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Ford 8N Pedal Tractor 2001 FPS SM
John Deere 8530 Prestige Pedal NIB Ertl
Scale Models Oliver Row Crop 70 Pedal Tractor
1/8 Ford 4000 NIB SM
1/8 Ford 8N 1996 FPS NIB SM
1/8 Farmall Super M NIB SM
1/8 Dearborn Wagon SM
1/8 AC Disk - Frame Only
1/16 Anhydrous Wagon NIB TF
1/16 Dearborn - Wood Bros. Corn Picker NIB Weber
1/12 Ford 755A Backhoe Loader NIB Ertl
1/16 Parker Gravity Wagon NIB Ertl
1/16 MF Tandem Disc NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 494 Corn Planter NIB Ertl
1/16 New Idea 311 Corn Husker NIB SC - Repaired
(2) 1/12 Ford NNA + Plow
1/16 Ford 901 w/Mounted Corn Picker Custom
1/16 Farmall Super M w/Corn Picker Custom
1/16 Ford 4000 w/Loader Custom
1/16 Ford 901 w/Cultivators Custom
(2) 1/12 Ford 961 + Plow
1/20 MF 510 Combine Borchardt
1/12 Dearborn Plow Carl Meyer
1/8 Sickle Bar Mower Custom
1/8 Dearborn Disk Custom
1/8 3pt Cultivator Custom
1/12 Loader Custom
1/64 Big Bud 16V-747 Signature Edition NIB DCP
1/16 John Deere 4020 w/Corn Picker Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Farmall 560 w/Corn Picker Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Farmall Super M w/Corn Picker NIB Ertl
1/16 Farmall 300 w/Planter 2008 Lafayette NIB SC
1/12 Ford 6000 Commander Hubley
1/12 Ford 6000 Diesel Hubley
1/12 Ford TW-20 Ertl
1/12 Ford 9700 Ertl
1/12 Ford 9600 Ertl
1/12 Ford Big Blue Wagon Ertl
1/12 Ford 8600 Ertl
1/12 Ford 8000 Ertl
1/16 Ford 7000 NIB UH
1/16 AC WD Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 AC D17 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 AC D19 1989 NFTS NIB Ertl
1/16 AC D14 1989 Summer NIB SC
1/16 John Deere 494-A Planter Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Barge Wagon Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Hay Wagon Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 IH Baler NIB Ertl
1/16 IH Barge Wagon NIB Ertl
1/16 Farmall Regular Precision NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 McCormick-Deering Little Genius Plow Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Farmall F-20 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Farmall M Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Farmall Super M Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 IH 1066 5 Millionth NIB Ertl
1/16 Farmall Super M 2003 Iowa FFA NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford Manure Spreader NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 8970 NIB SC
1/16 Ford 9N Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 2N Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 8N Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Dearborn Plow + Blade Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford NAA Golden Jubilee Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 641 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 5000 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 640 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 961 1986 NFTS NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 8000 Collector NIB SM
1/16 Ford 6640 NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 8730 NIB SM
1/16 Ford TW-25 NIB SM
1/12 Ford 4600 Ertl
1/16 Ford 7740 Collector NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford NAA Golden Jubilee 50th Anniversary NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 901 Power Master NIB SM
1/16 Gehl 170 Grinder Mixer NIB Ertl
1/16 IH Mixer Mill Ertl
1/16 Krause Disk Custom
(2) 1/16 AC WD45 + D17
(2) AC G + RC NIB SM
1/16 Farmall Super M w/Cultivators Custom
1/16 Farmall Super M Riecke
1/16 Farmall M Dressler
1/16 Spike Tooth Harrow Custom
Gas Tank + Barrels
1/16 Farmall Super M-TA NIB Ertl
1/16 McCormick Corn Picker NIB Ertl
1/16 New Idea Manure Spreader NIB SM
1/16 New Idea Manure Spreader Custom
1/16 New Holland Haybine NIB SM
1/16 New Holland Hay Rake NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 McCormick Elevator + Auger
1/16 Barge Wagon Custom
1/16 Stan-hoist Wagon Custom
1/16 IH Barge Wagon Ertl
(2) 1/16 IH Barge Wagons Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere Cultivators Custom
1/16 John Deere Field Cultivator Customized
1/28 IHC McCormick Deering Thresher NIB SC
(2) Case VAC + New Idea Spreader
1/16 New Idea Spreader Customized
1/16 IH Machinery Trailer Ertl
1/16 Gravity Wagon Customized
1/16 Wagon Ertl
1/16 IH Field Cultivator Ertl
(2) 1/16 IH Mower + Plow
1/16 John Deere Rotary Hoe Ertl
1/16 John Deere Hay Wagon Custom
Custom Tanks and Spreader
1/16 John Deere 290 Corn Planter NIB SC
1/6 John Deere Model E Engine NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere Wagon + Bale Mover NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere Disc + Planter Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere D + GP
(2) 1/16 Anhyrous Wagon + Disc
(2) 1/16 IH Gravity Wagon + Baler Ertl
1/16 Dearborn Plow + Blade Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 640 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 8240 NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 8340 NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 981 Select-o-Speed NIB ERtl
(2) 1/16 Ford 7710 + Hay Wagon NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 8N Set NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 8N Set NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 Ford 8N + 9N NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 Fordd NAA + 8N NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 8N w/Plow NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 Ford 5000 Super Major + NAA NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 Ford 981 + 1710 NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 Ford NAA + 1710 NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 Ferguson TO-20 + MF 35 NIB
(2) 1/16 Ford 1920 + Hay Wagon NIB
1/16 Ford 640 Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 901 Fox Fire Farm NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford NAA Golden Jubilee Fox Fire Farm NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 771 Fox Fire Friends NIB Ertl
1/16 Ford 901 Fox Fire Farm NIB Ertl
1/12 Ford Golden Jubilee Franklin Mint
1/12 Ford 4000 Hubley
1/12 Ford 961 Power Master Hubley
1/12 Ford 901 Power Master SM
1/12 Ford 4000 SM
1/12 Ford 961 Power Master Hubley
1/12 Ford 4000 SM
1/12 Ford 2000 SM
(2) 1/16 Ford 8N + Fordson Ertl
(2) 1/16 Ford 8N + 9N Ertl
(2) 1/16 Ford Plow + Blade
John Deere Rebuilder + Parts Lot
Tru-Scale + Gleaner Rebuilder Lot
1/16 Round Bale Wagon Custom
1/16 Ford Manure Spreader NIB Ertl
Machine Shed
1/64 Farm Country Deluxe Set Ertl
1/64 Farm Country Grain & Feed Set Ertl
1/64 Farm Country Dairy Set Ertl
1/64 Farm Country Dealership Set NIB Ertl
(2) 1/64 Farm Country Sets Ertl
(3) 1/64 Farm Country Sets Ertl
(2) 1/64 Farm Country Sets Ertl
1/64 Accessories Lot
1/16 Hay Wagon Ertl
Tank, Feeder, Rabbit Pen
Fox Fire Farm Helping Dad NIB Ertl
(2) Fox Fire Farms NIB Ertl
(2) Fox Fire Farms NIB Ertl
1/32 Ford 4wd Set NIB SM
(2) 1/32 Ford 7000 + 7600 NIB Ertl/Britains
(3) 1/32 Ford Tractor Ertl
(3) 1/32 Ford + Ertl Tractors
(3) 1/32 Ford 5610 + Implements Ertl/Britains
Structo Farms Blue Stake Truck
Structo Farms Red Stake Truck
Michigan Shovel Ny-Lint
(3) Sandbox Trucks
(2) Pressed Steel Trucks
Grader + Trucks
Steel Truck Rebuilder Lot
1/18 Cadillac Hearse NIB Precision Miniatures
(2) 1/34 Ford Trucks NIB 1st Gear
(2) UPS Trucks NIB Hermann Marketing
(2) 1/64 Semis NIB Ertl
(3) 1/25 Ford Trucks NIB Ertl + Gas Pump
(3) Trucks NIB
(2) Trucks NIB Ertl
(2) Horse + Wagon Banks NIB Ertl
(5) Vehicles
1/25 Gehl 4610 Skid Loader NIB NZG
(2) American Country Barns Ertl
(3) American Country Barns Ertl
(20) Scale Models Giveaway Tractors
(2) Wooden Hay Wagon + Trough
(4) 1/64 Elevator, Auger, Bin, Crib Standi
(9) Tractors + Implements
(5) Wagons + Cannons
Wagon Lot
Horse Drawn Lot
Stagecoach + Tractor Kit
(5) Case-IH / IH Lot
(4) John Deere + Claas Lot
(10) 1/64 John Deere
(8) 1/64 John Deere
(12) 1/64 Case-IH
(11) 1/64 IH
(10) 1/64 MM + AC
(11) 1/64 Implements
(9) 1/64 Ford
(10) 1/64 Ford
(7) 1/64 Ford
(6) 1/64 Ford
(9) 1/64 Trucks
(7) 1/64 Ford Tractors
(7) 1/64 Ford Tractors
Accessories Lot
Accessories Lot
P.A.G. Seeds DST Display Topper Sign
Co-Op Member Self Framed SST Tacker Sign
Newer Production John Deere SST Tacker Sign
John Deere Cast Iron Mower Lid
(2)-Newer Production Ford Tractor Metal Memorabilia Items
(2)-Newer Production Ford Tractor Memorabilia Items
(7)-Ford Tractor Memorabilia/Literature Items
(3)-Ford Tractor Memorabilia Items
(5)-Misc. Wagon/Toy Memorabilia Items
(2)-Newer Production McCormick-Deering Tractor Embossed SST Tacker Signs
Newer Production McCormick-Deering Farmalls Sold Here Embossed SST Tacker Sign
(4) Ford + Ferguson Manuals
(4) Ford + Ferguson Manuals
(3) Case, MM, De Laval Literature
(3) John Deere Literature + Book
(3) Tractor Books
Empty Tractor Boxes Lot
Oliver 1850 Purple Pedal Tractor NIB SM
MM G750 Pedal Tractor NIB SM
John Deere Pedal Trailer SM
Mercedes Electric Ride On Car
1/16 IH 6388 NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 8650 NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 8630 Ertl
1/16 White 4-225 SM
1/16 AC 7080 NIB Ertl
1/16 AC 8010 Collectors NIB Ertl
1/32 AC Gleaner L3 Combine NIB Ertl
1/24 AC Gleaner N6 Combine NIB SM
1/24 White 9700 Combine NIB SM
1/16 MF 850 Combine NIB Ertl
1/20 MF 760 Combine Ertl
1/24 John Deere Combine NIB Ertl
1/32 IH Combine NIB Ertl
1/32 Case-IH 1680 Combine NIB Ertl
1/16 White 2-135 NIB SM
1/16 White 2-135 NIB SM
1/16 White 2-135 NIB SM
1/16 White 2-180 SM
1/16 MF 270 NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 5020 NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere 4020 w/Corn Picker Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 John Deere Barge Wagon Precision NIB Ertl
1/16 IH 5088 NIB Ertl
1/16 Case-IH 3294 Collector Ertl
1/16 Case DCS High Crop NFTM NIB SC
1/16 MM G750 NIB Ertl
1/16 Case 600 NIB Ertl
1/12 Oliver Super 44 Johnson
1/16 John Deere B Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere A + R NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere M + A NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere A + 630 LP NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere 2440 + Disk
(3) John Deere A, D, and Crawler
(2) 1/16 Ford 8N + 981 NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 Farmall 350 NIB Ertl
1/16 IH 3088 NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 IH 544 + Farmall Super M-TA Ertl
1/16 Deutz Diesel NIB SM
1/16 Cockshutt 70 SM
1/16 Rumley Do-All 1987 Central Hawkeye Pioneer Collectibles
(2) 1/20 Kubota M Series Tractors NIB Diapet
1/16 Bush Hog Model 12 Rotary Mower NIB DCP
1/50 Poclain 1000 Excavator NIB
(2) 1/35 JCB + Case Backhoes
1/50 Caterpillar 594 Pipe Layer NIB Conrad
(2) 1/32 AC + Steiger 4wd NIB
(3) White + MM NIB SM
(2) John Deere Airplanes NIB SC
(2) Trucks NIB
1/64 Big Bud 525/50 NIB Ertl
1/64 Big Bud 525/84 tractor
1/64 Big Bud 525/84 Orange Hood NIB Ertl
(6) 1/43 Tractors + Wagon Ertl
(8) 1/64 AC + Deutz Allis NIB
(6) 1/64 John Deere NIB Ertl
(3) 1/64 John Deere Tractor Sets NIB Ertl
(4) 1/64 + 1/80 John Deere NIB Ertl
(6) 1/64 John Deere NIB Ertl
(6) 1/64 John Deere NIB Ertl
(7) 1/64 John Deere NIB Ertl
(7) 1/64 Ford NIB Ertl
(7) 1/64 Ford + New Holland NIB Ertl
(4) IH + Case NIB
(3) 1/64 Case Tractors NIB Ertl
(9) 1/64 Case NIB
(7) 1/64 IH NIB Ertl
(8) Case-IH + IH NIB Ertl
(5) 1/64 IH + Case-IH Ertl
(10) 1/64 NIB
1/64 MF NIB + Lot
(3) Versatile Swather, MM Semi, Micro Machines Puller
(2) Wood Tractor + Forage Wagon
1/8 Hay Wagon Toy Factory
(5) 1/43 Ford 8N NIB Ertl
(5) 1/43 Tractors + Implements NIB Ertl
(6) Cars + Trucks
(2) 1/64 John Deere Semis NIB Ertl
(2) 1/64 IH + Case Semis NIB Ertl
(2) 1/64 AC + DA Semis NIB Ertl
(3) 1/64 Semis
(4) 1/64 Truck + Trailer Sets Ertl
(5) 1/64 Ford + New Holland NIB Ertl
(7) 1/64 Ford NIB Ertl
(6) 1/64 Tractors + Implements NIB
(8) 1/64 Tractors + Implements NIB
(9) 1/64 Implements NIB Mini Toys/Ertl
Misc. Lot
(3) 1/16 Display Case NIB Ertl
(3) Display Cases
(3) Display Cases
(3) Display Cases
(3) Display Cases
(5) Display Cases
(9) Display Cases
1/16 John Deere 4320 Iowa State Fair NIB Ertl
1/16 Farmall H NIB Ertl
1/50 Caterpillar 140B Grader NIB ARPRA
1/12 Ford 8N Product Miniature
1/16 John Deere 730 1988 Lafayette NIB Yoder
(2) 1/16 John Deere B + G NIB Ertl
(2) 1/16 John Deere R + M NIB Ertl
1/16 MM G750 1994 NFTS NIB Ertl
1/16 IH Cub w/Disc Plow NIB SC
1/16 John Deere M w/Plow NIB SC
1/16 AC D17 Prestige 2017 NFTM NIB Ertl
(6) 1/16 MM U NIB SC
1/16 Claas 5000 Xerion NIB Bruder
1/16 Claas Lexion 480 Combine NIB Bruder
(2) 1/32 Lanz + Ursus NIB Siku
(2) 1/32 Bulldog NIB Siku
(2) 1/32 Lanz Bulldog NIB Siku
(2) 1/32 Lanz Bulldog NIB Siku
(2) 1/32 Lanz Bulldog NIB Siku
(2)-John Deere Full Line Catalogs
(2)-John Deere Full Line Catalogs
John Deere Better Farming for 1940 Full Line Catalog
(2)-1960's John Deere Modern Farming Full Line Catalogs
(2)-John Deere Hardback Books w/Dust Jackets
(3)-Hardback Tractor, etc. Books
Case V Series Tractors Sales Literature
Case L&G Sales Literature
(12) Ford 2000/3000 Tractors Sales Literature
1950 Chevrolet Truck Sales Literature
1951 Chevrolet Truck Sales Literature
1952 Chevrolet Truck Sales Literature
Chevrolet Truck Sales Literature
1941 Chevrolet Truck Sales Literature
1962 Ford Trucks Blue Book
1956 Rambler X-Ray Car Comparison
1977 AMC Sales Literature + Auto-Biography
(20) Postcards
1974 Ertl International Pay Hauler 350 Ertl Model Kit Assembly Instructions
REPRINT Ertl Collector's Corner Sales Brochure
(2)-Toy Farmer Reprint 1970's Ertl Toy Literature Items
(2)-1990's issues the Replica Magazine
(2)-Franklin Mint/Danbury Mint Toy Catalogs
1/16 John Deere 720 Red Yoder
(3) Versatile 400 Swather Parts Manuals
(5) John Deere Lot