-Busch Field & Stream Wildlife Series
Anheuser-Busch Natural Light set in display box
12 beer steins
3 beer steins
11 Anheuser-Busch beer steins
steins and pitcher
Blanke's Coffee pot, I.W. Harper Whiskey jug,
12 Anheuser-Busch Waterfowl steins
Anheuser Busch Ceramarte decanter & cups
12 Anheuser Busch beer steins
Budweiser tray S&P shaker sets, binoculars and
Buckeye Beer tin sign
framed Green River Whiskey advertising items
11 Budweiser beer steins
Storz & Miller High Life Beer Trays
Leisy Brewing Co. pitcher & 6 mugs
8 Budweiser Ducks Unlimited Steins
Anheuser-Busch & Budweiser lot
11 beer steins
3 Budweiser beer tap handles
9 Budweiser & Busch Gardens steins
Michelob light, Budweiser gold bottle and lucite
2 Ceramarte Anheuser-Busch steins & tower for
6 beer tap handles
8 Budweiser & Busch Nascar beer steins
30+ postcards & trade cards
15 beer related glasses
beer coasters, paper hat, ads on CD + misc.
10 beer steins
Anheuser-Busch playing cards & Collector cards
100+ beer coasters
Anheuser-Busch 20th Century in Review Steins
3 beer tap handles
7 Anheuser Busch Olympics beer steins
80+ beer coasters
9 Anheuser Busch beer steins
18 mini steins & shot glasses
Budweiser lager beer framed art
Michelob clock and mirrored art
8 beer advertising paper bags
Budweiser mini dress, shirt, scrunchie,photos, etc
25+ pieces of beer ephemera
1973 Budweiser Girl Italian stein set
21 sealed collector beer cans
Schmidt's of Philadelphia beer posters
70+ empty cans, mostly beer
2 Anheuser-Busch framed prints
1975 Anheuser-Busch Sales Conv. warmer and
3 Anheuser-Busch Bavarian Beer Drum lights
4 Anheuser-Busch beer steins
4 Anheuser-Busch plates
3 Anheuser-Busch lithos from Four Season set
Spuds MacKenzie keychain displays, stein
36 beer posters
3 Anheuser Busch framed prints
Anheuser-Bush "Westward Ho' framed print
Michelob 100th Anniversary lighted beer sign
200+ beer coasters
12 beer steins
Budweiser Draft Beer lighted sign
9 Budweiser Clydesdales steins
Natural Light neon beer sign
Budweiser, Schmidt's & Michelob adv. Pieces
12 beer steins
3 beer tap handles
Anheuser-Busch fox hunt cigar box and trays
12 beer steins
5 beer tap handles
Busch Garden lot and others
lot of beer advertising glassware
lot of Michelob and Budweiser glassware
lot of beer advertising glasses
12 advertising steins
beer advertising trays, plates and ashtray
11 Budweiser Clydesdales steins
3 beer lights/clocks
14 beer steins and mugs
Gerz Mallard & Giant Panda steins
Westmoreland Rookwood pitcher and mugs
8 Anheuser-Busch steins
3 Anheuser Busch Civil War steins
7 Anheuser-Busch steins
Ceramarte decanter and six shot glasses
Ceramarte Holanda decanter set
5 Raphael Tuck children's books
7 Anheuser-Busch steins
Ceramarte Holanda decanter set
4 beer tap handles
3 Pompeian Beauty framed prints
Ceramarte brown Holanda decanter set w/extra
Catalina Blonde Beer lighted sign
Busch Bavarian Beer lighted sign
3 Michelob beer tap handles
Busch Bavarian Beer lighted sign
8 Budweiser beer steins
Anheuser-Busch tray
Budweiser lighted beer clock
Sleepy Eye Mills Sleepy Eye Cream print
Leisy Brewing Co. pitcher & 6 mugs
Busch Bavarian Beer lighted sign
Busch Draught Beer lighted sign
Hartford Fire Insurance Co. metal sign
Michelob & Busch lighted beer signs
5 Anheuser-Busch signs
Horlacher's Bock Beer standee sign
Budweiser Light Beer clock
6 modern copies of vintage posters
Anheuser Busch mirror and tray art
Busch and Budweiser mirrored signs in boxes
box of mostly beer posters
Anheuser-Busch Four Seasons framed litho set
Michelob Light lighted beer sign
Anheuser-Busch Infamous Golf Holes prints
4 Busch sponsored framed Western prints
2 Centlivre tonic signs and Listers adv.
5 1909 Metropolitan Life Insurance calendars
Free State Lager Beer bottle holder display
First National Bank Rocky Ford Colorado print on
Weisbrod & Hess framed adv. plus framed art
LA Beer from Anheuser-Busch lighted sign
9 advertising calendars
3 framed Anheuser-Busch Olympic pin sets
Budweiser King of Beers lighted beer sign
5 Whiskey and Beer signs
1903 Lovely Women calendar + Coors poster
Anheuser-Busch boxed candle holders
3 framed Anheuser-Busch pin collections
10 Anheuser-Busch beer trays
Budweiser Bank, Cars and Airplane
3 framed post card and trade card sets
Ceramarte Jogo Vinho set in box
Ceramarte Budweiser vase
Ceramarte Budweiser vase
2 Ceramarte Budweiser steins
Anheuser-Busch Michelob stein
Ceramarte Budweiser vase
Stifel Beer stein
Anheuser-Busch whale oil lamp
Anheuser-Busch sterling plate
Anheuser-Busch pocket knife
Anheuser-Busch pocket knife w/case
Anheuser-Busch Tampa Brewery silver coin
Anheuser-Busch pocket knife
Anheuser-Busch pocket knife
2 Anheuser-Busch Locomotive match safes
100th Anniversary of Budweiser sterling plate
(2) 1 Oz. Silver Anheuser/ Busch Garden Pcs
John F Kennedy Half Dollar Binder w/ 16 Coins
(4)pcs- 3 Peace Dollars & 1 OZ Silver Coin
lot of 2 Silver & Gold Budweiser Anniversary Coins
(3)Anheuser Busch Gold Service Pins/Tie Tac
2 Metal Beer Cans-Neuweiler's & Fehr's w/ Caps
25+ Vintage Beer Companies/others Matchpacks
Sterling Silver Anheuser Busch Americana Plate
25+ Anheuser Busch, Bud, Michelob Pins
15+ Anheuser Busch Keychains, Openers, Knives
15+ Budweiser/Anheuser Busch Items S&P other
20+Anheuser Busch/Bud Pins, Coins, others
10+Busch, Budweiser Bottle Openers
8 Budweiser, Faust S&P Shakers
20+ Cardboard Bud, Michelob, Busch Coasters
Single Sided Porcelain Budweiser Sign
Pennsylvania Brewing Company Framed Poster
Framed Jacob Hoffmann Brewing Litho
Framed Anheuser Busch Budweiser Poster
Framed Budweiser Ireland Mirror
Framed Budweiser Mirror
Framed Two Young Children Print
Framed Two Children w/ Coffee in a Basket Print
Framed Michelob Centennial Mirror
Framed Anheuser Light Mirror
Metal Budweiser Tray
Canadian Mist Whisky Stained Plexiglas? Bar Sign
Four Roses Whiskey Framed Painted?/Print
Budweiser Anheuser Busch Framed Mirror
Framed Woman w/ Horse Print
Canadian Mist Whisky Stained Plexiglas? Bar Sign
Framed Windmill Print
Crown Beer Metal Beer Tray
Cardboard Horlacher's Bock Beer Stand Up Sign
Framed Country View Home w/ Stream Print
Framed Cardboard Anheuser Busch Advertisement
Reproduction of Falstaff Beer Metal Tray
Canadian Mist Whisky Stained Plexiglas? Bar Sign
Hanging Michelob Advertising Sign
Reproduction of Falstaff Beer Metal Tray
Reproduction of Falstaff Beer Metal Tray
Cardboard Bull Durham Tobacco Sign
Framed George Brett 3000th Hit Collage
Cardboard Bull Durham Tobacco Sign
Framed Two Musicians
Framed Anheuser Busch Brewing Plant Print
Framed Schlitz Beer Advertisement
Framed Budweiser King of Beers Mirror
Framed Budweiser Anheuser Busch Mirror
Framed Budweiser St. Louis Cardinals Mirror
Framed Budweiser Clydesdales Mirror
Framed Budweiser Girl Advertisement
Framed Natural Light Mirror
Framed Anheuser World Select Mirror
Framed Natural Ice Mirror
Framed Tribeca Film Festival Budweiser Ad
lot of 6 Anheuser Busch Crystal Paperweights
Budweiser Case Pocketknife w/ Tin
100th Anheuser Busch Music Box/Bracelet
150th Anheuser Busch Pocketknife/Lighter
Budweiser Case Pocketknife w/ Tin
Anheuser Busch Gerard Perregaux Pocketwatch
Anheuser Busch Budweiser Pocketknife
150 Anniv. Anheuser Busch Case Pocketknife
Box of 2 Wild Turkey Collection Pocket Knives
Anheuser Busch Budweiser Knife
Budweiser Case Pocketknife w/ Tin
3 Anheuser Busch & Excelsior Items-Razor others
35+ Unused Beer Labels
20+ Unused Cardboard Beer Coasters
lot of 3 Anheuser Busch Budweiser Pocketknives
AB Inc. Anheuser Busch Beer Handle
(2)Adolphus Busch A. Kastor Bros Pocketknives
8 pcs- Anheuser Busch Pens & Pencils, Cross
6 Anheuser Busch pcs- Buttons, Coasters, others
15+ Vintage Valentines
2 pcs- Lucky Strike Tin & Schlitz Ashtray
10+ Budweiser Anheuser Busch Items
10+ Anh. Busch Service Charms, Keys, NICE Pendant
lot of 3 Anheuser Busch Budweiser Pocketknives
2 pcs- Budweiser Lager Beer Cans
Vintage Budweiser Advertisement
lot of 3 Anheuser Busch Budweiser Pocketknives
lot of 2 Schlitz Cardboard Coaster Sets
Klausmann Brewery Advertising Coaster?
lot of 3 Anheuser Busch Budweiser Pocketknives
6 pcs- Advertising Trade Cards, Fan, Calendars
lot of 3 Anheuser Busch Budweiser Pocketknives
8 Advertising items Hyde Park, others
2 Vintage Cardboard Advertising Pcs
lot of 7 Jacob Hoffmann Brewing Co. Lithos
lot of 3 Lemp Brewing Advertising Items
lot of 2 Falstaff Beer Vintage Postcards
10+ Anheuser Busch, Gluek, Cookbooks, others
10+ Budweiser Postcards & Trade Cards
25+ Pabst, Budweiser, Blatt's Adv items & others
50+ Budweiser Anheuser Busch Labels others
7 Budweiser, Zebco, Jim Beam items, others
10 Miller, Falstaff, Busch Budweiser items
50+ Falstaff, Griesedieck Bros, Budweiser items
10+ Anheuser Busch sets of Playing Cards
10K Michelob Anheuser Tie Tack
5 Michelob, Budweiser, Anheuser Busch pcs
10+ Anheuser Busch pcs-tie tac, pins, pendants
Album of Various Trade Cards
lot of 2 Framed Budweiser Olympic Pins
6 Budweiser/Anheuser Busch Posters/Calendars
1908 Barber Supplies Catalog
Vintage B&W Barber Shop Photograph
lot of 3 Vintage Barber Shop Catalogs
Hotel Jermyn Vintage Photo Booklet
Pearl Beer Metal Sign
Vintage Busch Beer Poster
50+ Anheuser Busch/Bud Girls Photos
4 Pabst, Hyde Park, GB, Camel Pears Ads
5 Vintage Advertising Calendars
8 Calendar, Movie Poster, Ladies World, others
Light Up Steer Horns Miller Lite Beer Sign
8 Beer Ads CV, Wayne, Stag, GB, others
50+ Anheuser Busch/Budweiser Magazine Ads
Clydesdale Light Up Plastic Light
Battery Operated Budweiser Clock
7 Victorian Women Prints
Norleigh Lanterns & Kregel Casket Co. Ads
50+ Antique Magazines/Spinning Wheel others
25+ Beer Posters/Calendars, Bud, Pabst, others
5 Anheuser Busch, Ballantine, Falstaff Lights
20+ Barbershop Items, Magazines, catalogs other
5 Vintage Incomplete Advertising Calendars
lot of 3 Coca Cola Our America Lumber Posters
10 Anheuser-Busch, Falstaff Lithos, menus other
lot of 4 Budweiser Lithos
1910 Rainier Beer Calendar Mounted on Wood
Glass Light Globe/Cover?
lot of 5 Budweiser Lithos
2 Vintage Pin-Up Girls Advertising Calendars
10+ Budweiser Lithos, Beer Labels, others
15+ Budweiser Adv. Items- Calendars, Stickers
5 Anheuser Busch Adv, & others
Bud Light Light Up Clock
Two Sided Budweiser Light Up Sign
lot of 3 Litho/Prints Biscuits Barbe & others
10+ Budweiser, Miller Beer Posters & Calendars
Budweiser Draught Draw Barrelhead
50+ Budweiser Posters
5 Tin Budweiser, Michelob, Tequiza Signs
lot of 5 Native American Prints/Lithos
lot of 4 Victorian Era Pin-Up Girls Litho/Prints
4 Anheuser-Busch & Budweiser Ads & Mirror
lot of 4 Anheuser-Busch Framed Repro Photos
lot of 4 Large Budweiser Glass Bottles
lot of 2 Barbarossa Beer Framed Advertisements
lot of 3 Large Budweiser Glass Bottles
40+ Budweiser, Anheuser-Busch items
lot of 3 Large Budweiser Glass Bottles
7 Budweiser, Michelob, Busch items
2 Framed Prints- Saturday Evening Post & other
3 Mirrors-Budweiser, Spuds McKenzie, other
10+ Anheuser Busch items- Light, Marbles others
lot of 6 Display Cases
lot of 3 Wooden Frames
lot of 3 Contemporary Tin Budweiser Signs
lot of 3 Contemporary Tin Busch Light Signs
4 Contemporary Tin Budweiser/Bud Light Signs
lot of 2 Budweiser Banner & Mountain Scenery
lot of 2 Contemporary Tin Busch Light Signs
lot of 6 Contemporary Tin Budweiser/Busch Signs
10 Anheuser-Busch/Budweiser Adv. Items
lot of 4 Contemporary Tin Bud Light Signs
4 Contemporary Tin Budweiser, Miller Nascar signs
15+ Budweiser, Western, Prints, Placemats,Lithos
5 Contemporary Tin Budweiser/Bud Light Signs
4 Contemporary Tin Bud/Bud Light/Coors Signs
lot of 3 Colts Bipod, Pistol Grip, Knife Sheath
lot of 5 American Padlocks w/ Keys & Chains
Outfit Stamp Set
lot of 2 Vintage Knives w/ one Sheath
lot of 7 American, Eagle Padlocks & others
5 pcs- Compasses & Clip
lot of 6 American Padlocks & others
German P38? Gun Holster
PAL Bayonet w/ Scabbard
UC US Bayonet w/ Scabbard
lot of 2 Pocketknives- one marked US
Bayonet w/ Scabbard
USM8 Bayonet w/ Scabbard
Bayonet marked INI Toledo w/ Scabbard
lot of 2 Bayonets w/ Scabbards
Bayonet w/ Scabbard
3 pcs- Bayonets & Pocketknife
2 Military pcs- First Aid Kit, Lightningpak
lot of 2 Leather U. S. Gun Holsters
lot of 5 Military Flashlights
Military Trench Shovel
Military Gas Mask w/ Canister
U.S. Military Trench Shovel
U.S. Army Signal Corps Binoculars w/ Case
U.S. Navy Buship6 Binoculars w/ Case
U.S. Military Trench Shovel
Military Bausch & Lomb Scope w/ Stand
20+ Military U.S. Utensils 1904, 1917, others
1954 101st Airborne Division Yearbook
lot of 2 U.S. Leather Gun Holsters
Military Spike Bayonet w/ Scabbard
U.S. 1918 Trench Knife w/ Scabbard
C. Gnutti-1941 Bayonet w/ Scabbard
Durkopp Military Bayonet w/ Scabbard
Military Bayonet w/ Scabbard
Military Bayonet w/ Scabbard stamped USM3
USMC Bolo Trench Knife WWI?
Stamped US Bayonet
Remington Bayonet Stamped 1913 12 16
1917 U.S. Trench Knife w/ Scabbard
Military Bayonet
Plumb 1918 Military Bolo w/ Scabbard
Military Bayonet w/ Scabbard
Military Bayonet w/ Scabbard
U.S. Military Bolo w/ Scabbard
Military Bayonet w/ Scabbard
1917 Plumb St. Louis Military Bolo w/ Scabbard
Military Bayonet w/ Scabbard
1944 M D US Army Blanket
1940's Military Pup Tent w/ Poles/Pegs, Case
5 pcs-Magazine Pouches w/ Clips
Military Backpack
lot of 2 Military Pith Helmets
Military Tent & US Compass
lot of 2 Military Helmets
lot of 2 Military Helmets
4 pcs- Military Holsters, Cartridge Box, other
lot of 8 Military Leather Holsters
lot of 2 Military Steel Helmets
7 pcs- Military Ammo Belt, Magazine Pouch, others
lot of 5 Military Gun Covers
15+ Military Hats, Ties, Grenade Vest
lot of 3 Military Steel Helmets
10+ Military Leggings & Haversack Pack Tail Carrie
3 pcs- Military Hats & Collapsible Water Bucket
3 U.S. American Flags
7 Military Hats & Head Coverings
Ammunition Box Cal. 50 M2
Ammunition Box Cal 30 M72, Camo Paint, others
Military Spotlight
4 pcs- Military Leggings, Knapsacks, Cap
2 Military pcs- Cargo/Combat Field Packs
2 US Canteens w/ Pouches
lot of 2 Military Barracks Bags w/ Drawstrings
US Military Back Pack w/ Canteen
Military Ammunition Canvas Bag
Military Pack Frame
lot of 5 Military Ponchos/Rain Gear
4 U.S. Military Pcs- Machete, Ax, Pick, Shovel
4 U.S. Military Pcs- Machete, Ax, Pick, Shovel
4 pcs- Military & Boy Scouts Pcs, Raincoat, Tarp
Military Body Armor Vest
2 Military pcs- Pick Axe & Intertrenching Tool
lot of 2 Military Portable Shovels
3 Military pcs- Hatchet, Pick, Shovel
Military Body Armor Vest
US Army Dress Uniform
US Army Coat
US Army Ski Reversible Parka
Military Body Armor Vest
lot of 3 US Army Jackets
US Navy Uniform & Pea Coat with Hat
5 Pcs- Boy Scouts Blanket, Pants American Flag
3 U.S. Military Pcs- Machete, Pick, Shovel
Hand Drawn German Propaganda War Poster
4 U.S. Military Pcs- Canteens, Pick, Shovel
15+ Military Ammunition Box/Clips/Belts
Military Foot Locker w/ clothing, boots, others
Military Foot Locker w/ clothing, Tools, others
Military Foot Locker w/ clothing, boots, others
Military Foot Locker w/ clothing, boots, others
Military Foot Locker w/ clothing, boots, others
Military Foot Locker w/ clothing, boots, others
Military Foot Locker w/ Shirts, Vests
Military Foot Locker w/ Clothing, Canteen, others
Military Foot Locker w/ Clothing, Gloves, others
Military Foot Locker w/ Clothing, Mess Kit, others
Military Foot Locker w/ Clothing, Belts, others
Military Foot Locker w/ Clothing, Tent Equip other
Military Foot Locker w/ Clothing, Mess Kit, others
Military Foot Locker w/ Clothing, Mess Kit, others
Military Foot Locker w/ clothing, boots, others
Military Foot Locker w/ Duffle Bags
Military Foot Locker w/ Clothing, Boots, others
Military Foot Locker w/ Wool Blankets
Military Foot Locker w/ Wool Blankets
Military Foot Locker w/ Blanket, Duffle Bag, other
Military Foot Locker w/ Clothing, Mess Kits, other
Military Foot Locker w/ Clothing, Socks, others
Military Foot Locker w/ Pants & Jacket
Military Foot Locker w/ Clothing
Military Foot Locker w/ Clothing
Military Foot Locker w/ Wool Blankets
Military Foot Locker w/Clothing, Mess Kits, other
Military Foot Locker w/ Sleeping Bag, duffels, etc
Military Foot Locker w/ Sleeping Bag + clothes
Military Foot Locker w/ tent, boots, towels, etc.
Military Foot Locker w/ clothes, shelter half, etc
2 empty Military Foot Lockers
2020 Mike Bloomberg Collection of 20 Buttons.
2004 George W. Bush Collection of 19 Buttons
2000 Bush v. Gore & Third Parties, 19 Buttons
1968 of 48 Nixon Hopefuls, & Third Party Buttons
Late 1960s Early 1970s Vietnam War Buttons
1996 Clinton, Dole & Other Hopefuls 27 Buttons
2004 Kerry & Hopefuls 28 Buttons.
1988 Bush, Dukakis & Hopefuls 33 Buttons
1960-1974 Pat Nixon Collection of 15 Buttons &
1968-1972 Nixon Collection of 27 Buttons
2016 Hopefuls & Nominees 15 Buttons
Early 1900s-1940s Knights of Pythias Ribbons
1964 Barry Goldwater �If I Were 21�, 9 Buttons.
1976 Reagan Hopefuls 31 Buttons & Mics.
2020-2024 Biden, Anti Trump & Snowden Spoof
2008-2012 Obama, McCain & Romney 28 Items.
1884 Baline & Cleveland Pair of Photo Ribbons
1872 Greeley & Brown Medal & Jugate CDV.
1856 Fillmore, Buchanan & Fremont Cam. Medal
1944 Roosevelt & Truman Jugate Button
1904 Alton B. Parker 19 Campaign Buttons
1908-1912 Taft 4 Ribbons & 10 Buttons
1940 Pro-Willkie �Dr. Jekyll of Hyde Park� Buttons
1965-1989 LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Bronze Ing. Medals
1952 Harriman Hopeful Collection.
1964 Lady Bird Johnson Nine Items.
1940 �Colored Republican Club� Ribbon Orig. Envelo
1960s John F Kennedy Ash Trays &�Jack� Button.
1989-1991 George Bush New Jersey Ground Breaking.
1952-1956 Stevenson Collection of 58 Buttons & Mic
1896 McKinley & Hobart Torchlight Parade Hat
1896 McKinley v. Bryan 4 Glasses Inc 3 Jugates
1892 Harrison & Reid 9� dia. Jugate Plate.
1940-1964 Collection of 11 Presidential Campaign
1940 Willkie Acceptance Speech 6 Glass Tumblers Bo
Fidel Castro C. 1960 �Viva Castro� In the Toilet B
Nikita Khrushchev C1960 Bobbing Head �Castro"
1960 Nixon Anti-Khrushchev Anti-Communism Collecti
1940 Willkie Civil Rights Campaign Poster
1940 Willkie Tie, Hat, Pennant, & Car Attachments
1940 Willkie 11 Different Campaign Slogan Feathers
1940 Willkie Anti-Roosevelt Slogan Button Collecti
1940 Willkie 53 Campaign Items,Buttons & 12� Tall
1940 Willkie Buttons, Ribbons & Porcelain License
1940 Pro Willkie Anti Roosevelt Slogan 35 Buttons
1818 James Monroe Book 10 State Tour as President.
William Henry Harrison 1835 Ohio County Clerk Docu
1840 William Henry Harrison Campaign Stationary
1840 William Henry Harrison Campaign Ribbon Pair.
1844 Henry Clay Campaign Ribbon Pair.
1844 Clay & Frelinghuysen East Ward Whig Vigilant
1852 Winfield Scott Letter Salem, MA Newspaper Bal
1860 Lincoln, Douglas & Bell Campaign Pieces.
1864 McClellan Letter Cover, Ballot Pair & Medal T
1864 McClellan �Democratic Caucus� Campaign
Lincoln Inaugural/Memorial Medal Heavy Brass
1880 Winfield Hancock, Ballots & Campaign Medal.
1884 Blaine Ribbons, Trade Card, Medal, Clothing B
1888 Harrison & Morton Ribbon Trio.
1884 Harrison & Morton Campaign Flag in mounted Ph
Betsy Ross Woven Silk American Flag Interior Scene
1912 Wilson Cartoon Sheet Music Donkey, Elephant &
1992 Presidential Hopefuls 23 Button Collection.
1900-1970s New Jersey US Senate Local Button Colle
1968-1972 Spiro Agnew Collection of Buttons & Watc
1980 Reagan, Carter & Third Party Button Collectio
Post 1950 Political & Social Cause Buttons & Badge
1960 Voting Themed Budweiser Beer
1976 Presidential Campaign Third Party Spoof Butto
1972 Third Party Presidential Campaign Buttons
1968 Nixon, Humphrey & Mostly Third Party & Hopefu
1920s-2000 Spoof For President Button Collection.
1950s-1960s Nelson Rockefeller Presidential Hopefu
1948-1952 Robert Taft Mostly Hopeful Buttons
1940s-1992 Harold Stassen Hopefuls Pro & Anti Butt
1952-1956 Estes Kefauver Presidential hopeful Butt
1900-1996 Misc. Entertainment Button Collection
Misc. Word War I to Desert Storm inc. Buttons
1940s-1950s Era Hopefuls & Third Party Buttons
1976 Ford & Vice Presidential Hopefuls Inc. Jesse
1960s-1980s Martin Luther King Civil Rights Button
1908 Taft, Third Party & Hopefuls Buttons & Badges
1940 Buttons- Third Party, Hopefuls & Gracie Allen
1948 Arthur Vandenberg Presidential Hopefuls
1940s-1950s Presidential Hopefuls Russell, Warren,
1960-1964 Rockefeller Hopeful Butons
1969 Moon Landing Astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin & C
1960s Space & Astronauts Buttons Shepard, Glenn, C
1953 Roy Rodgers Western Cowboy MedalsCereal Premi
1950s-1960s Farmer Henry Krajewski Third Party Col
1940s-1990s Third Party Presidential Buttons
Disney Mickey Mouse Mostly 1990s Buttons.
1940-2017 Republican Party Button Collection
1970s-1990s Misc. Social Cause Button Collection.
1930s-1980s Misc. Social Cause Button Collection.
1976 Third Party Button Collection
1896-1948 McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, Cooli
1896-1900 McKinley Ribbon Collection.
1896 McKinley Ribbon Collection of 7 Items
1964 Johnson Presidential Campaign Button Collecti
1960 Nixon Collection of Buttons Inc. White House
1956 Stevenson Hole In Shoe Collection Buttons & B
1964-1968 Scranton For Presidential Hopeful Collec
1896 McKinley & Hobart Republican Handbook Pair.
1896 �McKinley & Hobart� Painted Tin Noise Maker.
Garret A. Hobart Superlative Heavy Brass Ultra Hig
1924 Davis & Bryan Back-To-Back Jugate Democratic
1940 Wendell L Willkie Notification Elwood, IN Gla
1940 Willkie �The Hope Of The Country� Portrait Un
1940 Willkie McNary Figural Prancing Elephant Pape
1896 �McKinley And Hobart Hat�
James G. Blaine Knickerbocker Wooden Cigar Box
C.1900 McKinley Celluloid Ornate Covered Photo Alb
C.1900 McKinley Celluloid Covered Photo Album
C.1901 Consul- General Fitz Hugh Lee Celluloid Cov
USS Maine Striking Full Color Celluloid Photo Albu
C.1932 Roosevelt, Smith & Happy Days Beer Mug Trio
C.1944 Mussolini Open Mouth Ash Tray WWII Homefron
1940 Roosevelt & Willkie Campaign Cigar Box Quarte
American Liberty Smith 1928 Window Hanger Plus Wil
Eisenhower: Mammie Signed Letter & Related
Kennedy Assassination: Store Closed Sign.
1856 Fillmore National American Ticket Fabric Ball
1940 �Up On America Wants Willkie Must Win� Bandan
�Theodore Roosevelt� Handsome Oval Portrait Poster
UnionConvention New Jersey 1865 Post civil War Bro
Al Smith New York Governor & 1928 Presidential Can
1900 Bryan & Stevenson Single Day �Notification� R
1884 Blaine & Logan Jugate Cotton Bandana.
1888 Harrison & Morton Crossed Flag Jugate Bandan
Uncle Sam James Montgomery Flagg WWI �W.S.S. Enlis
1940 Work With Willkie Industrial Themed President
Anti-Vietnam War Collection of 37 Buttons
Anti-Vietnam War Collection of 41 Buttons
Anti-Vietnam War Collection of 47 Buttons
Anti-Vietnam War Collection of 34 Buttons
1992 Bush & 3rd Party Collection of 25 Buttons
1976 Presidential Hopeful Collection of 43 Buttons
1972 Archie bunker Spoof Campaign Buttons
1992 Third Party Presidential Campaign Buttons
1968 Humphrey Presidential Campaign Button Collect
1964 Goldwater Presidential Campaign Button Collec
1960 Kennedy Presidential Buttons Including �Kenne
1968-1974 Anti Nixon Button Collection
1976 Republican Convention Buttons & Badges
1800-1932 George Washington Collection
1940 Willkie 14 Interesting 7 Scarce Campaign Item
1940 Pro Willkie Anti FDR Slogan Button Collection
1940, 1948, 1952 Robert Taft Presidential Hopeful
1968 Nixon Collection of 74 Presidential Campaign
1968 Eugene McCarthy Collection of Presidential Ho
1910-1920 Knights of Pythias Badges
1932-1940 Roosevelt License Plate & More
1896 McKinley Silk Campaign Portrait Flag & Button
1968 Humphrey Collection of 60 Presidential Button
1968-1972 Nixon 64 Presidential Campaign Buttons
1940-1968 Voting Age 18 or 21 Button Collection
1968 George Wallace Campaign Button Collection
1972 McGovern including VP Running Mates
1968-1972 Nixon Presidential Buttons Inc. Foreign
1968 Robert Kennedy Campaign Button Collection
1968 George Wallace Presidential Group
1964 Goldwater Collection of Presidential Buttons
1964 Goldwater Collection of Buttons & Badges
1960 Nixon Collection of 19 Presidential Campaign
New Yorks Worlds Fair 1939-1940 Collection
Cleveland, Mrs. Cleveland & Baby Ruth Collection
1933-1937-1941 Roosevelt Inaugural Collection
1940 Willkie Portrait Button & Cartoon Button Coll
1940 Willkie Buttons, Badges & License Plate
1940 Willkie Anti Roosevelt Buttons & Badges 65 to
1940 Willkie Anti Roosevelt FDR Slogan Button Coll
1940 Willkie Banners Buttons & Large Shirt Badge.
1940 Willkie Ribbons & Buttons 43 Item Collection
1940 Willkie 29 Anti FDR Roosevelt Buttons
1972 McGovern Buttons & Badges Streisand Concert B
1948 Truman, Dewey, Thurmond Collection of Buttons
1948 Henry Wallace Progressive Party 22 Buttons &
1868-1897 Grant Campaign And Tomb Collection.
1880 & Post Death Garfield Paper, Medals, Ribbon G
1888 Harrison Ribbons & Embossed Tin Portrait
1896 McKinley: Sound Money Ribbon Collection
1900 McKinley & Roosevelt Buttons, Ribbons, & Juga
Mark Hanna Collection oof 7 Including Buttons & Ba
1896-1908 Bryan Ribbons, Buttons & Mechanical Post
1916 Hughes Buttons & More Including Early Flasher
1928 Al Smith Button, Badge, License Plate Attachm
1928-1932 Herbert Hoover Buttons, Badges, License
Socialist Labor Party Daniel DeLeon Portrait Butto
Brass Pendant With Hinged Glass Lid & Steel Engrav
1884 �Harrison And Morton� Applied Label to Glazed
1892 Cleveland & Stevenson Us Jugate Silk Kerchief
1908 Taft & Bryan Pair of Lovely American Flag Por
�Vote For Women Suffragette� Sojourner Truth Satir
John F Kennedy Collection, 30 Items, Buttons & Mor
Santa 24 Buttons Christmas Seals Tuberculosis & Re
Santa 13 Buttons Turn of the Century to 1950s.
Santa 45 Christmas Buttons 1940s to Recent.
Santa 4 Pieces of Christmas Advertising Ephemera
Santa Christmas Gorgeous Die Cut Giant Relief of S