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1/16 John Deere 8760 Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 70 Precision NIB Ertl
Trucks, Plane, Wagon, Cards Lot
(2) Ertl Dump Truck + Hess Truck
(2) 1/16 John Deere 4020 w/ 237 Corn Picker Precision NIB Ertl
(12) Thomas & Friends NIB Ertl
(24) Thomas & Friends NIB Ertl
(24) 1/64 Thomas & Friends NIB Ertl
(2) Playmobil Sets NIB
(24) 1/64 Thomas & Friends NIB Ertl
(8) Train Cars NIB
(11) Train Cars
(4) 1/64 Semis NIB Ertl
(6) Truck Banks NIB Ertl
(7) Trucks NIB
(9) Plastic Storage Tubs
(3) GI Joe NIB Hasbro
(2) 1/64 HWI Semis NIB Ertl
(4) Trucks + Bus NIB Ertl
(5) Pepsi, Coke, McDonalds Trucks NIB
(8) Volkswagen Beetle Cars NIB
(5) Fire Trucks NIB Ertl
GI Joe Army Courier Harley-Davidson NIB Hasbro
(4) True Value Trucks NIB
(2) GI Joe Eisenhower + Vietnam Wall NIB Hasbro
(3) GI Joe Coast Gaurd, Astronaut, Mountain NIB Hasbro
(3) 1/64 Semis NIB Ertl
(2) 1/64 Semis NIB Ertl
(4) Trucks Ertl
(8) 1/64 John Deere NIB Ertl
(10) 1/64 John Deere NIB Ertl
(3) 1/24 AC WC Legacy NIB SM
(3) Trucks NIB Ertl
(3) 1/64 John Deere Tractors NIB
(2) 1/64 John Deere 4020 40th Anniversary Sets NIB Ertl
(3) 1/43 John Deere 4010 1993 NFTS NIB Ertl
(4) 1/64 John Deere Harvesting Sets NIB Ertl
(3) 1/64 + 1/80 John Deere Combines
(4) 1/64 John Deere Haying Sets NIB Ertl
(8) 1/43 + Micro John Deere NIB Ertl
(11) John Deere Trading Card Sets NIB Ertl
(8) 1/64 John Deere NIB Ertl
1/64 John Deere + Trading Cards Ertl
(6) 1/64 John Deere 630 w/Corn Picker NIB Ertl
(7) 1/64 John Deere NIB Ertl
(6) 1/32 + 1/64 John Deere NIB Ertl
(4) 1/64 John Deere Semis NIB Ertl
(4) 1/64 John Deere Semis NIB Ertl + SC
(6) 1/64 John Deere NIB Ertl
(5) 1/64 John Deere NIB Ertl
(11) 1/64 John Deere NIB Ertl
(8) 1/64 John Deere NIB Ertl
(10) 1/64 John Deere NIB Ertl
(4) Truck Banks Ertl
(3) Truck Banks NIB Ertl
(8) 1/64 John Deere NIB Ertl
(5) John Deere Train Cars NIB Athearn
1/16 John Deere Blade NIB Nolt
(3) John Deere Trucks NIB
(2) John Deere Trucks NIB
(3) John Deere Trucks + Trolley NIB
(2) John Deere Trucks NIB SC
(2) John Deere Trucks NIB SC
(2) John Deere Trucks NIB SC
(2) John Deere Trucks NIB Ertl
(2) John Deere Trucks NIB Ertl
(2) John Deere Trucks NIB Ertl
(2) John Deere Trucks NIB Ertl
(4) John Deere Truck Banks + Trolley Car
(3) 1/25 John Deere Two Cylinder Truck Banks NIB SC
(4) John Deere Truck Banks NIB Ertl
(2) 1/30 John Deere Fire Truck Banks NIB Ertl
(3) John Deere Truck Banks NIB
(5) 1/25 Ford Model A Truck Banks NIB Ertl
(3) John Deere Truck Banks NIB Ertl
(3) John Deere Truck Banks NIB Ertl
(3) 1/25 John Deere Truck Banks NIB Ertl
(3) 1/64 John Deere Tractor Sets NIB Ertl
(3) 1/64 John Deere Tractor Sets NIB Ertl
(3) 1/64 John Deere Tractor Sets NIB Ertl
(3) 1/64 John Deere Tractor Sets NIB Ertl
(3) 1/64 John Deere Tractor Sets NIB Ertl
1/32 John Deere 2266 Combine NIB Ertl
(3) 1/32 + 1/50 John Deere Ertl
(2) John Deere Desk Set + Knife NIB
(5) John Deere Collector Card Sets NIB
(4) John Deere Truck Banks NIB Ertl
(2) John Deere Truck Banks Ertl
(4) John Deere Truck Banks NIB Ertl
(3) 1/38 John Deere Truck Banks NIB Ertl
(4) John Deere Collector Card Sets NIB
(5) Caterpillar Collector Card Sets NIB
(2) John Deere Plow + Anvil
John Deere Magnets + Bag
John Deere Lot
(2) 1/64 John Deere 50, 520, 530 Tractor Sets NIB Ertl
(3) 1/64 John Deere Dubuque Tractor Sets NIB Ertl
(4) 1/64 John Deere Dubuque Tractor Sets NIB Ertl
(4) 1/64 John Deere Dubuque Tractor Sets NIB Ertl
(3) 1/64 John Deere Dubuque Tractor Sets NIB Ertl
(3) 1/64 John Deere Dubuque Tractor Sets NIB Ertl
(4) John Deere Puzzles NIB
(6) John Deere Puzzles NIB
(3) John Deere Puzzles NIB
(3) John Deere Puzzles NIB
(2) John Deere Gas Pump + Set NIB Gearbox
1/18 John Deere NASCAR NIB Ertl
1/64 John Deere NASCAR Set NIB RC
(5) John Deere NASCAR Lot
(2) John Deere Gas Pumps NIB Gearbox
(2) John Deere Airplane Banks NIB SC
(2) John Deere Airplane Banks NIB SC
(2) John Deere Airplane Banks NIB SC
(3) John Deere Airplane Banks SC
(3) John Deere Airplanes + Mailbox
(5) 1/64 John Deere Stock Rods NIB RC
(2) John Deere Airplane Banks NIB SC
(3) 1/43 John Deere D, B, MC Pewter NIB SC
(2) John Deere Airplane Banks NIB SC
(2) 1/43 John Deere 5300 + Gator Pewter NIB SC
1/43 John Deere 4010 Pewter NIB SC
1/43 John Deere 7800 1994 New Orleans NIB SC
1/43 John Deere 8010 Pewter NIB SC
(2) John Deere 630 + Engine NIB SC
(8) 1/50 + 1/32 John Deere Industrial NIB Ertl
(6) 1/50 John Deere Industrial NIB Ertl
(7) 1/64 John Deere Industrial NIB Ertl
(8) 1/64 John Deere Industrial NIB Ertl
(7) 1/64 John Deere Industrial NIB Ertl
1/34 Oshkosh Cement Mixer NIB 1st Gear
1/34 Oshkosh Cement Mixer NIB 1st Gear
1/34 Mack B-61 Dump Truck DPW NIB 1st Gear
1/34 Mack Palumbo Cement Mixer NIB 1st Gear
1/43 Lionel Trains Semi NIB 1st Gear
1/32 Fiat Allis FD14E Crawler NIB ROS
1/50 Gradall XL5100 NIB
1/64 Knudson 4400 Collectors NIB Valu-Cast
(2) 1/64 Knudson 4360 + 4400 NIB Valu-Cast
1/50 Caterpillar 627 Scraper NIB NZG
1/50 Caterpillar 528 Log Skidder NIB NZG
1/50 Caterpillar D9G Crawler NIB Conrad
1/50 Caterpillar CS653 Compactor NIB Conrad
1/50 Caterpillar 966F Log Loader NIB NZG
1/50 Caterpillar 528 Log Skidder NIB NZG
(2) 1/87 Caterpillar 225 Excavator + B25 Forklift NIB NZG
(7) 1/64 John Deere Industrial NIB Ertl
(2) Bobcat Skid Steer + Pickup
(5) Construction Equipment NIB
(5) 1/32 John Deere Industrial NIB Ertl
(6) 1/32 John Deere Industrial NIB Ertl
(3) 1/32 John Deere Industrial Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 6200 + Mower NIB
(2) 1/16 John Deere 5400 + Mixer NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 5200 + Mixer NIB Ertl
(2) John Deere 4310 + E Engine NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere L&G Sets NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere L&G NIB Ertl
1/16 Farmall MV High Clear Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Farmall Super M + Super M FPS NIB SM
1/16 Farmall Super M-TA + Rake Set NIB Ertl
(2) McCormick Corn Picker + Engine NIB Ertl
1/16 IH TD-340 Crawler 1995 NTTC NIB Ertl
1/16 IH TD-340 Crawler 1995 NTTC NIB Ertl
(2) 1/87 Caterpillar 225 Excavator + 920 Wheel Loader NIB NZG
(6) 164 IH Industrial Ertl
(6) 1/50 Case Backhoes + Excavators NIB Ertl
(5) 164 IH Industrial NIB Ertl
(11) 1/64 + 1/43 Ford + New Holland NIB Ertl
(10) 1/64 IH + Case
(5) Case Backhoes + Cards
(11) Tractors + Trucks NIB
(5) 1/64 Caterpillar NIB Ertl
(5) Ford New Holland NIB Ertl
(5) 1/64 Caterpillar 12G Graders NIB Ertl
(5) 1/64 Caterpillar NIB Ertl
(5) 1/64 Caterpillar Dump Trucks NIB Ertl
(7) 1/64 Caterpillar NIB Ertl
(3) Caterpillar Trucks + Shovel NIB Ertl
(7) 1/64 Caterpillar NIB Ertl
Caterpillar Lot
(4) 1/64 Caterpillar NIB Norscot
(2) Caterpillar Scraper + Skid Steer NIB Norscot
(2) Caterpillar Shovel + Skid Steer NIB Norscot
(3) 1/87 Caterpillar B25 Forklift, D4D Crawler, 920 Wheel Loader NIB NZG
(3) 1/87 Caterpillar B25 Forklift, D4D Crawler, 920 Wheel Loader NIB NZG
1/50 Bomag BW 120 AD-2 Roller NIB Conrad
1/50 Demag Road Paver NIB NZG
(2) 1/87 Caterpillar 225 Excavator + D4D Crawler NIB NZG
1/34 Mack R Dump Semi Chicago NIB 1st Gear
1/34 Mack R Dump Truck Chicago NIB 1st Gear
1/34 Mack B-61 Lowboy NIB 1st Gear
1/16 Helping Dad Fox Fire Farm NIB Ertl
1/34 Freightliner M2 Refuse Truck NIB 1st Gear
(2) 1/16 Grain Augers NIB Hubee
(2) 1/16 Ford 8N + 9N NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 Ford 8N + 9N NIB Ertl
1/16 New Holland Hay Rake NIB Ertl
1/16 IH T-340 Collector NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 Farmall Cub NIB Ertl
(7) 1/64 Caterpillar NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 Caterpillar 2 Ton Crawler 1993 NTTC NIB Ertl
1/25 John Deer 644 Wheel Loader Ertl
(2) John Deere Industrial Loaders Ertl
(2) John Deere Industrial Tractor + Loader Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere BI + Skid Steer NIB Erlt
(2) 1/16 John Deere MI + BI NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deerer BI NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere MI + LI NIB SC
1/16 John Deere 40 Crawler Fox Fire Farms NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 430 Crawler NIB Ertl
(7) 1/64 John Deere Industrial NIB Ertl
Woods Power Semi NIB NyLint
IH Toy Lot
1/16 Case 850G Dozer NIB Ertl
1/16 Case 600 Special Edition NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 7800 Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 7800 NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 6400 w/Loader NIB Ertl
(2) AC Gleaner Combine + Roto Baler Ertl
1/16 John Deere 8400 NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 8400T NIB Ertl
(3) 1/16 Tru-Scale Combine, Drill, Picker Carter
(4) 1/16 John Deere Implements NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 3010 2000 Beckman NIB SM
1/16 John Deere Dain 1996 Nashville NIB SM
1/28 John Deere Thresher NIB SC
1/16 John Deere Chuck Wagon NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 3020 Ertl
1/16 John Deere 5020 Ertl
1/16 John Deere 420 Crawler Ertl
1/16 John Deere 12A Combine Carter
1/16 John Deere 12A Combine Carter
1/16 John Deere Spreader Ertl
1/16 John Deere 140 L&T w/Cart Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 3020 + L&G Ertl
(3) 1/16 John Deere 60, 140, Scraper Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere Plow + Baler Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 7800 + 4310 Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 7600 + 6200 Ertl
(3) 1/16 John Deere 950 + 750 Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 40 + A Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere R + B Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 720 + 40 Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 4850 + Wagon Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere D + H NIB Ertl
(3) 1/16 John Deere 950, Backhoe, Gravity Wagon NIB Ertl
(3) 1/16 John Deere 950, Mower, Gravity Wagon NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 950 + 2440 NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4010 Collector NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 6410 + H NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4620 Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 8420 NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 40 + 420 NIB Ertl
(2) John Deer 40 NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 950 Set NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 950 Set NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Lindeman Crawler w/Blade NIB SC
1/16 John Deere Lindeman Crawler NIB SC
(2) 1/16 John Deere 40 Crawler NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 1010 Crawler NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 40 Crawler NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 430 Crawler Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 40 Crawler 1999 Plow City NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 40 Crawler 1999 Plow City NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 430 Crawler Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere MC Crawler NIB SC
1/16 John Deere 430 Crawler NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 420 Crawler Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 430 Crawler 1997 NTTC NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 430 Crawler 1997 NTTC NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere BR NIB Ertl
1/25 John Deere Logger Truck NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 772BH Grader NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 772B Grader Ertl
1/16 John Deere Log Skider Ertl
1/25 John Deere 860 Scraper Ertl
1/25 John Deere 570 Motor Grader NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 450 Crawler NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 5010 Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere Waterloo Boy + BR NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere G NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 70 NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere D + AR NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 60 Orchard + 630 LP NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 630 LP NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere G + 12A Combine NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 3010 Collector NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 3010 NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere Plow + Anhydrous Wagon NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere Skid Steer + Flare Wagon NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4010 Collector NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 720 + 820 NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 3010 Collector NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere Skid Steer + Hay Wagon NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere Baler + Mower NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere Grain Drill + Plow NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 950 + Hay Rake NIB Ertl
(6) 1/16 John Deere C 1993 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
(6) 1/16 John Deere GP 1994 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
(6) 1/16 John Deere BW-40 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere A + M NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere R + M NIB Ertl
(3) 1/16 John Deere R + D NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 2755 w/Loader NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 5020 NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4955 NIB Ertl
John Deere Train Set NIB Athearn
John Deere Train Set NIB Athearn
John Deere Train Set NIB Athearn
John Deere Train Set NIB Athearn
1/32 John Deere Freight Car NIB RailKing
1/32 John Deere Freight Car + Water Tower NIB RailKing
(3) John Deere Home + Accessories NIB
(4) John Deere Accessories NIB
1/28 John Deere 9600 Combine Collector NIB Ert
(6) 1/16 John Deere Skid Loader NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 330 + 430 Set NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 50 + 60 Set NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 40 + 70 Set NIB Ertl
1/64 John Deere Tractor 200th Birthday NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 720 Hi-Crop 19990 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 620 Orchard 1992 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/20 John Deere Titan II Combine NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4960 NIB Ertl
John Deere Train Set NIB Athearn
John Deere Holiday Train Set NIB Athearn
(2) 1/16 John Deere 720 Yoder NIB
1/16 John Deere A Gold Top 100 Toys NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere A Gold Top 100 Toys NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere A Top 100 Toys NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere A 40th Anniversary NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 8300 RC NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4040 RC NIB Ertl
1/18 John Deere Dealership Pickup NIB Ertl
(6) 1/16 John Deere D 1998 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
(6) 1/16 John Deere 620 Orchard 1992 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
(6) 1/16 John Deere A Hi-Crop 2000 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere HNH 19992 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere HNH 19992 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere A Hi-Crop 2000 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 60 2001 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 420V 2003 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 420V 2003 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 420V 2003 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 420V 2003 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
(6) 1/16 John Deere G Hi-Crop 1997 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 330 2005 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 330 2005 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 830 2004 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere BW 200th Birthday NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere Dealer Pickups NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere Dealer Pickups NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Dealer Pickups NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Dealer Pickups NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere BW Gold 200th Birthday NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere BW 200th Birthday NIB Ertl
1/25 John Deere GMC Semi 200th Birthday NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 830 200th Birthday NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4520 200th Birthday NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4520 200th Birthday NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere BW 200th Birthday NIB Ertl
(6) 1/16 John Deere P 1995 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
(4) 1/16 John Deere 40 NIB ERtl
(6) 1/16 John Deere HWH 1999 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
(6) 1/16 John Deere 60 2001 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
(6) 1/16 John Deere 420V 2003 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
(6) 1/16 John Deere 520 Hi-Clear 2002 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/16 Oliver Plow Ertl
1/16 IH Gravity Wagon NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 310 Backhoe NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 310 Backhoe NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 2040 w/Loader NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 220 Disk NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Corn Planter NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Baler NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 450 Crawler NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 450 Crawler NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 3pt Blade NIB Nolt
1/16 John Deere B Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 730 Precision NIB Ertl
1/25 John Deere 690 Excavator NIB Ertl
1/25 John Deere 690 Excavator NIB Ertl
1/25 John Deere 860 Scraper NIB Ertl
1/16 Chevrolet Flatbed Truck Hiway 61 NIB DCP
1/16 Chevrolet Flatbed Truck Hiway 61 NIB DCP
1/16 Chevrolet Grain Truck Hiway 61 NIB DCP
1/16 Ford 2N Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 AC D17 w/New Idea Picker Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 40 1990 Back East Show NIB Nolt
(2) 1/16 John Deere 320 1991 Back East + Plow NIB Nolt
1/16 John Deere Industrial 3pt Blade NIB Nolt
1/16 John Deere 110 L&G Set Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Waterloo Boy Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Barge Wagon Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Barge Wagon Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 720 w/Blade + Loader Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Hay Wagon Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Hay Wagon Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 3010 Precision NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 420 + Disc NIB Nolt
1/16 John Deere 1010 1994 Green Magazine NIB Stephan
1/16 John Deere 1010 1994 Green Magazine NIB Stephan
1/16 John Deere 420 Industrial NIB Nolt
1/16 John Deere 320 Industrial + Blade NIB Nolt
1/16 John Deere 1010 Industrial NIB Stephan
1/16 John Deere 140 L&G Set Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 140 L&G Set Precision NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 330 2005 2 Cylinder NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere A w/Cultivators NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere A w/Cultivators NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4020 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 110 L&G Set Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 5010 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere B-2 NIB SC
1/16 John Deere 4430 Precision Key NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere A Precision Ertl
1/16 John Deere 40 w/Loader NIB Nolt
1/16 John Deere 70 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 70 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 214-T Baler Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere B Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 110 L&G Set Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 9400 Collector Ertl
1/16 John Deere 8020 Precision Ertl
1/16 John Deere BWH-40 Collectors Center NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere G Hi-Crop Collectors Center NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere G Hi-Crop Collectors Center NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 320 NIB Nolt
1/16 John Deere 3010 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Waterloo Boy Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Froelich NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 720 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 494-A Planter Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 494-A Planter Precision NIB Ertl
1/32 John Deere 8400 Precision NIB Ertl
1/32 John Deere 8400 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 70 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere F145H Plow Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 40T Collectors Center NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 4020 w/ 237 Corn Picker Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere F145H Plow Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere F145H Plow Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere F145H Plow Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4000 Precision Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4020 Power Shift Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 8760 Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Armored A NIB SC
1/16 John Deere 45 Combine Prestige NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 8760 Special Edition Ertl
1/16 John Deere 9400 Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 9200 NIB Ertl
1/8 John Deere Flare Wagon NIB SM
1/16 John Deere 8650 NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere A Precision NIB Ertl
1/8 John Deere D NIB SM
1/8 John Deere Manure Spreader NIB SM
1/8 John Deere Flare Wagon NIB SM
1/8 John Deere 70 2003 FPS NIB SM
1/16 John Deere 4020 Power Shift Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 40T Collectors Center NIB Ertl